KB Home Coastal, Inc. Rider TM30142-1 1145784SURETY RIDER
To be attached lo and form a part oI
Bond No 1145784
Type of Performance - Tr.ct 30142.1 Hiddon Hillr. Streot E Drainage lmprovemsnta
effective Aug6t 06, 2010
executed by KB Home Coaltal lnc.
and by Berkley lnsurance Company
, as Pnncipal,
, as Surety
in favor of city ot ,{.nife6
rn consideratpn of the mutual agreements herein contained the Pnncipal and lhe Surety hereby consenl to changing
The Perlormance Bond Amount:
From: Nino Hundred Sixleen Thousand and OO/IOO DollaB (!9J&,OO0-.00)
t"''' --
To: Tryo Hundred Eleven Thousand Saven Hundred and 00/100 Dollars (t211,700.00)
The Payment Bond Amount: / J|l,ro,)
From: Four Hundred Fifty Eighl Thousand end OO/1OO Dollars 6a5S-!9trtr0)
To: One Hundred Five Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars (t105,850.00)
Nothing he.ern conlarned shall vary alter or exlend any provision or cond[ron of thrs bond except as herern expressly slated
This rider is effective
Signed and Sealed
July 14,2015
July 14,2015
KB Home Coastal lnc
P/Ora M4By
S'04a3rGEEF 10/99
\ (PRnCIPAL) )
., )- "/,4-/.* /
A notary publlc or other officer completrng thts cerlifrcale verfres only th. ce.rt,ty of tire inorvrouatwho signed the document, to which thrs certrfrcate is attached, and nol the truthiulness, accuracy,or valdily of lhal document.
On Julv 15.20'l 5 before me,Sonia Rodriquez Notary Public,personally appeared Rud Provoosl who proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence to be the person(6) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribedto the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sh€lthey
executed the same in his/he+Ahei+ authorized capacity(ies), and that byhis/her/their signature(s) on the instrument lhe person(s), or lhe entrty
upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrumenl.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of
California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seat
som^ R00RIGUEZ
commlttlon , 2100652
Lotat, Arlllc' Ctlilolnr.
RlrmXt. Cot ttY
Co(ltn.t0 2019
nra Rod (SEAL i
State of California I
County "t^r** |
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the
identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is
attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
State of California
County of Los AnReles
on JUL 1420t5 before me,Kari Davis. Notarv Pub tc.personally
appeared Brenda Wong who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/aresubscribed to the within
instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in
h+s/her/the* authorized capacity{.ies}, and that by hj+/her/their-signature(s) on
the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)
acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that
the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Kari D is, Notary Public
uf,l oAvls
Commlsslon , 20i12909
Notary Public . Crlllo(nia
Lo3 Angalrt County
NOTICE: The waming found elsewhere in this Power of Attomey affecls the validity thereof. please review carefully.
KNOW ALL MEN BY T[IESE PRESENTS, thal BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY (the "Company"), a corporarion dutyorganized and existing under the laws ofthe satc of Delaware, having its principal office in Greenwich, C i. has made, constitutedand appointed, and does by these prescnts makc, constitute and appoint: JclJrcy Strassncr, palricio Tolavcra, Tenzet 1,.(unningham, !\iotalic l( Trofinolf, Brendo E'ong or lia Dovis of Manh Lii.a,'lnc. of Los Angetes, C.4 irs true and lawfulAnorney-in-Facl" to sign its nam€ as surery only as dclineated brlow and to execute, sea[ acknowiedge and dcliver anl.and allbonds and undcnakings' wilh the exception of Financial Guaranty lnsurancc. providing that no singlc obiigation shall excied FiftyMillioo 8nd 00/100 U.s. Dollars (U.S.$50,0fi),00{t.00), to the samc extent as iisuch bondi had b'een duly executed andacknowledged by the rcgularly elected ofliccrs ofthe Company at its principat oflcc in their own proper persons.
l'his Power of Anomey shall be consn'ued and enforced in accordance with, and govemed by, thc laws of thc State of Delawarc.without giving effect to thc principles ofconflicts of laws thcreol This Power o1Attomey is granrcd pu6uanl to rhe followingresolutions which werc duly and validly adopted at a mceting of rhc Board of Dircctors of the Company held on January 25, 2010:
RESOLVED, that, with respecl to the Surety business wrinen by Berkley Surery Croup, the Chairman of rhe Board, ChiefExecutive OIIlcer, Presid€nl or any Vice Presidcnt of thc Company, in conjunction wirh the Secrcrar) or any Assistant
Secretary are hereby authorizcd to execute powers ol anomey authorizing and qualirying the anomey-in-fact named thereinlo execute bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other surctyship obligations on behalf of the Company, and to affix thc
corporate scal of the Company to powers of anorncy exccuted pursuanl hcreloi and said oflicers may remove any suchanomey-in-fact and revokc any power ofanomcy prcviously granted: and funhcr
RESOLVED, that such Power of attomcy limis thc acts of thosc named thcrein to the bonds, undenakings. recognizanccs.
or other sureryshiP obligations specifically namcd Iherein. and thev havc no aurhorirl to bind the Compiny excepr in rhc
manner and to the extenl hcrein statcd; and funher
RESOLVED, lhat such powcr of attomey rcvokes all previous powen issued on behalf of the attomey-in-fact named: and
RESOLVED, that thc siSnature of any authorizcd officer and thc scal of thc Company may bc affixcd by facsimile to any
power of attomcy or cenificstion thereof authorizing the execution and delivcry of any bond, undenaking, recognizance. or
other suretyshiP obligation ofthe Company; and such signaturc and seal whcn so used shall havc the samc force and effect as
though manually affixed. The Company may continue to us€ for the purposcs herein statcd the facsimile signature of any
P€rson or Pcrsons who shall have bcen such olficcr or officers ofthc Company, notwithstanding thc fact that they may have
ceased lo b€ such at the timc whcn such insruments shall bc issued.
lN U'ITNESS WHERLoF, the ComDEnv has
ci)rporatc seal hercunro affixcd thiq2i2l d'ay of
caugqd ttpsc presents to be signed and ancstcd by its appropriatc officcrs and itsL.hr,/a.- .2014.
0n Berkley Insurance Company
JUL l4 20t5
2014. by lra S Lcdcrman
icc Pres?y'cnt, respectivelZ.J,*t,^
i\io. Bl-7llStlc
y, of
Ira S a
Senior Vice President & SecretaD
Sworn (o before m€. I Notary Public in the State of Connecticu t, this$L day of
.icflrcr M llaftcr $ho are sworn te mc to be thc Scnior Vicc President
[]crklo Insurancc Company. ll BAC. fl.iDB fE}l
and Secrct
IY @lt rssroN EXP|FES
APFr. O. 20re
otar,,- Public. State of Connccticut
I, the undersigned. Assis(anr Secrctary of BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HEREtsY CERTIIY that thc foregoing is a
true, correct and complete copy ofthe original Power of Attomey; that said Power of Attorney has nol bcen revoked or rescinded
ard that the authoriry of the Anomey-in-Fact set forth thercin, who executcd the bond or undenaking lo which this Powcr of
Atiorney is anachcd, is in full force and efTect 8s ofthis date.
Given undcr my hand and seal ofthe Company, this _ day of
John F eers