Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Rider 1000829629 TCS0171585$IqKLo_ll4BrN_EHCC Surety Group 8 Forest Park Drive, Farmington CT 06032 SURETY RIDER NO. 1 To be attached to and form a Part of: BOND NO. 1000829629 / TCS0171585 Type of Bond: Performance & Material and Labor Bond Date Effective: January 18th,2017 Executed by: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, as Principal, and by: U.s, Specialty lnsurance Company, as Surety, in favor of the City of Menifee (Obligee) in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing the bond amount: FROM: 53,935,000.00 (Performance) S1,957,500.00 (tabor & Material) TO:S984,000.00 (Performance) S492,000.00 (Labor & Material) Nothing herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision of condition of this bond except as herein expressly stated. This rider is effective: october 1oth, 2019 Signed and Sealed: October 27'r, ZOLg Sutter Mitland 01, LLC By:€ (Principal) U.S. Specialty lnsurance CompanV By lulie ly A member ofthe Tokio Marine HCC aroup of compaflies A notary public or othcr officer completing this certificate verified only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STA'III OF CALIF-ORNIA COUN'|Y OF Orange On personally appeared proved to me on the 20t before n.t SS, e,Moss , Notary Public. who whose narn res scribed tobasis o1'satisfactory evidence to be the within instrument and acknow d to me that /executed the same tn erltheir authorized capaciry!#) and that by erltheir signatu nstrument the personlrf,or the entity upon behalf of which the persorl[rf acted. executed the instrument I certi! under PENALTY OF PERJURY undei the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and oflicial seal DANIELLE I,(ONIQUE MO55 Not.ry Public. C.{ifornia 0range County Commierion r 225458j uy Comm. Erpires Aug l7, 2022 Notarv Public ) ) ) 7n^^ CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF Connecticut COUNTY OF Hartford O Z\?otc efore me a nota ry pubtic, personatty he basis of satisfactory evidence to be the n instrument and acknowtedged to me that ^)rrrA*appeared Jutie Baitv who proved person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed tomeont to the withi he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that be his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behatf of which the person(s) acted, executed this instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the taws of the State of Connecticut that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official (5igna of Notary Pubtic Tvlar Undercutller tlotarv Pr]Uic, State ot Connectjcut ^lvty Commission Expires !'ep JU' auz' POWER OF ATTORNEY AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEiIIIITY COIIIIPANY TEXAS BONOING CO]IIPANY UNITED STATES SURETY COIIPANY U.S. SPECI,ALTY II{SURA CE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS: That American Contrac-toG lndemnity Company, a Califomia corporation, Texas Bonding company, an assumed name ot American contraclors lndemnity company, united states surety company, a M aryland corporalion ana U.S.'speciatty tnsurance Company, a Texas corporation (;llec'tively, the 'Companies'), do by these presents make, constitule and appoint;- - :ifiid gaifv, Matthew J. Beemeart, Jason Hilby, Brian J. Steele or Tyler Undercuffer of Farmington, Connectlcut its true and lawtul Attomey(s)-injad, each in their separate c€pacity if more than one is namod above, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its nime, place and stead, lo execute, acknowlsdge and -deliver any. and_ all bonds, recognlzancea, underbkings or oth€r instrumentr or contrsctr of surstyshlp to lnciudo rldeE, am€ndmenls, and con3ents of sursty, froviOing 6e bond penalty does not erceed , . "":'Seve!w fiY9,!,lUllo!:'::: = - - Dollarg i .;z6.oolo.ooo.oo*' i. This Fower ofAttomey snltt expire wtttrout turttrer action on April23d, 2022. This Power of Attomey is granted und;r and by agthonty of the fotlowing resotutions adopted by the Boards of Directo6 of the Companies: Be Reso/ved, thal tho President, any Vics.PGsldent, any Assistant Vic€-President. any Sesr€tary or any Assistant Secrctary thall b0 and l9 hereby vested with futi power and authority lo appoint any one o; moro suitrble p€rsons as Anomey(3)jn-Fact to represenl and acl for and on b€hatf ol the Company subject to ths following provisionsl Attonoy-in-Fact rr|ay be given futlpower and authority forand in the name ot and on behaf ofthe Company, to execule. acknowledge and deliver, any and aI 6ond8. recoonizaices, contracts, agreementa or indemnity and other conditional o. obllgatory underbkings, lncluding any and all consents for the reteas€ of ;ebined percentages ;nd/or final gstinates on engine€dng and construdlon Contractr, and any 8nd all notices and documents cani"ifng oi ie-inating the C;mpany'; labitity thercunder, and any Buah instruments so execut8d by any such Attomey-in-Facl shall be binding upon the Company as if slgned by lhe Prosident and sealed and efiected by the Corporate Socrotary. Be it Resolved, that the sionalure ol any authodzed olfcer and seal ot the Company h€t€toloG or heBafter alfixed to any pow€r of attomey or any certificate relatino th€r€to by facsimib. ;nd any pow6r ot a$omey or certificate boaring fac.simile signatu.e or facsimilo seal shall b€ valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Companies have caused this instrumenl to be signed and their corpolate seals to be hereto affixed, this 16rday ofJune, 2018.. AMERICAT CO TRACTORS I DEI{NITY COI'PA}IY TEXAS BONDI}IG O PA}'Y UNITED S suR URANCE COMPANY State of Califomia County of Los Angeles WITNESS my hand and official seal Signature l, Kio Lo, A By -E->- Daniel P. Aguilar, Vice Presidenl On this 1.tday of June, 2018, before me, Sonia O. Carrejo, a notary public, personally appeared Daniel P. Aguilar, Vice President ot American Co;tractors lndemnity Company, Texas Bonding Company, United States Sur€ty Company and tJ.S. Specialty lnsurance Company who proved to me on-the basis 6f satisraclory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signaturB on the instrument the person, orthe entity upon behalfofwhich the person acled, executed the instrument I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is lrue end conect. (seal) ctoISssistant Secretary American Conlra lndemnity Company, Texas Bonding Company, United States Surety certity that the above and foregoing is a true and conect copy ofa Power :s;(1/ Company and U.S. Specialty lnsurance Company, do hereby of Attomey, executed by said Companies. which is still in full set out in the Power ofAttomey are in full force and effecl. force and efbct; furlhermore, the resolutions of the Boards of Direc'tors, 'by8""x f,rh ay ol hereunto set affixed the seals of said Companies at Los Angeles, California this Secrelary tTii'i,'jt"''"r^6x"x * A Nolary Public or olher officar which lhis ceflificate is attachad, @mpleting this ce ificate veilies only the idenw of the individual who signed the deumenl to and not the trulhfulness or ofthat docunent Agency No 90't 6 Kio Lo, HCCSMANPOA06z016 TOKIOMARINE HCC visit tmhcc.corn/surety lor more infonnation