Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TR31822-1 929630714MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 29714 Hau) Ro.rd lvlanitee. CA 92586 951 67 2 6771 Far 951679-3843 cityolmenifee.us December 20,2018 Continental Casualty Company BBB0 Cal Center Dr. Suite 410 Sacramento, CA 95826 Re: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, Grading Bond, City of Menifee Rough Grading TR 31822-1 Bond Release, Bond Number 929630714 The Rough Grading has been completed to City specifications and standards and the Bonds are now ready for release. Enclosed is the original Faithful Performance Bond and the Material & Labor Bond for TR 31822-1 as follows. 1. Faithful Performance Bond - $176,000 2. Material & Labor Bond - $88,000 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, 0 copy h A. Manwaring City Clerk cc: Sutter Mitland 01 LLC Bill Zimmerman Mdyo I Lesa A. Sobek lvlayor Pro Fem District 3 Greg August Councilmember Oistrict 1 Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember District 2 John Denve] Councilmember District 4 Armando G. Villa City Manager ,%' MENIFEE 29714 Haun Road I Menifee. CA92586 951-67 2-6771 i Fax 951-679-3843 New. Better. Best.cityofmenitee,us December 77 , Z0l8 Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee RE: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC. Grading Bond, City of Menifee Rough Grading TR3l822-t Bond Release, Bond Number 929630714 Dear Sarah: 0n July 5, 2016, the City of Menifee entered into agreement with Sutter Mitland, LLC for the construction of the Rough Grading within the above referenced subdivision. Accompanying this agreement; $ 176,000.00 - for the completion of Rough Grading Please contact Andy Powell, Associate Engineer as soon as possible, ifyou have any questions you may reached me (9511 723-3727. Sincere onathan G. Smith, PE, QSD, QSP Director of Public Works / City Engineer Cc: file Bill Zimmerman l'/ayor John Denver Councilmember District 4 Lesa A. Sobek Mayor Pro Tem District 3 Greg August Councilmember Oistrict 1 Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember District 2 Armando G. Villa Cily Manager