California Professional Engineering Inc. Faithful Performance Bond S001-4398BOND NO. S0014398 BOND PREMIUM IS $347,00 WHICH IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASEO ON FINAL CONTRACT PRICE BOND ISSUED IN TRIPLICATE PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, County of Riverside' State of California, by passed November 7 ,2016 , has awarded to Caft fornra Professional Engineenng lnc.hereinafter designated as the "Principal", a Contract for construction of the Kav ceniceroe Senior center Phase lll togethef with appurtenances thereto, and WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said Contract to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, WC Carifornra Professional Engtneenng lnc.AS Principal, and Allied world lnsurance companv a corporation organized existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire , and duly authorized to tran business under the laws of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the and sact City of Menifee hereinafter called the Contracting City, in the penal sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of Four Thousand One Hundred Twenty Eight and 00h00 Dollars (24,128.00 lawful money of the United Stated of America, for payment of which sum we ll and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE OBLIGATION lS SUCH that, if the hereby bounded Principal, his/hers or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by and well and truly keep and perform all the undertakings, terms, covenants, conditions and agreements in said Contract and any alteration thereof, made as therein provided all within the time and in the manner therein designated and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall faithfully fulfill the one-year guarantee of all materials and workmanship after final acceptance; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Menifee, its officers and agents, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void, otheruise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. FURTHER, the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the Contract Documents or of work to be performed thereunder. No final settlement between the Principal and the contractor hereunder shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied' Notices, papers and other documents required by chapter 2 of Title 14 ol Patt 2 of code of civil Procedure, or by any other law, regulation, or requirement of the Contract may be served upon Principal at this address: 929 otterbein Avonue. ste. E, La Puente. cA91748 and upon Surety at this address 550 S. Hope Street,Suite 1825, Los Angeles, CA 9007'l lN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument' of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly exe by the Principal and Surety herein named on the 8th day of November The name and co presents duly sig governing body. rporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and ned by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority California onal Eng g lnc. Principal By Allied Wodd lnsuranc€ Company e ng each cuted 2 oto these of its a Civil Code of the State of California, Section 1 188' CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT An officer taking the acknowledgment of an instrument must endorse thereon or attach thereto a certificate substantially in the forms hereinafter prescribed. (rNDrvrDUAL) State of California County of Riverside City of Menifee On this day of _, in the year 2-, before me, personally appeared (or proved to me on tffi 3"p,".::?'[) i^l,l# 1.,#" subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal SEAL Notary Public - State of California (coRPoRATrON) State of Califomia County of Riverside City of Menifee On this day of in the year 2_, before me, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the within instrument as president (or secretary) or on behalf of the corporation therein named acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. WTNESS my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public State of California ) ) ) ) )ss. ) (PARTNERSHIP) State of California County of Riverside City of Menifee On this day of -, in the year 2-, before me, personally appeared personally known be the person whoto me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to executed the within instrument on behalf of the partnership and a that the partnership executed it. cknowledged to me SEAL Notary Public - State of California (ATTORNEY IN FACT) State of California County of Riverside City of Menifee day of in the year _,personally knownbefore me, personally appeared to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument as the attorney in fact of SS ) ) ) SS, ) ) ) and acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of attomey in fact. WITNESS my hand and official seal SEAL thereto as principal, and his/her own name as Notary Public State of California WITNESS my hand and official seal. On this _ AI,I,-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGM ENT State ofClalifornia )SS. County of Los Angeles On November 8,2016 before me,Diem Chu , Notary Public, personally appeals6 van Nguyen , who proved to me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to be the person(q) whose name(s) is/Etp subscribed to the within instrument- and acknowledged to me that he,khdthcy executed the same in hislhodthdr authorized capacity(ilc)' and that by his/bedtheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(t), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(r) acted, executed the instrument. I ccrtify under PENAI,TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Californie that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct, tJ) WITNESS my hand and official seal. 0 -e NOlARY'S SIGNATURE A notary public or other oftice completing lhis certlicate verifies only the identity of the individual who slgned the docurnent to which this certificate is attached. and not ttle truthfulness. accuracv. or validitv ol [tat document. PLAC[, NO',TARY StAL lN Al]O\_ OPTIONAL INFOR"IITATION - The information below is optional. However, it may prove valuable and could prevent fraudulent attachment of this form to an unauthorized document. CAPACITY CLAISIED BY SIGNER (PRIn*CIPAL)DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUNIE\T trEn!ntrtr INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER President-secretary- Treasurer, Manager PARTNER(S) ATTORNEY-IN.FACT TRUSTEE(S) CUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR OTHER: r tTlqs) NUMBER OF PAGES DATF- oF DoCUMENI' OTHER Califomia Professional Engineering, lnc RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER E F APA t.'l0ll NOTARY BONDS, SI)PPI IIiS AND FORMS AT HTTP //WWW VAI,I.T]Y.SIERRA.COM O 2OO5'2OOE \AI,I"I]Y.SIERRA INSURANCE OIEM CHU C0MM. | 2042313 Noi^nY PUEt rC . CALTF0nMA Los Atctrrs CouxTr f,Y Corr ErP Srp 21.2017 TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER (PRINCIPAI.,) IS REPRESf,NTING: N,^ML Ol I'I'IRSON(S) oR LN I IIY(lllS) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other otficer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signe document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that documen d the t. STATE OF CALIFORNIA )County of Orange On November 8, 2016 before me, Kathryn Lopez Notary Public, Date lnsert Name of Nolary exaclly as t appears on lhe olfloal seal personally appeared Christine Hoan s) KATHRYN TOPEZ ,na who proved to me on the basis of satrsfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscnbed to the within iristrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies)' and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entrty upon behalf of which the person(s) acted. executed the instrument. I certitu under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the St;te of Ca[fornia that the foregoing paragraph is true G'coM M. t 2158796 IIOIAR'I Pr,JSLlc.caf miu ORANG E COUNTY N w col,lM uP JUIY 1,2020 and correct. Witness my han seal Signature Place Noiary Sear Above Sgnaturc ryn Lopez OPTIONAL Thouoh the information below rs not re quired bv lew it may prcve valuab/e to persons relying on the document' and could prevent traudulent removdl and reaftechment of the form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Performance Bond # 3001-4398 Document Date: November 8 2016 Number of Page s: 4 Signe(s) Other Than Named Above None Capacity(ies) claimed by Signer(s) sisner's Name: Christine Hoanq Signer's Name ! lndividual D Corporate Officer -Title(s)f] Partner fl Limited E ceneral M Attomey in Fact n Trustee E Guardian or Conservator E Other: E Partner ! Limited E ceneral ! Attorney in Fact E Trustee D Guardian or Conservator n Other: Srgner is Representing: Allied World lnsurance Top of thumb hele Top olthumb herc RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Comoanv Signer is Representing n lndividual n Corporate Officer - Title(s). _ RIGHT THUMBPRINT' OF SIGNER Zl'ALLIEtr'l7ll Vtt6lFlLtrl ATIIEO WORTD IN5URANCE COMPANY l0 5. 17'r sl, surto 1600 Philadelph a, PA 19101 USA POWER OF ATTORNEY lssue Date: October 26, 2016 No. 32826-A l40l Single Transaction Limit: S 10,000,000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Allied world lnsurance Company. a New Hampshire corporation (the "Companf')does hereby appoint NAME(s)r James W. Moilanen YuntT. Mullick Christine HoinS The Bond Exchange & lnsurance Agency 24800Chrisanta Orive Suite 160 Mission Viejo, C492691 Its tue and lawful Attomey(sHn-Fact, wih full au$o.ity to execute on its behaf bonds, undertakings, rccognizances and ofrer m.lffis of indemnrty and writngs obligatory h $e naturc hereof, issued in tle courso ol its business, and to bind he Company treGby, This Po,,r,er of Attomey shall remain in full force and effecl for one year from the issued date aboveefurenc€d and shdl exrire on dose of business ol he trst anniveBary of such lssue Dde. lN WIII{ESS WHEREOF, ALLIED WoRLD INSURANCE CoMPANY has caused the6e presenb to be exeorbd by the offcer naned belorv, wtro is duly auhorized and empowered to exeqle on he Company's behalf. Thls 26th day of Octobe., 2016 Name: Robert €. Stapl6 Title: Senior Mce President - Surety State of Pennsylvanh ) County of Phlladelphia )ss. On thls 26lh day of October, 2016 before nE aame the abo\,e-named ofilcer of AIUED WORTD INSURAN€E COMPANY, to nE personally klown to bettE lndlvidual and ofilcer deltnH heeln, ard actnou,ledSed that he execded the fo.eplng lnsuument and aftrcd the seals of sald coryordtlon thereto by at,thortty d hls ofEq Notary My Commission Expires: 08/05/2018 CERTIFICATE Eaerpl ol Ro6olulih adopbd by lho Boad of OEdors of Uro AlIlEo U00.J ISURAIICE CO Pr't{Y Ore'Co.I.rddml, oi D€ctrnb€r 31, m12: RESCf,VED, Aat he p.Ep€. oib.n d tb O.pofdbn, !B lEd of tE srtty bq*B ft6 h tr Coeddbr ad !r, mhbd dairros (€dr ar '&tuiad oficr/ ad @&di!rly, tE'tutEfldqlcqE'l b6, ,'d 6dt hddy E afidbd b ryid CrE E nxr Albfi€yEhfei b r€pBi ad d tu d{ (r1 bhdd 0r O.pfdkr h |!9 faEdin offE CqnFVs $r!ay bujE6s b o0edlo (utde. tE comm s€d dtB CdDo&[ f 40rwl0b)b(rlds, urGrb*i$, 'rottuaE 6 rd.tsootffidhddrrfy rtd $ie$ dtey h 0u n€UB hrrd. RESo.!E0, ltd h .dlrEdql rlh !E Coldr$dth trsdt oa snty hdB, 08 CrtdB an ffiliIE d !u AJtstsd Ulcds rd tb sd .r 0!o Cqporrin rEy be ffcd b ary sldr Porr, of A,I,tEy o b cry crtlcab 'ddi! hq$ ry 6.sffi, drd ary edr toi.o. d A[qisy o. cslb b6.i! sdr bm $ndrBs o. hiri6 s.d $d b !fi ad finfiE e(rr h6 C<rFddr *En ro a6€d ll r cspd b ay bdd. trndtd&o,,egtzE q otE c(tlm oairrdrity 6r ! obt&y h,n iEtr6ln&f. RESoI\ED, tld h comdixr rft t€ CcrldEh's tr8adon ol aftty hatB, tl6 Mo o ,nodElcry E0ldxod ngdt! ol ary Arndizsd 01t6, r,hds ,rdo hdetoto€ o tlgB&, stsu,s 4di19 l+(rl a copyd ery Fs.qdf,lbrrydfE Copqtjdl, 'r,tl 'iFd-i6 dt€d 6 nod &oa id, M be vdd ad til,i! opl tB Cdpodin fih tasarB ht6 ard #6 tD([h nrardy alb€d. trS0-\ED, fl, h oflEdin rih fE C.rlddcn's tE$dt d qrdy lEi6, $y sudr /'bnqfilFd ddwfrg a sqdd qo0scadifcalir hd tr trcodE E olrirE sf be h eftd may iEsi h srd csfrcdin ,E d# $o€of, 8d d* b b d bLh'l $ed* ofddt4ry tsrd by sJd ,\hnefilFd- RESo|VEo, hal tt€ AutEdEd oficds bo, rrd odl hei$y b, artlttbd b o6orb l(ndor tE c@rnq! sod ol fE Caryrxnn, il apgDFt e). rn*6, fe an ddivra h t€ ndie dd on bddf oftl€ Cqpddhls t?r6adh ol sudy b,6it1€66, as sd1 Arbriz€d OI..a shd h hb ( Is *adub disddin doqn or d6Hr*1o apgwiab and rr ol he blgo.tg nschrtfs, 0le fa]sdhs erry grdr aabn by sdr AuuDrizd On.€a. l, D6nl€l zht*odry, S€qEb,y of fto AtIlo WORI"o |i'ISI,RANCE Coi,PANY, do hE!ry cct1y hd ho bEodE o(.gpb d R6sdutq! adoded by tE B@d d Dircdoc d hb oc.poralitn, ad tlo Pctrq of Abncy irsu€d prEJait hddo, 6r€ tu€ dd cqrEd, 'ld tlat bctr he Rrsddion dd ho Porg d Atqn6y 8rE in ful ble dd efrd lN WTIiIESS WHEREOF, lhave hsqrnb so{ my had and afixed he bcimile s6aloftle.t.pqdhn, hbB_ d8y of \r$Ifl\U,Y m-\b Sn suR 00046 00(0s/2016) Daniel Zharkovky, AVP, Assistant General Counsel FIRM: ULq,--