Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Material and Labor 37136 024239249q|TERtAL ANo LABoR BoNDCITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA(Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR, Streets / Drarnage Water System $ 962.2 .00$ 142.00RecWater System $0 00 Sewer System $ 199 00 City/State Boston.MA zip 117 Phone 617-357 -9500 Other Prol. Ref lP1 8-053 Parcel Map 7 Bond No Premium 02 3924 ln P Principal Address of ifornia. lncLenr 980 Montecito Dr. Suite 302City/State Corona. CA zip 2879Phone (951) 81 7-3500 WHEREAS, the city of Menifee, sate of carfornia, and Lenner Hmpr of carifomh. rnc. ,(hereinafier designatd as "principar"). have "ri;; ,i;, 6r are about to enter into, theattached agreement(s) wtrereoy priniip"r agre." to inii"tiand complete the above designatedpubric improvemenb reratino to In szrsej ipia'{ii, *h.J i;;'#"i6ffi; il:;t,:'efeired tc ano maoe a part-nereoEit-- " WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principar is required, before entering uponthe performance of the work, to fire a giood "no sffi"-,"'ni payment bond with the citv ofMenifee to secure rhe craims to whicrireferen"" i. '.nral Liiii; is"ffiffi:iii*'nn"b"",.n3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the civir coo" oi ttre st"ie'of carifomia, Now, THEREFORE, said principar and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are herd firmryunto the city of Menifee and aI contractors, suoconiracioo, t"uor"o, ,"t*iiir p"""i, "^oother persons emproved in the performan"e of ;d ciria elo" in tt" "r.'oi. il;iriil,;rlltt I']tat"q rgrt nor hE, inJ'n"noo. Dolars, s r.30t.250.rib rormarerials f urn ished or rabor rhffi e rnde, ih?ffiffifi mentlnsurance Act with respect to such work o, t"uoi, ttrri ""iJ .rr"ty wi, pay the same in anamount.not exceeding the amo.unl hereinabove set forth, and also i, Lie sriiis urorJiupon this bond, wifi pay, in addirion ro the face amount tt'#or, ;o;#;;];;;i'J'"' ::P^"!::" "nq fT:, incruding reasonable attomey's fees, incurred by the city in successfuilyenforcrng such obrigation, to be.awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs andto be included in the ludgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressry stipurated and agreed upon thar this bond shal inure to the benefit ofany and alr persons, mmpanies and c6rporations entittes to rur ctaims unoei riit 15'-"'(commencing wilh section 3092) of part 4 ot o,riion i or ile civir code, so as to give a nghtof action to them or their assigns in any suit Oroultri ,pon ii i, Uona should the condition of this bond be fuily performed, then this obrigation shail become nuiland void, oth€nvise, it shall be and remiin in fu for[ and efiect t-- : MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipurates and agrees that no change, extension of time, arreratron oraddition to th€ terms of this agreement or to the speciications accompanying the same shallin anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and ii does hereby waive'notice"", ";t;;;hchange, extension of time, alteration or addition. surety furthei stipulates and alrLs that theprovisions of section 2&4s of the civil code are not a 6ondition prb"eo"nt to .uiery;. - '-' obligations tereunder and are hereby waived by surety. above named. on Mav 23d 2019 NAME OF PRINC|PAL: Len Homes Californra.lnc.. a Cel AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been du NAME OF SURETY ln AUTHORIZED SIGNATU ney-in-Fact ly executed by the principal and surety co on Ndme: *a# g^,11t Title ftdttrttal Wot+ (tF CoRPORAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) n -m-VP Titte (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGTENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AAIDATTORT{EY{N+ACT. on - l{AY 1 qf!.!1_before me, M. Gonzales. Notarv pubtic. personally appeared Brenda Wone who proved to me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+esu bscribed to thewithin instrument and acknowredged to me that he/she/they executed the samein hislherltheir authorized capacity{iec}, and that by }*s/herftheirrign.trr"lrj onthe instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the personisjacted, executed the instrument. A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only theidentityof the individual who signed the document to which th is certificate isattached, and not the truthfulness, a ccu racy,or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Ange les (seal)Signature M. Gon es, Notary Public M (rriz^t.5 fl'ln, Pdr( -(Jli,orni. Lor l^gd(!r G,ltr(dwiltr/o. r 2t r 1618,,t tufir! l4in1 O(t r.rotr I certify under pENAtTy oF pERJURy under the raws of the state of carifornia thatthe foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CALI FORN IA ALL.PU RPOSE ACK MNOWLEDG E NT CIVIL CO DE 7 189s THIS POII'ER OF ATTOR}IEY 13 XOT VAUD UIILESS tI ls P XTEO ON RED BACTORO{,ND.fhh Por.. o,,l!.,rl,In*a h. ad. d$-.n rd i.drr lld |ll.t t t. no rdEfy b *a l|. CaitDaiy ucats h l| lt|.ns rl|d io dr..r!.at n Jl d.artctti'- |l. 77'l!3t t-arlt lt/td lifrru c,oflpirly ThG Ohb Calan, blrrrr Cortlpq WtdA.rsEri hslllrE Co.rT,|f POWER OF ATTORIIEY Kl'OVltl ALL PERSOXS BY Ilt€S€ PRES€iTS rrr fr. OE C*, hrnilca C.h9..t ,. . csD..aon du! orlr1tr.d 'jrdar nta brr of D. St ta C tar Hrf.rlt, ttatL.n , ltdu.l hr,r!c. C(nrgrrl i. . .rrpo.r'oi (ir ry l.d filG h. br. ol !N Stat ol Lrt&nr-u. r.d bd llraba tnirrx. Co Dnt a a crE b lEtorg.ll[.d $d.r lt l.it or 0r SlXa ol Ldla.. (nr- c.t.rtdt cttd il. Co.Trtia']clrlrd b nd bt dia.iif ttraln d b.lt. do.a t not |lti. o|lnltua '|d tggolrt TaaEr V, Cr,rr'dt mBrerl<'. Wo.to X..i . Xrthv R Mair: Uartha Gon:dca M-i6Ie (j.t.l ,lol !t crr,o, Ld Attod- iaod cA adr .tdrrtudy I hd. ba nu! t|,trl dra iarrd lB llI -d t,l, tb.r?-+u b ,iaa ataa. -a. rr,!0riq|6ed d.tr! k ,!d s' iB fl.ll aa runr, rd r ba - brt! 'ron fra Cdtlorta! t! r r|.r lrara a -l tr, (H. lly rn I u!ffalorg] bdda, rryu,ncr! r1d odrlr stt, dlF|o.u, h qrirEa artr- p.|ratta rld lhdlb-r dry rgnad D' na F.&6t r! naa- !r ha ettry ot na Cdrl.r6 n ni our Fo0ar rarElt lll flTNESS W}IER€Of !r! Por.. ol Aldrny h!Hr i.bdt- t .,t .lrruEd o{ic.. oa dbal ol !r Co.rFi!! .tld h co.po.a! !.aA o, 0l CorwlE trl. bai rtr.dzD1'hduo rhl3_!E_ d.y ir ohb Ca$jaly losurancr Conloaty L&(l, I{sn/d hfr.tE Cmpaty STAI€ Of PEI$iSYLVAIIIA cqr{w oF lrc T@rEqY lllr|,lt' hrrrE Co,rEry 1,?.J.. t- __h{ lt Crf lronr ircry Or lra l:q- day ol MaY . -!gZ- b.tr lrr e.r! laly ma.id O...(, x Crq rlD -ft!fit ded iSrC b !a n ArrrEr 3E r, o, LE Mutuat hrur..ctCdrEt, Tn qtro C.!lt Ccirrrt ,n l*rl Anl.lt-! hrrrE CoiDir. atd ll tr. a rrdt, taiE artt.rl:d D rr (b, .r.ol t irqong niultln h. tt. puDo..!trtrn ooolrlr.d ry +q on b.hJ oa 0r corg.E. b, Mrtdl - r ll|ly r,!|o.l!rd *.. B,: lI WTTNESS wx€REOf I h.v6 i.r.r.b r{brcala irt rr'. rld.ir.d irf narra !.d .t fuE ol PrBra, hi.ry'vn'., oi ha d., jd Fr ltEt ioi,a erinan. car-qGralx e Etrttnrra^f --,8 "- -- II-t-!..ibnyFdc ay; I u.r rr.b t- r^.rs-r Corr, rar CdmLait t'. !.16 2a 2O2l laa lhia Po-I ol Allo€y ra ,nada arl<| al.oJtad rdrr rr*1.Id. rr.t ,- ol l. lo&ri ot.l€ id Autiqu5. T€tra Paltail., Notrry Pubrc d tlr Olo Cr.rt hrralcr Co4?..y t.r.iy lllid AlTtrtt U- ()ftEtlt - 9.4n 12. tor.. oaAtrrtrt A,n, olli... d ors dol o, tr cdponin./rsrrd k, ntd Fr.Fx. rrng b, !r ch-nlt d tt ft-6.d d s4octbdr lrl-t a iE otr'tln glr Rri(Ll,q tEh. id 4p.rn rdr &narlo-tcl 8n,baia.aryb -tr o*ut or rr ccpcein t m*a, Gdrh. $al..cfreldoe r{ (h.!,, $ rnt rry lrd, 'rffila M. nao0nEatlc6 rr, o.ir rrrty odlg.b| gdr e'Ey}i}fd i.ard b h ti,frt ltElt. hi.l.lprdva9ows ol anafir, rhd t r. ful r. b fa lla coFtr by!! ry|-,t id aDaor d rt, adl hrtlrrrt! rd b alEr lta6 ,!. rr d fu cdE&t hll6o $.tar.d ..dt.itrrrt ira ba .t b'T a r tgid br rr Pl!c& ti adadd b by ha Scd!.r lr! p6 d -dqt, grri b |rr,?.ffia o .!r,trt{-ld rrd,tr6 FlviirE ol n dii,. nrat ba |Eid(d r,ylr t tta !od. m ch.ttn.n. ir Atti d b, 'ta ofiaa. o. o ar! g tE t rdr pqr!., r.ldt. AmlCLl f Er.q.(rr ol cdr'..t! - SCCTfi 5 Sl,.lr Bsft rn u.d.i*.S ArV o[to. oa !r C6pa6y rursd kr hi Frra . rrlo by uE dr.rmfi o, dr FElidat.-n 9nFd b trd' 'rlHo.ta Lr arllrrt, 6 h fr-.{ rat lrrafia. aat *dll tdr d'lEyt<r&d c lrr, E rE t to a rn OC|U U itr Corprny D lnL orlqt,a-l actlrQldga an &[var X tlJltrf Aly rd a ulrrurT. Elrt naoCnarlcr. ra oa! aut.nr9.]-E $rdt &iayr+ta *nad b ha tiftn! d b,e, h f,6illFcllit f! ol .do.tLr, dL! hw! fu! Poil b Lnd tr CdFtf h $r atnar.r id .re.tdl o, -, rldr rl!turrr! rld b eidt Ocao tr ac a, uia Cdr!.ty rltE1 Frrdrbd rdr ritulnhn ita b. aa b{tt{ a. d iiftad bt tta Fladaltl ttd H b, ir rdr, c.rti€L ol06hiatlon - nt Ar'rtr d h cdtptry, drt F,!d b l. Itlrr. d h. cgrr-y. !tul.r. o.vd ta c.q. r.dxt s-t, ro !,!.l rrdt dif.f}B6nrrb.rwyhd(.lbdldoai.Cqrlliybn*r..rGrb.rd.drortdgrr{&ir!arriy,rrrndfu"lLUu,$,00"a6,;ryrilrrcrrdotttinltty daeagtr A.dldEadoit - 8, lJnrvtErrs cdlt nt ol tE Cdl!$y r Brd ol qaebar, m C.an?a, cdrrlb hd lErr1a d ilaarEtca, llgod.t'd *,tldrl! d 6y aaaattla tdltry d thaC(,rptrty ,ltaltr aggariE (4d1 r ceitf,ad cogt oa aoy Coi. oa etq 6!'.,ad bt na Colr{at, h oraon *ih urty torf **f f r ,ir,A,,0 Or,C,rg ,ao, l| CdrD..ry vi0rtr lra ldca dfrr.tEChrn tjaty !ftad. I r,t r c lh.lF, tr l,a.lgrLd. rtta.ot sq,t lh. oD cllry hrrrE cdll9rt ttln rrrrd ulrl,tD ca.Dtrt. id rh ^. iar hlsrrE cdiF! doh.tltr.att ltrt n c{n l r ol.rarlrat d ftr rr bltllf a. u hr tn dr@r or ar goia. ot AliEv a-]ld bt td co|tEaa. E. ta t'.. r! at-t.d hlric! Cdioar!. rrd Wa, Allalran l.lrarr Cdrplt $<t nrlrloor ana r n fu I bra ara athcl lldng a H IEllFfY;lGtS ltrn, hrirb Ltn, hnd rd rl.d nE !.C. ot.i, Cdrgaa6 rs _ 6ry ot IIAY 2 , 20_ ! :o oF oG o !cIocEooI(,r oo 2t! ID E o ?(\|r,?aI Eo u o o .3i! oc o'ooEIto E o t::c o2 o: o,P a oo o ,t o o a \ <I' tMs r:trJ 0t2oi? gy: ?1ad25. / 1 \ cauFotitta aLL.PUtPOla ACTTOWLIDOT!XT State of ia cwtL COOE 5 1189 Cou of On personally sppeared l before me nt/€ of Olllcer woDG(s, o/ Stg0e4s) A lic olnotarypub other oflicer thircomplaing ce.tillclte veril'les thetoonly ofichthethisidentityiscertificEte andivduatattrchedand thenotslgnedthe document0raccuracy,olvalidity that document. ,,oolE AIHA ltot..y A/blt( - Caitbmi! fl v.6deCoJnry(dn.n.q.r. tt tc69.tl, (o.ni!. t,-:,rC!.eD I I 20t2 Completing thts lnfoanotion conhoudulent reottochm.ni ot iiDorrlpdon ol Ait ch.d Docum.m I-c.eIflJy-under PENALTY OF PERJURy under thellws of the Stste of Catiforni6 th0t;e foregohgPlrrgraph rs tlue !nd cofiect UTNESS my hsnd lnd ofltctat s€61. Ploce Nototy *ol @d/or Stonp Atx,ra Srgnatu re OPTIONAL of Notary public Number ofpages: tom to on unln6nded ae.uneni Slgne(s) Other Than Named Above: CrplcMl..l Ct.tm.d by slgn (t) 5rgner's Name: Tltle or Type of Document Oocument Date: o Corporate Oflicer - Tiue{s};tr Panner - trO lndlvidual o Trustee O Guardi6n of Conservator Signer,s Nrme: o Corporrb tr PannEr -O lndlviduat tr Trustce tr Other; tr Other; Limlted O General O Anomey in Fact =_.---.- Stgner is eraltr Anomey tn Fsct lgner is Representingrs O2O17 Narionrl Notary Assoct6don Representing: tr Guardian o, Cofts€rvator to b€ lhe whose on the subscribed or the entty ----_!t,