Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM37136 024239249MENIFEE ,1984{ li.rul] Ro,r( 9516') 6177 F Mr.nrle'r. CA 9.2586 r\ 951 679 18.11 New. Better. Best.cityolmenitec. us August 23, 2022 Lennar Homes of California, Inc. 980 Montecito Dr. Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 Re: Lennar Homes of California, Inc., City of Menifee, TM 37136 90o/o Bond Reduction and Bond Release, Bond No. 024239249 On August 3, 2022 the City Council approved the 90o/o bond reduction of the faithful performance bond and full release of the material and labor bond noted below. Performance Bond No. 024239249 - $2,608,500 Material and Labor Bond No. 024239249 - $1,304,250 The City is unable to locate the original bonds. Enclosed is a copy of the bonds. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen, Acting City Clerk Enclosures Brll Zrmmerm.ln Dean Dane3 I),\1r,, I rl 8ob Karwrn Ma Llesemeye,Le5a A Sobek A,m6ndo G Vrlld 0",r-'v) MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 2984.r H.r ' Ro,ld Me ,lee. CA 92586 9b1 6' 2.5 t:: F.)( 951.6.,9 .t843 August 4. 2022 Stephanre Roseen Acting City Clerk City of Menifee crtyofmenifee.us City of Menifee Clty Ctert AUG r 6 ?022 Subject: 90% Bond Reduction for Tract Map 37136 Reoelved Dear Stephanie, on August 3. 2022, the city of Menifee city council approved a 90% Bond Reduction for Tract Map 37136. The original bond information is listed below. Original Streets & Drainage, Water System, and Sewer System Bond Water Sewer Total t1,304,250 t260 Please contact fennifer Hernandez ifyou have any questions. Sincerely. ,J?4 Daniel Padilla, PE Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Streets/Drainage 024239249 024239249 024239249 399 000 39 900 s962 000 $ 142 s00 s192 450$1,924,500 $285.000 $ 199.500 $28.s00 Felthlul Porformance (90% Reducllonl t2,608,500 Frlthtul Parto.manco (Orlgln!lAmount) Lsbor A l.t.rlrlr (Orlglnal Amount) lmprovemont Socurlty