KB Home Coastal, Inc. Rider 1145792 T30142-1SURETY RIDER
To be attached to and form a parl of
Bond No I145790
Type of Perlormance - T30142-'l Hidden Hills Wats. Sy3tem lmprovomen6
etleclive Au0wt 06, 2010
executed by KB Home Coastal lnc.
as Pnncipal
and by Bertley lnsurance Company
. as Surety,
rn favor ol City ot f{enifoe
rn consideratpn ol lhe mulual agreements herein contaanod lhe Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing
The Performance Bond Amounl:
From: Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand and 00/100 Dollars (3313,000.00)
To: Thirty One Thousand Three Hundred and 00/100 Dollars {$31,300.00)
Ths Payment Bond Amount:
From: One Hundred Fifty Six Thoucand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollar3 (1155,500.00)
To: Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred Fifq and 00/100 Oollars ($1 5,650.00)
Nolhrng herein contalned shall vary, alter or extend any provisron or condition of this bond except as herein expressly stated
This flder is effeclive
Signed and Sealed
July 14,2015
July 14,2015
KB Home Coa3tel lnc.
rPRlNClPAl.) )J.,r) --t . /-t- ,,*Wptorwnta?
s,o{a3lGEEF J0/99
A notary public or other officer compleling this cerlificate veril€s only the identity of lhe rndrvidual
who srgned lhe documenl. to whach thrs certrficate rs attached and not the trulhfulness. accuracy
or validity of thal document.
State of California
County of Riversrde
On Julv 15, 2015 before me, Sonia Rodriquez , Notary Public,
personally appeared Rudv Provoost, who proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribedto the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they
executed the same in h is/he#ths+r authorized capacity(i€6). and that by
his/her/thok signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity
upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of
California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal
Commi3tton ,2100652
l,iollry Pubtic . Crttto..ra
Rrv!r$d! Counly
Comm €r!5 f?b 20 "
Sonia Rodrigu (S EAL)
I II a !ItaIITC,,tl a
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the
identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is
attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
State of Ca lifo rn ia
County of Los Aneeles
on JUL 1420t5 before me,Ka ri Davis N ota Public personally
a ppea red Brenda Won who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/aresu bscribed to the within
instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/tSey executed the same in
h+s/her/the* authorized capacity{bs), and that by his/her/their-signature(s) on
the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)
acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that
the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Ka ri vis, Notary Public
Comni!sion , 2012909
Nol.ry Publlc - C.ffiorntr
Lo! Anoah! Colnty
Comm.res 2017
powER oF AT,.RNE, No' Bl-7850c
NoTICE: The waming found elsewhere in this Power of Attomey affects thc validity thcreof. plcase review carefully.
KNow ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY (thc "Company"), a corporation dulyorganizcd and cxisting under the laws ofthe state of Detaware, having its principal officc in iirecnwich. ci, 6as maoe, constituteoand appo-inted.
- and -does by thesc prescnts make, constitute and ippoint: Jeffrcy Sltossnar, poticia Talrucro, Tcnzq 1,.
lunninslol, l\ioralic lC TtoJimolJ, Brenda ll'ong or Kori Do|h of Manh lti,l,'lnc, o! Lot Angcter, C4 its lrue and lawfulAnorney-in-[jact, to sign its name as surcty only as delineatcd below and to execute, seai acknowiedgc and delivcr any and allbonds and undcnakings' with the cxccption ofFinancial Guaranty lnsurancc, providing that no singla obiigr,ion rl,orr cxcscd Fiftr.,Million. rnd @/100 U.s. Dollers (U.S.$50,0N,000.00), to thc samc cxtcnr as if such bond; had f,- aril .-..ri"a'"riacknowlcdgcd by the regulsrly Elected officers ofthe Company at its principal omce in their own prop". p.rtonr.
This Power of Anomcy shall be consbued and enforced in accordance with, and govem€d by, the laws of the stalc of Delaware.wilhout giving cffect to the principles of conflicu of laws thercoi This Powcr oi Anorncy'is grantcd pursuant ro thc followingrcsolutions which werc duly and validly adopted at a mceting ofthc Board of Directon ofthi Coirpany treld on January 25, 20lO:
RESOLVED' !hat. !vith respect to the Surety business wrincn by Bcrklev Surcry Group, rhc Chairman of the Board, ChiefExecutive officer, Prcsident or any Vice President of thc Company, in conjunction with thc Secrerary or any AssistanlSecretary arc hereby authorized to exccute powers of attomey authorizing and qualifyint the attomcy.in-fact named thereinlo cxccute bonds, undcrtskings, rccognizanccs, or other suretyship obligations on behaif of thc Company, and lo afl]x thecorporate seal of the Company to Powers of anomcy cxecutcd pursuant hcrero; and said oflicen may-remove any suchanomey-in-fact and revoke any power ofanomey previously grantcd; and funhcr
RESoLVED' that such Power of a$omey limiB lhe acts of those named therein ro the bonds. undenakings, recognizances,or other surctyship obligations spccifically named therein, and thcy havc no aurhority ro bind thc Comp-any cxcept in rhemanncr and to thc extcnt therein statcd; and further
RESOLVED' that such Power of attomey revokes all previous powcn issucd on behalf of the attomcy-in-fact named; andfunhcr
RESOLVED, that the signature of any authorized oflicer and the seal of rhe Company may be aflixe/ by facsimilc to anypowcr ofanomcy or cenification thcrcof authorizing the cxccution and dclivery olany bona, undenaking, recognizance, oiolher suretyship obligation of the companyi and such signaturc and scal whcn so used ihall have the samc-iorce and eflect as
though manually aflixcd. The Company may continuc to use for the purposes hcrcin stated thc facsimile signature of any
person or Pemons who shall havc bcen such officer or officers of lhe Company, notwithstanding thc fact thar rhey may havicessed to be such at thc time whcn such instruments shall bc issued,
l\ WITNESS WHEREOF. rhe Company has
corporatc seal hereunro affixed thryi/ diy of
caurrd tryesc presents to bc signed and anested by its appropriare officers and its(--lt-o/a,- .2014.
Anest ov Berkley lnsurance Company
rseal)By By
lra S Jc llaftcr
Senior Vice President & Secretary Prcsidcnl
) ss:
Sworn to before me, a Notary Public in thc State of Connecricur , thisA/ Aay of
lcflrcl M llalicr who arc swom to me to be thc Senior Vicc President and Sec k*
6*z C
2014. bv lra S. Lcdcrman
ce Prcsfrcnt. respcctivel
y.,. of
Berkley lnsurance Companl uR c. pE xEL
lfY cotafissloN ExPtFEtAP . O. 20re(.ERTIFI( ATE
btary Public, Slatc ofConnecticut
l, the undersiBne4 Assistanl SecretaD' of BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that thc foregoing is a
true. correct and complolc oopy of thc original Power of Anomey; that said Power of Attomey has not bcen revoked or rescindcd
and lha( the rutloriry of fie Attomey-in-Fact sct forth thcrein, who execurcd the bond or undertaking to which rhis Power of
Anornc, is atlarhed, is in full force and eflccl as ofthis date.
JUL l4 2015
Circn unJet my hand and seal ofthe Company, this _ day of
John F eers