Centerpointe, LLC. Faithful Performance Bond 800055466 PLN20-0226:1i-?+^Community Development Department FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BONO FOR SITE RECONSTRUCTION AGREEIIENT CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1) FOR SITE RECONSTRUCTION Tota I $56 192. TracuParcel Map -Other Proiect No PPP 20-0226 Bond No Surety j$g!!q!299{[!ggg11gg91!ggrpanv Address 1777 $erarv P.rlwrv w€t, Suiae 230 Principal Address Cetrterpoitrts, LLC ,102 W. Brord v- Suite 780 zip code 19422 zip 92101 Phone 7tl-332-9494 Pboue (949) 322-5026 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of Califomia, and,Ceoterpoiote, LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement whereby principal agrees to install and clmplete lhe site reconstruction improvements, related to Pk t Plan No. {PP) PLN 20{2m, which agreement is hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to fumish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and .lil,nti. Sn.rirltr Inrtr as surefy, are heldandfirmlybounduntotheCityofMenifeeinthepenalsumof@ and nlnetvdro dollarr and zero cents (356.192,001 lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, iointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; othenarise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount speciried therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any iudgment rendered. t0{}055d6rt FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR SITE RECONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreemenl or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that th€ provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on November 13 2020 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Centerpointe, LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): Na ^ Lt^1Title: 11 .. .)Ur' (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SUREW: Attantic Insurance Com AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:ltL L"L Its Attorney-in-F -Iltle William Leo Minderiahn (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINC]PAL AND ATTORNEY{N.FACT. By: ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PRINCIPAL IF INDIVIDUAL OR PARTNERSHIP (15) ( t6) (t7) (18) ( le) (24) (2s) (26\ (27) T?R\ (2e) County of , to wit a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certi! that whose name is signed to the foregoing writing, bearing the execution date of the day of 20-, has this day aclcrowledged the same before me in my said county (20) Givcn under my hand this _ day of I, I, (21) Nouryscal 20-- (n) .Notary Public Countv of (23) Commission Expires ACIOIOWLEDGMENT BY PRINCIPAL lF CORPORATION, LLC or LLP OF to wit a Notary Public in and for the county and slate aforesaid, do hcrcby certifo thrt Joe alheh*J calQ, who as bearing the execution date ofthe dai df <i.mprl the fnteonino urritino fnr in my said county, before me, acknowledged the said writing to be thc act and deed ofthe said corporation. (30) Given under my hand this -day of 20__-, has this daY, 20 (31) Norary scal (32)Notary Public (33)Comrnission Expires:- -------.-------- (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (3e) ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR SURETY STATE OF pENNsvr.vANrA County of MoNTGoMERy , to wit I, Mrrtr Vrdrrur , a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certif,thal Willism Leo Mitrderirho tr-Fact , who sigacd the foregoing writing, or hcreto annexed, for Adrotc Spccidtv tnrqrrncc Compr[v . a corporahon, bearing the execution date ofthe t3tn dayof November ?A zo , has this day in my said county, before mc, acknowledged the said writing to be the act and dced ofthe said corporation (40) Given urder my hand this t3th day of 2ol,t (41 ) NotarySerl Co.flioni/crhh gl PqIli^/utls . Lotlty Saal flARt Y OAiL6, tlotary Ptalk llo.tt$nc.Y Co.r*Y l,ty Corrmlsloo EIpl.6 o.(c(nb.r t, 2021 Co(rlnl$ho rk ib.. I zElOOl (42)a(Notary Public Sufticiency in Form and Manner of Execution Approved Datedthis _ - day of __ _,20 ,_, Attomey General By: Assistant Attomey General STATE OF 1 (43)Commission Expires: necomher 5. 20rl A notary public or other oflicer complcting this certilicate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the docum€nt to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ofthal document, On STATE OF CALIFORNIA COTINTY OF SAN DIEGO ll 21)?A before me. paragraph is true and conect. WITNESS my hand and otlicial seal. [SEAL] ) ) ss. ) L1 \ara , a Notary Public, personally appeared *il provea% *" "" tt" b.sis of satisfactory evi,lence to be the person(s) whose name(s)subscribed to tlre within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorircd capacity(ies), and that by hiVher/their signature(s) on the instrumenl the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, execrted the instrumenl. I cenily under PENALTY OF PERJTJRY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the folegoing ,h) sigrotu." oiNo$Fubiic [+,t*g,]f Attii KNOW ALL MEN BY TI{ESU PRESENTS, $ar A'u.ANllC SPI1:[ALTY NSURAJ,ICE COMPA-NY, a Nelr York c.rp.,rdtion with ils pnn.ipal offic? in Plymouth, Minneioh, doei hereby coflnirutP and appoinc WillLlrn l-.o MindEjetn, B.andoo Wad. Edx,er&, ea.h inditrdualy if thae be mof€ lhan one oamxl. its tru€ aod lawtul the natu.o rher€of; pmvided that ro bond or underiaking ex(ued undcr lhls authoriry 5h.ll exceed in amounr the sllrn of: u imilGd .rd th€ exeolion of such h{xtds, resolutions adoprrd by tie tlo d of lrt€ctors ol All,AN'11( l SPECIAITY INSURANCI-ICOMPANY on rh€ twenty-fifih dal of S€pt€mber,20t2: Resolv€d: That dr€ Prftiidem, any Senior Vkre Pmsideot or Vit!-Prpsident (cach an "Audorized Offic€r) may erccu(e for aftl in behalf of lhe ( i,mpany nny and all hnds, r€cognirim€s, .onEacts of ind€rrnity. aod aI o(her writings obligatrrry h dl€ rBrure dlerlof, and affix dle s€al of dle Coilpany thefto; and $at lhe Authoriz€d Offiter may appoifl and aufiurize an Atromey-in-Fad ro execule on bellalf ot de Corpany any and .ll suci insEuDents and to afir lhe Company seal tl..etoj and thnt the Authorized Olfi.er may al any rime rtmove any sul h Anomey-in-lrad and revoke all power .nd auL\oriry given to eny such Altomey-in Rrs.ived: Thdr fie Atom€y-in-Fa(t may be (ivetr full power and au.hodty to execute for and in tbe r|ame and on b€half of fi€ Company any and all boods, be as bindirE upon the Company rs if signed snd s€a1ed by Bfl Authoriz.d Ofticer and, fffiher, the Anomry-ifl-.Fact is he$hy authoriz.€d to v"rtfy any affidavit r.quiFd lo be anarhed x, hondr, r{ognizrnc€5, lonta.ls of indernniry, .nd dll other witings oblig.tory in lhe nan re thertl)f- Thi( powpr of a(orney is signed and spaled by fa(siole uoder Ue authority of lhe folftrwhg Rcsotution adopled by fe Board of Dir(tors of ATI,AN llc SPECIALTY INSURANCTICOMPANY on the rwpnry-fifth day of Septemh.r. 2012: Rerolved: Tfiat th€ siSflature of rn Aufiorizpd Officer, the signatur€ of rhe Sesetary or rhe Asrltant S€cftrary, and tlrc G)mpany *al tnay be affix€d hyi4ddL i. &y pov6 oi .ltoEry or ro aoy (lnili.a. rd.r4 dl.rtro AFiIfitB an AroarE EiFF.d io. puposes ordJr of .Ir(1luo8 .rri [.dxt rn, botd, undtluldne, nmg&.rE or odre wrinen otr[fadfi i[ dE r.or! trlof, ]d 6y sud stiai. rtd seal wherc s, t !ad' h.r! t rt]y adoptrd by the Cmryany .5 dle d6iEl signao.se of such omcer and thp originil s€al of the Company, ro be valid arxl Unding upon dI€ Company wlft d* same force and cftett as ih@gh rDanodly rltred. lN WTINESS WHERIOI', ATLANtIC SPECIAI-TY INSIIRANCh COMPANY has caused these presenrs ro be signed by an Authocized otficer and iho srrl o[ tho Company to be aftixed $is twenty-soventh dxy of April, 2020. o6t?0i4r"SEAL t986 /frrfrrrl'R! SIATE 0I] MINNESOIA HENMJPIN COLINTY Paul J. Brehm. Senior Vice Pr6idcnt on d s twenty-s€v€nth day of April, 2020, b€for nF peNonally carn€ Paul J. BrEhm, S.nior Vice Pesident of A ILAN'IIC SPECIAL'IY INSiJRANCE CoMpAitY, ro me signature el such offiter \ras duly gffixed and suhif,ribed to dre sdid insEErnent by rhr aodroriry and ar fie direrdon of Oe Company il,,tr N_otary Puhlic l. the undersignEd, Secrel,Ir of ATI,ANTIC SPICIAI-TY INSURANCF: COMPANY, a New York Corporatn)n, do hereby cedfy rhat rhe foegoing po?er of a[omey is in tll fon:e and has nol been reioked. axd llle r€solurions ser [o[h above are now in fortr- Sign€d and realed thit I ith d.v of Novemls!.Ugzq "SEAL.b,;-*--'tlis Power of Ammey expires Januery 3t,2025 AIISOX DITAII IASH,IRO'I NoIARY PUSLIC. hIXXESOT tly Commbtlon ExPlroc 3r.2026 Pha!,(Lr{r bond venliratnr,s ll) .i( i,.1,1/i,.1 Kara tu ,w, Se(Ftrry 1986 [i"*".] {htta6 dsdrlod in lnousads Atlantic Spsclalty lnsurance Company P€dod Ended 12./31/2019 csalr. cr6h Eqdq€ t E sno.t Lrm hl.rlnranl3 lotr I c..h a rnv.im.nl. @.463 r7,350 2_08.232 Pr€miumr and Contldor.llo.s D{e Rol.llJralco RacotEble Roc€tEtL ton P...rl, Sobtldirl a Ahrr.r.s /\ll olhs Admlrred A.s.ts ?Gl.176 5!.ry2 a.qlss.m I1.219.!32 791.107 Urblllll...nd Surplu. Ll.blllll.. toir Adiulmnt Erp$. R.t.ir! Iol.lLo.l LA€ 8..rvaa Unxmld Pr.nn n R...t\. Tol., Rdntw-lco Liruil'3 Coixnis*,l!, Olh.. Erpitt-, rld T.r.! .ir. Psfall. to Paqt, Sl,! s Afillra! t 750.516 2,13,193 e93. /00 520.6f, 17,061 40,407 165.93? 1,131.252 9,mr rot.t Admln.d A6.rr 2,rcl,tos ror.i Lr.blitti.!r.d cds Slate of Minncsota County of Hennepirr I, Christopher Jeffy, Secretary of Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company do hereby cenify that the foregoing statement is a conect exhibit ofthe assets and liabilities ofthe said OneBeacon Insurance Conrpany, on the 3 I'r day of December', 20 19, according to the best of rry information, knowledge and belief. Commdl Cspital Slo.l Lhar!lgia( SuDlut olh.r trcluding Gro!! conhbdcd C.pra.r a Surptu. 49,!9? 0€4,4@----i6:e- z.au.r05 Subscribed and sworn to, before me, a Notaly Public of 27lh day of Febru ary,2020. V Secrelary State ol Minnesola on this PublicSHrrxo{ ra itE LrlulY.rYoLt t{otary Publlc Iinnaiotally Commtttlo,i Etplrct lan 3t, ?015