2023/05/17 Pulte Home Company, LLC TM 36658-2Crr\ ()t.N4F.NI-!.r.1 SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TRACT MAP NO. 36658-2 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET, DRAINAGE, WATER, AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS THIS SUBDIVISION IMPBOVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") as made and entered into this \-'1 day ol 20 13 , by and between !g!19 Homes Co. LLC.hereinafter refer to as "Subdivider," and the City of Menifee, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinatter referred to as "City." City and Subdivider may sometimes herein be referred to individually as a "party" and collectively as the "parties." RECITALS A. Subdivider has prepared and submitted to City for final approval and recordation a final map or Tract map (the "Map") of a unit of land in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, which unit ol land is known as Tract No. 36658-2 (the "Tract") pursuant to the provisions of Section 66410, et seq. of the Calilornia Governmenl Code (the "Subdivision Map Act"). The Subdivision Map Act and City ordinances and regulations relating to the filing, approval and recordation ol subdivision maps are sometimes collectively relerred to in this Agreement as the "Subdivision Laws." B. A tentative map of the Tract has been approved subject to the Subdivision Laws and to the requirements and conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 15-466 (the "Resolution ol Approval"). The Resolution of Approval is on lile in the ollice of the City Clerk and is incorporated into this Agreemenl by relerence. C. Prior to approval ol the lv1ap, Subdivider is required to install or agree to install certain public and private improvements (the "lmprovements"). D. The lmprovements have not been installed and accepted at this time E. lt is therefore necessary that Subdivider and City enter into an agreement for the installation of the lmprovements as provided in Section 66462 of the Subdivision lvlap Act. ln consideration of approval ol a Iinal map for the Tract by the City Council, Subdivider desires to enter into this Agreement, whereby Subdivider promises to install and complete, at Subdivider's own expense, all the public improvement work required by City in connection with the proposed Tract. Subdivider has secured this Agreement by improvement security required by the Subdivision Laws and approved by the City. NOW, THEBEFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows 1 . lmprovement Plans. Prior to submiltal of the Map for approval by the City Council, Subdivider shall furnish complete original improvement plans for the construction, installation and completion of the lmprovements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. The lmprovement Plans for the Tract shall be maintained on tile in the office ol the City Engineer and shall be incorporated into this Agreement by relerence. All relerences in this Agreement to the lmprovement Plans shall include reference lo any specifications for the lmprovements as approved by the Clty Engineer. 2. lmprovements. Subdivider shall construct the lmprovements required to be constructed or agreed to be constructed under the Besolution ol Approval and this Agreemenl as more specifically described in Exhibit "A." attached hereto and expressly made a part hereof by this reference and shall bear the full cost thereof. The methods, standards, specifications, sequence, and scheduling of construction shall be as approved by the City Engineer. Subdivider shall complete construction of backbone water and sewer improvements servicing water and sewer improvements covered under this agreement. Backbone improvements referenced herein are provided under a separate agreement and security instrument. Agreement and Securities for subdivision improvements are provided as lollows: Agreement for Tract #36658-2 For the Construction of Backbone Street and Drainage, Flood Control, Water System and Sewer lmprovements, executed Nlarch 31,2023. Bond No. US00124296SU23A by XL Specialty lnsurance Co., 505 Eagleview Blvd, Exton, PA 19341. Faithful Performance Bond $18,330,000. 3. lm rovement Secu Agreement by f urnishing Subdivision Laws on form Agreement for Tract #36658-2 For the construction ol onsite street and Drainage, water system and sewer lmprovements, executed lv'larch 14,2023. Bond No. L|CX1974060 by Lexon lnsurance Company, 12890 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Faithlul Performance Bond $4,282,500. Subdivider shall at all times guarantee Subdivider's performance of this to City, and maintaining, good and sufficient security as required by the s and in the amounts approved by City for the purposes as follows: B. lmprovement security shall conlorm with Section 66499 ol the Calilornia Governmenl Code and may be one or more of the lollowing: 1 ) A cash deposit with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at City's option. 2) Surety bonds, of the form specified in subsection 66499.2 ol the Calilornia Government Code, issued by a surety or surelies listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570 (latest version). 3) Certificates of deposit, in City's name, from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal governmenl and having a financial quality rating of "A" or better and a commitment reliability rating of "R-2" or better on the lnvestment Data Exchange (of the Los Angeles County Treasurer's oftice). 4) lrrevocable letters of credit, in a lorm acceptable to and approved by the City Attorney, issued by one or more financial institutions meeting the requirements of Paragraph (3), pledging that the funds necessary to carry out the completion of the lmprovements are on deposit, guaranteed for payment, and constitute a trust fund which as not subject to levy or attachment by any creditor of the depositor until released by City. Letters of credit shall guarantee that all or any portion of the funds available pursuant to the letters of credit will be paid upon the written demand ol City and that such written demand need not present documentation of any type as a condition of payment, including proof of loss. The duration of any such letter ol credit shall be lor a period of not less than one year from the execution of the agreement with which it is provided and shall state, on its face, that the letter of credit will be aulomatically renewed until such time that City authorizes its expiration. C. All securities shall be lurnished in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit A. The amount of the performance security shall equal one hundred percent (100'/.) of the estimated cost of 2 ol9 A. One class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinalter referred to as "performance security," shall assure the faithful performance of this Agreement including construction of the lmprovements, payment ol Subdividels fair share of lmprovements which have been or will be constructed by others ("Participatory lmprovements"), and payment of plan check and permit fees. The perlormance security shall also include good and suflicient security in the amount of one hundred percent ('100%) ol the estimated cost of setting subdivision monuments as stated hereatter in this Agreement ("Monumentation Security"). A second class of securily to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "payment security," shall assure the payment of the cost ol labor, equipment and materials supplied to construct the lmprovements. A third class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafler referred to as "warranty security," shall serve as a guarantee and warranty ol the lmprovemenls lor a period of one year lollowing the completion and acceptance ol the lmprovements. Subdivider shall furnish performance and payment security prior to and as a condition precedent to City Council approval of the Map. Subdivider shall provide warranty security after lmprovements are complete and accepted by the City Council and prior to or concurrently with the final release ol performance security. Warranty security shall not be required for l\ilonumentation or ParticiPatory lmprovements However, the City may utilize lvlonumentation Security for performance ol or payment for the work in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. As part ol the obligation secured by each of the pedormance security, payment security and warranty security, and in addition to the face amount of each such security, each such security shall include and assure the payment of costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing the obligations thereby secured. constructing the lmprovements, including payment ol plan check and permit fees, as estimated by the City Engineer or a duly authorized representative of the City Engineer. The amount ol Payment security shall equal the amount of the amount ol per{ormance security, except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A, and shall be furnished as a separate securily. Warranty security shall equal Ten Percent (10%) of lhe amount of pertormance security except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A. The securities required by this Agreement shall be kept on file with the City Clerk. The terms ol the security documents specified in this Agreement are incorporated inlo this Agreement by this reference. lf any security is replaced by another approved security, the replacement shall be Iiled with the City Clerk and, uPon filing, shall be deemed to have been made a part ol and incorporated into this Agreement. Upon filing of a replacement security with the City Clerk, the former security may be released. The City Engineer shall approve replacement of security. D. At the time of submittal of security, Subdivider shall pay to City administrative fees applicable to the form ol security provided. Administrative tees shall apply to the subdivision (linal map, Tract map or waiver of Tract map) ralher than to individual security instruments. The lees shall be paid separately for each diflerent lorm and/or source (surety or linancial instatution) of security initially submitted and for substitution of securities but shall not be required for submittal ol warranty security il the warranty security is ol the same lorm and from the same source as the performance security it replaces. Administrative fees for security shall be as follows: 1) For certilicates of deposit, bonds and letters ol credit as described in Paragraphs 2)' 3) and 4) of SECTION 3.8., which require the establishment of evidence ol the reliability of the surety or financial institution, the administrative lee shall be One Hundred Filty Dollars ($150.00). 3) For other forms of security listed in Section 3 B, above, there will be no administrative fee. E. Security shall not expire, be reduced, or become wholly or partially invalid for any reason, including non-paymenl of premiums, modifications of this Agreement and/or expiration of the time Ior performance stated in this Agreement. F. Security shall be released in the following manner: 1) Pedormance security shall be released upon the final completion and acceptance or approval, by the City Council of the lmprovements subject to the provisions ol Section 10 ol this Agreement. 2) The City Engineer may authorize a one-time 507o reduction of perlormance security as work progresses, upon application by Subdivider. ln no event shall security be reduced below that required to guarantee the completion of the act or work or obligation secured, plus Ten Percent (10%). 3) lf City receives no notice of recorded claims of lien, labor and materials security shall be released in full 90 days after linal acceptance and/or approval by the City Council, of the lmprovements. lf City receives notice ol any recorded lien, the provisions of the Subdivision lvlap Act shall apply. 4) No security given lor the guarantee or warranty of work shall be released until the expiration of the warranty period and until any claims filed during the warranty period have been settled. As provided in paragraph 13 ol this Agreement, the warranty period shall not commence until final acceptance of all the work and improvements by the City pursuant to Paragraph 10. Warranty security not utilized during the warranty period shall be released one year alter final acceptance orapproval by the City Council ofall lmprovements. However, if at the end of the one-year warranty period, there are one or more outstandang requests by City lor performance of work or provision ol materials under the terms of the warranty, warranty security shall be retained until the outstanding requests are satisfied or until Subdivider has made other arrangements satisfactory to the City Engineer. 5) City may retain lrom any security released an amount sulficient lo cover costs and reasonable expenses and lees, including reasonable altorneys'fees. 3 o19 4 Per R u ired Prior to commencing any phase of work, Subdivider shall obtain all permits requireO tor inat phase ot work and pay all required fees. Work performed under a permit or permits shall comply with all provisions of the required permits. 5. Oftsite lm rove n When the construction of one or more of the lmprovements requires or on of real property not owned by Subdivider or City, Subdivider shall use itsnecessitates the acquisiti 6. Completion of lmprovements: lnspection 6.1 Construction ol lmo rovement Subdivider shall begin construction of lhe lmprovements within best etforts purchase such real property at a reasonable price. ln the event that Subdivider is unsuccessful, despite its best efforts, to acquire such real property at a reasonable price, Subdavider may request in writing that city attempt to acquire such real property. city may, but is not required to, agree to attempt to acquire such real property on behalf ol subdivider. lf city so agrees, city and Subdivider shall enler a separate written agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Said Separate agreement shall provide that Subdivider advance to City funds in an amounl approved by the City to acquire the real property. Any unexpended portion o, said advance shall be refunded to Subdivider. ln no event shall the failure of Subdivider or City to acquire such real property excuse, waive, or otherwise lerminate subdivider's obligation to construcl the applicable improvement pursuant to this Agreement or the Conditions ol Approval. S ninety (90) days and shall complete conslruction within twelve (12) months after the aPproval of this Agreement. Portions of the lmprovements may be completed at a later date, as determined by the City Engineer or as set forth in Exhibit A. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the lmprovements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when at deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this agreement, lo revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modilications in the standards or sequencing of the lmprovements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or atfected by the lmprovements. Said lailure shall not otherwise aflect the validity of this agreement or Subdivider's obligations hereunder. The City may use the Securitles to construct the improvements or portions thereof at the City's sole discretion. 6.2 lns ection Subdivider shall at all times maintain proper lacilities and sale access for inspection of the public improvements by City and to the shops wherein any work is in preparation. Upon completion of the work, the Subdivider may request a linal inspection by the City Englneer or the City Engineels authorized representative. ll the City Engineer or the designated representative determines that the work has been completed in accordance with this Agreement, then the City Engineer shall certify the completion of the public lmprovements to the City Council. No improvements shall be finally accepted unless all aspects of the work have been inspected and determined to have been completed in accordance with the lmprovement Plans and City standards and accepted by the City as described in Paragraph l0 of this Agreement. Subdivider shall bear all costs of plan check, inspection and certitication. 7. Force l/aieure. ln the event that Subdivider is unable to perform within the time limits herein due to strikes, act ol God, or other events beyond Subdivider's control, the time limits for obligations affected by such events will be extended by the period of such events. 8. Time Extension. Subdivider may make application in writing to the City Council for an extension of time for completion ol the lmprovements. The City Council, in its sole and absolute discretion, may approve or deny the request or conditionally approve the extension with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. As a condition of the time extension, Subdivider shall furnish securities, similar in form and substance to those required in SECTION 3 hereinabove, to cover the period of extension. The value ol the securities shall be sutficient to ensure the per{ormance of and payment for lmprovements that remain incomplete at the time of the extension, and to provide warranty security on completed lmprovements, as determined by the City Engineer. 9. Survev l/onuments. Belore tinal acceptance of street improvements, Subdivider shall place survey monuments in accordance with the provisions of Sections 66495, et sec. of the Subdivision Map Act and ol the Menifee Municipal Code. Subdivider shall provide the City Engineer written proof that the monuments have been set, evidence ol payment and receipt thereof by the engineer or sUrveyor Setting the monuments, and intersection monUment tie-outs for monuments set in public streets. 10. Final Accepta nce of lmprovements. At the completion ol construction and prior to acceptance of lhe by City. The request shall ers or surveyors, approval for improvements required ction quality documentation lmprovements by City, Subdivider shall submit a requesl for final approval be accompanied by any required certilications from Subdivider's engine letters from other agencies having jurisdiction over and apProval authority by this Agreement or the Conditions ol Approval, and any required constru not previously submitted. Upon receipt of said request, the City Engineer or a duly authorized representative will review the required documentation and will inspect the lmprovements. lf the lmprovements are determined to be in accordance with applicable city standards and specifications, and as provided herein, obligations required by the Conditions set forth in the Resolution of Approval and this Agreement have been satisfied, and subdivider has provided revised plans as required in Paragraph 12, hereinafter, the City Engineer shall recommend acceptance of the lmprovements by the City Council. '11. ln u to lm nts. Until such time as the lmprovements are accepted by City in accordance sk ol loss to any of the ements required by this responsible for the care, , nor shall any otficer or Plans. When the lmprovements have been inspected and approved by the City with Paragraph 10, Subdivider shall be responsible for and bear the ri improvements constructed or installed. Until such time as all lmProv Agreement are fully completed and accepted by City, Subdivider will be maintenance of, and any damage to such improvements. City shall not employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage, regardless of cause, happenlng or occurring to the work or improvements specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the work or improvements. All such risks shall be the responsibility of and are hereby assumed by Subdivider. 12. Revi n Engineer, Subdivider shall make any necessary revisions to the original plans held by City, plans depict the actual lmprovements constructed. When necessary, revisions have been each separate sheet ol the plans shall be clearly marked with the words "As-Built," "As-Constr or "Record Drawing," the marking shall be stamped by an engineer or surveyor, as appropriate improvements thereon, who is licensed to practice in California, and the plans shall be resubm so the made, ucted," tor the itted to the City Engineer. 13. lmprovement Warrantv. Subdivider hereby guarantees the lmprovements to City lor a period oI one (1)year, beginning on the date of final acceptance ol the lmprovements by the City Council, against any delective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished, and shall repair or replace such defective work or materials. lf within the warranty period any work or improvement or part of any work or improvement done, furnished, installed, constructed or caused to be done, furnished, installed or constructed by Subdivider lails to fulfill any of the requirements of this Agreement or the improvement plans and specifications relerred to herein, Subdivider shall without delay and without any cost to City, repair or replace or reconstruct any delective or otherwise unsatisfactory part or parts ol the work or structure. Should Subdivider fail to act promptly or in accordance with this requirement, Subdivider hereby authorizes City, at City's sole option, to pertorm the work twenty (20) days after mailing written notice of default to Subdivider and to Subdivider's Surety, and agrees to pay the cost of such work by City. Should City determine that an urgency requires repairs or replacements to be made belore Subdivider can be notilied, City may, in its sole discretion, make the necessary repairs or replacement or perform the necessary work and Subdivider shall pay to City the cost of such repairs. 14. Release of Sec uritv City shall retain and release securities in accordance with the provisions ol Section 3 of this agreement. Praor to the release of payment security, the City Engineer may require Subdivider to provide a title report or other evidence sufficient to show claims of lien, if any, that may aflect the amount of payment security released. 15. Citv Riqht La Cure. lf Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder and such obligation has not been performed, or commenced and diligently pursued, within sixty (60) days after written notice of default lrom City, then City may perrorm the obligation, and Subdivider shall pay the entire cost of such performance by City including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's lees incurred by City in enforcing such obligation. ln cases of emergency or compelling public interest, as determined by the 5 019 city Engineer, the requirement lor wrilten notice of delault and/or the passage of sixty (60) days shall be deemed waived and all other provisions ol this Article shall remain in effect 16. lniurv to Public lmorovements. Public ProPertv or Public Utilitv Facilities. Subdivider shall replace or ublic utilities result of any work performed under this Agreement. Subdivider shall bear the entire cost of replacemenl or rePaars of any and all public or public utility property damaged or destroyed by reason of any work done undei this Agreement, whether such property is owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or the state of calilornia, or any agency or political subdivision thereof, or by city or any public or private utility corporation or by any combination of such owners. Any repair or replacement shall be to the satisfaction, and subiect to the approval, of lhe City Engineer. '17. lndemnif ication es") shall not omissions of Subdivider, its agents or employees in the performance ol this Agreement. Subdivider further agrees to protect and hold harmless lndemnilied Parties lorm any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability or loss of any sort, including, but not limited to, attorney fees and litigation expenses, because of, or arising out of, acts or omissions of Subdivider, its agents or employees in the performance ol this Agreement, including all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, or loss because of, or arising out of, in whole or in part, the design of construction ol the lmprovements. This indemnification and agreement to hold harmless shall extend to injuries to persons and damages or taking ol property resulting from the design or construction ol said subdivision, and the public improvements as provided herein, and in addition, to adjacent property owners as a consequence ol the diversion of waters Irom the design or construction of public drainage systems, streets and other public improvements. b. Acceptance by City ol the lmprovements shall not constitute an assumption by City of any responsibility for any damage or taking covered by this paragraph. Cily shall not be responsible for the design or construction of the subdivision or the improvements pursuant to the approved lmprovement Plans or map, regardless of any negligent action or inaction taken by City in approving the plans or map, unless the particular improvement design was specifically required by City over written objection by Subdivider submitted to the City Engineer belore approval of the particular improvement design, which objection indicated that the particular improvement design was dangerous or delective and suggested an alternative sale and feasible design. Except as may be provided above, City shall not be liable lor any negligence, nonteasance, misfeasance or malleasance in approving, reviewing, checking, or correcting any plans or specilacations or in approving, reviewing or inspecting any work or construction. Nothing contained in this paragraph is intended to or shall be deemed to limit or waive any protections or immunities atforded by law to City or any and all ot its olficials, employees and agents ("lndemnified Parties"), by virtue of city's approval ol the plan or design of the lmprovements, including without limitation the prolections and immunities afforded by Government Code Section 830.6. After acceptance of the improvemenls, Subdivider shall remain obligated to eliminate any defect in design or dangerous condition caused by the design or construction defect; however, Subdivider shall not be responsible for routine maintenance. Provisions of this paragraph shall remain in Iull force and effect lor ten (10) years lollowing the acceptance by City of the lmprovements. lt is the intent of this paragraph that Subdivider shall be responsible for all liabiljty for design and construction of the lmprovements installed or work done pursuant to this Agreemenl and that city shall not be liable for any negligence, nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance in approving, reviewing, checking, or correcting any plans or specilications or in approving, reviewing or inspecting any work or construction. The lmprovement Security shall not be required to cover the provisions ol this paragraph. 18. No lvloditication of Conditaons. This Agreement shall in no respect act to modily or amend any provision of the Conditions of Approval. ln the event that any requirement or condition of this Agreement is inconsistent with or fails to include one or more provisions of the Conditions of Approval, which document(s) is (are) incorporated herein by reference, the provisions in the Conditions of Approval shall remain in etfect and shall control. have replaced, or repair or have repaired, as lhe case may be, all public improvements' p facilities and surveying or subdivision monuments which are destroyed or damaged as a a. Neither City nor any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("lndemnified Parti be liable lor any inlury to persons or property occasioned by reason ol the acts or 19. Severabilitv. ln the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision or provisions ol this Agreement are unenforceable, all provisions not so held shall remain in full lorce and eltect. 20. Subdivider No Aqent of Citv Neither Subdivider nor any ol Subdivider's agents, employees, or sidered to be agents of City in connection with the perlormance of Subdivider's obligations under this Agreement 18. General Provisions. A. All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by registered or certilied mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at their respective addresses indicated hereon. Notices personally delivered shall be effective upon delivery. Notices mailed as provided herein and sent postage prepaid shall be effective upon the date of delivery or refusal indicated on the return receipt. Either party may change its address for notices hereunder by notice to the other given in the manner provided in this subParagraph. B. The terms, conditions, covenants, and agreemenls set forth herein shall apply to and bind the heirs, execulors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. C. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement. D. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with respect to the laws of the State of California. E. ln the event ol any dispute between the parties with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to prompt payment ol its reasonable attorneys'fees from the non-prevailing party. F. Any lailure or delay by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any delault or of any such rights or remedies provided for hereunder. G. Time is ol the essence in the performance ol each and every provision of this Agreement. H. The Becitals to this Agreement are hereby incorporated into and expressly made a part of the terms of this Agreement. l. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter. All modilications, amendments, or waivers of the terms of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate represenlatives of the parties. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herelo have executed this Agreement as of lhe day and year first written above. CITY City ol lvlenif ee 29844 Haun Rd. Menifee, CA 92586 (9511 672-6777 Armando Villa, City Manager ATTEST contraclors are or shall be con City Clerk Date Pulte Homes Company, LLC 27401 I S Suite 400 Mission V ,CA By:Lt .2.1,2.3 Title:leo v..'. ). + Date By: Title: Date Reviewed a Ap roved: Caty ngrneer to ey f-ro- +J Date 6 '7- 23 Date 8 ol9 Exhibit A SECURITY - TRACT MAP NO. 36658-2 STREET, DRAINAGE, WATER, AND SEWER IMPBOVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION COST WORKSHEET PARCEL MAP OR TRACT MAP NO OATE: IP: 7 t15t2021 11411 IMPROVEMENTS FAIIHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY ( 100% ot Eltlruted Constru€{on Co6ts) MATERIAL t LAEOR SECURIIY ("507o ot Estimatod Construction Costs) SfssuDrainags $ 'Flood Contrcl $ Dom Wtr EMWD S Rec Wtr EMWO I ssw€r Euwo- s Total Wamnty Retention (10%) 't1,829,117.98 2,613,785.00 3,032,416.80 852.343.20 18,327,052.98 r1,829,000.00 2,5r{,0m_00 3,032,500.00 0.00 852.500.00 5.914,500.m 2,6 1 ,1,000.00 1,516,250.00 0.00 426,250.00 10,47r,000.00 tt s 5t $ $ C $ $ $ t $ DESIGN ENGINEER'S CALCULATION OF IMPROVEMENT BONDING COSTS Construction ilem3 and lheir quantitieE, as shown on the sttachod shsstB, a.e accurats lor lhe amprovemants requlrEd lo construct tftc abovE ptojoct and lrro malhmatical efensions, using City's unit costs, are accursle for d€lgrmining bonding costs Abovs amounb do G do not G includ€ addltional 20% tor.eco.datim Prior to h.vlng signed PLns (Ordlnance460, Soc{on'10.3E}. %:/-,7 t15t2021ryDate 83363Michael Brandecke 3131t202X RCE#Exp. Data Civil Englne€/s Stamp R. No.03363 - PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW * 2. Sho P€rtomaflca Bond AlllounB to lho naaresl t500,00. Matorisl 8rld Labor Bond Anounls are 50% of Pcdormanco BoM Amount3s, "1000[ for Flood Control ltems. l, Ouantitles aro lo be talsn ftom tha lmprovoment Plans. Unit cost 8.e to be as providod on 'City of Msnils€ lmFov€m€nt REquirenBnt Workh€ot,' 3- For Co.lsbuclion items nol covarad by 'Th9 City ol M€nifBe lmp.ovEm€nt Roqui,€rnenl3 Workshqgt., D€sion Engineor is lo prcvide hi3 oplnbn of oonslrucllm cost End u3o that cost. lf City of Menilee Unil Costs are dotsrmlrEd to bs too lov,/, in tha odnlon of th€ d8sign €ngine€r, th€ highBr costs ss provld€d by the Doslgn Englne€r should b. usod. TR 36658 BACKBONE PHASE t 0.00 10,323,000.00 1,632,800.00 NamE Typed ot printad 'Flood Contsol Consltuclhn Cost Esthato to bo povidod by Flood Conlrol Dbtrlcl. Provldq a coPy ot Flood Control Dblict lottor slialing co61 estnat6, CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT REOUIREMENT WORKSHEET STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ITEM OUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT S,FROAOWAY SECTION 1A Excavation CY 25.00$000$ '1. Projects with Grading Plan for Roadway Area x 0.50'(hinge point to hinge point) C,Y C,Y 2. Projects without a Grading Plan Cut (c) = Road area and side slopes to daylight Fill (0 = lf balance, provide (a.) only, either cut or fill lf export, provide (a.)&(b.) a = fill, b = cut - fill lf import, provide (a)&(c), a = cut, c = fill - cut (Unit costs for (a),(b), & (c) are 20% of actual costs to assure that work will be corrected to eliminate hazardous conditions.) (a.) Excavate and Fill C,Y 0.40$0.00$ (b.) Excavate and Export c.Y 1 .10$0.00$ (c.) lmport and Fill Asphalt Concrete (144 lbs/cu.ft) Thickness in Feet (4" min ) = 1,339 033 CY TON $ $ 2.80 90.00 $ $ 0.00 120,510.00 Agg Base Class ll Thickness in Feet (6" min) = 1,043 0.5 C,Y 50.00$52.150.00$ Asphalt Emulsion (Fog SeaUPaint Binde0 Ton 600.00$0.00$ ROADWAY SECTION 1B S.F Excavation '1. Projects with Grading Plan for Roadway Area x 0.50'(hinge point to hinge point)C,Y 25.00$0.00$ C,Y 2. Projects without a Grading Plan: Road area and side slopes to daylight (a.) Excavate and Fill Cut (c) = Fill (0 = c.Y 0.40$0.00$ (b.) Excavate and Export CY $0.00 (c.) lmport and Fill 2.80 0.00$ Asphalt Concrete (144 lbs/cu.fr) Thickness in Feet (5" min ) = 4,872 0.42 TON 90.00$438,480.00$ Agg Base Class ll Thickness in Feet (10.5" min) = 5,221 0.875 50.00$261.050.00$ Asphalt Emulsion (Fog Seal/Paint Binder)Ton 600.00$0.00$ ROADWAY SECTION 1C Excavation 1. Projects with Grading Plan for Roadway Area x 0.50' (hinge point to hinge point)C,Y 25.00$0.00$ C,Y C,Y 2. Projecls without a Grading Plan (a.) Excavate and Fill Cut (c) = Fill (0 = 0.40$0.00$ (b.) Excavate and Export C,Y 1.10$0.00$ (c.) lmport and Fill C,Y 2.80$0.00$ Asphalt Concrete (144 lbs/cu.ft) Thickness in Feet (0.6" min.) = 0.5 18,642 TON 90.00$1,677,780.00$ Agg Base Class ll Thickness in Feet (13.5" min) = 1 13 21,671 CY 50 00$1,083,550.00$ Asphalt Emulsion (Fog Seal/Paint Binde.)Ton 600 00$0.00$ Agg Base Class ll (compacled)5 C,Y $50 00 $250.00 c.Y. 1.10 $cY. $ C,Y, c.Y. Sawc0t Exist. A.C Pavement LF 100 s 1 211.00 Cold Plane A.C. Pavement Grinding A.C , an plac€1,211 S.F, S,Y $ $ 0.50 0.60 $ $ 0.00 726.60 Remove A.C. Pavement SY 800$000$ R€move Curb and Gutter LF 18.00$0.00$ Remove A.C. Dike LF 300s 0005 LF 7.50$0.00sRemove Chain Link Fence Remove Barricade L.F 10 00$000s Relocate Mailbox EA 2 50.00$000s AC overlay (min 0.10')SF 0.90$000$ Curb and Gutter (Type 4-6)11634 LF 14.00s 162,876.00$ Curb and Gutter (Type A-8)9964 L.F 16.00$159,424.00$ Tvpe "c" curb LF 12.O0s 0.00s Type "D-1" Curb L.F 10.00$0.00 Type "D" (6")s43 LF 13 00$12.259 00$ Type "D" Curb (8 )3904 L.F 15 00$58,560.00$ A.C. Dike (6"Xincl. material& laboo L.F 800$0.00$ C. Dike (8"Xincl material& labor)2418 LF 10 00s 24,180 00 P C.C. Cross Gutter and Spandrels S,F 10.00$217,180.00s P.C.C. Sidewalk SF 600$801.642 00S P.C.C. Driveway Approach (20 E:,A.)5394 800s 43.152.00s P.C.C. Dip Section Std. 307 6.00$0.00$ Access Ramp (W new construdion) AOA Access Ramp (in existing improvements) 55 EA, EA, $ $ 1,500.00 2,500.00 $ $ 82,500.00 0.00 Barricades L.F 100 00s 000s Metal Beam Guard Railing 40 LF $1,400.00 Utility Trench, one side (Edison, Telephone, Cabte) (total length of Streets)15,434 LF 10.00s 154,340.00$ Chain Link Fence (6')LF 15 00$000$ Relocate Fence L,F 12 00s 000$ Prpe Gate EA 1,000.00$0.00$ Relocate Power Pole 13 EA 10,000 00s 130,000.00$ Skeet Lights (including conduit)102 EA,5,000.00$510,000.00$ Water Valve to Grade ( if no water plan )EA 150 00$0.00s Adjust MH to Grade ( if no sewer plan )EA 400.00 s 000$ Modified P.C.C. Cross Gutter and Spandrels 4437 SF 10.00$44.370.00$ P.C.C. Commercial Driveway Approach (4 EA.)2812 SF 8.00$22 496.00$ 000$ $0.00$ $0005 $ $ $ $ 000 000 $0.00$ $000S $0.00$ $000s 5 000s LANOSCAPING Mainteflance Walk STD 1 13 S.F 4.00s 0.00$ Colored Stamped Concrete 10.005 0.00$ Street Trees ( 15 Gallon )EA 100 o05 000$ Landscape and lrrigation SF 3.50s 0.00$ Landscape Fill Material 27.O0$000s Water l\,leter EA 7,000.00s 0.00$ Electric Meter S.F 10,000.00s 0.00$ Remove trees EA 3 000.00$000s 1211 l I 21718 I 133607 SF 35.00 $ $ S, F. 10'Wide Decomposed Granite Trail 74033 SF $4.00 $296,132.00 $ $ S $ 000 0.00 $$000 $s 000 DRAINAGE Concrete Bulkhead 4 Slope Anchors for Pipes EA $200 00 $300 00 $800.00 EA 5 000 Cut OffWall ( Std 2')16 s 400.00 $6,400.00 A C. Overside Drain EA $500.00 $0.00 Under Sdewalk Drain Std 309 EA 2,000.00 $0.00 Flat Outlet Drainage Skucture Std 303 EA $2,000 00 0.00 Cu.b Outlet Drainage Structure Std 308 EA $2,000.00 $0.00 Terrace Drain & Down Drain $650 $0.00 lnterceptor Drain SF s 650 $000 R.C. Box Culved (2 - 3'X5')C,Y $400.00 $0.00 Concrete Channel c.Y s 200 00 s 000 Rip Rap ( 1/4 Ton ) Methob B ( 1 .9 tons /CY)30 CY $80 00 2,400.00 Rip Rap ( 1/2 Ton ) Method B CY $90.00 $0.00 Rip Rap ( 1 Ton ) Method B CY $100 00 0.00 Rip Rap ( 2 Ton ) Method B c.Y $1 10.00 S 0.00 Grouted Rip Rap ( 1/4 Ton ) Method B $100 00 $0.00 Grouted Rip Rap ( 1/2 Ton ) Method B Grouted Rip Rap ( 'l Ton ) Method B c.Y $ $ 120 00 130.00 s $ 0 0 00 00 Grouted Rip Rap ( 2 lon ) Method B C,Y $140 00 $0.00 18" R.C.P. round, arch orelliptical 1990 L.F s 113.00 $224.8?O.OO 24" R.C P. round, arch or elliptical 775 L.F s 132 00 $102,300.00 30" R.C.P. round, arch or elliptical L,F $153 00 $49,419.00 36" R.C.P. round, arch or elliptical 1185 L,F $178 00 s 210.930.00 42"CMP 87 LF $204 00 S 17 ,748 00 48" R.C.P. round, arch or elliptical LF $235 00 $0.00 '18" C.S.P. or HDPE N12 LF $40.00 $0.00 24" C S P. or HDPE N12 LF $50 00 $16,550.00 30" C.S P. or HDPE N12 L.F $60.00 $0.00 36" C S P. or HDPE N12 LF $70 00 $0.00 42" C.S P or HDPE N12 415 L.F s 80 00 s 33,200.00 60" C.S P. or HDPE N12 L,F $140 00 5 700 00 Catch Basin W=4'EA $2,500.00 $000 Catch Basin W=7'EA $4,000 00 5 000 Catch Basin W=l4'4 EA.$7,500.00 $30.000 00 Catch Basin W=21'4 EA.$11,000 00 44,000.00 Catch Basin W=28'EA s 14,500.00 s 0.00 lnlet Type lX orX 3 EA,s 2,500.00 $7,500.00 Junclion Structure No. 1 EA $3.500 00 $0.00 Junclion Struclure No. 2 6 EA,S 4 500.00 $27.000 00 Junclion Structure No. 6 EA $5,000 00 $0.00 Transition Structure No. 1 EA,$12.500 00 $0.00 Transition Structure No 2 EA $12 500.00 $000 Transition Structure No. 3 EA,$4,500.00 $0.00 lvlanhole No. 1 EA $5,000.00 $45.000.00 Manhole No 2 3 EA.$6.500 00 s 1S,500.00 lltanhole No 3 EA.$2,700 00 $0.00 Manhole No. 4 2 EA,$6,500 00 $13,000.00 Struciural Reinforcement Concrete CY $400.00 $4 400.00 Headwall for 36" or smaller storm drain 6 EA $3,500.00 $21,000.00 Concrete Drop lnlet C8110 2 EA $2,500.00 $5,000.00 I 11 3Concrete Coltar EA $200 00 s 600.00 6" PVC Drain Pipe 18" Brooks Box t,/Steel Grate l I 5 $ $ 30.00 680.00 $ $ 16,500 00 3,400.00 Remove Concrete Bulkhead 3 EA.$200 00 s 600.00 42"CMP Riser WDebrs Screen 3 EA s 2 000 00 s 6 000 00 s $0.00 $$000 SIGNING, STRIPING AND SIGNALS Remove Painted Traffic Stripes and Markings SF $250 000 4" Painted Sotid Stripes L.F s o21 $0.00 4" Painted Solid Skipes (2 Coats )7,603 L.F $030 $2.280.90 4" Painted Broken Stripes L,F $016 $0.00 4" Painted Double Solid Stripes L,F $o47 $000 6" Painted Solid Line, Broken Line & Bike Lane Line 33 451 L.F $065 $21 .7 49.65 8" Painted Solid Lrne/Broken Llne 2 339 LF $082 s 1,917.98 12" Painted Crosswalk & Limit Line L.F $130 $0.00 Painted One-Way, No Passing LF $036 s 0.00 Painted Two-Way Left Turn Lane L,F 082 s 0.00 Painted Pavement Markings S,F $2.70 $0.00 Remove Thermoplastic Trafffic Stripes and Markings s.F 5 2.50 S 0.00 4" Thermoplastic Solid Stripes LF $052 s 0.00 4" Thermoplastic Broken Stripes 0.47 $0.00 4" Thermoplastic Double Solid Stripes Painled Double Solid Stripes (2 Coats)995 L.F L,F $ $ 083 0.63 $ $ 000 626 85 8" Thermoplastic Channelrzrng Line L.F $078 $000 12" Thermoplastic Line 1,576 L.F $0.97 $1,528.72 Thermoplastic One-Way, No Passing L,F 5 1 13 S 0.00 Thermoplastic Two-Way Left Tu.n Lane LF $2.43 $0.00 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings 2.152 S,F s 3 61 S 7 ,768 72 Pavement Marking S.F S 0.00 Thermoplastic Cross Walk and Pavement Marking 2.a20 $300 $8,460.00 Remove, Sign, Salvage EA $50 00 $0.00 Relocate Roads de Sign EA s 100 00 $000 Street Name Sign 8 EA.$275.O0 $2,200.00 lnstall Sign ( Strap and Saddle Bracket Method)118 EA.$150 00 $17,700.00 lnstall Sign (Mast Arm Hanger Method)EA s 425 00 s 000 Stop Sign & Post 7 EA 250 00 $1,750.00 Road Sign on existing pole / post (One Post)EA $',50.00 s 0.00 Road Sign on existing pole / post (fwo Post)EA 300.00 $0.00 Object Marker - Modified Type "F" Delineator EA $6000$000 Delineator ( Class 1 Type F)12 EA $40 00 $480 00 $0.00Delineator(Class2)EA $45 00 Pavement Marker. Reflective EA $3.75 $000 New Trafiic Signal & Lighting 1 s 450,000.00 s 450.000.00 Retrofit of Ex. Traffic Signal & Lighting $100,000.00 $0.00 6'Round Signal Loops EA $450 00 s 000 lnstall Pull Box (*3-1/2)EA $300 00 s 000 lnstall Pull Box (#5e)EA $400 00 $0.00 2" PVC interconnect Conduat & Cable L,F $25 00 s 000 39W LED St.eet Light (Ameron '1C123)34 EA s 10,000 00 s 340,000.00 96W LED Strcet Lisht (Ame.on 1C128) Service Pedestal 72 I E,A, E,A. $15,000.00 5,000 00$ s s 1,080,000.00 40,000.00 Survey LS $8,000 00 000 Design/submittals/review LS $40,000.00 $0.00 L, F, EA- L,F, $ [Iobilization LS 30.000 00$000$ Traffic Control LS 15,000.00$0.00$ Subtotal $ 9,24r,498.42 B,Administrative Contingency (20% x A)1,848,299.68$ CM - lnspection - LC (8%)739,319.87s Stroots/Drainage Total (A + B)$ 11,829,117.98 I -- A--l F CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTfuIENT IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENT WORKSHEET DOTIESTIC WATER IMPROVEMENTS ITEI\,4 OUANTITY UN IT UNIT COST AMOUNT 4" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-18 L.F $25.00 $0.00 6" Watedine PVC C-900 DR-18 LF $30.00 $000 S" Watedine PVC C-900 DR-18 11,177 L.F $35 00 $ 401,695.00 S" Walerline PVC C 900 DR-14 S" Fusable PVC 2,819 L.F $35 00 $ 98,665.00 36 LF $35 00 s 1,260.00 8" Dia. DlP, CL-50 54 L.F 5 35.00 s 1,890 00 l2" Walerline PVC C-900 DR,l4 20 L.F $55 00 $1,100.00 l2" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-18 551 LF 5 55.00 $ 30,305.00 18" Fusable PVC 25 LF s 135.00 s 3,375.00 lS" Waterline PVC C 905 DR-14 20 L,F $135 00 s 2,700 00 l8" Waterline PVC C-905 DR-18 18" Dia. CML&C Water Main 6,855 s 13s 00 $ 925,425 00 59 L.F s 135 00 s 7,965.00 20" Waterline PVC C-905 DR-18 $180.00 s 000 4" Gale Valve RS 6" Gate Valve RS 4 EA EA $ $ 715.00 830.00 $ $ 2,860 00 0.00 8" Gate Valve RS 67 EA $ 1,340.00 $ 89,780.00 12" Gate Valve RS 3 EA $ 2,300.00 $6 900 00 16" Gate Valve RS EA $ 6,270.00 $000 18" Gale Valve RS I EA $ 14,300.00 $ 114.400.00 6" Fire Hydrant (Slandard)37 EA.$ 4,000.00 $ 148.000.00 6" Fire Hydrant (Super)EA $ 4,500.00 S 000 4" Blowoff EA.$ 3,s00.00 s 000 6" Blowoff/Temp Blowoff 18 EA.$ 4,000.00 $ 72,000.00 t" Air and Vacuum Valve 7 EA $ 2,400.00 $ 16,800.00 2" Air and Vacuum Valve 2 EA $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 8" pressure regulator 2 EA,$ 5,000.00 $ 10.000 00 l" Service Connection ( Wth Meteo 44 EA.$800 00 $ 35,200 00 l" Service Conneclion ( No Meter)1 EA,$ 2,180.00 $2,180 00 1-112" Service Connection ( No Meter)1 EA.$ 2,,{80.00 $ 2,480 00 2" Service Connection ( No Meter)EA $ 2.780.00 $ 11,120 00 4" Service Connection ( No Meter)4 $ 4,500.00 $ 18,000 00 Adjust WaterValve to Grade EA s 200 00 s 000 Removal of Elowoff EA 500 00 000 Join al exasting end of 8" pipe EA $ 2,000.00 $000 1" Hot Tap EA $ 1,000.00 $000 4" Hot Tap EA $ 1,430.00 0.00 6" Hot Tap EA $ 1,750.00 $0.00 8" Hot Tap 12" Hot Tap EA $ 2,200.00 $000 EA $ 3,150 00 $000 8" Miscellaneous Fittings 102 EA $2s0 00 $ 25.500 00 12" Miscellaneous Fittings 21 EA $320 00 $ 6.720.00 18" Miscellaneous Fittings 17 EA.$125 00 $ 7 225.00 Blue Retrorefleclive FH Marker 28 $s 0.00 Remove Existing 12" Water Main 905 L,F $25 00 $ 22.62s.00 Remove Existing 16" Water Main 589 L,F $25 00 $ 14.725.00 Remove & Replace Existing 12" Water Main 323 L.F, ]T 50 00 $ 16,150.00 Remove Existing Fittings Air Valve and Blowoff I E.A $'100.00 $800 00 Subtotal $ 2,10s,845.00 Administrative Contingency (20% x A) c W8tor Total (A + B)$ 2,527,01,t.00 PRIOR TO HAVING SIGNED PLANS $ 505,402.80 E Water Tot.l (C + O)$ 3,032,416.80 r L.F L,F EA. r r l$ 4ri J6, oo I TAle CIry OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENT WORKSHEET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT 4" PVC SDR 35 (Use it for Residential Laterals)4422 L.F $25.00 $ 100,550.00 6" PVC SDR 35 Green 8" PVC SDR 35 Green L,F $30.00 $000 9007 L,F $35.00 $ 315,245.00 8" Fusible PVC C-900 Sewer 36 L,F $35 00 $1 260 00 10" PVC SDR 35 Green L,F L,F $46 00 $000 12" PVC SDR 35 Green $54.00 $000 15" PVC SDR 35 Green 37 L,F $90.00 $3 330 00 8" VCP L,F $55 00 $000 1O'VCP LF $62 00 $0.00 12" VCP L.F $72.00 $0.00 '15'VCP LF $81 00 $000 18" VCP LF $162.00 $000 2'1" vcP L,F $183.00 $000 24" VCP LF $195 00 $000 L.F $215.00 0.00 Standard Manhole 48" L,F $236.00 $0.00 49 $ 3,140.00 $ 153,860.00 Standard Manhole 48" w/ Sauereisen Coating 3 EA $ 4.000.00 $ 12,000.00 Standard l,ilanhole 60"EA $ 4.500.00 $000 Shallow Manhole (5' or less)EA EA $ 3,300.00 $000 Clean out 2 $730.00 $'1,460 00 Clean out Lateral $200 00 $0.00 Tie to Existing l\ranhole Rechannel Existing Manhole Join Existing 8" Pipe Join Existing '12" Pipe Chimney $ 2,100.00 $000 EA EA. EA, EA '1,500.00 1,5oO.OO 0.00 0.00 Adjust M.H. to grade EA $500.00 $000 Concrete Encasement LF $35.00 $0.00 Plug Sewer 6 $200.00 $1 200 00 8" Backflow Valves EA $250 00 $000 $$0.00 $$000 $$000 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$000 $$000 $$000 $$0.00 $$0.00 Subtotal $ 591,t05.00 B Administrative Contingency (20olo x A)$ 118,381.00 Sewer Total (A + B)$ 710,286.00 TO HAVING SIGNED PLAND ( ORD,46O, SEC $ 142,0s7.20 E Sewer Total (C + D)$ 852,343.20 27" VCP 30'vcP EA EA. EA, 1 I $ $ 1,500 00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 400.00 $ L D. 120% x c PARCEL MAP OR TRACT NO PP, CU, PU, MS OR VL NO, TR 36658 BACKBONE PH 1 7 t15t2021 l. Streets/Drainage (Line C from Street lmprovement Calculations)$ 11,829,117.98 ll. Domestic Water (Line C from Domestic Water lmprovement Calculations)$ 2,527,014.00 lll Recycled Water (Line C from Recycled Water Improvement Calculations)$ lV. Sewer (Line C from Sewer lmprovement Calculations)$ 710,286.00 Total $ 1s,066,417.98 INSPECTION DEPOSIT CALCULATION StreeVDrainaqe NOTE: Use 3% for lnspection $ 354,873.54 CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COST ESTIMATE CALCULATION SHEET SCH: DATE IMPROVEMENT COSTS (lncluding Contingencies) PARCEL MAP OR TRACT MAP NO TR 36658-2 CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION COST WORKSHEET DATE IP: 2t3t2023 tP17-05't IMPROVEMENTS FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY (100% of Estimated Construction Costs) MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY ("50% of Estimated Construction Costs) StreevDrainage $ 'Flood Control $ Dom Wtr EMWD $ Rec Wtr EMWD $Sewer EMWD $ 3,056,656.03 3,056,500.00 000 0.00 601,999.20 602.000 00 0.00 624,038.40 624,000.00 Total Warranty Retention (10olo) 4,282,500.00 428.250 00 Construction items and their quantities, as shown on the attached sheets, are accurate for the improvements required to construct the above project and the mathmatical extensions, using City's unit costs, are accurate for determining bonding costs Above amounts do G do not G include additional 20olo for recordation p.ior to having signed plans (Ordinance460, Section'l 0.38). $ s $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,528,250.00 000 301.000 00 0.00 312,000.00 2,141,250.00 rh..-.a 2t3t2023 Signature Date Michael Brendecke 83363 3t31t2025 Name Typed or printed RCE#Exp. Date Civil Enginee/s Stamp 'Flood Control Construction Cost Estimate to be provided by Flood Control District. Provide a copy of Flood Control District letter stating cost estmate. N0. 85565 R. YI * tr t tss 2. Show Performance Bond Amounts to the nearest $500.00. Material and Labor Bond Amounts are 50% of Performance Bond Amountss. -100% for Flood Conkol items. 1. Quantities are to be taken from the lmprovement Plans. Unit cost are to be as provided on "City of Menifee lmprovement Requirement Worksheet." 3 For Construction items not covered by "The City of Menifee lmprovement Requirements worksheet", Design Engineer is to provide his opinion of construction cost and use that cost. lf City of Menifee Unit Costs are determined to be too low, in the opinion of the design engineer, the higher costs as provided by the Design Engineer should be used. 0.00 4,282,693.63 DESIGN ENGINEER S CALCULATION OF IMPROVEMENT BONDING COSTS .. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW *' 1 CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENT WORKSHEET STREET AND ORAINAGE IMPROVEI'ENTS ITEI,4 QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT CY 600 00$ Asphalt Concrete (144 lbs/cu.ft) Thickness in Feet (0.33'min.) = 0.33 S,F CY 25 00 (a.) Excavate and Fill 040 (b.) Excavale and Export s $ (c.) lmporl and Fill Asphalt Emulsion (Fog Seal/Paint Binder) Thickness in Feet = 0 5 c.Y 5,115 4 559 CY Ton ROAOWAY SECTION 1 Agg Base Class ll Cut (c) = Fin (0 = 2. Projects without a Grading Plan Road area and side slopes to daylight lf balance, provide (a.) only, either cut or fill lf export, provide (a.)&(b.) a = fi ll, b = cut - fill lf import, provide (a)&(c), a = cut, c = fill - cut (Unit cosls for (a),(b), & (c) are 20% of actual cosls lo assure that u/ork will be corrected to eliminate hazardous conditions.) Excavalion 1. Projects with Grading Plan for Roadway Area x 0.50' (hinge point to hinge poinl)000 TON $ $ s $ $ $ 50 00 1 .10 $ 280 $ 227 .950.00 0.00 90.00 000 460,350.00 000 000 $ c.Y C $ C,Y $ $ $ 1 '10 $ 280 $ 90 00 $ 50 00 000 000 000 600 00$ S,F 000 0.00 (c ) lmport and Fill TON c.Y Ton s s 25.00 $ 040 $ ROADWAY SECTION 2 Excavation C,Y C,Y c.Y (b.) Excavate and Export Asphalt Emulsion (Fog SeauPaint Einder) Agg Base Class ll Thickness in Feet = 0.5 Cut (c) = Fall (f) = 1. Projects wlth Grading Plan for Roadway Area x 0.50'(hinge point to hinge point) 2. Projects without a Grading Plan: Road area and side slopes to daylight (a.) Excavate and Fill Asphalt Concrete (144 lbs/cu.fl) Thickness in Feet (0.33'min ) = 0 39 0.00 000 s $ 25 00S s $ s s $ S ROADWAY SECTION 3 CY TON c.Y c.Y CY C,Y 0.40 90.00 1 .10 2.80 (b.) Excavate and Expo.t (c.) lmport and Fill It Concrete (144 lbs/cu.ft) Thickness in Feet (0.33'min.; = 6 39 g Base Class ll Thickness in Feet = 0.5 halt Emulsion (Fog SeaUPaint Binder) C,Y Ton 50 00 600.00 Excavation Cut (c) = Fill(0 = 2. Projects without a Grading PIan (a.) Excavate and Fill 1. Projects with Grading Plan Ior Roadway Area x 0 50'(hinge point to hinge point)0.00 000 s $ $ $ $000 0.00 0.00 0.00$ 0.00$ L.F 000sSawcut Exist. A.C. Pavemenl s s 1.00 000 2 Cold Plane A.C. Pavement 0.50 $ c.Y. I CY c.Y. $ S, F, Grinding A.C. , in place S,Y $0.60 $000 Remove A.C Pavement SY s 800 s 0.00 Remove Curb and Gutter L.F $18.00 $000 Remove A.C. Dike LF $3.00 0.00 Remove Chain Link Fenc€LF $750 0.00 Remove Barricade L.F $10.00 $000 Relocate Mailbox EA $250.00 s 0.00 AC overlay (min.0.10') Curb and Gutter (Type 4,6)12,351 SF LF $ $ 0.90 14.00 $ s 0.00 172,914.00 Curb and Gutter (Type A-8)$16.00 $0.00 Type "C" Curb L.F $1200 $0.00 Type "D,1" Curb L.F $10.00 $0.00 Type "6A" Curb 355 LF $15.00 $5,325.00 A.C. Dike (6"Xincl material& labor)LF s 800 0.00 A.C. Dike (8"Xinci. material& labor)LF $10.00 $000 P.C.C. Cross Gulter and Spandrels 2,507 SF $10.00 $25,070.00 P.C.C Sadewalk 55,179 SF $600 $331.074.00 P.C.C. Driveway Approach (120 EA.)20.485 SF $800 163,880.00 P.C.C. Dap Section Std.307 $6.00 $0.00 ADA Access Ramp Type 1 (W new conslruction)10 EA s 1,500.00 $15,000.00 ADA Access Ramp (in existing improvements)EA s 2,500.00 $000 Banicades L,F $100.00 $000 Melal Beam Guard Railing LF $35.00 $0.00 Utility Trench, one side (Edison, Telephone, Cable) (tolal length of Streets)6,255 L,F s 10 00 $62,550.00 Chain Link Fence ( 6')L,F $15 00 $0.00 Relocate Fence LF s 12.00 $000 Pipe Gate EA.$1,000.00 s 000 Relocale Po\ /er Pole EA $10,000 00 $0.00 Street Lights (including conduit)37 EA $5,000 00 $185.000.00 Adjust Water Valve to Grade ( if no water plan )EA.s 150 00 s 0.00 Adjust MH to Grade ( if no sewer plan )EA,$400.00 $0.00 Curb Cuts 32 EA s 10 00 s 320.00 s $0.00 $$0.00 $$000 S 0.00 $s 0.00 $ $$ 0.00 0.00 $$0.00 s S 0.00 $$0.00 s $0.00 LANDSCAPING Maintenance Walk STD 113 S,F S 400 S 0.00 Colored Stamped Concrete SF $10 00 $0.00 Street Trees ( 15 Gallon )EA $100 00 $0.00 Landsc€pe and lnigation SF $350 s 0.00 Landscape Fill Material C,Y $27 00 $0.00 Water Meter EA $7,000.00 $0.00 Electric Meter S,F s 10,000.00 $0.00 Remove kees EA $3,000.00 0.00 $$0.00 $ $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 $0.00s 3 L.F, $$0.00 DRAINAGE Remove Concaete Bulkhead 1 EA.$200.00 $200.00 Slope Anchors for Pipes EA.S 300.00 $000 Cut Ofl Wall ( Std 2')C,Y $400.00 $0.00 A. C. Overside Drain EA.$500 00 $000 Under Sidewalk Drain Std 309 EA $2,000.00 $000 Flat Oullel Drainage Structure Std 303 Curb Oullet Drainage Slructure Std 308 EA EA $2,000.00 2,000.00 $ $ 000 0.00 Terrace Drain & Down Drain s.F $6.50 $0.00 lnlerceplor Drain SF $6.50 $0.00 R C. Box Culverl (2 - 3'X5' )C,Y $400.00 $0.00 Concrete Channel C,Y $200.00 $0.00 Rip Rap ( 1/4 Ton ) Methob B ( 1 .9 tons /CY)CY 5 80.00 s 0.00 Rip Rap ( 1/2 Ton ) Method B CY $90.00 $0.00 Rip Rap ( 1 Ton ) Method B CY $100.00 s 0.00 Rip Rap ( 2 Ton ) ft,lethod B CY $110.00 $0.00 Grouted Rip Rap ( 1/4 Ton ) Method B CY $100.00 $000 Grouted Rip Rap ( 1/2 Ton ) Method B CY s 120.00 $000 Grouted Rip Rap ( 1 Ton ) Method B CY $130.00 $0.00 Grouled Rip Rap ( 2 Ton ) Method I c.Y S 140 00 s 000 18" R.C.P. round, arch orelliptical 332 L,F $113.00 $37,516.00 24" R.C.P. round, arch or elliptical 216 L.F s 132.00 $28.512.00 30" R.C.P. round, arch or ellaplical 36" R.C.P. round, arch or elliptical 558 $ $ 153.00 178.00 $ $ 000 99.324.00 42" R.C.P. round, arch or elliptical LF S 204 00 s 0.00 48" R.C.P. round, arch or elliptical LF $235.00 $0.00 18" C.S.P or HDPE N12 LF $40 00 s 0.00 24" C.S.P. or HDPE N12 LF $50.00 $000 30" C.S.P. or HDPE N12 LF $60.00 $000 36" C.S.P. or HDPE N12 LF $70.00 $0.00 42" C.S.P. or HDPE N12 L.F $80.00 $0.00 48" C S.P or HDPE N12 L,F $100 00 s 0.00 Catch Basin W=4'EA $2,500.00 $0.00 Catch Basin W=7'EA $4 000.00 S 000 Catch Basin W=14'2 EA s 7,500.00 $15,000.00 Calch Basin W=21'6 EA S 1 1.000.00 $66,000.00 Calch Basin W=28'EA $14,500.00 $000 lnlet Type lX or X EA.$2,500.00 $000 Junclion Structure No. 1 EA $3,500 00 $000 Junction Struclure No. 2 3 EA s 4,500.00 $13,500.00 Junction Struclure No 6 EA $5,000.00 s 0.00 Transi|on Structure No I EA $12 500.00 000 Transition Structure No. 2 EA $12.500.00 $0.00 Transition Sl.ucture No 3 EA s 4,500.00 $0.00 Manhole No. 1 3 EA s 5,000.00 $15,000.00 Manhole No. 2 EA 6,500.00 $0.00 Manhole No 3 EA s 2,700.00 s 000 Manhole No. 4 2 EA $6,500.00 $13,000.00 Structural Reinforcement Conqete c.Y s 400 00 $000 Headwallfor 36" or smaller sloam drain EA $3,500.00 $0.00 3" PVC for Undeririveway drains 122 L.F s 20 00 $2.440.00 Filtena lntemal Bypass Curb lnlet 4 EA.$10,300.00 s 41,200.00 Concrete Collar 1 EA $400 00 $400 00 $$000 $$000 $000$ L,F, LF $000$ $000$ SIGNING, STRIPING AND SIGNALS Remove Painted Traffic Slripes and Markings S,F 2.50$000$ 4" Painted Solid Slripes LF 0.21$000$ 4" Painted Solid Stripes (2 Coats )L.F 0.30s 0.00$ 4" Painled Broken Stripes LF 0.16$000$ 4" Painted Double Solid Stripes 6" Painted Bike Lane St.ipes LF LF $ $ 0.47 0.65 s $ 00 00 0 0 8" Painted Channelizing Line LF 0.82s 000$ l2" Painted Crosswalk & Limit Line L.F 1.30s 0.00$ Painled One-Way, No Passing L.F 0.36$000$ Painled T,,rc-Way Lefl Tum Lane LF $000$ Painted Pavemenl Markings 2.70s 000$ Remove Thermoplastic Traffic Stripes and l\4arkings S,F 2.50$0.00$ 4" Thermoplastic Solid Sl.ipes 0.52L.F. $0.00$ 4" Thermoplastic Broken Stripes L.F 0.47s 0.00$ 4" Thermoplastic Double Solid Stripes LF 0.83$000$ 6" The.moplastic Bike Lane Stripes LF 063s 000s 8" Thermoplastic Channelizing Line L,F 0.78$0.00$ 12" Thermoplastic Crosswalk & Limit Line 116 LF 0.97s 112.52$ Thermoplaslic One-Way, No Passing LF 1 13s 0.005 Thermoplaslic T,,vo-Way Left Turn Lane L.F 283$0.00$ Thennoplastic Pavement Markings Marking S,F $ $ 3.61 2.25 $ $ 000 0.00 Thermoplastic Cross Walk and Pavemenl Marking 300$0.00$ Remove, Sign, Salvage EA 50 00$000s Relocaie Roadside Sign EA.100.00s 000$ Slreel Name Sign 19 EA,275.00$5,225.00$ tnstall Sign ( Slrap and Saddle Brackel Method)EA.1s0.00s 000$ lnstall Sign (Mast Arm Hanger Method)EA,425.00$0.00$ Stop Sign & Post 7 EA.250.00$1,750 00$ Road Sign on existing pole / posl (One Post)EA.150.00s 000$ Road Sign on existing pole / post (Tr{o Post)EA 300.00$0.00$ Object Marker - N4odified Type "F" Delinealor EA,60.00$0.00$ Delineator ( Class 1 Type F)EA 0.00s Delaneator(Class2)EA s $ 40 00 45.00 0.00$ Pavement Marker. Reflective EA 375$000 Nev, Traffic Signal & Lighting (Major lnterseclion)LS 250.000.00$000$ New Traffic Signal & Lighting (Minor lnlerseclion)LS 150 000.00S 000$ Relro,lt of Ex. Traffrc Signal & Lighting LS 100.000.00s 0.00$ 6' Round Signal Loops EA 450.00 000$ lnstall Pull Box (#3-1/2)EA 300.00 18,600.00$ lnstall Pull Box (#5e)EA 400.00$800.00$ 2" PVC lnlerconnecl Conduit & Cable 25 00$000$ 3" PVC lnterconnect Conduit & Cable L,F 30 00$000$ Service Pedestal E,A,5,000 00$10,000 00$ 39W LED Skeet Light (Ameron 1C223)EA,10.000 00s 370 000.00$ Survey 8,000.00$0.00s Design/submittals/review 40,000 00$0.00$ Mobilization LS 30,000 00$000$ Traflic Control LS 15,000.00$0.00S Subtotal 2,384,012.s2$ B Administrative Contingency (20% x A)477 .602.50$ C CM - lnspeclion - LC (80/6)191.041.00s I 5 2 L,F 2 37 D StroetEfDrainago Total (A + B)3,056,656.03S 6 CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT REOUIREMENT WORKSHEET OOMESTIC WATER IMPROVEMENTS ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT 4" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-18 L,F s 25.00 $000 6" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-18 8" Waterlane PVC C-900 DR-18 L,F $30.00 $0.00 6,055 L.F $35.00 $55.00 $ 211.925.00 12" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-18 $0.00 l6" Waterline PVC C-905 DR-18 18" Waterline PVC C-905 DR-18 L,F L.F $ $ 90.00 135.00 $0.00 0.00$ 20" Waterline PVC C-905 DR-l8 L.F $180.00 $0.00 $0.004" Gate Valve RS EA $715.00 6" Gate Valve RS EA $830.00 $0.00 8" Gate Valve RS 19 $ 1,340.00 $ 25,460.00 $0.0012" Gate Valve RS $ 2,300.00 16" Gate Valve RS EA $ 6,270.00 $0.00 18" Gate Valve RS 6" Fire Hydrant (Standard) EA $ 14,300.00 $0.00 EA $ 4,000.00 $ 60.000.00 6" Fire Hydrant (Super)$ 4,500.00 $0.00 4" Blowoff $ 3,500.00 $0.00 6" Blowoff EA $ 4,000.00 $0.00 1" Air and Vacuum Valve EA $ 2,400.00 $7,200.00 2" Air and Vacuum Valve 1" Service Connection ( No Mete0 1-112" Service Connection ( No Meter) '1 't6 4 EA $ 4,000.00 $0.00 EA EA $ $ 800.00 2,480.00 $ $ 92,800.00 9,920.00 2" Service Connectaon ( No Meter)EA $ 2,780.00 $0.00 4" Service Connection ( No Mete0 I EA $ 4,500.00 $0.00 Adjust Water Valve to Grade EA $200.00 $0.00 Removal of Blowoff EA $500 00 $0.00 Join at existing end of 8" pipe 2 EA $ 2,000.00 $4,000.00 'l" Hot Tap EA $ 1,000.00 $0.00 4" Hot Tap EA $ 1,430.00 $0.00 6" Hot Tap 8" Hol Tap EA $ 1,750.00 $0.00 EA $ 2,200.00 $0.00 12" Hot Tap EA $ 3,150.00 $0.00 8" Miscellaneous Fittings 27 $250.00 $6,750.00 1 2" Miscellaneous Fittings EA,320.00 0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $0.00$ $$0.00 $ $ 0.00 0.00 Subtotal $ 418,055.00 B Administrative Contingency (20% x A)$ 83,61 1.00 c Water Total (A + B)$ 501,666.00 TO HAVING SIGNED PLANS D 21o/a \ C $ 100,333.20 E Water Total (C + D)$ 601,999.20 7 L, F, EA, EA. I EA. EA, 3 I CITY OF IVIENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENT WORKSHEET RECYCLEO WATER IMPROVEMENTS ITE I\4 UNIT COST AMOUNT 4" Walerline PVC C-900 DR-18 Purple L,F $25.00 $0.00 6" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-l8 Purple i L,F $30.00 $0.00 S" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-l8 Purple l2" Waterline PVC C-900 DR-18 Purple L,F $35.00 $0.00 $0.00L.F $55.00 l6" Waterline PVC C-905 DR-18 Purple 18" Walerline PVC C-905 DR-18 Purple L,F L,F $ $ 90.00 135.00 $ $ 0.00 0.00 20" Waterline PVC C-905 DR-'t8 Purple L,F $180.00 $000 4" Gate Valve RS EA $715.00 $0.00 6" Gate Valve RS EA s 830.00 $0.00 8" Gate Valve RS '12" Gate Valve RS EA $ 1,340.00 $0.00 $ 2.300.00 $000 '16" Gate Valve RS EA $ 6.270.00 $0.00 '18" Gate Valve RS EA $ 14.300.00 $0.00 4" Blowoff EA $ 3,500.00 $000 $0.006" Blowoff EA $ 4,000.00 1" Air and Vacuum Valve EA $ 2.400.00 $0.00 2" Air and Vacuum Valve $ 4,000.00 $0.00 1" Service Connection ( No Meter)EA $800.00 $0.00 1-112" Service Connection ( No Nreter) 2" Service Connection ( No Meter) 4" Service Connection ( No Meter) EA $ 2,480.00 $0.00 EA EA $ $ 2.780.00 4,500.00 $ $ 0.00 0.00 Adjust Water Valve to Grade EA $200.00 U 0.00 Removal of Blowoff EA $500.00 $0.00 Join at existing end of 8" pipe EA $ 2,000.00 $0.00 1" Hot Tap EA.s 1,000.00 000 4" Hot Tap EA,$ 1,430.00 $0.00 6" Hot Tap EA,$ 1,750.00 $0.00 8" Hot Tap EA,$ 2,200.00 $0.00 12" Hot Tap EA.$ 3,150.00 $0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $0.00$ $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 Subtotal $0.00 Administrative Contingenc-y (20% x A)$0.00 c Water Total (A + B) TO HAVING SIGNED PLAND 21o/a x C $0.00 Water Total (C + D)0.00$ 8 QUANTIry UNIT r I EA t EA, Ilole ls o.oo tAla CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENT WORKSHEET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMEI{TS ITE NI QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT 4" PVC SDR 35 (Use it for Residential Laterals)3608 L.F $25.00 $ 90,200.00 6" PVC SDR 35 Green L.F 30.00 $000 8" PVC SDR 35 Green 58'16 L,F $35.00 $ 203,560.00 '10" PVC SDR 35 Green L-F $46.00 $0.00 12" PVC SDR 35 Green 15" PVC SDR 35 Green L,F L.F $54.00 90.00$ $55.00 $ $ 0.00 0.00 8" VCP L,F $0.00 10" vcP $62.00 $0.00 12" VCP I L.F. l$72.OO $0.00 15'VCP L,F $81.00 $0.00 18'VCP L,F $162.00 $0.00 21" VCP L,F $183.00 $0.00 24" VCP L,F $195.00 $0.00 27" VCP L.F $215.00 $0.00 30" vcP L,F $236.00 $0.00 Standard [.4anhole 48"30 $ 3,140.00 $ 94,200.00 Standard lvlanhole 60"EA $ 4,500.00 $0.00 Shallow Manhole (5' or less)EA $ 3,300.00 $000 Clean out '1 16 2 EA $730.00 $0.00 Clean oul Lateral Tie to Existing Manhole EA EA $ $ 200.00 2,100.00 $ $ 23.200.00 4,200.00 Rechannel Existing Manhole EA $ 1,500.00 $0.00 Join Exasting 8" Pipe 1 $ 1,500.00 $1,500.00 Join Existing 12" Pipe $ 2,000.00 $0.00 C h imney EA $400.00 $000 Adjust lil.H. to grade EA $500.00 $0.00 Concrete Encasement L,F $35.00 $0.00 8" Backflow Valves 66 EA $250.00 $ 16,500.00 $$0.00 $$000 $$0.00 $$000 $0.00$ $$0.00 $$0.00 $$0.00 $$000 $$0.00 $$0.00 Su btotal $ 433,360.00 Administrative Contingency (20% x A)$ 86,672.00 Sewer Total (A + B)$ 520,032.00 TO HAVING SIGNED PLAND ( ORD.46O, SEC 20% xC $ 104,006.40 Sewer Total (C + D)$ 82/1,03E.40 I L, F. EA, EA EA, ] R-----;- o E, I CITY OF MENIFEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COST ESTIMATE CALCULATION SHEET PARCEL MAP OR TRACT NO PP, CU, PU, MS OR VL NO. TR 36658-2 SCH DATE 2t3t2023 IMPROVEMENT COSTS (lncluding Contingencies) l. StreetvDrainage (Line C from Street lmprovement Calculations)$ 3,056,656.03 ll. DomesticWater (Line C Irom DomesticWater lmprovement Calculations)$ 501,666.00 lll. Recycled Water (Line C from Recycled Water lmprovement Calculations)$ lV. Sewer (Line C from Sewer lmprovement Calculations)$ 520,032.00 Total $ 4,078,354.03 INSPECTION DEPOSIT CALCULATION StreeUDrainaqe NOTE: Use 3% for lnspection $ 91.699.68 10