KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond 30142-1 1145785COPY
FOR: Streets and Drainage
Water System
Sewer System
Surety gartLy Rcgonal lrEu,amc Coryp€ny
Address 505 N EroM E[vd Sul! 10ao
(Govemment Code Section 66499.1)
Bond No.
! t a57a5
lrrct dad m [r. Fadrtl Pcrtdnrnc. Boid
TracvParcel Map .lc' r a:- 1
Address 36310 lrtbM VaLy ohvc
xB HOME Co.rtat tnluanc?
City/Slate 6r:n iotc c A City/StatezizipPhon€ sras:c.uo:Phone 95r{91-5?r5
WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, $ate of Catifornia, and XB HOl,lE Coast.lnc
(hereinafter designated as'principal") have entored into, or are about to enter into. lheattached agreemenl(s) whareby principal agrees to install and complete the above designatedpublic improvem6nts relating to (f'ad/Parcel)Tr r'l1,a:. I , whch agreement(s) is/arehereby refened to and made a part hereof; and,
WHEREAS. under the terns of sau agr€ern€nt, principal is required, before antering upon theperformance of the work, to file a good and sufficrent payment bond wrtn tne city ot"ldnreelo secure the claims ro which pLeqence is made ln Ttie i5 (commencing witn seaion ioazyof Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the $ate of California;
Nqwl TtEREfoRE,_ said prin_cipar and the undsrsigned, as corporat€ surety, are herd firmryunto the city of Menifee and all contractors, submnLactors, laborers, nrateriat persons andother persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of :r^ nunorao Thoosanti
Tt o ltr td.d Frft/ .rl(l No I00 Dollars ($) for materials furnished or labor thereon ofany kind, or for amounts due uMer the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect to suchwork or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amounthereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to
r€asonable expenses and fees, including reasonableattorney's fees, incuned by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded
and fixed by the courl, ard to be taxed as costs and to bs included in th6 judgement therein
should the condition of this bond be fully pBrformed, then this obhgation shall become nu[
and void; othenrvise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect.
It is hereby exprsssly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to lhe b6n6fit of
any and all persons, companies and corporalions enti es to full claims under Tifle 15(commencing with section 3082) of Par'. 4 of Division 3 of the civil code, so as to give a right
of action to them or their assigns in any suit broughl upon this bond.
the face arnount thereof, costs and
,JJition t6 the ter;s of this agreemint or to the specificatrons accompanying the sarne shall
Lnun"ion of tim1, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the
pr*ii.* "i SJion 2846 of the Civil Codo are not a condition precedent to surety's
obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety'
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly exocutsd by tho principal and surety
:oloabOve named, On auqtst 6 '
Namefi e:
t r.c/ Ae.- ll .fagt4|Pt x4 .
l)P LAr'yb + teA/ALD ?LA^'^/''("
NAME OF SURETY:Borrlc I Rcgo.l.l
Attorney-in-act Title
BraMa Wc.rC Alo{r.'/-I>Fa
State of California
County of Riverside
On Auoust 10.2010 before me, Richard R. Keller, Notary pubtic,
personally appeared Michael H. Freeman. Jr., who proved to me on thebasis of satisfactory evidence to be lhe person(6) whose name(s) is/aresubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thathe/ehelthey executed the same in his/he#ltrek authoriied capacity(b6),and that by his/he#thei+ signature(6) on the instrument the person(s), orthe entity upon behalf of which the person(e) acted, execuled the
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of
Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seat.
/4-1_ lL //tc
Richard R. Keller rSEAL r
State of California
County of Los Angeles
On Au qust 6. 2010 before me , Tracy Aston, Notary Public, personally
he/she/they executed the same in hie/her/their authorized
capacity(ies), and that by his/her/thei+ signature(s) on the instrument
the perion(e), or the entity upon behatf of which the person(e) acted'
executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALW OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of
California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
appeared Brenda Wonq, who Proved
satisfactory evidence to be the person
subscribed to the within instrument and
WITNESS my hand and official seal.Ifrr
to me on the basis of
(e) whose name(e) is/a+e
acknowledged to me that
Tracy Aston
,rLRK,.l. \ -ii:lli{:Jl, I ll',i'l\'.1* ( (,\,,, \ \ \\\ll \ll\,,1,,\ I)t I \\\ \Rl
\i)llt I llr' rrrttrrtt": lrxrrr'l tl'eNhdc rn lhrr l'r,rr':r,rt \rr,rl,1.1 ,1,..,. rh( \Jlr,lrr\ rlr.ri,,r l,rc.r,( rrrrirr irrr.trrllr
Iu rlhct
thrt such Powcr of rnornc) rcvolca all prcvtola poracr5 rssur.rl on bclult. ol. rhc rttomry-tn-fact nanrdl and
K\()\\ \l I \ \ lt\ llll,st pRI \l \15. tlur 8l Rlit t\ Rt (,lr,\\l l\\tR\\rt (r)\tI,\\\ rrt,...r',r,,t,r,,, ,. "llJ' nu,i( !,,fr\rltur(J JrJ.rppornlcll. inrl -.ltrr.s hr rt",. pr.,.,,i, nri,....,]n.,,,u,..,u.t ,pp,,,u, i/rr-r, .\. Brunigaa, l* rll lT q\4' Bt'nda noar' verino B. fap.h' Edictd <: 'sp"r,r, J"'.,^, i"u", or sidone cerhdn! or lon Ritr rnwrqrt..li,rlri er ll err, !nt. of Los Anl.l.r, (.l lr tru. and l,rt+tul Arr,,rrrcr-rrr.t.a.irrr.r r, (\(.u,( ,c.rr. rc.n.rur.:dgc *.r .r"r,,;;;;l':;, ;;"J::;.i ;il:,:"*J:";;i";"":i::;ll,,il"li.il"r,.l:Ti,::_T,,;illn.urJli!., pnrl;Jlng rhar no rrngi-c obhg;urrm shall crrcc.t l.ifir ]lilX;; .",f'OO,fOO l)o[rr, (SS0.000.000.0O1. k, thc samc c\r(u.,; lLllliil*#ii::n dulv crccur'; rnd acrno*r.ag.a tv rr,. isuiolii:.i."r.a nrn.",. oi,h.-c;;;;;;; ; ;incpar omcc
'ltls Po*cr o'' AnoErcy shall bc corstrucd tnd cnforccd rn sccordarrc wrth, url gor cmcd by, thc h*s of thd strre of Dc6*,'c.$(houl trvrnt cffcct to (hc prlnciplct of co[flictt or r"*" rir"r".i'riir io*cr oretromcy rs giaot.d pususnr o thc folrowingrcsolutt.ns whrch *crc duly 8nd vrlidty adoptcd rt r n..c,,a .r,rr" a*ia li orrc.rors ol rhr, corp.nv hcld on August 21. 20q)l
-RESOLVED, thar thc propcr olliccrs.of thc Conpeny rrc hcrcby luthorucd to crccutc po\f,crs ofanomcy tuthonzrng andqurhfvtng Lhc anomcr-rn-fact nanrd thcrcrn . **"; b"; -;fu:;i;;
.,nich.rrior thc conr;y: il;;;. il ;;;;;;;;il""EJ,iilir,i;, Tillll?:T*UtX"T,,.I*rJ:ii:,,,:,I
Rf,sol-r'ED that such powcr of rnomcy ltndt! $c .ct5 of tlbrc nnrEd thcrcrn t(, thc bo.ds. undcrrakrngs. rccog',u.nces..r {'thcr lurctyshrp oblg.tions rpccrlicrliy osrri.d rh.rcrn. ,;J ii"; ;;';. aurho.r! ro brnd rhc (irnpany crccpr rn rhcnunncr anrl to thc cxtcnl 0urcin itBtcd, and funhc,
l\ \\ll\t,SS \\'HERI:O[, thc Conpanl her c"pf fu: prr:.nE lo br.srgtrJ arrl ancr!.d b) rlr aprr.oprErc olticcrr anrt rrs' .20t0, .l
\,rrp(,rrrc scrl hcrcunro allircd rhrs i.r da1 of
\ rl(\ r J/
lr.r S lcrlrrnun
t S( !ir
S.t91.l-?; *t thc rrgruturc of rny autltorucd olliccr arrl rlr. scal of rhc ( onprn! nu) bc a,.tixcd by tacsrrul€ ro an\po$cI ol aflomcy or cc tficatron thcrcof r,thorurng th< ctcculrcn rnrl dch*cr1 oionj Uun,f. _,f.rut,ngl G;;;;t'llk1 jur(l)shrp obhSshon of thc Co[pany; urd tucf, rrgneiurc rnd sc,rl ..iin ,,u ,r.cd shall h.rc lh( samc forcc ud eflcct astlt.ugh menualll smxcd rhc cottpsn, rr.y{ortmu. ro us.,or thc purpo:c: hcrqrn trrrcd Ihc ficsrntle srgruruc ofan;pcrlon or Frsons *ho shall herc bccn s::l ffi.. or ofli.crs,t rc (irnprnr. nors rrhsrand,ng rir" ru.:r rt ri'il1,ir"y r,ur"c.ascd to b('such st thc hrrE r.r.hen tuch lnst urrEntr shall bc isiucd ..
lt*llc1 Rcyfil(al lnsujrn(. ( ,)mpcn\
,,r dl,z/1^z
Robcn P ('olr
S.ntor Vrcc prciidcnl & Sccretar) Scnto, \icc prcsldcnt
$ ARltlr..c: THrs powER I:{r'ALrD tF r-or pRrYrf,D o\ Br.t E -Bf-RxLE t - sE(.l Rrrl pApER.
s'tATf Or COI-NECT|Ct.I )
) tr:( ()t :t't Y or t.AtRJ.'tELD )
s\,{orn k, bcforc rllc,a \orrry Public inthcSurcof (.orncdrcul. rhrs i'da1 ot ., ,, ...2010.b1 Robcn p. (blc and l,aS I ctlcrntan who are swom to rrr Io ba thc Scnror \'rc prcsr.lcot, an,l the Scrrror \.ric tr"raLnr "n,t S"'"rctary. rcspaar,a"tr. utllcr\lJ\ RcBDnal lnsurer.-c Company ,'' '- t':1 r"i"^ arni.. ao," "rc."";oi*
CER'TITICATf,L thc unrlcrstgncd. Assislr sccrrory of BER(LEY REcloNAI. Nst.iRA\( l: cojllpAN'r'. DO ltEtu:8\.LtRlt[y rl|.r thelbtcSornS. rs-! truc. corcd rnd coflplctc copy of thc onginal Po*cr of A[omcyi th.t srrrl Po*cr of Attomcy has noi b.cn rc"olcdtrt rcsctttdcd rnd $rt lhc suthonty of &. Afiom(y-in-Frcr !.t fofli rhcrcrn. *lho crccurcd rhc hond or ;;.*i;i to whrch rhrsPowcr ofAtlomcy rs .tlrchcd, i5 n: full forc. srd cff.ct rs of thti d!tc.tiivcn undcr my hrni lnrt scat ofrhe Corquny. thir __ day of AUG - 6 2010
/"i.,(;- ("" " ''-'