NPG, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond PW23-04 24268453Executed j-n Three CounterParts Bond # 2426A453 Preurj-r:m: $2 , 680 PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT WHER action passed "Principal", a Contract for construction of the Public works Road and Parking Lot Resurfacing Services, Ery{ 23-04 Project together wtth appurtenances thereto' and WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said Contract to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said Contract. NOW, THEREFORE,weNPG, rnc. as Principal,and rhe ohio Casualty rnsurance Company a COrporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Neg,Hampshire , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the city of Menifee hereinafter called the contracting city, in the penal sum of one hundred percent(100%) of the amount of One Hundred Thirty Four Mil-Iion and ool1oo Dollars ($134, ooo. oo), laMul money of the United Stated of America, for payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE OBLIGATION lS SUCH that, if the herebv bounded Principal, his/hers or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by and well and truly keep and perform all the undertakings, terms, covenants, conditions and agreements in said Contract and any alteration thereof, made as therein provided all within the time and in the manner therein designated and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall faithfully fulfill the one- year guarantee of all materials and workmanship after final acceptance; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Menifee, its officers and agents, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder. EAS, the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California, by minute has awarded to NPG, rnc . hereinafter designated as the -5 No final settlement between the Principal and the contractor hereunder shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Notices, papers and other documents required by chapter 2 of Title_ 14 of Parl2 of Code of Civil irrocedure, or by any other law, regulation, or requirement of the Contract may be served upon PrinciPa latthis address: NPG, rnc., 135 4 Jet way,Perris, cA 92571 and upon Surety at this address The Ohi-o Casualt Insurance Company, P.O Box 34526, Seattle, WA 98124 NPG Inc. Principal By The Ohio Casualty Insurance CoEpany Surety By Charles I,.Elake. Attorney- in- Eact 6 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument, each of which Shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed by the Principal and Surety herein named on the 8th day of .rune, 2023. The name and corporate Seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of its governing body. Civil Code of the State of California, Section 1188, CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT An officer taking the acknowledgment of an instrument must endorse thereon or attach thereto a certificate substantially in the forms hereinafter prescribed. State of California County of Riverside City of Menifee day of _, in the year 2-, before me, SS ) ) ) personally appeared (or proved to me on acknowledged that WITNESS my hand and official seal SEAL (coRPoRATlON) State of Callfornia County of Riverside City of Menifee , PersonallY known to me the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name subscribed to the within instrument and executed the same Notary Public - State of California SEE ATTACHED NOTARY SS On this day of in the year 2 before me, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the within instrument as president (or secretary) or on behalf of the corporation therein named acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. 7 SEAL Notary Public - State of California (rNDlvrDUAL) on this - ) ) ) WITNESS my hand and official seal. CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SrATE OF California )ss ) A notary public or other officer completing this certilicate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validitv of that document.COUNTY OF Rive6ide On 06/09/ 2023 Jeffrey Nelson who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(e) instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ch€Ah€y executed the same in by his/+er{h€+ signature(€) on the instrument the persone, or the entity u executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the whose name{€) is/a+€ subscribed to the within his/h€rAh€i+ authorized capacity(r6+ and that pon behalf of which the person(€) acted, laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct WITNESS my hand and offlcial seal. CYANII CHELSEA IIELSOX t{otiry Public - califomla Riverside County Commission # 2383502 Signature My Com6. Expi.6 Nov 17, 2025 Cyanna Nelson Notary blic This area for offlcial notarial seal. OPTIOilAL SECTION CAPACITY CLAI,I,IED BY SIGNER Though statute does not require the Notary to fill in the data below, doing so may prove invaluable to ng on the documents. INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER(S)TITLE(S) UMITEDPARTNER(S) ATTORNEY.IN.FACT TRUSIEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR I ottttn ltanaoer SIGNER IS REP NG me of Person or Entity Name of Person or Entity OPTIONAL SECTION Though the data requested here is not required by law, it could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED BELOW TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Performance Bond I City of Menifee NUMBER OF PAGES N/A DATE OF DOCUMENT O6l0al23 SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE N/A before me, Cyanna Chelsea elson , Notary Public, personally app€ared @ tr (PARTNERSHIP) On this before me, personally appeared me (or proved to me on the bas the within instrument on beha partnership executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. SEAL (ATTORNEY rN FACT) ) ) ) day of -, in the Year 2-'iffi;;:=""1i'[Y":l,J: lf of the partnership and acknowledged to me that the SS ) ) ) On this day of -, in the Year -, before me, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument as the attorney in fact of and acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of fact. WITNESS my hand and official seal SEAL thereto as principal, and hisiher own name as attorney in Notary Public - State of California Page 'l State of California County of Riverside City of Menifee State of California County of Riverside City of Menifee Notary Public - State of California 3ee a{^cLu.! SS. CALIFOBNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE S .1189 i{xl.6aK..ca,<)6aatc,<:ar.<xx.4.:s7,r^{rr,a:ccic(xr,occ(rx'1x:ra{rrr^'x^,c\}:c4)c.<).}al]al-rxxl.:i,(.{rrl].{ri,:fixk_xlrlfx:'rr'(rc'rc/ A notary public or other otficer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of lhe individual who signed the documeni to which this certilicate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Orange before me,Heather Willis, Notary Public Here lnseft Name and Title of the Officer Charles L. Flake Name(s) of Signe4s) HEATHER WILLIS WITNESS my hand and official seal COMM. #2334057 .tt NoTARY PUBL c . caLrFoPNrl =ORANGE COUI.]T/ -:SignatureYCCUU EXF RiS SEPIE SER2S 2U{Signature of Notary Public Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Number of Pages: - Signe(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name:Signer's Name: n Corporate Officer - Title(s) lPartner - ! Limited n General tr lndividual n Attorney in Fact n Trustee [] Guardian or Conservator fl Partner - ! Limited E General n lndividual E Attorney in Fact E Trustee tr Guardian or Conservator ! Other tl Other: Signer ls Representing Signer ls Representing On June 8, 2023 Date personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in frisZnJrttneir autnorized capacity(ies), and that by his/hLr/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument' I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Documenl Date: ! Corporate Officer - Title(s): O2014 Nationat Notary Association ' www.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-682fl ltem #5907 Libertv Mutudl" This Power of Attorney limits tho acts ofthose named herein, and they have no authority to bind the Company orcept in the m.nner and to the extent herein .tated. Liberly Mutual lnsurance CompanY The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West American lnsurance ComPanY Cenficate No: 82056,19-971 91 I SURETY POWER OF ATTORNEY KI{OW ALL PERSOi{S By THESE PRESE TS: That The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company is a corporation duly organized under lhe laws ot he Slate of New Hampshire, that trlalie. David L. Culbertson. Heather Willis. Lcxie Shenvood. Spencer Flale alLoi the city of state ol each individually if there be rnore lhan one named, its trueand lawiul atlomey-injact to make, execute seal acknowledge and deliver, for and on its behalfas surety and as its act and deed,any and all undertakings, bonds, rccognizances and other surety obllgations n pu6uance of lhese presenb and shall be as binding upon lhe Companies as if they have been duly slgned by lhe pre6ident and attested by the sec.etary of the Companies in their o./n proper peBons. l[ WffilESS WHEREOF, his Power of AttornE has been subscribed by an auborized officer or of,icial of $e Companies and lhe corporate seals of the Companies have been affued thereto this 25$ day of Ma) Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West Amedcan lnsurcnce Company David N,4. CarE, Assistant Secrctary State of PENNSYLVANIA .. Counly oII4ONTGOMERY - On this 25lh day ol May , 2O2t betore me pelsonalry appeared David [4. Carey, who acknovrledged himselfto be the Assistant.Secctary of Liberty lvutuallnsurdnce CompanfTfr;ohio CasuAtT6fiifit aidTElAmerican lnsurancqcompany, and tiat he, as sudr, being authodzed so to do, execute the foregoing instrument for the pumoses Iherein conbined by signirt on behafl of the corporations by hitrEell as a duly autho{ized officer. N UnTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my nanre and affix€d rny notadal seal at King ol Prussia, Pen.rsylvania, on the day and year first above written. Commnwslln oi Ponnsylvanie - Nolary 5€61 reda P5$erra Norary PublE Monigofrery Counly MycommEbn 6rp6 M.icn 28,2025 cmh Bslon number I 12eo44 /-fr//-By M.mbd P.h^:ylv.i'r A!3@.16n ol NoDid eresa Pastella, Notary Public This power ol Attomey is made and execuled puEuant to and by auhonty of lhe folloiJing By-laws and Aulhorizatiom ot The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company, Liberty Nlulual lnsurance Company, and West American lnsurdn@ Company which resolutons are no{ in fullforce and eflecl rc3ding as follc Js ARTICLE lV-oFFICERS: Seclion 12. Power of Attomey. Any officer or other official of the Corporation auhorized lor hat purpose in witing by the Chaiman or the President, and subjecl to such limiiation as the Chairman or the have full power to bind the Comoration by their s0nature and erecution ol any such instlrm€nb and to attach $ercto the seal of the Corporation. When so erecuted, such provisions ol this artrcle may b€ rcvoked at any time by lhe Board, he ChaifitEn the Presidenl or by lhe officer or omcers granting such poYrer or aufionty. ARTICLE Xlll- Erocution of Cont.act!: Seclion 5. Surety Bonds afld Underlakings. shall appoint such attomeys-injact, as may be necessary to acl in behalf of the Company to make, execute, seal acknowledge and delivel as surety any and all undedakings, Company by their signature and execution ol any such instrurnenls and to attach $ereto he seal ol the Company. When so executed such irEtruments shall be as binding as if sig0ed by lhe presideot and attested by lhe secrelary. oblEallons. Compa[y, whel€ver appeanog upon a certilied copy of any povJer of attomey issu€d by he Company in conneclion with sucty bonds, shall be valid and binding upon the Companywith lhe same force and effect as though manually amxed. has not been revoked. lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,lhave hereuoto sel my hand and atll(ed the seals olsaid Companies this 8lh day ol 202.3 't 919 .( 1912 \NS(./ E 199't \Nst, o q) 0)c(D o o)- (o (! =p 0) oo (E q) q) c o)(! 0) 1 'oo o o) o.) C(!o o o o)o)o(,)!o E o o o ! F Eoq65 l E d)€ ao o N (o (t, o) (E6a o 5gaco (I, E o) ,o(! ooc(! Dco 1512 \NSiJ 't 919 1991 \NS (., = LM5-12A73 LMtC OCtC WA|C Mulr Co021 By Renee Llewellyn. Assistant tulary w