KB Home Coastal, Inc. Material and Labor Bond 30142-1 0151423NIF Saclhone litr.et Plan-Phose 1 Evrns Rd p,rrlr,ah ol aiarba RdFOR: Streets and Drainage Water System Sewer System Surety ger*ley Rcoon.rl lnsu.ncc Conrpany AddfeSS 505 H BraM Brvd . sule lo4o MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA fGovernment Code Section 66499.1 ) TracUParcel h/ap 3014:'1 Backboic Bond No. Premium $ $ $ ,l':)!l Principal Address lncldad rn th. Fsilhfd Pcrformanc. Bood .5310 lrland Valay Dnr'c City/State Gbnrlatc cA City/State J.'ilclomar CA zip 91:03 Zip 92515 Phone sra-ssc'rlo;Phone e5r-69r-5215 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, Slate of California, and KB HOME Coasrallnc (hereinafter designated as "principal")have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designaledpublrc imp,rovements relating to (TracUParcei) rr 3011:-1 eackulin., which agreement(s) is/are hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and, wHEREAS, under the terns of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon theperformance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the city oiMenifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with section 3082)of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California; NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmty unto lhe city of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons and other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of E,ehr HLn.i.n Frrrv Tfu.. Thousaod and No/100 Dollars ($ 8.3,:,,:,o.no ) for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount nol exceeding the amounl hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount ther6of, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgement therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit ot any and all persons, companies and corporalions entitles to full claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Parl4 ot Division 3 of the Civjl Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond, Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void: othenvise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alleration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on Augr$1 6 :,:r 1,1 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: xB HCrnE co.ltarrnc AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By: e tttctt4C L A. IlP LAPD !- FO & ttl A,v',Ttu' lltle:LuALb ?c (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY EartLy Rlgorlol lnsurtrcG C AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Attorney-in-Fact Title BrcNla Wong A(orr€y-DFacl (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. \. CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Ri de I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. On Auqust 10. 2010 before me, Richard R. Keller, Notary public, personally appeared Michael H. Freeman. Jr., who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheAhey executed the same in his/heCtheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/heCthei+ signature(s) on the instrument the person(e), orthe entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. 6ffi'.lln?' r, RIC}IAJiD R, XEUER Comnl*lox # l7l9li3 Nolor,|l Puf, : - Co,ilojrlo y Cotn (SEAL) /./^- I L //tt_ Richard R. Keller State of California County of Los Angeles On Auqust 6. 2010 before me , Tracv Aston, Notary Public, personally appeared Brenda Wonq, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/ttrey executed the same in his/her/th€+r authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. #iP,ACY ASION Comfirtsiion t 1r39959 [or A.Oeles Couhly Mrccrrr! Epr6 ,!by I 5. 201 I Nolory Publrc' Col,lornio t)al CALI FORN IA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGM ENT ;/a& Tracy Aston \o.7951 PO\\'l,li Ol ,\ I I()R\l:\'llllRKl.ltI RfGto\.\t. l\st R.\i\( t: ( ()llp,\\\ \\'ll \ \( it ( )\ I)t I \\\.\t l\ \\'l lNISS \\'lll:RljOtr. lhc Conrprnv hrs causcd tht'sc prcscn (,)rprnJtc \cJl hcrcu trr allircJ thrs /,, dc1 of : . _t_ . \o ll( l Ihc ulrntn! lbund clsc[hcrc ln thrs Pot\cr ol A[ome! a[li.cts thc ralrdrty thcrcot. I)lc.rsc rcrrcw carctullv. K\()\\ .\l I \ll \ lJ\ IIIl,St: l,Rl Sl:\1S. th,lr ULltKt t:\' Rt:( jt()\.\l I\St Rr\\(t, (()\tp:\\\ 1hc..(i,nrpnny,,). ir lrrs nutle. ;otrsltlttlcJ .rncl appotntcrl. und doc5 b) thas( prc5cnti nrukc. constrlrrtc i!l(l rppornl Thomus S. Branigan .4shraf l..lmut4, Bruulo lt'o,tg, tlai o B. Tapio, Edwui L, Spcc'tor, Noanti Quiro: or liitnone,Gohard of..lon Ri\k l,tsuratue.li'rvri'r's ll r'sl, lnt- of Lor .lngdes, Cl its truc and la$tul Attomcy-in-tracl. kr srgn rts namc as sLrrctv only ,rs dclrncated bclow.rntl lo clcuulc. su.rl. ucknos lcdgc and dehrcr rn) anJ all bonds an.l untlcnakingr. \rrth thc e\ccption ol |inanctal Cuaratrt). lnsufunce. prortdtng thal nr) srngl('oblrgatron shall excccd t'iftt'llillion aod 00/100 Dolhrs (550.000.000.00). to thc same extent us il' such bonds had bccn duly executed and rcknowledgcd b)' rhe rcgularly clcctcd officcrs of thc Company al its prrncipal offrce rn therr onn proper pcrsons. l his Po\rer of Attomcy shall be consrrued and cnforced in accordance with. and govemcd by, the laws ol the State of Delaware, \\ rthout Eiving cffcct to thc principles of coo{licts of laus thercof. This Powcr of Attomey is grantcd pusuant to the following rcsolulions u'hich *crc duly and valrdll adopted rt a me!'trng ofthe Board of Drrectors of lhe Company hcld on .{ugust 2 l, 2000: -RuSOl,vED, that the proper ollcers of the Conpany arc hereby authorizcd to erccute powcrs ol attomcy authonzing andqurltl\,tng lhc !nomcv-rn-fact named therein to execute bonds, undenakingi. recognizances. or orher suretyship obligations on bchalf of the C ompany. and to affix thc corporate seal of lhc Company to pou'ers of atromey cxecutcd pursuant hereto; and funhcr RESOI,I'ED. tlut such po*'c'r of attorne)' limrts the act! of those namcd thr.rcrn to the bonds, undenakings, recognuances. or othcr sur.tvship obligatrons spccrlicalh named (hcrcin, and thc) havc no aulhonl) to bind thc ('ompanv exccpr rn the nunncr and to thc cr.ten( therein slated: and further Rt)SOl,\'Et. lhitl such pos'cr of attome)' rerokcs all prcvious porrcrs issucJ on bchall of Ihc arromc!:Il-lact named; and turthcr RESOI-\'ED. thot the srgnature of any authonzed oftlccr irrd the scal of thc ( ompuny rnay bc alllxcd b], lacsimilc to any Por!'qr of attonrcy or ccrtitication thcrcof authoriztng thc exccution and dchvery of any bond, undenakrng, rccognrzance, or olhcr surc(\ship obligation ollhe Company; and such signature and seirl $h!'n so usecl shrll havc the samc li)rcc rnd effect as lhouth ntanualll'aflixcd. lhe Companl'may conlinue lo use for thc purposes hcrcrn statcd thc facsimilc signaturc ofany pcrst)n or pcrlons rvho shall have been such ofllccr or ollicers of thc ('ompany, notwithstanding thc t'irct lhat they may have ceuscd tu be such at the linrc u'hen such instruments shall be issurld." Allcr'l lJ,.lS(ill) lra S. l-cderman Senior Vice President & Sccretarl ts to bc srgncd and alcsted by rts appropnatc olliccrs and its 2010./-, Bc.lxlcy Rcffil lnsuqnuc ( irnrpurrl tlv Robcn P. ('olc Senior Vrcc Prcsidenl I/' \\'AR\l\(;: l'lllS P()\1'UR I\\'AI-lD Il'\O-I PRI\11:l) Oli Bl.t U -BURKl.lll'' sl.('t'Rll t PAPI.jR s't AI E ()[ ( O\\t:( Tl( 1.1 ) ) ss:( ()l \'r'l ot l,\tRFIul.D ) s\orn k) hcli)rL nr. il \ot!r\ Public tn thc Stqte o[Conncclrcut. thts S l-cdcrnun lhrr arc suorn to nre to bc thc S!'ntor Vice Prt'srdent. Ik.rlr..r Rcr-,ron.rl lnJurJn(c ( otnpJn).. i ? da1'ol' and the Scnror Vrcc Prcsr r.1010. bv Robcn P. ('olc'and lra /"nt und s"',rr",rr1'. rcspr:ctrrely. of Notarr PubLc. Statc of (irnnccticut CERTII'ICATE I, thc urulcrsrgnetl. Assistanr Secretary of BERI(LEY REGIONAL INSURAN( E COIIPAN\'. DO HERhBY CER.I lF'Y thar the lbrcgoing rs a truc, correcl and complcte copy o[ thc original Power of Attomc]: that sard Po\r er ol Attomey has not beeo revoked or rcsetndcr.l and lhat lhc authorit,' of the Anomcy-il-Frll ser forth thcrcin, \rho cxccutcd rhc bond or undcnaking to which thrs Po'!ler or Attom.,v ili lliTi*'#'?iif;rn*#;;llnll'no *'L, ", nue . 6 ]!t! ./1 ('., -(-r\cJlr Slc\'an ( i)\\ rr(i