Standard Pacific Corp. Bond Release Letter TM34406-5 929581356MENIFEE 29844 Hdun Rorrd Menrree. Ca 92586 951-672-6777 Fax 951 679'38a3 New. Better. Best.cityolmenifee.us July 15,2019 The Continental Insurance Co. 4150 Drinkwater Blvd., Suite 410 Phoenix, AZ8525l Re: Standard Pacific Corp., City of Menifee, TM 34406-5 Reduction of Faithful Performance Bond, release of Material and Labor Bond, Bond No. 929581356 and release of Subdivision Monument Bond, Bond No. 929581357 On lune 19,2019 the City Council approved the release of the Labor and Material Bond and the release of the Subdivision Monument Bond. The originals are enclosed. Material & Labor Bond - $1,393,750 Subdivision Monument Bond - $28,000 One lune 19,2019 the City Council also approved the reduction of the Faithful Peformance Bond to 100/0. Faithful Performance Bond - $2,787,500 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ah A. Manwaring City Clerk cc: Standard Pacific Corp. Enclosures 29844 Haun Road tMenifee. CA 92586 951-672-677:1 L Fax 95t679'3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenifee.us luly 9,2019 Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Subiect: Reduction of Faithful Performance Bond, Release ofLaborand Material Bond, and Release of Survey Monument Bond for Standard Pacific Corp., Tract Map 34406-5 Reference: Bond Numbers 92958L356, 929 581357 Dear Sarah: On February 1,9,2014, the City of Menifee entered into Bond Agreements with Standard Pacific Corp., for Public Improvements associated with Tract Map 34406-5 subdivision. The agreemen6are for the following: Ori nal Bonds On lune 19,2019, the City Council accepted the public improvements secured by these bonds and approved the reduction ofthe Faithful Performance Bond to 1070 as security for a period ofone year; 1000/o release ofthe Labor & Material Bond, and 1000/o release ofthe Survey Monument Bond. Please release the existing Improvement Labor & Material Bond for $1,393, 750.00 and the Survey Monument Bond for $28,000,00, and retain the 10% ofthe Faithful Performance Bond. Please contact Christopher Heron, Assistant Engineer ifyou have any questions at (95t)723-3723. Greg August lvlayor Pro Tem District 1 Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember District 2 Improvements Security Faithful Performance $1,005,000.00 $ 167,500.00 $ 22L,250.00 Road/Drainage Water System Sewer System 92958t356 $2,010,000,00 $ 335,000.00 $ 442,500.00 $2,787,500.00 $1,393,750.00Total $ 28,000.00 N/ASurvey Monument 929587357 Bill Zimmerman Mayor Lesa A. Sobek Councilmember District 3 Dean Deines Councilmember District 4 Armando G. Villa City Manager MENIFEE Labor & Material Sincerely, Yolan Ass ist . Macalalad, PE, QSD/QSP City Engineer Cc: file Jonathan G. Smith, PW Director/City Engineer