KB Home Coastal, Inc. Bond Release Letter TR30142-1 1145788MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 951-672-6771 Fax 951 679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee.us November 23,2022 KB Homes Attn: Steve Brennan 36310 Inland Valley Dr., Suite 300 Wildomar, CA 92595 RE: KB Homes, City of Menifee, TR No. 30142-1, Warranty Bond Release Bond Nos. 751416, 7745788 & 7745787 To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved the full release of Warranty Bond Nos 1,51416,1145788 and 7745787 for TR No. 30L42-I, based on all conditions being satisfied. Belowyou will find the schedule ofrelease for Bond Nos. 151416,1145788 and 1745787: Enclosed is a the original bond for your reference. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Sin ly, Aguilar 17457 BB (Faithful Performance Bond)$383,000 $38,300 1,1,45787 (Material and Labor Bondl $191,500 $19,100 151416 (Faithful Performance Bond)$888,000 $8B,Boo 157416 (Material and Labor Bondl $444,000 $44,400 Warranty Bond Release Date 1,t/23/22 tt/23/22 rL/23/22 11/23/22 $38,300 $1e,100 $88,800 $44,400 \00/o Warranty Bond Held Released Amount Bill Zimmerman M.ryor Dean Deines l'4.ryor Pro Ienr Drstftct 4 Matt Liesemeyer Councrlmpmber Drstflct 2 Armando G. Villa City M.tndqer Bob Karwin Council,nembPr Disrr.r 1 Lesa A. Sobek Councilmembr'r Di;tr rcl 3 Management Analyst, City Clerk's Office Bond No. Original Bond Amount MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 951 672 67-t7 Fax 95t 679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityof meniree. us May 13, 2021 KB Home Coastal, lnc 36310 lnland Valley Drive VVildomar, CA 92595 subject: city of Menifee, KB Home coastar, rnc., Bond Rerease and Reduction, TR 30142-1 To whom it may concern, i:l[ or'' 21' 2021 city Council meeting the City Councit approved a 9oo/o reduction of the fo owing . Faithful Performance Bond No. 15t416 from $8gg,OOO to $gg,8OO. Materiat and Labor Bond No. 151416 from 5444,000 to $44,400. Faithful Performance Bond No. 1j45789 from $3g3,000 to $38,300. Materiat and Labor Bond No. 114'7ggfrom $191,500 to $19,100 Enclosed are a copy of the bonds for reference. flt"ttt tn" Aprll 21.2021 City Council meeting the city councit approved the retease of the fo owing . Faithful Performance BondMarranty No. 151423o Faithful Performance BondMarranty No. 1 1457g9o Faithful Performance BondMarranty No. 1 1457gso Wananty Bond No. 114SlU. Warranty Bond No. 114'lg0. Wananty Bond No. j1r45lg7 - Enclosed are the originar bonds for Nos. 151423, 114s7g4,1145790, and 114s7g7. The ciry is unabreto locate the originar bonds for Nos. 1145799 and 11457g5, encrosed are copies. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Lesa A. Sobek Mayor Pro Tenl Drstncl 3 Matt Liesemeyer Councrlmembt,r Drslicl 2 Armando G, Villa C ly Mao.rqe' Bill Zimmerman M,r yor Bob Karwin Councrlnrember Orstnct l Dean Deine! CoLllrcrtntefirhPr Drslrrcl4 (