Sutter Mitland 01, LLC TM36485-1 15050555MENIFEE 29844 Haun Road Menrfee. CA 92586 951-672-6Tn Fax 951-679 3843 New. Better. Best.cityolmenifee.us December 5, 2019 Continental Casualty Insurance 333 South Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60604 Re: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, City of Menifee, TR 36485-1 & -10; 750lo Bond Reductions for Faithful Performance and Material and Labor Bonds On November 6, 2019, the City Council approved a 75o/o bond reduction and accepted the surety for the following bonds. The original bonds are enclosed. Sincerely, Sa A. Manwaring Clerk cc: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Enclosures h 1. TR 36485-1 Faithful Performance Bond No. TM5190099/15050555 - $1,714,500 2. TR 36485-1 Material and Labor Bond No. TM5190099/15050555 - $857,250 3. TR 36485-10 Faithful Performance Bond No. 30027002 - $2,072,0004. TR 36485-10 Material and Labor Bond No. 30027002 - $1,036,000 Please let me know if you have any questions. MENIFEE New. Better. Best. November 26,2019 Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Developer Contact lnfo: Shaun Bowen Shaun.bowen@brookfi eldrp.com 7t4.200.7609 1. Ori nal Bond Amounts Tract TM36485-1 TM36485-2 TM36485-3 TM36485-7 TM36485-8 TM36485-10 TM32025 298J4 Haon E 951 672 67'71 cityolmenilee. us Menrf,'e CA 92586 l5r 579 3943 Subiect: 75o/o Bond Reductions - Audie Murphy Ranch Dear Sarah: On November 6th, 2019, the City of Menifee City Council approved the 75% Bond Reductions of the following AMR Tract Improvement Bonds. Bill Zimmerman Greg August Total Faithful Performance bor & Material TM5190099 / 15050555 $ 1,714,500.00 $ 8s7,250.00 1000829629 / TCSo171585 $ 3,93s,000.00 $ 1,967.500.00 1000829620 / TCSo171576 $ 2,351.000.00 $ 1,175,500.00 TM36485-4 1000829621 / TCSO171573 $ 3,066,000.00 $ 1,533,000.00 TM5207 442 $ 3,467,ooo.oo $ 1,733,500.00 TM5207 443 $ 1,740,000.00 TM36485-9 TM5207 444 $ 4,r71,5oo.oo $ 2,085.750.00 30027002 $ 2,072,000.00 $ 1,036,000.00 TMs156514 / 015043705 $ 9,125,500.00 $ 4,562,750.00 TM31822-1 929630704 $ 867,000.00 $ 433,500.00 TM3t822-2 TM5207 429 $ 2,937,500.00 $ 1,468,750.00 $ 37,187,000.00 $ r8,593,500.00 Matt Liesemeyer Lesa A. Sobek Oean Deines Armando G. Villa Security $ 3,480,000.00 New. Better. Best. 2. Reduced Bond Amounts Tract TM36485-7 TM36485-8 TM3 2025 TM31822-1 Please let me know ifyou have any questions Sincerely, fonathan C. Smith, PE, QSD, QSP Director of Public Works / City Engineer cityotmeniree.us 2984:l H.rr,n )51.672 67-1 Menrie;, CA 92 586 9sr 679 3343 Faithful Performance Labor & Material TM36485-1 $ 429,000.00 $ 214,500.00 TM36485-2 $ 984,000.00 $ 492,000.00 TM36485-3 $ 588.000.00 $ 294,000.00 TM36485-4 $ 766,500.00 $ 383,250.00$ 867,000.00 $ 433,500.00 $ 870,000.00 $ 43s,000.00 TM36485-9 $ 1,043,000.00 $ 521,500.00 TM36485-10 $ 518,000.00 $ 259,000.00 $ 2,281,000.00 $ 1,140,500.00 $ 108,500.00 TM3t822-2 $ 734,000.00 $ 367,000.00 Total $ 9,297,500.00 s 4.648,750.00 Eill Zimmerman Greg Augusl t,l ,. ;.-Matl Liesemeyer Les. A. Sobek Dean Dernes Armando G Villa MENIFEE $ 217,000.00