Fairfield Holland Road LLC Faithful Performance Bond PP22338 2278124T.AITIIFUL PERFOR]\'IANCE BONT) CIOUr\TY OF RIVERSIDE' S'IATE OF CALIFORNIA (Govemment Codc Scction 66499' l) I.-OR: Strccts and Drainagc Water System Sewer SYstem \.7JJ.Tract/Pacel Map PP22338 Bond No 2278124 Premiunt s16,214.00 Surety lnsurance ComPanY of the West Principal - Fairfield Floltand Road LLC Address Addrcss 55 l0 us!Dr-Ste 200 Cily/State San Diego, Calfornia City/State San Dieqo. CA zip 92121 zip 121 Phone 858-350-2924 Phone (858) 457-2123 WFIF,REAS. rhe County of Riverside'Sute ofCalifornia. and F'airfield tlolland Road LI-CI (hereinafter design atcd as "prirtcipal") have enlercd into, or are about to enter into' the atlachcd agrcement(s) w'hereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated public inrprovemens relati ng to (Trar:t/Parcc I)PP rvhich agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to ind made a pan hercot and, wlIDREAS,saidprincipalisrequ,ircduntlcrthetcrnrsofsaidagrcemen(s)tofumishbond(s)lor thc faithful pctfonnance of said agreement{s); NOW. THEREFORE, rve rtre princ ipal ufi lnsuran::.comPaly of the yest - ' as ,ui"ty, -" helcl and firmly bound unto the Counly ofRiversidejn the penal sum of- one'milion ciqht hundred one thousand qnd.six hunfi.ed Dotlars ($ l'801'600 ) Iawful-moncy ,rf th" tJrrtt"d Sltt*, f.t tlr" puy.*t uf *'tti"l' *n will and truly be made' we bind ourselves' our heirc, successors. exccutors and administrators, jointly and severally' firmly by these S prescnts. The condilion of this obligation is such that if the above bondcd principal, his or-its- heirs, exccutors. administralols. successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by' and ""n ,,ra t rry kcep ancl pcrform 1lre "nr.,.,*1., conditions and provisions in the said agree,rent anJ any alteration'thercof made as thercin providcd, on his or.their pafi' to be kept and p.rf"riir"a at le time and in the nranner therein specified, and in atl resPects according to.thcir l,_l-o in** and mcaning, and shall indcmnify and save harmless the county of Riversidc, its oifi""rr, ug"r,, ond em-ployeep. as tSerein siipulatctl, thcn this obligation shall become null and roidr oti,eln'isc, it shali rcrnain in full for&'and effect As a part of thc obligation sccurcd hcrcby and in addition to the. face amount specified therefore, thcre'shall bc includ-ed costs and ,""ronotl" expenscs and fees, including reasonable attorney's fccs. incurred b1, rhe counry in successlully enlbrcing such obligation. all to bc taxcd as coss antl include<l in any judgment rcndered s 64.700s 3.900 1 OSO| Visla Sonenlo Pakwav tl31 0 IiAITI{FUL PERFOII]\{ANCE BONT) The surety hercbv stipulates and agrees that no change-' exlension of time' alteration or addition (o lhc tcmrs of tltis agreemcnl or rJ the 'uo'k lo bc performed thereunder or the specifications ,"""-iir,rii"g t5e sa].c shall in an-vrvise affccr its Lbligatio. on this bond. a,d it does herehy *oiue norice if ony ,r.h changc. eitcnslon of time, alteration o! addition. Surety further Stinulatesandaqleestlrsttheprovisionsofscction2S45oftheCivilCodeandconunencemenl;ililil;. nor.u,.,o;tio* precedenfio surery's obligations hereunder and arc hereby waived by surer-r-. When thc work covsre<l by the agrecment is conrplete, the County of Riversidc u'ill.a:c:Pt thc rvork and thereupon. rl,, amoult"of tht obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% with thc ,.ioiring l0% liekl as sccurity for thc onelear nraintcnance period provided for in the a$eements(s). IN WITNESS WiIEREOT,this inslrument has bccn duly exccuted by the principal and surety abovc nantttd. on Sep tember 11th 2008 NANlE OF Pl{tNCIP:\1.Faiffietd Holland Road LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNAI-UIlLl(S): BY Tille Title Title (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY'. lnsurance Company ofth st L.)v l e AU'II-IORIZI:D SIGNATURE: Thomas A James Its A11orn 'ac Titlc 0l' coRPoR noN' AFFIX SDAL) ATTACTINOTARIAI,ACKNOW'LEDGMENI'OFSIGNATURESOFPRINCIPALAND A.TfORNI]Y-IN.FAC1" lleviscd I 1/15/07 No.0001404 ICIV GROUP Po*.r ofAatorary l,l!Eionc. Co$P.nY of lhe Watt Elplor.t llsrrloc' Co@p3oy Ind'p'nd'rt Cttutlt' rrd SuEry CoEptly KNOW ALL MEN By T1IESE PRESIi\ITS: Thtl lnsuruc,r couFry of $! wn! r cqpondoo dury' oariz.d urxhr-ihc lr$}' of thc st l. of ciiforDi.' B(phr! Irs'it . Company, . Corporlri* arr." ,rgu",r"t'uJi 'L"i J[*l"t" ofCtfifi-i. "ia naoga'ain* Crs'"tty ltd S,,"O' Coo,Fn " ' CoQo'tioa du]v or!'ni'd ,fr. tr" r"* if rii s"r" iI TBas, (c;toqivcly Ef.ncd !o a5 dr'CdttPid6"l do hatfoy lPPoit! THOM^S A .'ANTIS, Id,ICHAEL H. PRADEI.S, DIlNNIS BORSENBERGE&GARY T. PETERSON' KEVIN T, CASEY iimil$ conEaca of aorclFhlp. o.d any reh&d douunon!. tn wiu€s \r*rn.of. thc c-o[nF$t lavr crscd thesc Fr..rr! io bc ex.orcd by ilJ duly luororiz.! otrtccrs lhis 2nd dly ofJonu!ry, 2m3. BiSIIRANCE CDII|PANY oF THE WIST IXPI.ORF,R TNST]BANCE COMPAA'I IIiDEPENDEIiG cAStllLTY A.t\D SITREfi' COMPAIiY )'sr aaY I Douihs Blo$!rc, S.nior Vic. Pr.aid.flt Starc of Cdifomi! Cnlnty ofslD D.8o )ss oD,aru,ry 12008. b.forc mq M,ry Cobb' No|u'}.fublic, p.'soolny appdlEd J, DdlEl's Bro\lrE gd JcGEy D, svlccflq. sio Prov.d lo m. on sE tnsis o{ 'disfulo')Fiddd ro b. rh. D6!odr) *tpsc -ordst iyarc rj5frio[ . ix ";itrrli i.rr"*r ita rct o$lcd8.d to ra lhat dEy 6.ord th..unc in th.ir Mhorizcd cqociti: ad u"r ty tiril, .ig";- ." 6c itlsEuntrt' dr oltit) lpon bdstf of "iidr lh' ptxsdl! sEt( lxccu'd dE inrhrlst I enio, !Dd.r PENALTY OF PESJIJIJ unda( tha b$5 of6a satc ofcslifomia 6ra dtc fot goirg Fflgr.ph k Euc '!d coilE(t lyrtlc$ rrry btd rDd ofilci.l 3cal. coHI. *l ollt(,toiASY l'firy CotD. No.ary Public RESOLUTIONS tltto Bou& of DirEdors of t'ch of dt€ ComFnics: ,RFSOLVED: Ths! dE Frcsldcnr m Ex.curiw or s.diof vic. ttesidcd ofthc comFny. rotcttt , wifi tE s..Iti!ry of lny Assinant scallary' .rt trcrctl, .ooo.irta ro e<.clIc p".,,"" ;i;;"*y;t"tirg ih. p.rsor(r) nsn d 6 Anomq,(s}in.F..t lo daL. ra.c{E.'sign. s'.l. ,Dd &Ii!€r on br*rsliofrhc company, firhlity rnd surdy bondr,'ulrd.rtrlingr, ord oab.' simiL, cd,ie ofn rtryrhip, lnd ery 'llaLd do({,tn lls RI.SOLVED FURTIIER Thar thc rgn4rB of ftr oificcrs mokirg lhc lrpoinEncr( rrd lhc lign orc of ary-offictr c..dtiD8 ltp tqlitiry 'd currEnr 1ltrtJ or $. !prorr-.nr. ,-yI r"oimt. r.p*.^tiorE oi tloic;lgmturBr ind lh. siglrNtc lrd '.,tj of ury ,oury, rnd fu r'al of dlc ijo,,pony. .ry o. a;injt. "p..or,ti 'o* oiit "* .ii,r** ",a *1. "ra ri"h focsinilc rcprcscotuicru shsll hrYc d* i5rrc forc. Dd crtd rs if ,*rlIri om*"a. Ttlo facsimiic rctrftre itjoru ftfcnJ rq brrcin mry bt slfixcd by ltuPin& Pritdt& .lTin& or photo@Pying.' CERTTICATE l, fic undarxignul, dBl lhc for.going Als,srsnl Sccrcs4, of Ir8umrcc Conlp3ny of rh. WoiL E\plorEr lnsurnnc. Comtrlny. lnd lhd+ende'l.. Ct$a]t, .nd lirlrety Comprny' do herdy ceniB ini-i"ieror"i ir ;, futt forcc ura enixr, ana ms no, b".n r.*t d, -d th", Gc above rcsolutioor utrc duly adopacd by dE csp.ctiY. Boorcte of Dir.clors ofrb. Co IEni.{ lrd &c nrw in f,dl forc1 / h^ N WIrNTSS vllEREoF.l hlvc slr mv hind Itus -LL:l dry of I )az ,etfny D. S'rt{rEy, Assisbrt S.crd.ry Rrial, Sa, Dic8o. CA 92110-2(Xi or call (85t) 15G2400 I i ;"'$il;;*,; i- sEiL - eii rr l,?r'%fr,.- r+ &*r,u ,cftrq' D. Slrlcney, AsliJtr Sccrctary I I I I i I I I colGC COEE CALI FORNIA ALLPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGI\{ENT State of Califomia County of San Diego On September 10. 2008 before me. Kimberly A. McCoy, Noary Public, personally appeared lhomas ,4.. James,who proved to me on the basis of salisfactory cvidenca 10 be thc person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and arknowledgcd 1o me that holhe{hey executed the samc in his&erthei+ authorizrd capaciry(ies), and liat by his.t}€#their signaturds) on the insb-umenr the pcrson(g, or lhc entity upon behalfofvhich thc person$ actcd, cxecutcd thc instument. Commla3l ^ ^-.--i----i(Y A MCCOY f on * l7a99lS I N;rory Pulrllc ' colilornlo I certif undcr PENALTY OF PEIUURY under ihe la$s of thc State of Califomia $at the foregoing paragraph is true and conect.Son oiooo CountY Conm.lSOBJtn9 201I WI'INESS rny hand and official seal. { ii'ytttt fvlcl,n gnature of Nolary OPTIONAL Though the data bclow is not rcquired by lar.r'. it may prove valuablc to persons rclying on dre document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACTTY CLA II\,TED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACIIED DOCUMENT E INDIVIDUAL D coRPoRATE oFFICER E PARTNER(S) ! LIMITED E] ATToRNEY-rN-FAci'D rRUsrEE(s) D GUARDIAN/CoNSERVAToR O'IIIER: Bond No. 2278124 ior Fairfield Holland Roud LLC I pagcs SICNER IS REPR.ESEN'I'INC: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITYOES) Issued on Septcmbcr 10. 2008 Insurance Conpany ofthe West TIonaJ A. James t IIE: Signature I'age for Faithful Performance Bondl Fairfield Holland Road LLC; PP 22338 By: FF CRF Irund I-!C, a Dclaware linited liability cornpany, it.s Manager 8,": FF Properties, Inc., a Del By: aware corporation, its Mana I Name: John . FeeharTitlc: Vice Prcsident By:,' Nzune: Title: cCo Vicc Notary Acknorvledgcment S-IATI] OF C.ALI]lORN]A CoLINrYcr,'tirltmDJ , betbrc nr personal appeared rvho provcd to me ou the birsis of sali torv evidence to be the perso whose name@ bscribed to t within inslrur:rent and knorvlcdged io me thal h ted the same in I authoriz-ed capacil and that by hi ignau-@n the instrument the person , cxecuted the instrumcnt.the entity uporr behalf of rvhicl: thc perso ted I certifl undcr PIiI,iALTY OF PERJURY under the lar+,s of the State rrf Califomia that the forcgoing paragraph is true and coffect ESS nr hand and offici seal 0 otary Public, or zf ward r0i)t5/J{!JaN:ar)ri(s 0l i,\ Fairficld Holland Road LLC. a Dcla*'are limited l;ability compan)/ ! Ru Signature Pagc for Faithful Perfornlance Bond; Fairfield llolland Road LLC; PI' 22338 Fairfield I'lolland Road LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: FF CRF Fund LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its ir'lanager By: FF Properties. hc., a are corporation. its Manager B1, James A. HriName: Title:F ald Notary Acknowlc'd.gmen1 S'1'A1-D OF CALII:ORNIA COIINTY OF SAI.I DIEGO On Septcrnber I l. 2008 belbre me Shann"vn Dave Henkel, Notary Public personally appeared Jantcs A. Lfribar whJ provecl to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 1o be the person(d) whose name(.a) Iv*"=uhr.ribed lo the wirhin instrument and acknowledged to me that heish€Ah€y executed the s,u)re in his./h€+ldre-ir aurlorizcd capacity(les), and that by his/lt+l+heir signalure{6) on the instrumcnl tlie pcrson(r, oI thc entify upon bchalf of rvhich the person(Y) acted, executcd the instnunent. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the state of califomia that the foregoing paragraph is truc and correcl Wll,\ESS m1' hand and o cial seal.S+IANNYN DAYE H€l.lxEI ComrDtslbn * l55087l H,olory tubtc . Coltornb 56 Dtego County tr'ly Comm. Erpk63 Feb 7, 2009 1I '1 Si (' roll I t tratl(E li69.llSl il I