JCOS Development, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond CIP21-03 24261899PIIEMIIJM IS I OR II]I CONTRACI II RIV ANI) IS SI]I]JI C]
Premium $15,240 00
Executed in TriplicatePERFORMANCE BOND
WHEREAS, the City of lvlenifee, County of Rrverside, State of California, by minute
action passed haS awarded tO JCOS Development lnc hefeinafter desi g nated
aS the " Prin6ipal", a COntraCt fof COnStrUCtiOn Of the clP 21 03 I rRrr sTA] roN No 68 rr'l|)RovLMENrs PRoJEc r
project together with appurtenances thereto, and
WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said Contract to furnish a
bond for the faithful performance of said Contract.
NOW, THEREFORE, WC JCOS Development. lnc AS
Principal,and The Ohro Casualty lnsurance Company a corporation organized and existing
Under the laWS Of the State Of New Hampshrre and duly authorized to transact
business under the laws of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City
of Menifee hereinafter called the Contracting City, in the penal sum of one hundred
percent(100%) of theamountof sevei rrund.ed srry lwo Ihouenda.doo/roo Dollars ($ 762,00000 ),
lawful money of the United Stated of America, for payment of which sum well and truly to
be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly
and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITION OF THE OBLIGATION lS SUCH that, if the hereby bounded
Principal, his/hers or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in
all things stand to and abide by and well and truly keep and perform all the undertakings,
terms, covenants, conditions and agreements in said Contract and any alteration thereof,
made as therein provided all within the time and in the manner therein designated and in
all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall faithfully fulfill the one-
year guarantee of all materials and workmanship after final acceptance; and shall
indemnity and hold harmless the City of Mentfee, its officers and agents, as thereln
stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain
in full force and virtue.
FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that
no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of
the work to be performed thereunder shall rn any way affect its obligation on this bond,
and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or
modrflcation of the Contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder.
No final settlement between the Principal and the Contractor hereunder shall
abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied.
Notices, papers and other documents required by Chapter 2 of Title 14 of Parl2
of Code of Civil Procedure, or by any other law, regulation, or requirement of the Contract
may be served upon Principal at this address
8201 Orangelhorpe Ave Ste D. Buena Park CA 90621
and upon Surety at this address 1/5 Berkeley Streel Boston MA 02116
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this rnstrument, each
of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed
by the Principal and Surety herein named on the 7th day 6f JulY
The name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these
presents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of its
governing body.
JCOS Development. lnc
Ie"Hu.n Prcsilu*
o Casualty lnsurance Compa
Vanessa rney aa1.
Civil Code of the State of California, Section 1188, CERTIFICATE OF
An officer takang the acknowledgment of an instrument must endorse thereon or attach
thereto a certificate substantially in the forms hereinafter prescribed.
State of California
County of Riverside
City of tvlenifee
On this
personally appeared personally known to me
(or. provei to me on t@he person(s) whose name
subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged that
WITNESS my hand and official seal
Notary Public - State of California
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
On this i3 tl"day of Jwlq , in the year) .,)-
before me, personally appeared
to me (or proved to me on the
executed the within instrument a
therern named acknowledged to
WITN ESS my hand and official seal
x,cieN i, pARr
coMM # 23268 30
Calilornia Notary Publ
s president (orseeretaqi) or on behalf of the corporation
me that the corporation executed it.
A.ount Hw. 1.4@e;to , personally known
be the person who
Comm Etp May 23, 202+
Nota ublic -tate of California
day of _, in the year 2_, before me,
executed the same.
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
On this
before me, personally appeared personally known to
me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed
the within instrument on behalf of the partnership and acknowledged to me that the
partnership executed it.
WITNESS my hand and official seal
Notary Public - State of California
State of California
County of Riverside
City of Menifee
See Altached
On this day of , in the year _,, personally known tobefore me, personally appeared
me (or proved lo me on the basis of satrsfactory evidence) to be the person whose name ls
subscribed to this instrument as the attorney in fact of
day of
in the year 2-,
and acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of
WITNESS my hand and official seal
thereto as principal, and his/her own name as attorney in
Notary Public - State of California
Urorl I nLno$n do(un.nr I'ro0.ri nxft.. Urro.! t nLno\tr
doc{nrnr p.op.rry nsm(. I rorl t nlnd$n do(une.l
t:rrorl I nloosn do.urcnr tro0.r\ tr{nk. t:rrorl t ni.osn
.ln(!m.nr pro|xrh .rnr, nl): 18 )r Pagc I
) ss.
Statc ol( alitbrnia
onl vv bcforc mc.Lisa Pellerito . Notan Public.
pcrsouallr appcarcd Vanessa Copeland
N Drlds I ol Srgncr(s)
sho provcd to me on the basis of satisfaaory *.idcncc to be the pcrson(s) \\hose name(s) is/arc sLrbscribcd to thc
sithin instmnrent and acknorrlcdged to me th:rt hc/shc/thcr- e\ccuted thc samc in hisftsr/thsir authorized
capacitt(ics). and that b) hislhsr/thsir signaturc(s) on thc instrumcnt thc porson(s). or thc entitl upon behalf of
rrhich thc person(s) actcd. cxccutcd the instrument.
I certifr undor PENALTY OF PERJURY undcr tlrc
larrs of tlrc State of Califomia that thc for€goirg
paragraph is tnrc atrd correct.,
nd and official
l)h!c \ol r\ Slrl \h.\.
()Pt toNAl_
Though llle infonnation bclorr is not requircd br larr- it nrar prore raluablc to pcrsons relling on thc doculnent
and cotrld prcscnt fuaudulcn( and rcattachncnl of this form lo anothcr docurllcnt.
Description of Attached Document
Tl pe or Titlc of Docunrent
Documcllt Datc:Nurubcr of Pagcs
Signor(s) Othcr Than Namcd Abovc:
Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s)Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s)
Signcr's Namc: Vanessa CoPeland
E Individual
E Corporate Offrccr - Title(s)E Corporatc Ofilccr - Titlc(s)
Notarv P!bti(. Californla0.!rya County
Commr3lt6n I 23j321al{v Con,r. fupir6 tor t6
! Partnor: flLimitcd ! General
I Attonrcl in Fact
! Trustce
E Guardian or Conscnator
E othc.,
E Partncr: !Limited n Gcncral
E Attorncl in Fact
! Tmstcc
E Guardian or Consen'ator
D othcr:
Rev. 1 15
A notar-r public or othcr oflccr conr pleting th is ccrtifi cate r crifies onlr (hc idcnl it\ of the indir idual rr ho signed the
docur)rcnl to \\hich this ccrtificatc is attached aDd not thc truthlul[css. accuracr. or \ alidit\ ol'thal docurucDt.
Signer's Namc:
E lndividual
This Poworol Attorney lamits the acts ofthosc narned herein, and they have no aultDrity to
bind lho Companyercept in the manner and tothe ortent herein stated
Liberty Mutual lnsurance ComPanY
The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company
West American lnsurance ComPanY
cedrlcareNo 8205873-971958
KNOWN ALL PERSONS By THESE PRESENTS: That The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company is a coeoralion duly organL/ed under the laws ol the State ol New Hampshire thal
l\r\rr(nLlrcfll lrsr l)cllcnlo. Murk llr!hur(ln . NrlnssrrL Krrl snrrllr.'lcr hlatrt.Vlrr(ssir
exc{ute. seal. acknowledge and delive..lor and on its behallas surety and as its act and deed, anyand allundertak
01 these presents and shall be as binding upon lhe Companies as i, lhey have been duly signed by he presidenl
te more ilian one named, ils true and lawfllaltoaney inlacl lo oake.
ngs. bonds recognizances and olher surety oblioalions. in puasuance
and attested by he secrelary of he Companies in $et own proPer
allol lhe crty ol Cosla Mesa slate ol
Liberty Mltual lnsurance ComPany
The Oho Casualty lnsurance Comp3ny
West Ameican lnsurance Company
each indMdually rf lherc
lN WIINESS WHEREOF, hts porcr ol A[omey has b€en subscribed by an auhorized omcer or o{fcEl d he Cofipanies and he coDorate seals of he Companies have been affxed
hereto tis ll1! -day ol December 2021
OJ //-/'fQBy
David I\,4 Carey Assrstant Secretary
Cornty o' MOi.lTGCi,lE RY "
0nthls tn.J dayor Dcl(nrh*r :{rI before me personatty appeared oavid M Carey who acknowledged himsell to be lhe Assrstanl Secretary of Libe0 lvlulual lnslrance
Company T6-Ohio Casually Compan)r and Weii American lnsurance Company and lhal he as such bcrng authoued so lo do execule the forEoing instrumentfor lhe puQoses
therern contained by soning ofl behali oflhe corpo(atDns by himsel{ as a duly authorized ollicer
lN WTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo subscrbcd my name and alfired my notarial seal al Krng ol Prussra Pennsylvanra on the day and year lirsl above wntlon
Cl,@Md[l oI PsntylvtN . llot.,Y S.!rs& Pasidra. ft r.Y Puhl.
lronrlms, Ca y
rrr .@n6ss .rrd Mr$ 23 2025
c(rms.n nJhber I l26o4a
Notary Publlc
This powe. ol Anomey is made and erecuted pursuant to and by authorily oI the lollowing By"laws and Authonzalions o, The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company. Liberly Mutual
tnsurance Company and West American lnsurance Company which resolutions ale no/v in full fo.ce and ellecl reading as lollows
ARTICLE lV - 0FFICERS:Section 12 Power o, Allorney
Any oliicer or other officiai of the Corporalion authoriz;d tor lhat purpose rn writing by the Chairman or the l\esidenl. and sublecl to such limitation as lhe Charman or lhe
ha;e lut power to bind he Corporatl;n by thef signalure and executron ol any such rnslruments and to altach lherelo the seal ol lhe CoDoralion Vvhen so ereclled. such
provigons ol lhls artcle may be revoked at any lrme by lhe Board. the Chairman the Presrdent or by the olllcer or oflicers granlinq such pows oI authonly
ARTICLE Xlll- Exerution olContracta: Section 5 Surety Bonds and Underlakings
snal appoinl such anomeys-in.fact. as may be nccessar lo acl n behall o, the Company to make exe{ute s€al. acknowiedge and delNer as sutety any and all undenakogs
Company bt heir signature and execulion o, any such nstruments and to atlach thereto lhe scal ol lhe Company Vvhen so executed such inslruments shall be as brndrng as d
sgnod by Ure presdent and altesled by tie secretary
lacl as may be necessar lo act on behal, ol the Company to make exeaute seal, acknowiedge and delNer as surely any and all undenakrngs. bonds. recognizaces and olier surely
lhe sare'o'ce and effecl as hough'narually atfrreo
has nol been revoked
lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF have heleunto sel my hand and af{ixed the seals ofsad Comlaoesfiis 7ih day oi J!lv- . 2022
1912r 1919 1991
1912 1919 t 199 r
LMS r?873 tMrC OCIC WAIC MulL Co 02/21
C llewa8n. Assistant Secrelary