Centerpointe, LLC. Faithful Performance Bond PLN20-0226 800055466Community Development Department FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR SITE RECONSTRUCTION AGREE}IENT CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Gode Section 66499.1) FOR SITE RECONSTRUCTION: Total $55,1g2.00 Surety l!l!E!l!!g!p9g!1gl!!!gr!!9.lgg,pr oy Address lZzAgsslqlBrIh4luslisellc 230 zip code 19422 Phone 7El-332-9494 TracuParcel Map _ Other Proiect No. PP PLN 20-0226 Bond No 6 Ceotcrpoitrte, LLCPrincipal Address ,a02 w. B - Srrite 780 zip 92101 Phone (9{9) 322-5026 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and, Centcrpoiote' LLC (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete the site reconstruction improvements, related to Plot Plan No. (PP) PLN 20{226, which agreement is hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to fumish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Athotic Soeci!ltv CoEoxov , as surety, are heldandfirmlybounduntotheCityofMenifeeinthepenalSumof@ snd nlnetv.two dollsru and zoro ccnl. (356.192.001 laMul money of the United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents- The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors. administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its omc€rs, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specilied therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be laxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR SITE RECONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on November 13 2020 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Centerpointe, LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By Na . Ct^cTitle: 11 . ". ,)?1/ (lF coRPoRATrON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SUREW; Atlentic Com AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:L Its Attomey-in-F Tltle (rF coRPoRATrON, AFF|X SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN-FACT, William Leo Minderiahn ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PRINCIPAL IT INDIVIDUAL OR PARTNERSHIP (15) (16) ( t7) ( l8) ( le) (?4\ (25) (26) (21) rr?R \ (7e) STATE OF County of , to wit a Notar-y Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certi$ that whose name is signed to the foregoilg writing, beanng the exccution dale of the -day of 2O-, has this day aclcrowledged thc samc before mc in my said county (20t Givcn under my hand this _ day of (21) Nottyscal (23) Commission Expires ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PRINCIPAL IF CORPORATION' LLC OT LLP OF I, I, 20 Countv of , to wit <irmad thc fnrconino mitino fnr crrrnorahQl- aforesaid, do hereby certiff dltr-. Joe elhd.*J ge/ttfiico.lo bearing the execution date ofthe day of a Notary Public in and for the county and state who as , Notary Public in my said county, before me, acknowledged the said writing -to be thc act and deed ofthe said corporarion (30) Given under my hand this _day of 20-. (31) Notarysc.l (32) (33)Commission Expircs: (34) (35) (36) (31) (38) (3e) ACKNOWLEDGMEI{T FOR SURETY STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA County of I, MONTGOMERY , tO Wit a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that wiliam Leo Mindcrlahu rneY-In-['ecl , who sigaed thc foregoing writfurg, or hereto annexed, for Adardc Smcblay tnrlrrm! Copprrv , a corporation, bearing the execution dateofthe l3th day of November ,20 20 , has this day in my said county, before me, acknowledg8d the said writing to be the act and deed of the said corporation. (40) Given under my hand this tSth day of Novllnber ol PdrBwr.tb - *otrIy Saat ^.^Rlr V DARLIS, Notary Pl.lk fao.ttfomary &trtY My Conmllslo.l &p1.6 o.(ed$rr 5, 2021 Co(rfilsh.l luib.r 1280{l )o-zo (41) Notarysell (42))fe,Notary Public (43 )Commission Expires I Decamher 5- 2021 Sufficiency in Form and Manne r of Execution Approved Datedthis - - day of .__ _,20 Attomey Ceneral By: Assistant Attomey General (D) ,Notary Public A notary public or other officer completing this ceniticate verifies only the identity ofthe individual who signed rhe document to which this certificate is attachod, and not the truthtirlness, accuracy, or validity ofthai document, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COLINTY OF SAN DIEGO SS ) ) ) ll 420 before me,On a Notary Public, personally appeared who proved me on the basis ofsatisfactory evidence to be the person(s) wlrose name(s)subscribed to thc within instrument and acknowledged to me rhat helshe/they executed the same in his/he r/their authorizcd capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatLrels) on the instrunent the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, execrted the ilrstrument. I certiti under PENALTY OF PERJ(iRY under the laws of the State of Califomia that tlle foregoing paragaph is true and correcl, WITNESS my hand and oiliciaJ seal. ISEAL] Signature of lc ,) TO2I [+r*gt] KNOW AIL MEN 8Y T}IEST: PRESENTS, IhAI AlI.ANTIC SPECTALTY IN'SURAICE COMPANY, A NEW YOTK CfiPOrrdON With its PTiNCiP Offi'E iN PIYMOUIT, Minnesola, dos herehy constitute and appoint William lro Mindrrjatn, Brandon Wadt Edwards, each individualy if there be mor€ thafl on€ oamed, ils Eue ad hwful b€en tully sign€d by an aut\orized oftker of lhr (;ompany and s€skd widr the CoDpany sesl. Ttis Power of Ammey is madc and pxecur€d hy aulho.ity of the following r€solutions adopted by the Board of t)iIecroIs ot A'l'l.ANnC SPECIAI,TY INSURANCH COMPANY on fi€ Menry-lifth day of Septemb€r, 2012: Rrsolved: TtBt de PrEsidEnq.ny S.dor vi(:e Prusideflt or VicFPr€side (each an "Adhorted Ofic.r'') tuy execute lor and in h€hall of lhe (;ompany any and .ll trnds, m(ogdz3nces, conEacts of indemnity, aod aI odEr wridqs obligatDry in dle narur€ rheGot. and affix dn seal of the Cropany rlarero; and that the Authoriz€d Offi.€r rnay appoint a aufirrriz€ an Aoomey-in-Fad to exe.ute on behalf ot the Coopany ary and sll such insEuDents and to affix the Company r€al $etelo: and that the Authorizld Olfi.er may al any time rf,mnve any sur h Atome!-in-Iad and rtioke a[ Fowpr and au0nrtty given to any such Altorney-in- Rrvrve.l: That fie Attomey-in-Fa(L may be given full power and authority to exe{ute for and in $e nam{! and on behalf of thc Corrpany any and aI bonds, he rs hinding ul,on the Company dr if signed and sedled by an Autlrcdz.d Oficer and, funh€r, the Aromcy-in+acr is herchy authoriz€d to vedr any affidavil rquired b bE ana.hed to honds, rt(o8nir2n(es, confacb of indomoilv, dn(l dI otier witingr oblig.t)ry in fie natrrE fieE)f 'Ihis power of aom€y is siSned and sealed by fa(side under th€ au$ority of lhe following Resolution adopted by $€ &xrd of Di.errors of ATI.ANI'IC SPECTALTY INSURANCI COMPANY on the tw€nry-fifrh day of Seprember, 2012: Resolved: That the signature o{ an Audonzed Olficer, the siSnature of lhe S€crdnry or rh€ AssiiLan. Seiirltary, and &e Company rral may be affixed byi^j:rt{r iu.ry pow6 ot rt&mEy or ro my (a.dlk?l. r€i.rirE.iurt@ .pgoimint an furoict.h-li..r ior purposes oniy oi exacutrng erll llrillE Iny irond, undenaklng ncogr*rrrse or odEr wrinen obll8 6on h h. Ireture tlEeof..d .[y sotn dgrutrre md seal wheft 5a, '8 4 b.tB lslby adofl€d by the Company .s lhe orl8io., signatue of such oflicer and the origin l seal of drc (i'mpany, to b€ va.lid alxl bindtE upoo rhe Company wid rhe same foNe and ptfpct as lhough D.ruauy sftxed. lN WTINESS WHERltOt, ATLANIIC SPE:CI AI-TY INSTIRANCB COMPAI{Y hds caurcd $esc prespnts ro b€ signed by an Auhorized Office. and lhe seal of th Comp.ny lo be af6xed lhis t\renry{rvend day of April, 2020. 'SEAL./'/rrfr,r/-'-I986 llv S ATE ()II MINNI]SOI A HENNEPIN COUNTY P,rd J. Brehm. scnior Vi(,€ PresidetrtI on fiis r1A/€oty-sewnl}1 d.y of Aptil, 2020, befor€ me personauy . ne PrdJ. Brthm. Srnior Vic€ Presid€m of A1I,ANflC SPECIAI.IY INSI.JRAN(jE COMPANY, r.,m? siEnature as su.h offi(er was duly affixed ard subs( rihld to dp said insnumert by th€ authuriry and ar de dir€(don of l}|e Cornpany 1,t,r",,h/,f NoDrv Public L lh! und€rsigned, Se(relnry of ATI.ANTIC SPF:CIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, a New Yo.k CoQoradon, do h€Eby cerrify &ar rhe foregoinB power of anomey is in frrll fomt and has not treen renrked, and tie resolurions ser tonh above am now in fone Siqned and sealed lhi! lrth day of ber, 2o2o T1lii Pol{,er of Ammey erpires January 31,2025 AUS0i{ D|YAII r{ASll.IRO'I I0TARY PUstlC. HltltlEsoT My Comnltalon ExPltos J.n0aty 31.2026 PleJ\f,ijre.l lhml Jenll(i,tri,|lr r. . i, ]L Kara Barn'w, Se(rPtary ls86 [i"*.,] C5$, Casn Eqdt lari. & Shc.t L,m kn ltmcnr3 fot.l C..h ! lnv.rm.nti thtt.c asFayed tn t,sJsrds Idt.t Admin.d A*r! AUantic Spoclalty lnsurance Company Period Ended l23ll2o19 0 r.219.332 ?91.107 LlrDlUll.!.nd SurylutLl.6lllll.. tolr AdJo.im.t Erp.nr. Be!.l\e! Tor.lLo. a LA€ 4..ry.. 6?,38s 17,350 2,0?0,232 lrt.gncd Prr un fi..n Ior.l R.hxrft o Li.iiti.r Cstrnisrim!, Ohq Erpil'.., sld Td.! d'rr Fay.blr to Palc , Sl,D! or Afilrte! t 750,516 213, r93 993. /09 5m,053 17,06r 165.912 9.01r Promlum! and Cmll(6rdlon. Oue Rolnl{€ncd lln 6Ehl6 RGc.l'aUo lion Pr.nl, Slblldiry .r Afitiil€! /1ll otlE' Adr! cd Aasots 26!,t16 5!.€0?2t,ffism 2..u.1c5 Commm Crp(al Slo.l Olnlt lEtudn0 Goc! Co'rlilden C.pI.l a SrJr0lur ,t9 39? 0€4,460ra6F Iot.l tl.bll[ir3!ndcGs l, Christopher Jerry, Secretary of Atlantic Specially Insurance Company do hereby cenify that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit ofthe assets Bnd liabi)itics ofthe said OneBeacon Insurance Company, on the 31" day of December, 2019, according to the best of my infornration, knowledge and belief. V Sccrelary Subscribed and sworn lo, before nre, a Notary Public ot' 27rh day of Februaty,2020. of Minnesota on this PublicsHlNNO|.| AAitE t,tUlY-WoLF Nolary Publlc Iinnarotally Commttrlon trpret Jin 11.2025 t.t3l.252 2 au.105 Slatc of Minncsota County of Hennepin