KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond 30142-1 K07948116D copvFAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BONO CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Governm€nt Code Section 86499.1) FOR: $reets and Drainage $ Potabl€ WatBr Systsm t Recyclod Water SYstEm $ Sewer System S SUrety WESTCHESTER FrRE INSURANCE COMPANY Principal KB HoME coAsTAL lNc . A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Address 7O1 PIKE STREET STE 1625 City/State Zip cod Phone e 98101 ) 664'7 750 Tracl/Parcel MaP 34142-1 Bond No K07948116 Premium $1.523.00 Addross 363101 NLANO VAL Y OR!VE City/$at€ zip 9?5S5 Phone 1) 691 5245 1n1J(Vl WHEREAS.thecftyofMenifee.$ateofcalifornia,and.KEHoMECoASIALlNc.Acl\LFoE\|Ac'9RPoRArioN i;;;;;.fr;r' o".ign;,t.d ,. "p,l*'p"r'l nave enterod int'c' or are about to enter inlo' the Itt""t Jls;rlnt(s) wnereuy prtndiat agrees to insts and complete the abov€ designated puuri" i.ptr"r"nts ielating to ?io"ilp"t&U 30142 1 : ' whrch agreement(s) is/are he(eby iefened to and made a part hereofl and, WHEREAS,saidprincipalisrequirBdunderthetermsofsaidagreement(s)tofumishbond(s) for the faithful performance o( said agreement(s): NOW, THEREFORE, rre the principal and WESTCHESJEB F|E-E TNSURANCE CoMPANY - ' l',,ilJ*tr lL- r,"il;"; fi;;ry uoria ,nto tnl city ot tlenitee in the penal sum of -,ene-nunoreo on" rto,.^r,,a r*". *]llie-o :'.ni n.'irf)n,t'. . Dollars ($ 1ot5o0 00. ) lawful will and trulY be made' we bind oursefues, our heirs, "ro...o,r, ui"Luiors anO administralors' iointly and severally' firmly by these plesents. Theconditionofthisobligationissuchthatiftheabovebondedprincipal,his.or.itsh€irs. executors,administrators,"r"ortooorassigns,shallinallthingsst'andtoandabtde.byandili;il'& i"rp ,no perflim the covEnants. condilions and provisions in the said ;;;;;ri;.i "nv'"rt"rrtion trereor maae as therein provid-ed, on his or their part, to be kept and oerformed at the ttme "no in tt'" manner therein specified and in all respects accordirE il.;fi'i;;;;i'rio "i*i,ig, ""d srratr inoemniry and save harmtess the ciry of Menifee. its officers, agents and "aployat*, "" terein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null *J rou: othinrrlse, it shail remain in full force and efiecl' Asapartofth6obllgationsecuredherebyandinaddrtpntothefaceamountSpecffiedil;r;ft, there shati Oe inctuJeO coss ind reesonable expenses and fees'. including reasonabb attomay's fees, incuned by the City in successfulty enforcing such obl€atron' all fo U" ur.O as co8ti and includod in any iudgment rendered' FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND The surety hereby stipuhtes and agrees that no change, extension of tim€, afteration oradditiofl to the tems of thb agreernefit or to the work to be performed there under or the specificaliofls accompanying the same shall in anyrise afiecl its obtigation on this bond, and it does hereby waive no6ce of any such change extension of time, atteration or addition.suroty furlh€r stipulates and agrees that the provisions of section 2&45 of the civil code and commencoment of construclion are nol conditions preced€nt to surety's oblgations hereund€r and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, thls instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named. on Aucusr 16 2011 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: KB HoME coAST NC A CA-IFORNIA CORPORA-I'ION AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By a API tu.',ulclAeL Ttlle VP LAt'> <-Faauel\?L^r,//^r G' (lF CORPORATTON, AFFrX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY. wES rchEs rE RE INS o PqNY AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Its tney-in'Title NA1'ALIE K TROFIMOFF AT'TORNEY,IN.FAC T (lF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIALACKNOWLETX;IIENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL ANO ATTORNEY{N.FACT. When the work covered by the agreement is compl6t€, th€ City of Menife€ wil accept the work and thereupon, the amounl of the obligalion of this bond is reducod by 90016 with the remaining 10% held as secunty for the one-year malntenance period provided for in the agreements(s). I CALIFORNIA ALL.PU RPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside On Auqust 18, 2011 before me Richard R Keller, Notary Public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman Jr , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheAhey executed the same in h is/he+Aheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/he+4hei6 signature(s) on the instrument lhe person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal RiCHAXO R (ELLER Comrn'ssrofl , 1918708 Notary Public - Callornrr Rrvlrsrde C ouol'/ C/'//C- yL //tc-- Crmn Frpires Jan 2 !. ?015 (SEAL)Richard R. Keller CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGUENT State of Californi a County of Los Anaeles on Au6 !6111 before me,Da ra lvladv. Notarv Public personally appeared,Natalie K. Trofimoff who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the withan instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in herauthorized capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument the person. or the entrty upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregorngparagraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seat DANAVY MADY a0Mi!'r'319912 \otarr Publrr Californri Los A nqeles CorlntY y Comm trprtetMar I l0ll SIGNATURE NOTARY Notary Public Seal OPTIONAL Thouqh the da(a b€low rs not requtred by law d may prc,ve valuable lo p€rsons relymg on ths documod aftt coulcl provdrt fraudulenl realtachmenl ol lhls form OESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMET{T: TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT: NUMBER OF PAGES DOCUMENT DATE cAPACTTY(rES) CLATMED By STGNER(S) Signer's Name: ! ,ruo vrounl Signer's Name NDIV 0.,]AL !coneonnre orrrcea T t,e(s) CORPORAIE OFFICER Tite(s) D tl tr PARTNER(S)L IfuIIT ED GE NERAL PARINER(S I L I\tITED GENE RA. ATTORNEY,IN-FACT TRUSTEEIS) ATTORNEY,IN.FACT TRUSIEE{S] GUARDIANi CONSERVATOR OTHER GUARDIANi CONSERVATOR OTHER Sign.r i! repr[snting: NAME OF PERSolllSl OR ENTTTY('ESj Signor i! rapratlnung: NAME O' PERSONISIOR EN-rIryIIES) tr tr tr tr Power of wESTCHEsTER FIRE lNsuRANcE coMPANY Attorney K|lowrllmcibylh6.Prt.t.t!:IhrlwisrcflEsTERfnf,tNsUn .NcEcoltPANY..coEorrltonof6ccommonwlal$ofP.lln'}lv!n6pursuanr|oth€ ffi;;; i;;;;a.d bv h. Bo!.d of DitetoR of th' !'d comFnv on D'E mbcr I l' 2006' to *h -tlsoLvEo,h.ln.ro{oe^t!en:@rdrErh.@d.ddi.a.laotrEcEant.oabEn!,nnrln,,6.rr,t.,dusuddl'Mia'6@|ll\dor$'col@v dhd in. $r tr,y.aeo(hd'm r.dr i-A*'Cmthn') E h01tn.ctund,ttuft.,ad.d6.vr., {.r.16. c.^,96 tr h.,ttr dnrs.J b Gde s, wnB.n coluffii'rd d }.tlroldi cmF !' qi' tn' r'rl "r 0r c6F ' or * dd,.*ed.rb.y{.tsroarh.(onD.,lrL.h,.atEri.dr.-xsq\r,tdc.,ftlmrld-d6.lt.16.c.dDov.6&d.rdo'u!cuBF'r}'ro'nr{!r'l'i'E6hraarl,f';;:ffi;;;il ; "rpi i.i,ei t-i.,a ,.- mhr,.d!-.u'h'.-,+td E dr rl$.ch. -, u. E.'d.r Da rx !& P-* qao.cfi x L'D' '/t6'-' 'd -' s r'll'll|I c"t'r) b E 'i-''a'6lll'fi"'+'llod6'c'hut *'5 tur -* r..r r.i6 E a( r.,'a - u'.u "r r. c-rilE;:;;;;t;;;-"-* sr' rni caiin' *u c-ror 'd' x rFCrid6.d! rtu --"ja.J. .i d.,r.'n.- '- ttF.JnFscGJ oor..rwrirooafla d' FrElr v.b cd*'iq Ed\ oru! cl.F-. rJl. >-.d.t r, h4 tt-d.. or !tcF-'. Ldr t'brd lbr tl. d L''lr o'k-ctrtrv' b'dl- 6 "'lt ft '" ',ll@ of tr c'rr" rh' 'ut' YE nd ro, rd o b.lr o.!," cd,..,,, -r,...--o., J.iffii uiin c--..ro. co'r'r. o,elr" ",a' -rh ai'6 '6'n',E6.r6tuD''' i-i r,y;.;.Law.* c*;";u d b.Fi..6..6, -n r.rc.' ai-' ccdE:E nrr! s.ar/cierroc-FEAxdtrrrtit!Cc[l rFlr5cd"'..!o'c_rb''lr'rd4tdt'tt/oftlcoiD"tn'bt'Jrdd!t66tmltsran w,ff..ffirdsD-ri! r..Iid6 FURTHEaRlloLvlD,lid|ttonFnlr.oluu6dllid).i-d!n.aertlri.E..{.{!rl!!r..dttstY..0!1.6'41.!j-.ou.larct6Nlt!.odG!.blloflh.iii;;;;; i;;'ii,i iii uir a "rr'-,. .lra tri-.-.r.r.u. F{r !'rt-rv drd' "r'd' 'Dr'd d '-l a.t-,,^m Do.! hcrcby nom,nsic' con6rru]1. &d ippoml C.'rr F J&ic,. cfu|.! r ,ohn.oi, D.,.vy Mad} ' ,cfTr.Y sirtglrr. l\nnnc ycndg,. N rhc K T'oflmotr, P.r'lca Trt.v.n. Tcnzlr v cunnrnghlrn, lll or hc crg "'r-b!-extir-aC C.r,f"mra. cdr rdgdr".rlly if lictt b. ffir' than onc nuft4 rlr Euc md hwtul ntomcv-rn-faat' io m!tc. .ra:ur., ,cd .nd ddrer o.,,r" borrr, radl-r-;;;;;-;;;;i b.d* !,,d.r*$D. ,.!cnt!trc.'' contxb s'd orkr rrir,n8! o th' nrurc thlrcof ;;;];;;i-;;;,{ re .nry trvc mr1p., ddh' & zcro ccnu t3;lslm.o@ m) ud d'" c',.u.;on of ,rdi wflrn$ ,n ter*,o.t . of rh€s' Fo..nB shrll b' $ b' rng up^n !.d compn)..s rullv rnd rmpl) ;;;;il ilil;;; ara r&roqrdcc h uE tlgurul) 'L't!l olTE n cf rhj cor"pca) tr rE pnncreal omca, lNwrniEsswHEREot',t}t3.dsEphcnMH'icy.vK!.P'.3ldcnl.h&}Ercunlo'ubscnHhI'n.m.lldlmt.drh.cqporr!'.doIfi!3adWESTCIIESTER FIRE tNsuRlivcE GOMPANY rh6 5 dry ofllrfltly 201I wr-srcflrsTf,R FlRf, tNst,R1:ictj collpaNy COT']!'Oh.\! EALTH Of PgNNSYLvANIA Cotr'li rY OF PHtrAOELTHIA ss on rh's J dry of ,rru.ry, AD :ol I bcf6. rl., r ltorrv Pudlc o{rh. Co Jns'r'trlrh of PcrtrltvlYrlr in "d for f !"Pll3'111*" c!tn' SEphsn It Hanc' ,vrc.-p*sr&nt of 1* n E5rorgsrdi idi trSinirfrcf COyrrllY bmc F.lonrlly krc,n' b b. dt rdNrdtlffd o11iccl whd- ctlcuLd tL o.EccdtnS irruumcnl, lEd rr sr.no*ra:to aar rrc cr<cruri lE u.!, .rd lial dG !..1 .rfu!.J ro dr Flctdrll3 ilt.auflrcr{ tt 0E aDrDonk !'d oI t'd comFn,; th! il;;;";;;;;i; r,,.,,g,ai,r. io. d,,t'Jt E u,. i"r,i,"y ; o,*,"" o{w ord corponrron. ura rh.r R.$ruror\ ldoprd b dlc Boffd orDft.toG olssid Company, rafcnad b rn tll. Pr!&drn, mlEumanq lt nor/ ln foaca Ili TESTIMONY WHEIEOr, I h!v! h.rcunlo ta( rny hlod d tllix.d my otllcl^tl !t'l ot ttl. Cilr of Phrlrd'lPhr' *r day rld ]dt flrlt rboYc w'rcn 3Tb M llr.) . v*. ]r6tt ir L thc undcBiSned Arsritrnt S€ctefuy of th. WISICII ESTER FlRf, IISUIIAI{Cf, COMPANI ' do trrcb} lcnrry thnt lh' onSmsl PIOWER OF ATTORNEy of shich lh. forcaoin8 E . sub6bNrll, lru. and corrcct copy. l! m fcll torc' lnd cllcst ln,vr$.ss whcr.of, I hrvc hcrcunlo rubscnb.d y nlrnc &t Alr$trrr S.::r.rro, tnd am\.d U. corPor.l€ lc6lof!h. Ccrporutior. drs dry oI AUG 16 20tl /. l HIS POIVER OF A]-TOR}iEY '!I^Y NOT BE LISED TO EXECU]'E ^NY BOND WTTII AN INCEPTION DATE AI'TER JANU!'Y 05' 2OI] I rHE aacK oF THls oocuMEtlr Llsrs vAFlous sEcuRrrY FElruREs ! THAT wtu PnorEcr AGAlxst coPY couNTEBFElr ANo ALTERATIoN I r+--".--