Woodside 05S, LP Bond Release Letter TM36788 1163832MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 951-672-6717 Fax 951-679-3843 cityolmenitee.us Re: Woodside 05S, LP., City of Menifee, TM 36788 (GP18-029), Bond Release, Bond No. 1163832 The City of Menifee Engineering Department has approved the release of the above mentioned Material and Labor and Faithful Performance bonds. Enclosed are the original bonds. Please let me know if you have any questions. ly, phanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk )uly 22,2022 Woodside 05S, LP. 11870 Pierce St. Suite #250 Riverside, CA 92505 @copy Bob Karwin )lJncrlrnemrreI Matt Liesemeyer Councrlmernoer Drsuic, 2 Bill Zimmerman iy't.t lol Dean Oeines lvlilyor Pro Tprn Drstflcl 4 D,str rat I Lesa A. Sobek alounarlnl nrh, Distr icr I Armando G. Villa Crty Nl.nnqpr MENIFEE 29844 H.run Road lvlenrfee CA 92586 951-672-6777 Fax 951 679'3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee. us Jtne 30, 2022 Stephanie Roseen Acting City Cterk Ciry of Menifee Subject: Grading Bond Release for Tract Map 36788 Dear Stephanie: Developer Woodside 05S, LP. has requested the full release of the Grading Bond associated with Tract Map 36788. The Project Manager has reviewed the request and determined all required improvements have been completed and project conditions have been met to allow for the full release of said bond. The original bond information is listed below. Please contact Jennifer Hernandez if you have any questions Sincerely, y{)# Daniel Padilla, PE Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer $ 191,500G rad ing/ D ra inage tl63832 $383,000 $383,000 $191,500Total lmprovement TM 36788 Original Grading Bond I I Security Faithtul Performance Labor & Materials