2023/10/18 Caltrans Memorandum of Understanding Interstate 215 at McCall Boulevard - Caltrans VMT (2)MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING INTERSTATE 215 at McCALL BOULEVARD This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between the State of California, Department of Transportation (hereinafter Department) and the City of Menifee (hereinafter City). The purpose of this MOU is to establish the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) mitigation commitment in compliance with the environmental document for the Interstate 215 at McCall Boulevard interchange project (EA 1F700, hereinafter Project). The Department is the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the City is a responsible agency under CEQA and NEPA. This MOU does not authorize funding for the Project, nor is it a legally binding contract. The Induced Travel Study identified that mitigation would be required, and a Co - Operative Agreement was a tool that could be used to document the City's commitment. On January 30, 2023, the Project Team concurred that a cooperative agreement is not the appropriate documentation for this commitment. The Project Team has determined that an MOU is the appropriate documentation for this commitment due to McCall Boulevard's classification as a local facility. Proposed mitigation strategy: The Induced Travel Study used the National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) Calculator to estimate the annual VMT induced by the project. The NCST Calculator estimated the Project will induce 2.1 million VMT per year with the addition of 0.72 lane miles with the Project. The following strategy will mitigate for the VMT impacts: L Reduce the Number of Lanes on a Parallel Facility The City will implement the following road diet strategy to mitigate for VMT: • Reduce the number of lanes on a parallel facility 2.75 miles south of the Project. The lane reduction proposed is to remove 1.52 lane miles along the segment of La Piedra Road that runs from Menifee Road to Antelope Road. According to the NCST Induced Travel Calculator, it is estimated that the road diet will reduce VMT by 4.5 million per year. Therefore, implementation of this VMT mitigation strategy will result in a net reduction of 2.4 million VMT per year. The road diet will be funded through the City's local funds and SB 821 funding. The road diet is anticipated to cost approximately $446,210. The road diet is anticipated to be constructed prior to the construction of the Interstate 215 at McCall Boulevard interchange project to mitigate for VMT impacts associated with the future widening of McCall Boulevard. This MOU may be modified at any time by the agreement of the parties hereto. Approved: Catalino A. Pining, III, District Director Department of Transportation District 8 vv'�-7� City of Menifee� �� �� ✓ Date: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Jeff . Melching i Attorney