Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Faithful Performance TM37136 024239249RAI - f,III.- FAITHFUL PERFORTANCE BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govemment Code Section 66499.1) FOR: Streets / Drainage $ Water System $ Rec. Water System $ Sewer System $Total $ 6 7-357- Surety Libertv Mutual lnsurance Comoanv Principal Address 1 75 Berklev Address City/State ton. MA City/$ate CoZip ende Phone 02117 zip 92879Phone (951)817-3 500 37136 Ref.lP18-0s3 $7..00 Lennar Homes of Califomia lnc. Dr. S ite 302 .cA ,l .500.00 Trac{ Map Other Proj Bond No. Premium 285.00 399.00 2,608,500 00 WHEREAS, the city of Menilee, state of california, and Lennar Homes of callfornia lnc.(hereinafterdesignatedaS.principal")haveenteredinto,ffi attaghed agreement(s) whereby plllclpal agrees to instialr and comprete tn" "uor" j""ign"t"o pubric improvements relating to TH 32136/ lplg{,s3 , which agreementlsl lvaie neretvrefened to and made a part hereof, a"t, yVHFRFASI said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s)for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Libertv Mutual lnsurance Comoanv, assurety, are held and firmry. _bound ,nto t@ ot Oo,,"rg, !2Jq01500.00 laMul money ot tre_@ich sum wi1 and trutybe made, we bind ourserves. our heirs, successo*, executors and administrators, ffifly anoseverally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principar, his or its heirs,executors, administrators, sucoessors or assigns, shalr in a[ things siand io anJ au-iue-ry, ,nawell and truty. keep and perform the cov6nants, conortions'aJ-pr""i.i""i-i" i# ,"ioagreement and any alteration l.hereof made as therern provided, on tris oiitreir'pai, to'L-" i"ptand performed at the time and in the manner therein ipecrea, ,"0 , "ri i""ri"as "-cloroingto th€ir true intent and meaning, and shal indemnifo "nd."r" harmress tne bity- or ileniree,its officers, agents and emproyees, as therein stiputaiea,inen this obrQation shaiio"come nurrand void: othenivise, it shall remain in full force "i.,0 efe"t. As a. part of the obrEation secured hereby and in addition to he fac€ amount specifiedthereficre, th6re shafl be incruded costs ind ,"""on"bt" .expenses and fees, incrr.rdingreasonable attorney's fees, rncurred by the city in successfuily lntor"ing srch i[iig"iion, .ilto be taxed as costs and included in any judgment ,"nO.i"O E HItruu FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duabove named, on Mav 238 The surety h.reby stipulates :ld-aSrees that.no change, enension of time, alteration oraddition to the terms of this a$eement or to the *o* io Le performed there under or the :,liil'rfi tr* "* :Hir,":tldi H*ffi :mliffi :*]: ",,Surety further stipurates and agrees ttrat tne jrovisLn.-olb*ton 2g4s of the civir code andcommencement of construction are not conditiontpr"Li"nt to surety,s obrigataons hereunderand are hereby waived by sur€ty. when the work covered bv the agreement is comprete, the crty of Menifee w,r accept thework and thereupon, the amount-of th" "uro"i."'"iii,s'b"ono ,s reduced by go% w*h theremaining 10% herd as s€curity to,. rn" on-e"y."i..i"i""J"" period provid€d for in theagreemenb(s). NAME OF PRINCIPAL: L AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By NAME OF SURETY: AUTHORIZED SIGNAT ame &n,l4l.Title fiUiur n4 4* ln ttorney-in-ct ly execut6d by the principal and surety201 (F CORPORATTON, AFFtx SEAL) B F Title (lF CoRPORAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACHNOTARIALACKNOWL-E_DG.TIENTOFSIGNATURESOFPRINCIPALAND ATTORNEY{NfACT. I of lnc a A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accu racy, or validity of that document. State of California Cou nty of Aneeles on ilAY232919 M.before me, Brenda Wo a s N Public npersonally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/ar+subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/thei+ authorized capacity{ies}, and that by h+r/her/thei+signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY oF pERJURy under the laws of the state of california that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (seal)Signature M. Go les, Notary Pu blic , s cotz^Ltsiloiry A,6l'( - (al'fo.nia lor Arg.irr C.l,lr y(ooftuidll:2l16]! iity Comrn. €-E|itt &r !. ,0t I CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIT CODE 5118s IHIS POWER OF ATTORNEY Thrr PoF ol Atlom.y ti.(r !l. actr o, IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACXGROUNO.thot n.m.d h.ruln, d ttry h.y. no rdio.fty ro blnd th. C.,p.;i;;;;;;;;nr.nd to tr..n rr h.irr.rr.d. l(rlotYii ArL F[isotrs !y ll{s€ pREscnIS li.t nr otE l,&arty l^nul kBrE CorpatyIh! Oio Caudty hqrrp CqlD y WA Arrtrr hr,tlc. Colpay POWER OF ATTORNEY C.rraft l.t.rEa Coirptl, rr . corllorltron 6!rt ,,.,j...],ti dl.r|r.d undn n br. ot lhc st.b ot ti.i Hmp.hr. lndLrlrl, Uonod hrrnca Ccngan, I a Ea.!r.$on d,rtf orgflllld u.aa. tl. ralt ol ha Stata ol Ura-tu-tlr.trd Uhtl lrr.ica,r lnrntt Ca. pa.t o a cdrorat& dllyurd.r L b't o, n ,r ot ho.r. rh..i ctd ,!.'C.n!.r.]. Fl rrt b .ta t rr{r -t brl'l doaa ttarat iria, aalratttL arra sont t dt ot, ol Ldr Ano- .dataol CA adr rrildrC,I ?- !a iv! tl.r ara n g.rah.r{ lill -narii.h b rEa. .raf.. A,r{ (rfr t rd on,ta Dau,la iri, rd a at -r rtd & ary rE J 'rftnla, !sld. ioqr:rlcat -nb.6 brtn { $cn ,16 Colrpr1bt -itqheabr(l,lt.!Ldb,h.rcdde.l rd atLd Dy fr aeriry ot U. or- rry odgCtcn n F,lrrt. dfiox p.uib,td $JtC-dr!-ra . ltu fii Fear garnn| lN MTl.ESS-vrr€iEoF. [$ hr- ot rnro.n.y hlr h-n !,rh.rD.d b, ] lutuui d..r o. dt a ol [x Cqryr ]ld h. rlror-..dr d !r Com9.ir. har,! b.a,,r Jtodtllb L llll d.yd tay tou oonsl4-(byo' r'v ' -!![-L *o nr rtoet-c..i ona u crry, ito di r.d hha.t b !. ata Aalolrr sslr.ry ot Ltarty hlrt 5tuDc.CofiP.ny Tta Oilo Ca,urly Cdr!.rr. .id rna.t llllrtan hrric. Co;rr,, d 0ra, t . .J ,,ri. tar,g .d,rta.d D b do. uEUr u. lrredna |niifirt E ia Fr!!i.nalt c{a!.d b, rt$r.{ ot !.ld d h co.E/aora t lrltrr.. a l},l;,l!- *i SIAIE OF '€r ls(vrr{ coJxlY 0f r6rilGorfRY Thc Otrb ClXy tnarrra Ccrpily Lbaly ll,trf hlrtI! Co.rpity|rlla^rrrur hirrlca Co.rwty*u"G--h U Crlr i-ryr S6crr...t lN U Iri€SS ViHEREOf, I h.r. h.,!unto qtI]i!.d lny rh,t Fofr o, Alloaiay 13 6ada tnd .rcutad Ey' ry ndra - f Xig 0l Prlaa. tiottt'ranc, o. Ut day ,rd ,ar lLll aaoa Urtr r: xrMrr'. ,, tloa.rt l &-rtur-hE-yAe L,go- r..ru t, , lt !!.r, CbutartCotll.o a+arr.rh2a 2or t Ay trrn ,Lra--r-*ia-;a ol tr. bb-E Br-1.- ,n ArDo.r-i.ol lha Onro C.tu.li li.uranc. Comp.ny LD.q ratr.l fifEt! lv- (rECCit - S.@r t 2 poHr o{Atdrry Al1y oaL.. o. ofr ofildat ol,a CoeoraEr aufiodred ro rli tr 1160 . filtiile D, !E Cna.lnrl or lha pr!'d..( rd rqdb'dl l,nla'a r t c,trtian or h praid..r nr, !tb. ad sqr id &,tr;+b. a t b ry b ar. laJdrt c.rDoatdl ro I a..sal. -l 9or[rt o, dfiir, grdl h.va full po/., to ti.ld h. C..ror*n t, ba, {ntll,t Id arErfin d irf eIlr illt,rlr il(l a al! r iato ha t.d ol 'b C<r9drEr. tfnn $qqH rJdr '!n"trl6 irab..tt fr{.rrgd bttlr.Fitrrl(tlEbth. s-Ey L, pfr d.llurt g.r,ll o*'y r" ;q r.!rrqr}r.d |,l(|q,t'rc trlvcsg ol ttc rrd. may be Gvotrld et sny t n by,rc Board,0E Olailrlrd\,1. prtjt,enr c, U ti offii o oir,".l r.,flr; il;;;'-lfrElE xr - Eroo,t6 d cdlr-e - s€cnor i $rtt 80[ ard utlt s Any drcr d rE carE t rrt'oirn h trr ro,p.. rl dne by lrc d{t'a o. !. F!.ilent.'d idtd b sud {.nl.tixL.r h deinlr{rt d hc Er,dorl irr, !.rdDa. srclFi rldr abrcy}i}bat ro rrly ba i661.rbdo b$an d ir cdrrerry b,'.. ce.o.rad dllo.tdg. r{ Ctir€. sa rr*y i, d d rrillElrtF. bor6 GaognurE d of,! ri.t, dlg.6,r6 Sd, atror.;i}b stFd O t" frftdr, ,ef Un n r,_,l].drv. oE! ca aorat, d hav. irt pd6. to bnd m ccmry b, 01.r ryuarn rt a-ft., j ,y irdt rutuitrb d b rd.arl nElb ,r rd ol tnc cd$i, ltftrn !olr.qrhd rdl iahrist nd ba a btll aa il try.d by ha pr*aatt !d lbd.d b, il. eiry.cr caa oa odg|fr,t - rha fadrr ot ha cotprly -urg F,rs'll to nr gthr d ,E C.r|p,l, rrsrao o.rd u. caty. ratdrr saoll4 to e9q{ rr! e oflr.yr+hd ' nry ba nctY t, d dt baaldl ol h. cqnpiiy b lrao, araorr, !ad. a.lr*g. fd d.avu s t d, rt, tld , undiu'rF. hrdr cryr2rrc.a 16 : rutiyotl!dirr blr/r. ca Cdnplny, tld tlin Attlrktn tnturlra cc{Draiy $lch ttot/rona rt rfi n fu, t r. rd and l'dhg G !{ IEIIIXY iEREOf I \F |l.fqurlt r, my h.rd ,n .fi&d n r.rr ot !.a ColrprB. UE llAY 2 3 aldto'tdor _ 8y unr*lEr6 roE[ d lE cdrlrll Sord c ot-t!.! ha co4try aolaa r tla hcir]. c ntsrd, rtc.ldEit irr.,t d nr a-a.r EUy o{rrC(,tEly ,rarls tj.'io Lpdr a c'ldad cqt o{ my polF. a arrf i!.,,,A tl ai CorVarry o.rrraEr rrh,rti bnt. dd n v# r{ ft { opo.r na Coiprly tltllD lama lb.t! aad aftd !! ljo.rgh ra.ary alfirad l' R-u c llatn. it ulorutd, A-t s-rtt . nt oE c-dt lnrrlllc. cdlrrlr, Lil, hr hrrrE coll!.il d tta lrrlrl hfirrrE ccrpry doh...br ort r id f. dg.ra Eol errr d r rrrb,q6tg..ll t..rOca*.Oyot.r e.- orrE.y.r-fi !r r.6 Cq.i iSUt"."tfor! I 20_ ID '6,o o9o o Foo o o E t!Ioo.EG E p cq, E .ao o IE o .?o IoF l(\r oJ t lla3 o oo C oo o .E o_t! a,t -3fa3 a^ oc dttaoto = o Et! oz (itr,: J ,t.trI _dryd By 2r 3 0t 250 <- D,- l".tb Tar-. Paaua lota.y F$fc CALIFOIXIA LL.PURPO'I ACX'IOWTTDOXIIIT-.------.r*_ St.te of Ca Cou of On before me, _v crvtL cooE g 1189 ?url,bI lnsett Nohe fitle o{personolly appeared Nome(s) ot s€',eds) DatcrlFtton of Att ch.d Docum.r Title or Type of Document: Oocument Date: whose na subscribedthe same ln hon the instrument the perso of Nototy public olte@tton of ttte@ument ofto on unlnEnN daument Number ofpages: Signer,s N6me o Corporate Offlcei - riue(s):O Partner - O Limlted O GenerulO lndividuat tr Attomgy in Facttr T.usteg o Other: nace Notory *ol ondo. Srbmp Aboye to be the Signlture OPTIOT{AL ,oo€ AaHA lotary Pub ic - Callio.nhRlv?rdr Co!niy iolnrrrllon .1110€96!y ao.m ErglrrtrD r l lClz l-cerdry.under PENALTY OF pER URy under the|lws of the.Strte of Crliiomia that the bregotngp6ru9raph is tlue and corrocl. WTNESS my h6nd .nd of ctat se.t. Slgne(s) Other Than Nsmed Abo\re: Ctp.ctMl.l) Ctllm.d b, Stgn.(r) Signer's Namc: Completing hu,udulent Oticer - Tht<s) O Llmited O General thB lolormouon con detetreottochnent ot this form o Corporate tr Panner -El lndividuat o Trustee o Other: tr Anorney tn Frcto Gu8rdiln ot Consenator Srgne r is Representing: A 0 olherflotarypubli(officer thiscompleting ccrtrtlc!te verifies theonly oftheirentitymdividualwhichtotlris thesrgnedcenilkatet5 do(umentanachedandnottrultrfulnessolaccuracyolth6tvaliditydocument. O2Ot7 ibtion.l Notary Arsoclrtlon si9ner is Represerflng o Guardirn of Conservator ) or the en ty ...-1 -=--I-