KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond 30142-1 114589n copy _ ul!lrl< FOR: Streots and Drainage Water System Sewer Syst€m S u rety gc J,ey Rogo(lal h3{ranco Coflvony AddreSS 5,os t| &.nd B},,d &,lc ro.o City/State Gbn&r. cA MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govemment Code Section 66499.1 ) TracUParcel Map Bond No Premium $ $ r r a57c9 lrElrdad ln tha Falttfi, P..tornr.nca Bo.d lor4:.1 Principal Address 163 | 0 H6tld V.b, Drlr! XB HOME C!.ad.l hl(,a.lcc Zip 9:5:5 Phone ra-ssotor Phone e51.6e1.5:.1.., Zip (herernafler designated as "principal") have sntered into, or are about to enter into, lhe attached agreement(s) whreby principal agrees to install and complete the above designatedpublic improvem€nb relaling to OracuParcel) T, ror4:.r , which agreement(s) isiare hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under ths tems of said agreern€nt, prlncipal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the city of Menifee to socure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (mmmencing with section 3092) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of he State of Catifornia: NOW, THEREFORE. seid principal and the undsrsigned, as corporate surety, are held firmty unto the City of Menifee and all contraclors, subcontractors, laborers, nraterial persons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of F,v? Huod.d !r1/ tln. rhou3'M lnd Nor100----- Dollars ($ ses.,J,0o 0i, )for materials furnished or labor lhereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsuranco Act with respecl to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the fac€ amount thereof, costs and reasonable expens€s and fees, tnduding reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obhgation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as cosls and to be included in the judgement therein rendered. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this oblrgation shall become null and void: otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effecl. City/$ate'r'lroo-r' c.r WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, $ate of Calibmia, and xB HolrE co.rrl hc It is hereby exprossly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to ths b6n6fit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims under Title 'l5 (commencing with Seclion 30E2) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any sult broughl upon this bond. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND Th€ surety hereby slipulates and agrees that no change, extension of tirne, alleration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the sarne shall in anywrse afiecl its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notics of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. sursty furthor stipulates and agrees thal the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precadent to sur€ty's obligations herounder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on Augusl 6 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By Name: ,,/(.rdec- lt . F ea.1A ,lQ. Tile.. v P L A wt .t-co At an> Puqrat tl e- NAME OF SURETY:BartL, RcAoral ltrslrarEa Co.rptn, AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: &cM. Wory Aro.rEytr F.cl (IF CORPORATION. AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. W#hJIifl%^ - (rF CoRPORATTON, AFFIX SEAL) CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Californta County of Riversade On Auoust 'l 0,2010 before me,Richard R. Keller , Notary Public,personally appeared Micha el H Freeman, Jr , who proved to me on the I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that ths foregoing paragraph is true and correct. basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(e) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/eheAhey executed the same in hiVhe+Aheir authorized capacity(ie6), and that by his/he#lher signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), orthe entity upon behalf of which the person(e) acted, executed the instrument. I /I l/rc Richard R. Keller (SEAL) WITNESS my hand and official seal. CALI FORN IA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. C i,+,',;-..1 J t,Azqfui, Tracy Aston On August 6. 2010 before me, Tracv Aston, Notary Public, personally- appeaied Brenda Wong, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(e) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/thoir authorized capacity(iee), and that by hie/her/th<*r signature(s) on the instrument the person(e), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(e) acted, executed the instrument. I i -',./._____;_*{lj;l \o, 79S I f,uRKLEr -i,?,[T^l|,lilH:I,i),,,,.,n",, \t ll \lt\(ilr)\. t)t I ,\\\ .\Rt \l)Il(ljthctrlnlllr!ti)undchc\rhctcrnlhrrPo\rcrol .\rkrrn.\.rtti'st. thc r.rlrr]rtr rllcr.rr plcJ\c.!\r($ cJrrrull]i\\()\\ \ll \ll \ lt\ ll .)rl. pRl.Sl \l). llur t .RKl I\ Rt:(,tr)\ \l l\st R.\\(l (r,\lt,\\\ uhc..(uDrpuur r. r. ' ' I i ' ! , i . r I | ' , I r r|:1 . (rr!tntr.J Jnd c\lsttng ul cr th( lJ( \ 0l th( SUl. i!, 1)(lJ\rr( hlrr:r: tr. prr ,rp.rl (,[](r ln I rhrldJIr. [,\J.hr\ tfuJ. ion\lrulr.(l .rnd.rpP,rrntcd and docr br thc\r pr(rcnt,, nulc. j,,nstrlul. ,rrJ "pgir,rr -lhomu: S. grua4lan..lth.tffllmtv!, Brtado lloug, ,llorina R. fc a, t:dr;,anl (. Spe,ror, \.o., i euiroa or Simiae G$har.! of ..lt)n RnA lnturaact:Scr,r'i.'e, tt e$, lnc. of Lot .4igeles, C,1 its rrue and lau ful '\ rromc) -r n _ l..r..i u, ,,g,, ,,. nl nu .r\ \ure t) on t1 ;rs dclr nc.arcr_l bclor,,'rntl lo crcculc sral. uckno*lcdgc and dclrrcr rn\ nnd all bon,ls an.l un.lcrt.rLrrig', ..rth rlrc erccptr,,rr,il l,rruncr:rl (iuarlnllIruur:.r nr'c.. pror rdrng thar no srngle obLgatron shall crcccd f.ift!. ltillion rnd 00i 100 Doll.ri (S50,006,000,00f, ,,, ,f,r.-s"r" "ri",;,irs 11 such bondr h,rd bccn dulv exccuted .nd .cknowlcdgcd br rhc regularll clcqrcd ofliccrs oi rh. (ir;p;;y;; ;-. ;;,"crpat otlic.rn lhcrr l|$n Frcpcr pcrsoos. I hrs Po$er of Anorncy shall b{ corlstrucd &nd cnfo.ccd tn accordancc [1th. lnd govcmcd by, th< la* r of the Statc of Dcla*are.$ lthoul gtvlnS c-fTcct to fie principles of confllcts of hrrs thereof Thrc Poq,er of Attoa.y'r, gr-t"d pursuant lo urc lollowrngrc\r )lul ir|ns N'hrch $ crr duly and validly adoptcd at a nrclrng of rhe Bo! rd of [)rr((rors ol lh; Co;pany held on August 2 l, :000: 'RESOLVI:D, that thc propcr officcrs-of thc Con4raoy arc hcreby authon,tcd lo crecutc towcrs of a(omcy authonzing andquali[lrrrg thc altomcy-ln-facl namcd theretn lo erccute boncts, undcnlkrng*. rccognzanccs. or othcr surctyship obligatloolon tchalf ol thc Cornpany. ond to affix thc corporatc scal of thc (.ompany, t,, p,rtrirs of attomcy crecutccl pursuant hcrcro;Jnd l'urlhcr Rrsol-l'ED. thal such powcr of rttorn€y lr ti thc r€rs of 0rcsc nanrd thcrcm to thc bords, urdcnakrngs. r.cognlzlnccs.ot otbcr surctyrhip obllSrtions spccrfically mnrd thcrcrn. rnd thc! harc oo authont\ to brnd thc ('onyr-any rrcept rn thenLrnncr arrd lo thc cxlc[t thcrcio slatcd: and furthcrRFsoLt'ED. th.l such powcr ofsnomcy rcvolcs all prevrous pr,\ ers rrsucd trn bthalfufthc rtlom!'y-rn-l'act narn dl andf'unhcr RISOI-I ED, thal thc srgmtutc of rny authorrzrrl oflilrr and thc scal ol rhe ( ompas) rna) bc aflirrd by t'acsimilc to 8nypowcr of attomcy or ccrtification thcrcof outhorizrng thc cxccutron and detircry oiany bona. undcnakrng. rccognlzancc, orothcr strrctyship obligation ofthc Corpanyi lnd such !ignature lnd sr.al *hcn yr uscd shrll hatc thr' slmc-forcc ind effcct asthough maoualll allixcrl. l'trc Conpenl'may contrru€ ro usc for rhc puryrscs hcrcrn storcd rlr facsimilc lign turc of.n)pcniol or J,cr$ns uho shall havc bccn such ofliccr or ofilccrr of thc ( on{rilr\. not\ tth5rardlnts thc trcl that ihcy nuy hat.ecclsed to br ruch at thc rl|IE whcn such tnruurEnls $hall bc rssucd .. l\ \ lI\[ss \l lll-Rl-o[. lhc cornp.n] lur csrrlcd thds€ prcacnts to b( \rfnc(l ald anesrcr.l b1 rrr lpproprutc olTiccrs and rls(orp,)rrr!'s(Jl hcrcu to atli\cd thrs lJ. day ot '_ . , lt)lrl. lnrsr. Rctkt* Rc1qfit$t tnsurgn.c (.ompan)..f ..1rscrri rfr .r , ' tsr {,-tr/(.2' Ir;i;d.mren Robcfl p (.otc Scnior vice Prcsidcnt & Sccrc6ry S!,ntor vtcq pr(.srd(nl \d AR\IIG: l Hls PO}l [t{ INVAUD tt' tiOT pRt:\TED OI Bt.t.r: -Br.RKLf.r.- SE(.t ,RtTt pApER. sl ATf O1 ('Or-tit:cTlct'T ))s:( ()t Yt I or FAIRFIELD ) s\r)rn to bclbr. nrt.a Notary Publrc infic.Statcof (lnrncctt(ul. thrs ' tlal ,,1 . ,' ,,201(r. bt Roben p (.olernd lrn: [ (d(rlllJ n s ho aru s* om lo rnc lo hc thc Scn ror ! lcc ltrcsrrlcnt, anrl lh( s(.n k 'r V rL(. Pr".r/cnr rn.l .sccrcta.1., rcspcat,r."tr.,,tllcrL rir Rcgronll Inrr.rrancc Conrpanv ' \('titr\ Puhlt!. StJIc ol'Connechcut CERTI}ICATf,l. thc undcrsrgncd, Assrstanr sccrcrs.ry of BERKLEY REoloN.\L tNsuR.\\( l: covpA\\'. Do HEREts\' ( LRI lry $ar rhrlorcgoing is a truc, corrccl lnd cofiplctc crpy of tlrc ongrral Por,r cr of Attornc) ] lhat sard poucr sf 411.rrn., h.s nol becn revokcd or rct(lndcd dnd (hnl lhc authonty of thc Anomcy-in-Frct sct lbrlh lhcrcrL $hu c\ccutcd the bontl or undcnakrng to whrch thrsl'owcr o[ Attomcy rs sttachcd is in firll brcc and cllccr tr ofthis dare. Givenun(g1rn, h..6and scalofthe Cornplov. rhr!._ dayol AUIJ - b lUlU. 4 I \cJlr :re, Jrr i,.'rrr,l