2019/06/19 California Professional Engineering, Inc. CIP19-04 & 19-05, McCall Blvd & Oakhurst Ave & Murrieta Rd & Park City Ave (2)CITY OF MENIFEE BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT CIP NO. 19-04 AND 19-05 (TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT: MCCALL BLVD & OAKHURST AVE., AND MURRIETA RD & PARK CITY AVE) This owner-Contractor Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into for the above referenced Project by and between the City of Menifee ("Agency"). and CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING. INC.("Contractor"), w 939 0TT ERI}EIN AVE UNIT E.LA PUENTE. CA 9t748 o 2. CONTRACTPRICE hose principal business address is n the l4 dav ofJune- 2019.-l In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Agency and Contractor have mutually agreed as follows: I. CONSTRUCTION The contractor agrees to do all the work and fumish all the labor, services, materials andequipment necessary to construcl and complete the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents (as hereinafter defined), including all work, labor, services, materials and equipment described and reasonably inferable from documents enumerated in Exhibit "A" attached irereto and incorporated herein by reference (such construction and furnishing of labor. service. materials and equipment hereinafter referred to as the "Work") in a good worker-like and substantial mannerand to the satisfaction of the Agency. in connection with rhe clp No. 19-04 AND 19-05(TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT: MCCALL BLVD & OAKHURST AvE. AND MURRTETA AVE& PARK CITY AVE) to be construcred at various intersection within the City of Menil.ee,california. The term contract Documents shall mean this Agreement. and ali of the items enumerated in Exhibit "A" and all change orders or addenda issued by the Agency with respect thereto. Agency must consent in writing to any changes in the scope of work. gxhiuit .'a" shatt be deemed revised in accordance with any revisions for which Agency's consent has been issued. Any revisions to the scope of work for which Agency's consent has not been issued shall be null and void. Agency hereby agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to accept as fullcompensation for all Work performed in accordance with these Contract Documents the Contract Pricqas set forth in Exhibit"8", contract Price, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. payments to the Contractor shall be made in the manner described in the Special provisions. 3. TIME FOR PERFORMANCE Time is of the essence in the performance of Work for this Agreement and all timing requirements shall be strictly adhered to unless otherwise modified by the Agency in accordance with these Bid and Contract Documenls- The Contractor shall complete the Work in every detail to the satisfaction ofthe Agency. exclusive of maintenance periods, within the specilied duration set forth in the Notice to proceed. 190,01[!5lt,000ll ?6.15681 I a05 .10 19 Page I 4. DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME See Section 6-6 ofthe Special Provisions. 5. LABORCODEREQUIREMENTS Pursuant to Labor Code Section I 77 L I , the Contractor and all subcontractors shall be registeredwith the Department of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4, the Contractor is hereby notified that this Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. [EFFECTIVE APRIL I , 2015.] 6. NON-DISCRIMINATION In the performance of this Agreement. the Contractor shall not refuse or fail to hire or employ any qualified person, or bar or discharge from employment any person, or discriminate against any person, with respect to such person's compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because of such person's race, religious status. sex or age. 7. AUTHORIZEDAGENCYREPRESENTATIVES on behalfofthe Agency. the city Engineer ofthe City of Menifee shall be the Agency's authorized representative in the interpretation and enforcement ofall Work performed in connection with this Agreement. The City Engineer may delegate authority in connection with this Agreement to his/her assigned desi gnees. 8. WORKERS'COMPENSATIONINSURANCE a) By my signature hereunder. as Contractor, I certify that Iam aware ofthe provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code. which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workers' Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code. and I will comply with such provisiorrs before commencing the perlormance of the Work of this Agreement. b) The Contractor shall require each subcontractor to comply with the requirements of Section 3700 of the Labor Code. Before commencing any work, the contractor shall cause each subcontractor to execute the fbllowing certification: "l am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for worker.s compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Work of this Agreement." 9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; CONFLICT The contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between the Agency and the contractor with respect to the Work. In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreerrent and the bidof the Contractor. then this Agreement shall control and nothing herein shalfbe considered as an acceptance ofthe tenrs ofthe bid conflicting herewith. :90/0:r 18511-0008 1645641 2 a05,20rlt)Page 2 IO. MAINTENANCE OF AGREEMENT DOCUMENTATION contractor shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employee time sheets, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such materials available atlts office at all reasonable times during the term of this Agreement and for three (3) years from the date offinal payment under this Agreement, for inspection by Agency and copies thereof shall befumished to Agency if requested. II. INDEPENDENTCONTRACTOR At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall be an independent contractor andshall not be an employee, agent, partner orjoint venturer ofthe Agency. Agency shall have theright to control Contractor insofar as the results of Contractor's services rendired pursuant to thisAgreement; however, Agency shall not have the right to control the means by which contractor accomplishes such services. 12. LICENSES AND PERMITS Contractor represents and declares to Agency that it has all licenses. permits, qualifications andapprovals of whatever nature which are legally required to practice its profesiion. Contractor represents and warrants to Agency that Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in efl'ect at_all. times during the term oflhis Agreement, any licenses, permits, qualifiiations or approvalswhich are legally required for Contractor to practice its profession. I3. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE This Agreement and the Contract Documents shall be construed under and in accordance with thelaws ofthe state ol'califomia, and the appropriate venue for any action or proceeding arising fromthis Agreement and/or the Contract Documents shall be had in the Supeiior Coun'of RivJrside, Temecula Branch 14. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall for allpurposes be deemed to be an original. I5. FALSE CLAIMS contractor acknowledges that if a fhlse claim is submitted to the Agency, it may be considered fraud and Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. Contractoi acknowledges that the False Claims Act, california Govemment Code sections 12650. et seq., provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly subrnits a false claim to a public entity. Thisi provisions include withintheir scope false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information. In the event the Agency seeks to recoverpenalties pursuant to the False Claims Act. it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, includingattomeys' fees. Contractor hereby acknowledges that the filing ofa false claim may the Contractorto an administrative debarment proceeding wherein Contractor may be prevented from further bidding on public contracts for a period ofup to five (5) years. I have read and understood all ofthe provisions ofthis Section 15, above: 290,011858-0008 ?6.15681 2.0510,19 Page 3 ',1 t\ (lnitial)(lnitial) I6. ACREEMENTMODIFICATION This Agreement and the contract Documents may not be modified orally or in any manner otherthan by an amendment in writing and signed by the Agency and the Coniractor. IN wlrNESS wHEREoF this Agreement is executed as of the date first written above. AGENCY: CoNTRACTOR: City of Menifee Engineering Inc. By:By: ,lJ Name: VanBillZimIts: P APPROVED AS TO FORM:By: Name:NBy:Its:asu r . Melchi Attorney ATTEST: 0 [gkb Contractor's City Business License No anwaring, City Cl 7939071 A . c- 10. c-20 State Contractor License No. & Class 929 0 ERBEIN AVE. UNIT E Street Address LA PU NTE. CA 9I748 Ciry. Srate. Zip Code lNorE: In the event the contractor is a Corporation, the signatures of two separate persons holding different offices must be provided.l yor v 290,0:r1858-000E 764J681.2 a05,20, t9 Page 4 Sarah A. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS AND DIRECTORS CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING, INC. The annual meeting of the shareholdels of the above named Califomia Corporation was duly held at the principal oflice 0f the corporation located at 929 Otterbein Avenue, Unit E, La Puente, CA, 9i748, USA on January 2.1, 2019. The Director present was VAN TAN NGUYEN. President acting as Chairman, same being VAN TAN NGUYEN. The Chanman then presented and read to the meeting a Waiver of Notice of Meetlng, subscribed by all of the Directors of the Corporation. Upon motion duly made, il was: Resolved, that the chairman be requesled to cause the same to be spread at length upon lhe minutes. Resolved, that the following persons werc nominated and lhereupon elected to the position opposite their names to serve until their successors are elected and qualified: VAN NGUYEN, PRESIDENT VAN NGUYEN, SECRETARY PHUONG-THAO NGUYEN, CHTEF FtNANCIAL OFFTCER (CFO) Resolved, that the above persons elected may sign all binding, contractual documents on behalf of the Corporation. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer thereupon assumed theh respective offices. The President then presented and read the minutes of the annual meeting of shareholders of this Corporation, and the same were, on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously canial, in all aspects mllfied and adopted by this Board of Directors. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously canied, lhe same was adloumed. The forego minules of Janu )1 '19 are approved VAN NG EN, President (corporate seal) VAN NG EXHIBIT A CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Owner-Contractor A greement Bid Schedule Addenda Plans Special Provisions (Specifi cations) Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and Regional Supplements State Standard Specifi cations State Standard Plans Permits issued by jurisdictional regulatory agencies Electric, gas, telephone, and cable television company specifications and standards teo 031E58-0008 76,1568r.1a05,2019 Page 5 EXHIBIT B CONTRACT PRICE Not-to-Exceed Eight Hundred Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Five Dollars and Zero Cents ($814,935.00) The Contracl Price for performing all Work described in the Contract Documents, including labor, materials, services and equipment is the total amount of all lump sum items and of all unit price sums, determined by multiplying the unit price for each item times the actual quantity ofeach such item, as determined by the Agency. 29'0/011858-(1008 7645681 2 a05,r0/te Page 6 Traff lc Slgnals: Mcc.ll/Oakhurst, Murrieta/park CIP No. 19-04 rnd 19{rs BIDDER'S PROPOSAL (conrinued) BIDDER'S PROPOSAL The undeRigned hereby proposes to furnish snyand all labor, materials, and equipment for the TRATFIC S|GNALS AT: MGCALI- Bl-vD. & OA|(HURST AvE., AND MURRTETA RO. & PARK CtTy AvE., CIP No. 19"04 AND 19-05, and appurtenant work ln connection therewlth, said work to be done and materials to be furnished ln stricl cor ormity with the pLns, sp€clflcalions, all other r€fer€nced documents and all codes and regulations the prices sho$m on thls proposal. The undersigned has examined the location of the proposed work, and is lamiliar with the plans and speciti.ations and the local conditions at the place the work is to be done, and also understsnds that the prolect will b€ completely construct€d in turn-key condttion acc€ptabl€ to the Owner be for the pric€ of the proposal, includinS all fees and seles tax upon any malerials so furnlshed. The undersigned has atso carefully checked Ell of the figures given and understands that the Owner will be responsible for any errors or omisslons on the part ot the undersigned in submitting this Foposal. The Contractor conlirms that his/her bid is submitted with respect to the changes to the contract included ln all addenda issued by the Owner. Receipt is hereby acknowledged ofAddenda No.(s WARNING: tt an addendum or addenda have been bsued by th! Owoer and not noted above a5 beinS received by th€ blddcr, thk Bld may be rcJcded. The undersign€d has examlned the current stare of california schedure of prevalllng wage rates for th€ types of work to be done on this pro.iect and a8rees to pay not less than these rates. R'3 PROPOSAt / AODET{DA ACXNOWTEDEMENT ScHEDUl"E rORM (SCHEDUtEI RTIFICITE REGANOING CONIRACTOR'S UCTNSE ID SECUR[rY. CASHITR's CHECK OR BID BOI{D AFFIDAVIT REFERENCE IIST ON OF SUBCONTRACTORS TRACTORS CERTIFICATE OF WORI(ER's COMPENSANON INSURANCE RMCI{T AND SUSPENSION CTRTIFICATION N OF iION-OISCRIMIITATIOII AITO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION copy oF cA DEproF tNDUSInnt REtAT|ONS (DtR) iEGtStRATtON. All Bldders are REQUIRED to us€ unit prices where tndicated and to complete this schedule.All items shall be complete and in prace per plans {if applicable) and these Bid and contract Documents. 7-2 Page 776.156E1 2 .05 20,1e BID ITEM Df,SCRIPTION QTY.UNIT UNlT PN,ICE EXTENDED ITEM AMOUNT 1 lvlobilizalion /Demobilization I LS lSe:ls-P'r Clearing end Grubbing: include rernoval and dbposal of rcC and AC to th6 limits as shown in the sonatruction documents. LS 2€oo 2goo -3 lmplementation of BMP's t LS looo looo'cr- 4 I COoo SoOO Remove Existing Striping, Legend 8nd RPMS as shown on the construction documents. LS Itoo 6 Complote Traffic but nol limited to Signal System (lncluding all work, labor, malerial, equipmenl, utilily coordlnation, utitity work order wori(, tEnching. lrench restoration, removaUrepair/replacemenureloca0on of any €xi6ting improvements or faciliues conduil ped$tals, v8ult8, poles, borings, rmport, €xport, tootings all electricalwork, incidenhls End snyhing 6lse neceBsary to installthe complate and fu y tunctional Traffc Signal System all rn complance wiut tha contracl docum€nts and all rel€vant standards, codo6, and ordinances to lhe sstiEraction ofthe En neer I LS 3t+-'1,\lt 3+1,llfg 7 Fumish and lnstall Pedest iao Ramp Type I "C8se A" Per Cfty ot Menifee Standard Plan No. 405 and Cmss gutter per City of Menifee Standard Plan 2OO. lnclude compaction of 8ubgrade. Match flor,/ line elevations 4 EA 83oo 3?Zoo 8 Signing and Skiping (including RPMs; delinBatorg, etc.) Es shown in the contract docurnenls.lo@o I Field Orders l_s $ 10,000.00 s r0,000.00 TOTAL 4lo.ll I '' Traffic Slgnals: McCall/Oakhurst, Murrieta/park CIP No. 19-04 and 1$O5 BIODER'S PROFOSAT l.ontlnued) BID SCHEDUtE A; McCall Blvd/Oal'hu6t St. leo 03 t858-0008 76.15681 2 a05'20 l9 7-3 Page 8 2 I Traffic Conbol LS 5 I - !2-lSoo ,l*lo oo,J I BloDERS PROPOSAL (contlnu!d) BID SCHEOULE B: Mrnhta Rd/rtsrk Ctry Av.. 1-4 BID ITEM D[,SCRITTION UNIT lII{IT PRICE EXTENDED ITEM AMOTINT Mob lization /Demobilization LS tSoo tFOo 2 Clearing and crubbingr include ramoval and disposal of PCC and AC to the timits as shown in the construcli on docurDenls.2soo 2s:oo' 3 lmpbmentation of BMP's LS tooo'loco 4 Tratfic Control LS 3ooo 3ooo' 5 R€mov6 Exl6ting Striping, Legend and RPMs es shown on the construction documants. LS €soo 6 Traffc Signsl System (lncluding but not limited to allwork, labor, matorial, equipment, utility ooordination, utility work ordsr work, fenching. trench restorstion, removaUrepair/replacemenl/relocation of any existinO improvements or facilities. conduit p€d€stals, vaults, poles, borings, import, export footjngs alt eleclricsl work, incidentals and anything els€ nec€ssary to installlhe complete and fully functional Trsffc Signal Syst6m all in compllance with the contracl documents and all ralgvant Etandards. codes. and ordinances to the sstisfEclioo of the Complete E lne'er LS E28,l7v. 7 urnish and lnstall Pedestrian Ramp Type I "Case A" Per City ot Menifee Standsrd Plsn No. 405 8nd Cross gutter per City of Menifee Standard Plan 209. lnclude compaction of subgrade. Match F existi llow line elevations 4 EA ge0u oO 3Ot2oo 8 ng and Striping (including RpMs, delineators, etc.) as shown in the mntract documents. Signi LS 7o.ocD oO20,06 I Field Orders LS s r 0,000.00 $ t0.000.00 290/01t858.00(8 761568t 2 a0J/20,19 Page 9 Traffi c Signals: Mccall/Oakhurst, Murrteta/park CIP No. 19-04 and 19-05 QTY. 1 I LS I I Ssoo 328,te+ ., I TOTAL 4o+,82u "o Trafflc SlSnals: McCall/Oakhurst, Murrieta/park CIP No. 19"Or and 19-05 BIDDER'S PROFOSAT (continucd) 8lD sCHEDUI"E C: 8lD ALTERNATIVES BID rTEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNTT UNIT PRtCf, f,XTENDED II'AM AMOUNT 1 Furnish and lnst8ll BOSCH Modst Autodome lP Stsrlight 7000 HD C8mer8 and Nec€$ary Equipment 2 ItA ll,ooo 22)@;24 22rooos- The lowest responsive bldder.haltbe determtncd by compnring 5um orthe b.re bid amount(!)A andB Additlvc or aftemativebids lll anyl arc not lnctudcd in the tuse bid. TOTAL BID AMOUNT SCH (in numbe.3)$ zt+ ""4" Al{D "B'{rn words)and lag and Z-rJ-o C€nts ln the event oI a varlatlon batwcen the unit prica and extended total, the unit price will be used and the corrected extenslon wlll b€ consldered a! th€ amount bid. lf th. bld ls illeSlbleand cnnaot b2 reconciled h wlll be consldercd hon-responjive and will not be consldered fo, award. ff equal low blds are recelved I,om,espoEible and respoBfue blddeG the selaction shall be m.de bydrawlng lots, or other simllar random btlnd method selected by the Owner. lf onhone responslve bld is receivad from a responsrbla brdder the award shal not be made unless the price can be determhed to be reasonable based on an analysar by the owner. The owne/s determination as to the reaSonablenessofany such bid shallbe final. All blds recetued shall be recordld on an abstr.ct (t.bulation) of blds, !nd th.n rnade ava[.ble for public illspecilon. Tte quantltles listed in the bid proposal are provided to give a general indtca on of the scope of thework and for the comparison of blds. No warranty ls mada, either axpEssad or implted, that the actualguantities of work to be done will conespond therewlth. ltem numbcrs follo\red by "(S), aredeslSn.ted .s speclalty items. BY 3i8nint and submittint thlr bid the Contractor confirms that th.y are fnmiliar whh the wo.k slte endall exislint conditions that may aff€ct thejr work and that they havo read snd aBrae to all thc tcrms,condltion! and requir€ments contslned or refarenced hercin and that all the aforemenfloned has b€enlncludld ln the bid prlces lhted above including items ofwork that may not have a specific pay tine item and that there shall be no addttional costs to the Owner. 1,5 Page l0 TOTAL 290101r858{00E 76456nt.2 a05/20r'li) Cily ol Menitee CIP l9-04, 05: Trorflc Signolr: McColl/Ookhunf, Murrleto/pork Cily Addondum # I (8/15/20t8) Iho lblowhg mod cotdn/cbrtaoo on ora mod. to lh. NlB. Appendlx I - Btd Documenls: - Reploce 8ld Schedute A wllh ths ottoched.- Redoce Btd schedute B with the ottoched, By ordor or, Corlos Geronimo. pE Senlor Civll Englnaer tt, MENIFEE Ncw. Battei, 86st. 29nr03 t858-00n8 7615681 2 a05,20/19 Page ll I I Traffi c SiBnals: McCall/Oakhurst, Mu r.ietalPa* CIP No. 19{4 and l9{5 Complete the following: BIDDER'S PROPOSAT (contlnued) Califomia Protesslonal Enginesring, lnc [egalname of the buslness Corporation Euriness Typc lcorporatlon, Partnership, SoL proprletorl N/A OBA lifany) Van Nguyen, PrBsident Name andtltl€ of thc o$,nE N/A ilame and titk oflccond partner or officer 929 Otterb€in Ave Unit E La Pu€nt€, CA 917i+8 Businers Addrcss 6268101338 Telephone number 6268101322 Fac!lmil€ number ineeringinc.com Emall addreis ol primary .ont ct https://cpe ngineeringinc.corn/ Compenyweb address SiBnature of P Contractor Date SlEnature of Contraclor Van Nguyon, President Van , S€creta Prlnt nrme and tltle Prlnt n.m€ and title (U the Pime Contructot ts o cotpototloti two stgndtutes ol ao.potute of1i.e$ oE rcqulred.) 05/01/2019 Date 190 011858,0008 76,15681 : a05,20r l') 1-6 I)aue I 2 I I I Traffic Signals; MccalUOakhurst, Mur.leta/Park CIP No, 19-04 and 1905 gIDDER'S PROPOSAL (contlnued) CERTIFICATE REGARDING CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE 1. Contractor is required to possess one of the following State Contractor's License: Stat€ of californla Class'A and or C-l(l" Contracto/s License 2. A failure to possess the required license, a fallure to truthfully set forth the following informatlon, or a failure to execute this Cenlficate renders the proposal nonresponsive and requires the Clty to reied the proposal. (Business and Professtons Code Section 7028.15) 3, Contractor de(lares, under penalty of perjury, that he possesses the required Contractor's licens€(s) which: Bears the li(erse number(s). 793907 onl 05/01/2019 05/01/2019 Signature ot Prlme Dat€Si8neture of Prime Date Van Nouyen , President Van Nguyen, Secreta ry Prlnt neme and title (lf the kime Contructor it o cotpotoion two tignoturct of .oryorotc off'ren orc rcqutrc(t.) This required license determination has been made by the Owner. Any Contractor holding a different license who fecls he i5 qualified to bid on thls work must so advise the owner at least seven (7) days prior to the bid opening. A review of the contemplated work will be made and the Owner's decision as to the required license will be final. b. 290103 t858,0008 7645681 2 a05/20i l9 1.7 Page I 3 a. Prlnt name and title