Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TR31392 015049840MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menrfee. CA 92586 951.672 6777 Fax 951 679-3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenitee.us February 18, 2020 Libefi Mutual Insurance Company 330 N. Brand Blvd. Suite 500 Glendale, CA 91203 Re: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, City of Menifee, TR 31392 Bond Release, Bond No. TM5187535/015049840 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, The Landscape Improvements for Tract No. 31392 have been completed to City specifications and standards and the bond is ready for release. The original bond is enclosed. Faithful Performance Bond No. TM5187535/015049840 - $2,029,516.40 p'**-/, Sarah A. Manwaring City Clerk MENIFEE New. Better. Best. DATE:Fehuary 4, 2O2O RE:Landscape Bond Release for City of Menifee Planning Application plot plan No. 2015-050, HOA Landscape and lrrigation for province TTM No. 31392 Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk CC:Cheryl Kitzerow, Planning Director FROM: Russell Brown, Assistant Plann€r Proiect Description: The City of Menifee Planning Department has completed the initial and twelve month landscaping installation inspections for Province (TR31392) HoA Landscape and lrrigation - open space Loti 91,92, 93, 95 and 96, pursuant to the conditions of approval on Plot plan No. 2015-050. The landscaping and irrigation has been installed and maintained in an acceptable condition for the timeframe required in the agreement (12 months). Therefore, due to compliance with the Conditions of Approval the Planning Department approves the bond release for this project (Bond No. TM51 87535/01 5049840). Please email a PDF copy of the fully executcd release of agreement and bond to Russell Brown at rbrown@citvofmenifee.us. Thank You, R.ladl g@a,ra City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, California 92586 29844 H.rLrn Ro.rd Menrlee. CA 92586 95L672-6777 Fax 951 679 3843 cityolmenitee. us TO: @ Attached please find Landscape Agreement & Bond for city of Menifee planning Apptication for Plot Plan No. 2015-050, HOA Landscape and lrrigation for Province TTM No. 31392 951-723-3745 951-679-3843 fax rbrown@citvof menifee. us 29844 H.ruo Ro.rd Menlfee. CA 92586 951-672.6)77 Fax95l-679-3843 New. Better. Best.cityormenifee. us Date:February 4, 2020 To Sutter Mitland 01, LLC 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA 92525 RE Performance Bond Release for Plot Plan 2015-050 - Province (TR31392) HOA Landscape and lrrigation Plans The City of Menifee Planning Department has completed the initial and twelve month landscaping installation inspections for Province (TR31392) HOA Landscape and lrrigation - Open Space Lots 91,92,93,95 and 96, pursuant to the conditions of approval on Plot Plan No. 2015-050. The landscaping and irriSation has been installed and maintained in an acceptable condition for the timeframe required in the agreement (12 months). Therefore, due to compliance with the Conditions of Approval the Planning Department approves the bond release for this project (Bond No. IM5187535/015049840). lf you have comments or questions, contact the Planning Department at 951-723-3745 Sincerely, -2. Russell Brown, Assistant Planner City of Menifee Community Development Department Greg Augusl Drslr.l I Matt Li€semeyer )uncrln strcl 2 Lesa A. Sobek Dean DeinesBill Zimmerman Co Armsndo G. Vills Crty M.ln.rger MENIFEE %""