Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Release Letter TM519009 929630702MENIFEE 2984.1 H,rUn Rond Me'1rlee. CA 9 95161) 6777 Far 951 679 3841 New. Better. Best.cityolmenilee.u! January 31,2022 Sutter Mitland 01, LLC 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA92626 The City of Menifee City Council has approved the 90o/o reduction of the following bonds. Enclosed are copies for reference. Faithful Performance and Material and Labor Bond No. TM519009/015050555 The City Council also approved the release of the following bond. Subdivision Monument Bond No. 929630702 The City is unable to locate the original Subdivision Monument Bond, enclosed is a copy. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen Deputy City Clerk Brll Zrmmerm.l[l Bob Karwrn M,rtl L|esemeyer Les.l A Sobek Aimlndo G. Villa Re: Sutter Mitland 01, tLC, City of Menifee, Tract 36485-1 Bond Release and Reduction, Bond No. 929630702 and TM519009/015050555 Ocrn Oain€3 l)!\1,!,I 4 MENIFEE 29844 Hdurr Rono Mcnrtee CA 92586 951672 6777 Fax 951-579,3843 cityotmenitae.us Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menlfee Subiect 90% Bond Reduction for Tract Map 36485-1 Dear Sarah On ,anuary L9, 2022, the City of Menifee City Council approved a 90% Improvement Bond Reduction and release of the Survey Monument Eond for Tract Map 36485-1. The original bond information is listed below. Original Road & Drainate, Water, and Sewer Bond - Bond No. TM 5190099/01S0S0S5S lmprovcmcnt Sccurlty Fatthirl Per{omence l.ebor & Mate rlel Streets/Drainage TM 5190099/015050555 $ 1,113,500 t 556,750 Water System TM 519009e/0150s0s55 $ 415,000 s 207,500 Sewer System TM 5190099/015050s5s $ 185,000 s 93,000 Total $ 1,714,500 I 8s7,2 50 Original Survey Monument Bond- Bond No lmprcvcmrnt S€curtty Palthful Pcrforoence labor & M.t rlal Monument 9296307 02 I 53,000 N/A Please contact fennifer Hernandez if you have any questions Sincerely, 9,t/w Daniel Padilla, PE Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer New. Better. Best. lanuary 21,2022