Fairfield Holland Road LLC Material and Labor Bond PP22338 2278124I\{ATERIAL AND LABOR BOND COUNTY OF zuVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govemment Code Section 66499.1) Tract/Parcel Map PP22338866.500FOR: Streets and Drainage $ Water Systcm $ Scrver System $ Bond No. 2278124 Premium lncluded Principal Fairfreld Holland Road LLC Address 5510 Morehouse Dr.. Cityi State San Dieeo. CA Zip 92121 Phone (858) 457-2123 2.3503 0 lnsurance Company ol the west CiwlStatc San Dieeo. california Z\P 92121 WIIEREAS, the CountY of Riverside,State of California, and Fairfield Holland Road LLC- have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached to install and complete the above designated public PP2233I which agreement(s) is/are hereby (hereinafter designated as "principal") agrecment(s) rvhereby principal agrces improvements relating to (Tract/Parcel) refened to and niade a part hereofi and. WHER_EAS, under the terns ofsaid agreement, principal is required, before entering upon the pcrformance of the rvork, to file a good and suflicienr payment bond with the County of iliverside to securs the claims to which reference is made in 'litle l5 (commencing with Section 3082) ofPart 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code ofthe State of Caiifornia; rendered. 11 is hereby express ly stipulated ancl agrecd upon that this bond shall ilture to the benefit of aly r.nd all peisoni, "ornp-ies and corporations entitles to full claims under Title I5 (commencing rvirh Settion 1082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civit Code, so as to giv. a right ofaction to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond, NOW, TI-IEREFORE. said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, arc held firmly . unto thc county of Riv.erside and ail contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons and other persons emph:yed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of nine'hundred ttrousand and eieht hundred Dollars ($4,8!9j for materials fumished-or @ountsdueunderthcUnemploymentInsuranceActwith ."rfr",,o such rvoik or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hcreinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, wilt pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and iees, including reasonable arlomey's fees. incurred by the County in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixld by thc court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgement therein Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Surety A,lrlrcss '10509 visla Sotento ParkwiLE!9-- Phane 858-35A-2924 MATERIAL AND LABOR BONT) The surety hereby stipulales and agrees that no change, cxtension of time, alteration or addition tothetemrsofthisagreemcntortotlrespecificationsaccornpanyirrgt,lresameshallinanyrvise aflcct its obligation o-n this bond. and it does lrereby rvaive notice ofany such change, extension ol timc, altcration or additiorr. Sulety f'uflher stipulates ard aglees that lhc plovisions of Section 2845 olthe Civil Cotle are not a coidition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder attd are hcreby waived by surery. IN WI'TNESS WI.IEREOI.'. this iDstrumcnt has been duly executed by the principal a]ld surety abovc naned. on September 1Oth 2008 NAME OF PIITNC]tPAL Fairfield Holland Road LLC ALj'l l-lOI{IZED SlGn*A'l'llRE(S }: By Titlc Title Title OF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAT,) NAME OF SURE'IY: lnsurance Company of st AU'TIIORIZED SIGNA]-UI{E: Thomas A James lts Atto -Fact Title (IF CORPORATION, ATFIX SEAI,) AT.lACl.t No.l.AIuAL ACKNo\LTLEDGMENTT oF SIGNATURES oF PRINCIPAL AND A'TTORNI]Y.IN.IIACT, CALIFORNIA .4,LL. P T]RPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of San Diego On September l0 belore mc, Kirnberly A. McCoy, Notary Public, pcrsonally appeared 'flromas A. James. who proved to me on de basis of satisfactory evidcnce to bc the pcrsonfJ whose namc(9 is,/aro subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to mc lhat hvshel*hey executed the same in hivhe*hei+ aurhorized capaciry€eg, and $at by his/he#{hr'ir signalurc(s) on the instrument lhe person(s), or the cDtity upon behalfoflvhich the person(s) acted, executed the iflsrument. XIMBEPIY A,MCCOY I certi! under PENAI,].Y OF PEUTJRY under thc larvs of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true ard correct.i ComrJ.tlon t l7a993S ttolory Plbllc - Colllornlq $on Olooo Cosnly n*rcorrm. Exprec rx 9, ?01 I t [,ti'rnbuL V rwct OPTIONAL 'fhough thc dau below is not required by larv, it may prove valuablc lo persons relying on thc documcnt and could preveflt fraudrrlent rr'attachmcnt of this fonn, CAPACITY CL,\IiVIED BY STGNEIT DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHET' DOCUMENT E INDIVIDUAL E coRPoRATE oFFICER E LIMITED Bond No. 2278124 for Pairfictd l-lolland Road LLC 3 pxg€s xl ATToRNEY-lN-r'Acr D rnusrm(s)fl GUARDrANicoNsErtvAToR OT}ItiR: lssuod on Scptcmber 10, 2008 Insurance Company ofthc Wcst 'fhornas A. James SI(iNER ]S RE]'RESENl'ING: NAMLJ OF PERSON(S) OR EN TTYOES) WI'INESS nry hand and official seal. Siffture of NoaV \) D PARTNER(S) No. 0001404 rcw cnouP Poear ofAl.or!.y llsdrinc. Comp:r.Y of6c rY.st ErPlore. In$talrc. OolEPaDy lDdcplndelc! Cisonlq trd SuI!t}' GEprfy KNO\y ALL MEt By THFSE PRESENTS: Illlr klsurlllc. Com8dy of tle Wcsf a Co.porsaio! duty or$ri4d urdcr ihc lal{t oI th. SEt4 of Cdifomi&, EVIorer G".-* C.rp"ry. " Cr,p*uio{, duly orgsrizd undll fc la*r ofihe_Sar of Cglifomia, ald Indcp.dmcc CrslEby and Suray Compinj', a C.orpontion duly orgauiTrd lD&r th. h$. ;frio stst of Tc,ll3, (collc.tiycly rEfenEd to aJ dD "Cornpni6"), do hereby sppoinl IHO.\,'AS A J.{[,1E3. I!.IICHAEL H, PR^DEI,S, DEI'iNIS BORSENBERCE&GARY T. PE'TERSON, KEVIN T' CASEY simildr cofltnct! ofsurcryship, iDd ttry tcLlcd &cumultr. I! wi$esr *,!Meor. &a C(fipslias hrr.c calsed thcsc pns@E to be t*ecul,cd by ilJ duly altboriz4d offca-ts ihis 2rd dry ofJanunry, 2008. r$ryp; ,1#3..)e, "l..,Tfi'w.,s,r' INSURA\Cf, C,O)ITPA}IY OT TTIE WEST E,! LoRTR INSURANCN COIIPANI' INDEPENDENCE CASI]AI,TY IITD SURETI' COT{PANY aa'7t"&*uro,,3*.E Jcftcy D. Sl\,!cncy, A'lisElt S€.telat)' Starc ofcslifornia I county ofsan Dcgo / ss' o't lrnuiry 3, 2008, belon n1c Msr), gobb, Not rT Publi.. pcr,omlly app..rad J Dougla3 Bml*ic.nd Jcfkty D. S\\'etney, wtolrovcd to In.oll thc hdsb ofstisfrclor aat uv rfr* signariss ori ri're irstn:maoi tlrc urtiry upon b{'hdf of tttidr th. p.fsons &1cd areculd lhe inllrument I c.riry l|nd(,. PENALTY OF PEruURY und.r r,c l[\s of $i S\er. ofcrlifomi& that lbe tixcsoiDg par.gnPh is ljue .nd coflt t wifjcas my hrnd 3M offieial seal. )*zo**-* Jcllrcy D- S!,/tcn.y. Assiltrnr So6e&r}, To yeriry the aut*rti.ity of$is Polrr{ ofAtrornej }ou msy cau l -80s'8?l-l l l I and asli for lhe Surely DMsion. Pl.rsa rsLr to thc Po*tt of Auom? NuDbct thc rbol e Red, Sm Diego, CA 9213G2O45 or call (t58) 3JG2,{00 J. Dooghs Bro!l,]e, Ssrior Vic! PrcsidtDi (}(it).,utu RESOLUTIONS Boards ofDiruqors ofrrch of !h€ Comp.nils I 'RESOLVcD Tlat rt] f'rrsidoot, s, Er+crrrir or Srrior Vica Pr*idcnt ofdr. Coftpqny. to8c6< !.r'ith fic S{ql:lIIy cd' any Assistsrtt S4.rebry, arc h.riby audDrized to .riixltr lo\l,rr of.Ai,orE- appointirg rhe p€rso(s) ntmod ss .1tbrn$(slin-Frct to &lq lt(frjt , sign, !c.1, ,nd d6lii'er on b€luliof thc Cohp6ay, fdcljry aid sunry bond!. undeirkingi sld olhcr sjmil$ conurrtr ofsuretyship, Dnd 3ny rcltGd documerns. RFSOLYED rURTHBk Ttrit ttle signlrurEs of llr omcc$ rnal.ing dl€ sppointnGrr, and thc signdutt of dly ofic.r cciirying drc \zlidity oM cunnr snlus of dD lppoinqnc , llay b. f{cjimilc ftfltJanudoru of rhosc signsE !s; lnd $. ti8n{1ue sod s.al of !r}' not!ry, and thc !.d of thc Compaay. may bc facs'mrlc repns.lqtions oflhc6e sigautrt, ind sc€ls, ond sucb facairlilc tprt-scactiors shall haYc Urc samc forcc ard clTotl is if ouurOty at'rica, Ite A(simiic rcpr.{cnE1i6N rcf.rrcd & hdein rnay bc afiixod by slldPin& Prindn& rpin8, or Pho@cofri,g.' CERTINCATE Mrqv Cobb. Noary Ptblic L tie undcrsigncd.Assi$nr Sccrc.ary of hsrrcnce Compony ofahe wcsl f:\plorEr Ins{ranoc Co,lpujly, ?nd lndcp!'dcncr C'suslly and SUIL'IJ'Cnnprny" do hercby c€diry by dlc rcq,ecli$e Bo6rdJ olth&r (he loregoing Po$er of Alloms) Dircclors of 60 Co,lpanjes, tnd all n ;! io ftrll forcc sfid en_.cl and t.s Dot bt.Il r.voke4 srd filr thc abovc rEsalutions \1!ru duly odopDd {l\-'IN WITNLSS lYHERr.Of. I havc $et my hsnd thij dry of i I l I i I RE: Signature Page for Material and Labor Bond; Fairficld Holland Road LLC; PI'} 22338 Fairfield Holland Road LLC, a Delaware limitcd liability company By: FF CRF Fund LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Manager By: F'F- Properties, lnc.. a De ByName: John J. F Iaware corporalion.is Manaser ,,,/4L41 i;tli' Edward F. McCovName: Title: N otary .4ckno*4ed gement STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OIT o authoriz-ed capacitytres), and that by Vice P dent ho c sanc I ignatu n the instrumertt , belorc mc otary Public, proved to me cribcd to the.--r<-'n H$,{hc @c_]D the persor(S, o pcrsona y appcared on the basis ol sati actory evidcn to be the perso wl:osecc u,ithin instrument .rnd tcknorvledge d to me l' r the entity upon betralf of which the perso actcd. executed thc irrstrument. I cenify undc'r I)EI,IALI'Y OF PERJURY undcr the laws of the State olCalifornia thal the foregoing pamgraph is true a:rd corrcct. ESS hand and ofllcial seal. t0t5iiJ0lxltlisr84i16: cl Title: Vice Prelident ,''r',''r'. r Rf,,: Signature Page for Material and Labor Bond; Fairfield Holland Road LLC; PP 22338 Fairfield I-Iol.land Road LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By, FF CRF Fund LLC, a Delarvare limited liability company, ils Manager By: FF Properties. Inc., a corporation. its Managcr By es O and Secrctary Notary Acknowledg.menl S1'A11] OF CALII:ORNIA COLIN'TY OF SAN DIEGO On SeDtembcr I l. 2008 before nre Slatrul Daye HqI91, Notary Public pcrsonally appeared .lames A. Hribar rvho provecl to rne on the basis of satisfhctorv evidence to be the person(d) whose name($ is/ar+subscribed t() the rvilhin instrument and acknowledged to ms that he/*heAhey executed the same in hisAe*ldreir authorized capacity(jes), and that by his/herJlhoir signature{, on the instrumcnt the person(d), or the entity upon behalf of which the person$) acled, executed thc instnxrent. I ccrtift under PFNALTY OF PERJURY under the lali's of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is truc and correct WI'INIISS my lrand and offi I seal. Name: Title: SH^ii^J'r'l,J DAYE HENkEL Comml$lon # 1550071 Nolory PubUc - Colllornlo Sdn Cliogo Counly tvlyComm- E dre5 tub 7,2 rc I05t!J 0dJ6S t/6r.1:84 0l &^----: comrntBbn # l550E7l Notory h.drlc . Cdltornkl son Dlogo Co('lV Earned Fee Credit Amount $86,940 Subtract Amount of Development lmpact Fee traffic fee component still due as of the date of this Notice: $378/unitx0units $0 EXHIBIT E NOTICE OF CREDIT Plot Plan No. 22338 Date: Units that have not paid Development lmpact Fees as of the date of this Notice: Fee Credit - Excess/(DeficiencY) A fee credit of $ 0/ unit- will apply to Plot Plan No. 22338 Application of Fee Credit Excess: Amount of Fee Credit Excess Amount to be Applied to TracUParcel Map a per uniuacre basis of $-/ unit*: 0 Units $86,940 $86,940 Amount to be Applied to Plot Plan 22338 on a per unit basis of $ 0/ unit*:$0 on $o $86,940 Citv will reimburse actual eliqible cost uptoa maximum of $86,940 once the pro iect is complete and actual costs are verified. Fairfield Holland Road, LLC lmprovement and Credit Agreemenl Amount to be Reimbursed Terms on which Reimbursement is to be made: . The traffic signal component of the Development lmpact Fees collected for the above specified Plot Plan shall be reduced by the rates shown in bold face type at the time of payment. EXHIBIT'E"