Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Subdivision Monument TR31392 TM5142389-015038415SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66496) TracVParcel Map No. TR 31392 Bond No. TM5142389/0 1503841 5 Surety Libertv Mutual lnsurance Comoanv Principa I Sutler Mitland 01, LLC Address 450 Plvmouth Rd. Ste 400 Address 3090 Bristol Strest, Suite 220 City/State Plvmouth [Ieetino. PA City/Slate Costa Mesa, CA zip 19462 zip 92626 Phone Phone (714) 20O-1604 That, Suttor Mltlend 01. LLC, subdivider, as principal,and LiberW Mutual lnsurance Comoanv, a corporation, as surety, are hereby iointly and severally bound to pay to tho City of Menilee the sum of SixW S6\rEn Thousand Nine Hundred Fittv Dollars (S67.950.00). The condition ol this obligation is that, wh6reas the subdivider, as a condition ol the liling ot the final map ol IE3IIB, enterad into an agroement with tho City of Menifee to set Survsy Monumonts and Tie Points in said tract and furnish Tie Notes therefore and to pay the engineer or surveyor parlorming the work, in lull, within 30 days alter completion. NOW, THEREFORE, il the subdivider shall well and truly perform said agreement during the o ginal tern lher€of, or ol any extension oI said term that may be granted by the Ctty of Menifee, with or whhout notice to the surety, then this obligation shall b€come null and void; otherwlse, it shall remain in full force and eflect. As a part ol ths obllgaton secured hereby and in addition to the lace amount specified therefore, thero shall be included msts and reasonable sxpenses and foes, including reasonable attomeys fees, incurred by the City in successfully enlorcing such obligation, all to bo taxed as costs and included in any iudgm€nt rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees thal no chango, €xt€nsion ol time, alteration or addition to th€ terms of this agr€ement or to the work to be perlormed thereunder or the speciflcations accompanying th€ sam€ shall in anywise affect ils obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, oxlension o, tim€, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulat€s and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 ol the Civil Code and commencemenl of construction a[€ not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are her€by waived by surety. SUBDIVISION MONUMENT BOND lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has be€n duty executed by the principal and surety above named, on _Novembe, 14 _. _2012 _. NAIVIE OF PRINCIPAL:Sutter tvlilland 01. LLC AUTHORTZED STGNATURE(S): Sutter Mitland 01, LLC a Delawaro Limited Uability Company its Managing Member By: Name: Title: ) (rF coRPoRAT|ON, AFF|X SEAL) NAME OF SUBEW: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ItS Atlorney-in-Fact sharon L. (rF coRPoRATrON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL ANO ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. t/- CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Califomia County of Los Angoles On 11-14-2012 bcfore nre, Lupe Villaneal, Notary Public ( Hcl. i.!.{n nn|l|c md lill('ol lh'r ollicn I penonally appcarcd Sharon L. TuPPer psrsgrsph is truc 8nd corrcct WITNESS y hand aud who provcd to mc on thc basis ofsatishctory cvidcncr to be lhe pcrson(y) whosc namdA) is/r6 sybscribed to thc witbin inslrumcnl and acknowleCgcd lo qle lhat hdsh€/thoy cxccuted the same in hlgher/their authorizcd capacity(iF), and thar by hiyhernycir signaturE(s) on thc rnstruncnt the pcrson(s'1. or the entity upon bchalf of whic,lr thc pcrson(s)'Ecled, executed the insttumcnt. I ccrti$ undcr PENAI,TY OF PERruRY undcr thc laws of thc Statc of Califomia that thc forcgoing ,s LLA* ADDITIONAI, OPI'IONAI, INFORMA'tION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED OOCUMENT { Tirl. or dcr.npriro of .n&t d docomcrl) ( Titlc d dcrcripom o, rttrhod docuft co rnuod) Numhcr ol Pstcq D<^-urncnl Dota I Additronrl infoffdron I ISSTRUCTIONS fOR COMPLETI\C THIS FORM rd, db..rJlatln drr'dd E ('nifi.nb ndt @ta[ *tbtdt .\.rtlt B.p.nr.trF . tr. -m^ rrrtu t a tct'.t. ..1@ti,ar ..t tu nv, b. ,lFrrr (!.t/ird .!l .tl,d.a b rtat ,tdmd,, lt. d r .t62tl@ h n dd..ra, Ir r. & rxr.Li, dr,xtr d Cnlbata. la ,rcl tirtdn a..ot dh.mnth,...al'rraFd F{r{r d at b F1.,.1 .',ra a .lfrt-an b long at t,.|tdi.rt d.3 -, '.9.ir ,L roto' ,o tlo to*.tttlta t l n i .tel lor d "ofr6' nl Calll-nt li . $!{litqt tt. ottbotb i ra,{.itr ol i. nsn. j. Phnr. <t@l th.a..'ii' t da).lN Jd pv.t .n dl rdt4 nnd oo,cl tth lan [ '.cw.d. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SICNER E lndividual (s) Corpo.de O0icc. TfitaPulttq{t) Anomq-in-FG TrunGG(3) Othcr SnE r.d Cdmry rnbltmnd mul b. . Sur.id Co{.iy *ha! Ul. dlrumlnl .'gDrli) FM..I, rr?..i.rl b.iE lh. ndtly pblic ior.ciougl.dtlllsllrll. of lol.ntrhcr ru.r t lh. .h. rh 0l. nFln.l !.'m.ll' ipF.rld rhlch nu.l rbo b. (r !.e.!.r! $. .clm* l..ltrrrhr irlomnl.h.lIi. rr.r, 'l!lr .$ Fi.r hir or h.r l[ox r ir rpr.ru vnhin hr d lFrc{ n[tlo. folbr.d b . cotn'n .id ri.r }N tlth ln6ur} p($li.).Pn UE m..(rof do.rlEoir tiimno who FB[U, lppllr rl rh.l'rn. ul ld..E lt crtcl rrna.lrr d plu6l l6D bt lNhB url mcori.r fomtr l, .|. trGrbr. . kl d (Nlu{ tL ffir roria tr'hEloffirb 'ndEllctr laf.{r.rin n r L.d ro ltj.crb, or&.!a! EruriintlL E, !-l i.F..ir Br b cr., .d pr.qnptr.ll, ltrdr.rllchr!.rtle run nd ors Err a Lr.r lf t-l 'mF3l'.lt.m{dF. ,Er.l 'I.qfEd E Fur... orEr'r. c.!9hb. dtltlcr..r.o{,LdanE rdt!S.rx-r! oalL rr, dll lr- !.C! rI ilarll5t..6L i$ rh. omc. of O Arlltit rl urdrn rEr s rD( ltqultd b{r.tlllkt h.lrr ru .trslt! dnr -,tnrLdtFu r ru nE ., d rlod.d r. . (tll.mr d$nmrC l.dqG lllh r ryF ot.nach.d doc!fidr ilnh .{Fir.nd (lrc C h.lE.lt rt 6P.cry clrnn tl ry o! nllt' lI rt. chrnod c.p..rty i! ! co.D..r. otTEq. ribL lb l lG (r . Cg(I CtO. S6Eir.]rS..!El) .tl.cn lt[ 06smal ro lh lll,rd deur-l Conlniltion , lg57rr0 gtlly Publlc . Crlllo.lllt Lot Anlolrr County Coftrn trprres I'lov 19. ?015 t-l.ai + 1008 v.hnD (APA \ l: 10 07 800'ltr.9$l q* $ NortrycLk. !o ' s-4067/GE 9/09 seal. Lupe Villarresl tr I .= oo !:o ..lq EqE6' o; b> 6, .; -!t 8E qio6sgin i, ll, -98L=o.:,_ ol! E} oq L!o;z6 rHrs powER oF ATToRNEY ts Nor vaLto UNLESS tT tS PR|NTEO ON RED BACXOROUND. 509376 IThir Pow.r ofAtorn.y llmlla th. tctt ol lho.. nam.d hardn, .nd lh.y h.v. no authcrity to btnd th. Comp.ny arcapt ln tha m.nn.r rnd to th..rl.nt heruln ttaled. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTOI{, triASSACHt SE?TS POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY TT'iESE PRESENTS Thal Llbolly Mulusl lnruranc! Comal.ny 0he "Co.nga.!y ) . M!s!.chu$tb ltoct rt$rrra co.t[[nr, pu.uanl to and by authoflty of th€ IAulho(zelron haranator !!l loalh. does h€reby name, constlulo and Eppomt nx u. (rtxo. EFlc c. I{oasE[. Tlt{ I. Fllt}lEo^il, LUPG VITLANFEALSHARON L, TUPPEF. TISSA A, AOUENO- ATI OF THE CITA OF GLENOALE, STATE OF CAIIFOiNIA. 6ech ndMdually rl thali b! more than ona narnsd, |tt tr\ro arxlrt! bahell 6s su.lly and as ,t! act and daad .ny and a[ undr.L undartElng8, bondi. recogn[anca5 and ohar suraty oblErtlo.ta. boen duly ri€n6d by th. prelidont a.ld rttalia<l by tha tc'ttary ol Th6t lhr! pov\,6r l! mada and araculad pursurnl to and Dy auhonty ot tlg toitowino By-taw 8ld Auulo lriton ARTICLE X|ll " Exccuion ol Contr.ct. S.cton ! Surlty Bond. .nd UndcrEklhg.. flil:.l 1t-l!_?gry .rllrrp b. ttt p.,oor ,n *.,ting by th! di.;run or rh. D.dd.nr, md !ubl..t to .udi [m(.lbnr r lh.chrrnln Or lna p?lri(Lnl m.y fn .cflb.. dr.lt aDlornt XrCh .tbm.yt.ln.lbCt, .r mry b. n.cttXry t0 t€i h bahlll ;l th! Ca,ri;t i; ;.i;6recul!. rr.1. .clnowhdgt .nd d.llv.r m .urrty my .nd .[ und.i.ir^gr, Dondt. ,xinnr:ryrcrr iri,r onri;1u6ir;btiia;- sich'rtto,niyr:,nJad. iubiact to u. itm .llor|! r.t-tonh ln lnr. rlr,i.cfir! po,v.n U r6rmX lrtt hri tuu po,.t b,tld [t Oi if iy ff,.. rAnet r" lnOrr.cution ot.ny luch tnlhum.nb lnd to .[.ch hlrlto tt. !..t ot th. Comgmy mrcn ro rlirH :,rO, rrrW."itt if,-jr U" r! ;rndlno ,s rt!r0n6d by lh! fnasidont ond att'lt.d by tha laar a.y By tho lollowlno inltrumant lha dlalrnt.n o. thr pltridanl ha3 authodtu, th olicar or olhaa qlllctal namrd tharah to appoi dtornola.h-t&t: Purgutnt lo Artcle xlll. Sa<!m 5 of tha BllaE, oavtd M c.liy. arl omdat ot LDarty nnuJ ln&r{rca conpany. t! haooy Eutnortzad lo.ppoint ruch rtom.yr-{n-t d B m.y b. nQrary b ..r 'n b€hdf ot the Coripsry fo mrfa. ueot. srcf . Ooi*rdOg! md dltivar .! uJrdy.ny 6nd dr und.,t kng!, bqr(,3. rtcogrrzrcQ rl(, oth.( !ur!t, ottg.to.rs. AI tlir..t-o,rrtb.r|y rfEfrO o oi.r,EG Oy OavU U. dirn his clp..lly .3 rn oltc.r o. olioel ol Laa.t, lMwt lnrudrc. conD.ny, wtdhrr odqo, on or'rftrr nr ortt oi rriirrnotetron. rnorroln!withoul lrmittlon Poyra6 a,l Attomay afiattd b o. artrrtoc as Asclltant Secrr|.., ol Lilr.ty MutrJ.t lnruoacc Compriy. eo hcoOy rrtiriand apr*Dvld Thar lhe 8y-raw and rha aurhgrilrlron lar b.th ebovc a& riJa copet rha.ro, and !.s noo m lul| lorla a.rd allbcr lN wllNEss WHEREoF, thlr Pow.. ot A0orn.y hr. bttn tub!.nbad by .n allhodr.d otfc.. o, olttcrt ot h. company and tha corportt. t{t of LbanyMulull lmu.rncr Conpmy h.. b.an Itllxod thcdo in Ptymouh M..ltng, p.nnlytvan[ this dly d rao Oey oi - - l!n,r.," ulliTy xutuat r{!uia}tc! corp^Ny lawful .ttorncy.m-hc1 to,nata araqrta_ ieet Bctaowtadga and d€ ru€r. tbr and onlrlgs. bond!, ncoeniaanca and oth$ trraly obiEations rnd lh€ oroculbn o, luchn Pu..rl.nca c, thesa p.6€nts, tllrll ba rs lindtng upon thE Compgny a! d thay hadlh€ Company in [iaa otr! plopor pc6on! /"ilL COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY On thr! ]3!!_ d.y ot __________-.J!!l@__, , At!_ , b.br€ rr. . t.loE.y publa. ,..en fiy Canr O.vd M C.r.r to mc knorn, .ndacknowLtdgod th.l ha l! !n A$l6t nl secretary ol Lrt .rty Mutu.t tnsurtnc. conp.ny: h.t h. kriorr ti !r.r a rrio@i6i.no ta t . *"qrtrotho sbove Pow6t ol AllornOy and !fixad lh! co.poEta $al ot LDa|ly Muhlal lrBurancr Conpany lhlrlto wfi tE trnho;ty and .l tha dkEtion of Siidcorpoaallon By Oavd M C.6y slanl Socrrlary rN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, r have hacunr'o subacritad rny nsma alrd gmrod my hotanar 30ar at ayrnot fl irardng. fur,nsyrvonr!. on tna dly and yrarli6l abov€ wrill6n CERTIFICATE By Iora a Prltalla Nolsry Pubtic lccrlta.y ol lha comglny, whGEvor alEDrnng upoa a certtliad bonds, shallbo vatid End bindng upon tho compony wilh tho l, lha unda6Enad. Aalclll|tsactr[r, ol Lbcnyn ufutl lnlu[ncacompany- do hc6by cfidy thrl lha orlgimt pounr ol.ttorncy ol whlch lh! bragoino o6 lull, truo 6M conlct copy ii in full lorCa and clbct on ba dlta ol thts corlficatr, lnd I do tu.thcr car(fy that thr ofi6r or o ldat who aracutld tha satdpowor of etornoy i3 an AtilaLnl SccEtary Bpacalty authonald by tho chalr'nan or tha p,rldant to tfurn ltomaya-tn-lict r! provdad in A,tictc X t.SGcton 5 ol lho By-l6ws ol Lrbarty Mutual ln3urlnc! Company Tn[ cafl$clto and lha lbova pourlr of allomcy may br ll9acd by hc.nitlilo or oachanlcdty rcp.oducad llgnatuG! undlr rnd by ruthority ot the bllowingvota of tha botrd ol drrtclo6 ol Lrbarty M\rfu.| ln3urarlca Cofipeny 61 6 [li'€trn$ duly csllod and hCd on th! t2th dty ot March,'19A0 VOTED lhltl tha Lclilnrlr of nEchanEatty,lgaodl,rd !{|n6tul! of rny anriitmt copy ol any powu ol .tlorn6y issuGd by lna compsny rn conn€ction wltl sur€ty s6rno fo.c6 and at€cl !! tiough manurlly alfuao t\\fiUu9Y\l^9'E:offi t ,",." subrcnb.<l my nryne .nd dnrs., h. .o.ror.h !.rr ot rhc lrtd conprny. rhig iott C, Ilt co =oOF bfr EEOELtsiistotrtooc4; .90.qo:aioc}E!:I3 egtiN -CD ,. .;i =cooo oP Gregory W Oavrnport. A!!r!ti!nt Socrotary i# 0",, CALIFORI{IA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMEilT Stat€ ot Calilomia County ol O4^ntl < onilatJp*b€lora me ctvt! coDE t 11a9 6/, personally e .aEs Commitllon , 1$6103 t{otafy Publlc - Crtllornla 0ranC!Coentt who prov€d lo me on the basrs ol satislactory eudence to be the person€) whose name(g isJ$!-' subscribed lo the withrn instrument ard acknowledged to me that h€/slc irgy erecuted the same in his/hcrdrriraulhorized capaclty(rae), and thal by hlsrtcintFlr $gnatur€(a, on lhe instrument the person(s| or the onlity upon bshall of which lhe psrson(siacled. executed th€ rnslrllmont. I certity under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws ol the Stlle ol Calilornis that the lolegoing paragreph 15 lruo and correcl. WITNESS m Prd Nd.ry 9, As- OPTIONAL no(1orr lh, iat /Dalron Dalor B rol E+t d bl lr*, ,l nay proy€ Y.hzrffi lo ,arsont rclyng on lh. documant and could pjlvanl hu*)bnl Enpvtl att<l ru,tll.chalont ol th/6 lorm lo efifibt deufienl D.ac.lpdon ot Attrchad Oocum.d Titl€ or Type ol Document Numbsr ol Page6. Signe(s) Other Thsn NEm6d Above: Cspaclty(leo) Clrlmed by Slgnsr(s) Signer s N8me:S€nor s Name _ Corporate Oflrcor - Tdlo(s):- lnduidual Perlrrer - - Limitsd , G€narsl - Atom€y in Facr , Trustg€ - Guardian or Consorv8tor 'Other S€ner ls Represontrns - ' CoDo..lc Oftcar - Tille(6) - lndiudutl Plrtn€r - t- Limited - Genorsl - Anomy in Frcl : Trustco :- Gurrd€n or Con8arvator Signcr ls Rrprrscnting - - Olher: ---_ RI ]HTIUBPFTNI . 2OrO ird.'rl lidrry At-..bn . x.r.{lrbr..y c! t loc us rot^lv Ir'i&'lr6_6127] ) and oticral seal. ___l Ii I l I I il t fl I { I l $ Docum€nt Oste