KB Home Coastal, Inc. Rider TM30142-1 1145787 (2)SURETY RIDER To be atlached to and form a parl of Bond No 1'145787 Type of Perlormance -Tract 30'142-1 Hidden Hills, Sewer System lmprovements Bond dated ellectrye August 05, 2010 (MONIH-DAY YEAR) executed by KB Home Coaltal lnc. (PRINCIPAL) as Pnncrpal and by Berkley lnsurance Company lSURETY) in favor of City ot Menifee (OBLIGEE) in consideration ol the mutual agreemenls herern contaaned the Pnncrpal and the Surety hereby consent to changing The Performance Bond Amount: From: Three Hundred Thirty Seven Thous.nd Five Hundred and 001100 Ooller! (t337,500.00) To: Thirty Three Thousand Seven Hundrcd and 00/100 Dollars (133,700.00) The Paymsnt Bond Amount: From: One Hundred Saxty Eight Thourand Saven Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollarr (5168,750,00) To: Sixtoen Thousand Eight Hundred S3venty Fivo and 001100 DollaB (t16,875.00) Nolhing herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision or condition of lhrs bond except as herern expressly staled This rider is effeclive Signed and Sealed July 14,2015 (MONTlt-OAY-YEAR) July 1,1, 2015 (MONTH.OAY-YEAR) KB Home Coastal lnc. IPRINCIPAI] By Y ?pc. "87 Prolf-€f Lt{r nce 5.0443,G€EF 10,99 , as Surety, )) On Julv 1 State of California Cou nty of Riverside 2015 before me, Sonia Rodriquez , Notary Public,personally appeared Rudv Provoost, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(e) whose name(e) is/a+e subscribedto the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same in h is/h€d+hei+ authorized capacity(ies). and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the rnstrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the taws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and officiat seat J sot{tA no Commlttton Itotary pulfc Alrarttd. ORIGUIZ ,2100652 . Cdltofnrr Cotnt,r-)-l 2019 Sonia Rodri (SEAL) !J, CALlFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A nolary publlc or olher otfrcer completrng thrs certifrcate vent,es onty tne rdenhty of lhe rndrvtduatwho srgned the document, to whrch thrs cerlificate rs attached. and not the truthiulness. accuracyor vahdity of lhal documenl I IIraII-aIaaaIIIICIIa A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles on JUL t420t5 before me,Ka ri Davis, Notarv Pu blic,personally appe ared Brenda Wong who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e-su bsc ribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hi+/her/the+ authorized capacity(bs), and that by h+s/her/the.i+signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (seal)Signature Ka ri Davrs,Notary Pu blic KARI OAVIS Commissron , 20i12909 Notary Publrc . Calirornla Loi Angrla! County Comm-2017 PowER oF ATToRNE' No' BI'7850t -. BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY WILMTNCTON, DEI-AWARE NOTICE: The waming found clsewhere in this Power ofAnomey affects the validtry thcreof. Pleasc review carefully. KNOW ALL MEN BY TlltSE PRESENTS, that BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY (thc "Company"), a corporation dulyorganized and cxisting under thc laws ofthc state ofDelaware, having its principal olljce in Grccnwich. CT, has made, constituteiard appointed, and does by thesc prcscns make. constitute and appoint: lalficl Strassnc4 potrlcia fahv.to, Tcnzu ,'-Cunnlnghom, l\iololk lL Trofiaoff, Brendo ll'ong or Kotl Davls of Motsh LtiA, lnc. of Los Angcla,, C,{ its rruc and lawfulAnomey-in-Fact, to siEn its name as sur€ry only as delineatcd below and to execute, scal, acknowicdge and dcliver any and all bonds and undertakings, with thc cxccprion of Financial Guaranty Insurance, providing rhat no singlc ob'iigation shall excied FiftyMillion and 00/100 U.S, DollsB (U.S.S50,000,000.0O), to thc same exrcnr as iisuch bondi had bleen dulv executed andacknowledgcd by the regularly clected ofiicers ofthe Company 8t its principal omcc in their own proper pcrsons. 'Ihis Power of Attomey shall bc construcd and cnforced in accordancc with. and govemed by, thc laws of the Statc of Deiaware, without giving cffect to thc princiPles of conflicts of laws thcrcof. This Power of Attomey is grantcd pursuant to rhe followingresolutions which were dull and validly adopled at a meeting ofthe Board ofDircctors ofthc Company hcld on January 25, 2010: RESOLVED, thaq with respccl to the Suety business wrinen by Berkley Surety Group, the Chairman of the Board. Chief Executive Officer, Presidenl or any Vice President of thc Company, in conjunction with rhc Secrctary or any Assistant Sccrelary are hereby authorized to cxccutc powers of anomcy authorizing and qualirying the anomcy-in-fact named thereinto execute bonds, undcrtakings, remgnizanccs. or othcr surrtyship obligations on behalf of thc Company, and ro affix thccorpode scal of the Company ro powers of attomey executcd pursuant hereio; and said oflicers may remove any such anorney-in-fact and revoke any powcr ofanomey previously granled; and funher RESOLVED, that such power of attomey limits thc acts of those named thercin ro the bonds, undcrtakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations specilically named therein, and they hav€ no authority to bind rhc Compiny excepr in thc manner and to the extcnt thcrcin statcd; and further RESOLVED, thal such powcr of sttomey rcvokcs all prcvious powers issucd on behalf of thc anomcy-in-facr namedi and funher RESOLVED, that the signature of any authorized officer and thc scal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of anorney or ccrtificalion thcrcof authorizing the exccution and delivcry of any bond, undcrtaking, recognizzncc, or othcr surctyship obligation of thc Company; and such signaturc and scal when so uscd shall havc thc same force and effect as though manuatly affixed. Tte Company may continuc to use for the purposcs hcrcin statcd the fscsimile signaturc of any pcrson or Persons who shall have bccn such oflicer or oflicers of thc Company, notwithstanding the fact that they may have ceased to be such at the time whcn such instruments shall be issued. lN WIINESS wHEREOF. the ComPany has caupd thrsc prcscnts to bc signcd and ancsrcd hy its appropriarc ofliccrs and irs corporate seal hereunto aflixed thiygl day ol (Ju,/a,- .2014. Anest: (Seal)B1 Br lra S Senior Vice Presidcnt & Sccretary WARNING: THIS POWER INVALID IF NOT PRINTED ON BLUE STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) ) !s: I Berkley lnsurance Company )lA,-n )lJl-*. arffi{tranc,--f' S3hrior Vicb Presidcnt .BERKLEY" SECURITY PAPER. (/ couNTY oF FAIRFIELD \ ,a Swom to before me, a Notary Public in the State of Connecticut , thisA! dry otQL,Ql -, 20ta, b;r tra s. l.cdcrman and Jcffrcy M. Haffer who are swom to me to be thc Scnior Vicc Presidcnt and Secrera5y. aod.the.Senior Vice PrcsflCcnt, respectively, of Berkrelrnsurance company. ffi ) l: CZrZ C /JAlrr+ rYootta6sro{Y EXPE! ffiAP ,S,loreCERTIFICATE I, the undcrsigned, Assistant Secrelary ofBERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HER€BY CERTIFY rue. correcl and complere copy ofthe original Power of Anomey; thal said Power of Anomey has not been ard that the anrhority of thc Attomey-in-Fact set fonh thcrcin, who cxccutcd th€ ftltd lr4rtllflking ro Ancmcy is attached, is in full force and effect as ofthis date. Giwr. under my hand and scal ofthc Company, this _ day of JUL I .t 20t5 that the foregoing is a revokcd or rescinded which this Power of (Seal) ECTS /2.-..- John F.