KB Home Coastal, Inc. TM30142-1 0151422MENIFEE
New. Better. Best.
29844 Hdun Ro.rd Menrlee. CA 92586
951672 6777 Fat 951 679 3843
Subiect: Crty of Menifee. KB Home Coastal, lnc., TM 30142-1 Backbone. Bond Reduclion
To whom it may concern,
On June 1.2022 the City Councit approved a goo/o reduction of the fo owing bonds
o Faithful Performance Bond No. 0151422o Faithful Performance Bond Bo. 1145786
The City Council approved the release of the following bonds
. Material and Labor Bond No. 0151422. Material and Labor Bond No. 1145786
Enclosed are copies ofthe Faithful Performance bonds for reference and the original Material and LaborBonds
Please let me know if you have any queslions
June 9. 2022
KB Home Coastal, tnc.
363'10 lnland Valley Drive
Wildomar, CA 92595
Stephanie Roseen.
Acting City Clerk