Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM37136 024239249 (2)MENIFEE ?9844 HnLrn Ro.trl ,51 6t2 67 /7 F, Menrle'r CA 92 586 95r 679 184 3 Arm.rndo G. Vrlla New. Better. Best.cityolmenifee. us August 23, 2022 Lennar Homes of California, Inc. 980 Montecito Dr. Suite 302 Corona, CA92879 Re: Lennar Homes of California, Inc., City of Menifee, TM 37136 90o/o Bond Reduction and Bond Release, Bond No. 024239249 On August 3, 2022 the City Council approved the 900/o bond reduction of the faithful performance bond and full release of the material and labor bond noted below. Performance Bond No. 024239249 - $2,608,500 Material and Labor Bond No. 024239249 - $1,304,250 The City is unable to locate the original bonds. Enclosed is a copy of the bonds. Sincerely, :%-*0"",-, Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk Enclosures Brll Zrmmerman Oe.tn Dernes Bob KarlYrr)Matt Lresemeyer Le!.1 A Sobek t) MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 298.1.r nai, , Rodd Men,tee. CA 92586 951 6 '2 5 /:' F.rx 9;1.679 3343 August 4,2022 Stephanie Roseen Acting City Clerk City of Menifee cityoffienilee.u5 City of Monifee Clty Clerk AUG l6 2022 Subiect: 9070 Bond Reduction for Tract Map 37136 Re4elved Dear Stepha nie, on August 3,2022, the city of Menifee city council approved a 90% Bond Reduction for Tract Map 37136. The original bond information is listed below. Original Streets & Drainage, Water System, and Sewer System Bond Water Sewer Total t2,608 500 $1,304,250 Please contact fennifer Ilernandez ifyou have any questions Sincerely, t ,Jhb Daniel Padilla, PE Deputy Public Works Director/Ciry Engineer Slreets/Orainaqe 024235249 $1,924,s00 $962,000 s192.450 024239249 024239249 $285.000 $399,000 $ 142 500 $ 199.500 3260 850 Frlthlul Parlormsnco (Orlgin!l Amount) Labor E Haterlelr (Orlginal Amount) F!lthful Performance (s0% Reductlon) lmprovsmonl Socurlly