KB Home Coastal, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond 30142-1 1145785n copy FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND CITY OF MENIFEE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR: Streets and Drainage Water System Sewer System Surety gcrtlc, Rcar(r[l lnst,anaa CdrparY/ AddfgSS 505 H B'DM Btvd . sure ro4o TracUParcel Map Bond No. r rr5re5 Prernium s.r r cf,a o!. PrinciPal r'8 H'''t'rE ' 'dtrar rft Addfgss .\6llo rnla'l ,.rr.) trr. $ $ $ City/State City/State Zip code er:03 zip Phone 81&ssc!1403 Phone ssr.ssr-g:rs WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, $ate of California,and KB HOME ao.*allnc (hereinafter designatod as "principal") have entered into, or are about to entor into, th€ attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public improvernents relating to (Tract/Parcel) T' 1'rr't:'r which agreement(s) is,/are hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principa I and g..ll.r R e gl :,irl l,\r(r.rcr r-,-{rrprn.,,as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of c,'! H'ron r*6 HLnd.d Th,)us.M Fr\,! Hondcd ad Nor'loo.- Dollafs ($r 200.$0 o0 lavrrful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, iointly and severally, frrmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if lhe above bonded principal, his or its hetrs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perlorm lhe covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreemont and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as lherein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void: otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amounl specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attornoy's fe€s, incunsd by the City in succsssfully enforcing such obligBtion, all to be taxed as costs and includsd in any judgment rendered. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications acmmpanying the same shall in anyr,rnse afiect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of section 2845 of the civ code and commencement of construclion are not conditions preced€nt to surety's obligations hereundsr and are hereby waived by surety. When the work covered by the agreement is complete, the City of Menifee will accept the work and thereupon, the arnount of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 900,6 with the remaining 10olo held as security for the one-year maintenance period providod for in the agreements(s). lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duty abOve named, On tu€r't 5 executed by the principal and surety NAME OF PRINCIPAL: FB H.ME.o.israrM AUTHORIZED STGNATURE(S) By: . trl.- *.1p, Je .t a,l l2b Pcaltrtr b (rF coRPoRAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY:B6.l{a, R.9o.El lngranac Cirrp&/ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE u Attorney-in-Fact Title €r.r:1.),!.rtg in.mrr-ll>Fa.l (tF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL ANO ATTORNEY.INfACT. Name: otc/t le- lille: VP La,t'/b F CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside On Auqust 10,2010 before me, Richard R Keller. Notary Public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman, Jr , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(6) whose name(6) is/a+e subscribed to the within inslrument and acknowledged to me that he/ehelthey executed the same in his/Fer/their authorized capacity(i€s). and that by his/he#ttrcr+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(6). or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and offioal seal lkt-l/L Richard R Keller rSEAi CAL!FORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles On Auqust 6. 2010 before me Tracv Aston , Notary Public, personally appeared Brenda Wonq, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(e) whose name(e) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hie/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hie/her/thei+ signature(e) on the instrument the person(e), or the enUty upon behalf of which the person(e) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. t.)'Y;:= ,:fu///k4 Tracy Aston nI :, a o-r., ' i;';":'ii'.I rr, r^ , LJ tr5., P{}\\l l{ ()1 .\l t()l{\l \ Bt_RKl.!.\ Rl.(;t()\Al_ t\sl R,\\( t: ( ()!tp,\\\ \\ It \ll\(,l( )\ I)l I \\\ \Rt \()ll(l l hc \JrnrnE lounll cltc$hcr( rn lhr\ l\,\r(! (,t \rl,rrnc\ rlt(jt, t[( rrlrJ[\ rlr.r.,,l l'l;J,(,..!r.( \rrclirll\ K\()\\ \l I \ll\ l|\ llll,Sl I,Rl sl \l\ rhJr ltl RKt l\ l{tr,l()\\l t\\lR\\(t(r)\I'\\\ rrlr( "(,,rrFJo, r. J lrr' nr.r.lc. ..rrrrtrlLrt,rl Jnii Jpfxllntlj(|. JrlJ J(l!i h\ thrrc prc.cnt. nLrLc. artntrrruli J.J .rflnrllr lhoaot S. B.o^igon, 1\h.!lI)lmatq', 8rcnlo l, on!:, .llorina B. fafic, tdwerd ('. Spcttor, \o.tni Qui.oa or Simoat Gthul of l n Ri\l tnturoa... .$.rr'ir?r ,r"rf. lac. o! l-al .4nFalrs, CA ils truc and lE*lul .\ttonlc)-tn-l .rct. k) 5tgn tt\ nJnr r\ \uret\ r! l) .r\ drllnclt.d r^Llo\r .r tl rrr r:'rr'eutt. scal, aeknoxlcdgc Jnd dclr\cr ln) and.ll bonrlr,lnd undcnlktn!\. Nlth thr c\acpllorr (rt l:tnJn(l,rl (;urrJnt\ lns Lrr.rnec. pror rdtng thlll no srnSlc oblrgalron shall encced t ltl) llilllon rnd 00, 100 Dollers (t50.000,tX)0.00). to rhc scnr c\tcnl .ts tl suuh bonds h,rtl bccn duly ctccutcd and lclnou lcdgcd b) lhc rcSularly clcctcd otliccrs ol-rhc (irmpanv ar ils princrpal ollicc rn thcll o\n propcr pcriorLJ. Itrs Porc. of Anomcy shall bc corumrcd .nd cnforccd in eccortlancr wrth. .r govcmcd by. thc la*s of thc Sta(c of Dcl.wrrc,lvltholl gtvmg cflocl to the prartclplcs of co[fllcts of h*s thcrcoli Thrs Powcr of A omcy r! grantcd pursuanl to thc followrng rcsoluttons $hich $crc duly 8nd i aldly adoptad al ! rrrctirg of thc Boerd of Drrcctors ol rhc ( onrpgn;- hcld on Augurt 21, 2000 "RlsOLlTD. tlut thc propcr omccrs of tlrc Conprny rrc hcrcby ruthorurd to cxccut. powcrs of anomcy ruthonzrng rnd qu!llfying th. attomcy-in-fact nrrrd thcrcin io crccutr bonds. undcnalings. rccognlrnrccs, or othcr surctyship oblgatlons on bcMlf of lhc ('ornpEny, Bnd to lflix thc corporrtc scal of th€ ('ompany to po*crs of suomcy erecutcd pursualt hcrctoi and llnhcr RfSOt.vED. thal such powct of sttomc) luuti dlc .cts of thosc namcd th.rcrn ru thc bonds. undcrbhngs. rccognuanccs. or othcr surcrvshtp ohllgatlons ripcsrlically nanrd thcrcrn. and th!.) harc no aurho t\ rrr brntl thc (irmpin) crccpl tn th. numner and to tha exlcnt thcrcin ststad: and tunhcr R!:SOI.\'ED. thlt luch po*cr of alorn!.) rcrokc5 all prcvtouJ po\ cr5 rssur.rl on bch,rlt ol lhc rrromcl-rn-lirt nanrd. and ,Lnhcr RJSOI-\'ED. thtt $r stg,nalurc ol dny ruthonzcd ofiiccr and rhc scal trf tirc ( orry1Jn) nu) b< lllixcd b1 tacsrnulc to xlrpouct of rnomcy or ccrtrfrcrtron thcrof ruthorurng tlr crccuhon and dclNcr; of anr boorj, urdcnalrng. rccugruzitn€ct or othcr lurct)shp obllganon ofthe Co[pany: and such sigmtur( aod scrl *hcn rrr usctl shall harc rht ramc forcc and c0-ect as lhot gh manuallr aflircd. lhc C'orpan] mnv controuc lo u5. tbr thc ptrrpuxs hcrcrn ltalcd th. fJcsrmrh signarurc of an]- pcllon or Pclsou! $ho shall hlvc bccn such olliccr or oflicrrs ofthc (i)[S,irn\. nor$rh\tlndrng thc lact thal thc) may hi.t\ c ccascd lo br'such at thc Inr whcn strh rnstrurncnB shall bc $iu.d " l\ \\lI\I-SS \\'HERt:Ot. thc (irnpany has eluscrl thcsc prc$cnls to bc srgncd and atlcstcd bl rtr q)Frr)pnlrc ()t'liccr\ !n(l rt\ corporrlc icirl hcrcunlo IlIjred thrs Altcst: _1 llcrllcl Rc/a(el lnrtrr.tnr. r' ( r'rrpanr ,,' {,ay'() Jr\ ol lrl lr) lJr lra S. l-cdcrnun Robcn P. ('olc S..nior vicr'Prcsrdcnt & Sccrr.rary Scnror vrcc Prcrrrlcnt 11 AR\ I \(i: tHls PO\\'ER l:\l Al-lD I t' :iOT PRJITf,D o\ Bl.t E -BURKLEI - sE('t rU f t PAPER. sl ATf, or ( oN:if,('Tt('r'T ) ) is:( ol Ytl ol' tAtR}'tf,l_D ) Suortttohclirrc nr.a \orar)'Public in the Starcof( onnecticul. thrr i? dorot ' ' :{I0 hvRobent, (olcandlra S l.crlcrnun Nhtr arc sqom to nrc lo bc tha Srnlor \'ric Prcsrdenl arrd th( Scnlor \ rec l'rcrrdcnt Jod SL.crctJr). ac\pc(lricl!. ollk rIl.'\ Rcg()nJl lnsuralcr Conrplny. ' '-t -,. \otrr\ Puhlr!. SlJrc ol ('ofln{alllut cf R I Il-l( A't t l. thc unJtrstgncd, Assrstirnt Sccrctary of BERKLEY RECIONAI lNStrt(A\( L (1)\lP.\\\'. I)() llLRl ll\'([R'll]rY rhat fic lbresoln8 rs a lnrc. corrccl and conplctc copy of fta origrnrl Po*c. ol Attornc): rhrr iard Po$er ol r\nomcy has not bccn rcvokcd or rcsctulcd and that tltc autholly ot'thc Anonky.in-Frct set fonh thcrcin. \Aho crc(ulcd thc bond or undcnakrng to whrch thts '"*.'"',il':il'i;:"1!*,1:"T}ll:T:;"*#T;1:j*'0"t,.,, AUG - 6 2010 ( ' )'.r rr.l r s(Jlt st"r Jr