Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TR36485-4 PP2017-131MENIFEE New. Better. Best.c rtyotmenrlo.,. rrs February 25.2021 Sutter Mitland 01 LLC 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Subject: City of Menifee, Sutter Mitland 01 LLC, TR 36485-4. PP 2017-131 Bond Release To whom it may concern. landscape basin for Planning Area 30 for Plot Plan No. 2017-131 has been rnslalled and has passed rnspection. The City of Menifee Community Development Department has approved the full release of the bond listed below. Fa(hful Performance Bond No. 8DTO500103017 Enclosed rs lhe original Bond Please let me know af you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Brll Zrmmerman M.ryor Lesa A. SoOek Mayor Pro Tenr Drstflcl 3 8ob Karwan Councrlmembel Drslncl l DeAn Oernes C ri(tocrlrrramh(,r O,slfuLl4 Armando G Vrll,r Crty M,1n,rge, New. Better. Best. DATE: February 22,2021 RE Security Bond Release tot PP 20'l.7 -131 (On-Site Landscape and lrrigation for "PA 30 Basin" within TR 36485{) TO: Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk CC: Cheryl Kitzerow, Planning Dueclor (,( FROM: Russell Brown. Associate Planner Attached please find performance bond release request for Planntng Appltcatton No Plot Plan PP 2017-131 (On-Site Landscape and lrrigation for "PA 30 Basin" within TR 36485.4). Project Description: The Landscape Basin within Audie Murphy Ranch Planning Area 30 (PA 30) has been installed in accordance with Exhibit L (Plot Plan 2017-131\ and installation was confirmed by the City's Landscape Consultant. The applicant is requesting a retease of the remarning bond amount of $136,792.00 (Bond #8DTO500103017). The original amount of $747,970.56 was reduced lo $136,792.00 in April 2019. The remaining security can be released as the pro,ect passed inspection and completion of the one-year post installation of landscaping and irrigation pursuant to the conditions of approval Please email a PDF copy of the fully executed release of agreement and bond to Russell Brown at rbrown@citv ofmenifee.us Thank You, Russell Brown City of Menifee 29844 Haun Road Menifee, California 92586 951-723-3745 951-679-3843 fax rbrown@crtyofmenrtee us MENIFEE ilrl Fn.. 612 |U77 Enc. Bond Reduction Letter Copy of Landscape Agreement and Bond Form Copy Exhibit L