Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TR36485-1 1000829626 (2)MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menrtee. CA 92586 951-672 6777 Fax 951 679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityotmenitee.us December 23,2020 Sutter Mitland 01, LLC 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Re: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, City of Menifee, TR 36485-1, Plot Plan No. 2016-030 Bond Release, Bond No. 1000829626frCS0171581 To whom it may concern; Per the City of Menifee, Community Development Department, the landscaping and irrigation improvements have been installed and maintained to City specifications and standards and the bond is now ready for release. The City is unable to produce the original bond, enclosed is a copy. Faithful Performance Bond No. 1000829626ffc50171581 - $186,537.98 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Lesa A. Sobek M.iyor Pro Tem Drstrict 3 Eall Zimmerman M.tyor Bob Karwin Councrlmember Drslnct 1 Man L€semeyet CounCrlmembe, Drsticl 2 Dean f)eines Councrlmember Drslrct 4 Armando G. villa Crty Mdnager (W*"&* New. Better. Best.cityolmenilee.us DATE: December 15, 2O2O TO: Sutter Mittand Ol, LLC 3200 Park Center Orive, Suite iOOO Costa Mesa, CA 92626 RE: Performance Bond Rerease for pp 2016-030 - TR364g5-1 perimeter srope Landscape andlrrigation within Audie Murphy Ranch on-site landscaping and irrigation for Plot Plan 2016-030 has been insralled by the applicant andapproved by the City. The landscaping and irrigation has been installed and maintained in ai'acceptabtecondition for the timeframe req-uired in the agieement (12 months). Therefore, oue to compriance witnthe^conditions of Approval the ?lann!ry Department appioves the bond release ior the remairiing amountof $186,537.98 for this projecr (Bond No. 100082962d/TCS01 71581 ) Please contact me at (951) 723-374s if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, City of Menifee Community Development Department Russell B ate Planner City of Menifee Community Development Department MENIFEE 29844 H.iU,, R 951.672 677'l rcl Men(ee. ca 92586 Fdr 951-679 3843 G'eq Auq Arm.rndo G VrrtaDeon Oernes