Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Material and Labor TM31822-F TM522866MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND
(Government Code Section 66499.1)
FOR: Grading / Drainage $
Erosion Control $WQMP $Total $
SuretV The Guaranlee Companv ol Norih America USA
Address One Town Square, Suite 1470
184,500.00 Tract 31822-F
107 500.00 Other Proiect No GP17-0 R
Bond No. fM52246bb
City/State Southfield MI City/State Costa Me sa. CA
zip 48076 Zip 92
Phone (248\-28',t-0281 Phone (714\ 427-6868
(hereinafter designated as "principal') have entered into, or are about to enter into, the
attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated
Grading, Erosion Control & WQMP relating to (CUP) TR 31822-F / GP17'094R , which
agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and,
WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon
the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of
Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section
3082) of Part 4 of Divisron 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California;
NOW THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly
unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, materaal persons and
other persons employed in the performance of said Civil Code in the sum of Two Hundred
Ninety Two Tho nd --- 00/100 ,Dollars, $292,000.00 for materials furnished or labor
thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Act with respect
to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the
amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in
addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including
reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to
be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the
.ludgment therein rendered.
It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of
any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims under Title 15
(commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right
of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond.
Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null
and void, otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect.
9/8i I 5
Premium lncluded with performance
Principal Sutter Mitland 01 LLC
Address 3200 Park Center Dr.. Suite 1000
The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration oraddition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shallin anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and ii does hereby waive notice-of any suchchange, extension of tlme, alteration or addition. Surety furthei stipulates and agrees that theprovisions of section 2845 of the civil code are not a iondition precedent to srirety'sobligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety.
lN wlrNESS WHEREOF, this rnstrument has been duly executed by the principal and suretyabove named, on April 17th,2019.
NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Sufter Mittand 01 LLC
ame:David E. Bartlett
Title: Vice President
NAME OF SURETY: The Guarantee Wpany
of North America USA
Debra Watterson, Attorney-ln-Fact
9,'8/ l5
A notary public or other oflicer completing
this certihcate verified only the identity of
the individual who signed the document to
which this certificate is attached, and not the
truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that
on Apr1 \ 2q , 2o le, betbre me,Me Knecht
_, Notary Public, personatly appeared d- E. B^{rlrf,J-
his/ho#their authorized capacity(ias) and that by h is,4re#their signature(slon the instrument the person(9,
or the entity upon behalfof which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certifu under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califbrnia that the loregoing
paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and ofllcial seal
, who proved to me on the basis ofsa
is,h+e subscribed to the within instrument and ackno
tisfactory evidence to be the person(slwhose name(s)
wledged to me that he/shclthey/executed the same in
MEAOAN KNECHTco r.12117799
floLry Rr6{cc*o.rll
oR.r,r{oE c(xJ}{TY
Cfirrl.Jt,}IE 2019
A notary public or oltrer officer completing lhis
certificate verifies onty the idenlity of the individual
who signed the document lo which this certificate isattachedandnotthetruthfulnessaccLlracyor
VA id of that docume nt
State of
County of
On 4t17t2019 before me,Lora O'Brien
personally appeared
(insert name and title of the officer)
D€bra Watlerson
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(6) whose name(s) is/aresubscribed to the within instrumenl and acknowledged to me lhat he/she/they executed the same inhis/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their sig nalure(s) oo the inslrument theperson(s) orlhe entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument
I certifr under PENALTY oF PERJURY under the bws of the state of californla that the foregoingparagraph is true and correct.
Lor! O'&len
Norary Publlc, st8t6 ol MlchlgEn
County of Oakland
!4y I ;ommission Explrls Aprll 21, 2024
Acring in Orkland CountySignatureL
.Y,'/L L (Seal)Lora O'Br en
WTTNFSS Try hand and offlcial sea
lit Th6 Guaranteo Company of North America USA
Southfield, MichiganGUARANTEE
NOW ALL BY THESE PRESET{TS That THE GUARAT{TEE COiIPANY OF NORTH A ERICA uSA, a corporalion organized and existing under the
laws of lhe Slale ot Michigan, having rls principat ofilce n Southrield. Michigan. does hereby conslitule and appoint
Debra Watterson, Edward G Woods, Kathleen Runestad, Lora O'Brien, Sara Schraubeo, Jeffrey Jubera
Katre Coalson, Edward oevies, Dvright Teter Casey M. Strohauer. Montina Cenance, Olga Tasselrryer
The Guarantee Company of Norlh Amenca USA
its true and lawrul attoraey{s),in-fact loexecute. sealard deLiver for and on its behalt as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of ir*emnity
and olherwlitings obligatory inlhe nature lhereol, which are or may be allowed, required o. pemrned by law, Slalule, ru16, regulation. contract or otheNvise
The execution ot such inskument(s) in pursuEnce of llEse presenls, shall be as blnding upon THE GUARANIEE oOMPANY OF iIORTH At ERlcA USA
as fully and amply. lo all inlents and purposes. as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by 13 regulady elected ofilc€rs at the pdncipal
The Power of Attorney rs executed and may bs certified so, and may be revoked. pursuanl to and by authority of Anide lx, Section 9.03 of the By La',\,s
adopled by the Soard of Directors of THE GUARAI{IEE COI'PANY OF NORIH AXIERICA USA at a m€eting held on lhe 31{ day ot Dec€mber, 2003.
The Presidenl, or any vice President, aoing wilh any Secretary orAsgislant Secretary. shall have po$rer and adl|orily:
1 To appoint Atlorney(s)-in-fact, and lo authoaize them lo execute on behalf of the Coanpany, and attach the SeSl ol the Company lhelelo, bonds and
undetlakin0s, contracts of rndemnity 6nd olher writings obligalory in lhe nalure thereofi and2. To aevoke. al any time, any such Allomey-in-fact and revoke lhe authority given, exc€pt as provided below3. ln connecllon wrth obligstions in favor of the Florida Depanment of Transportation mly, it is agreed thal the po!,er and aulhority her€by given lo lhe
Attorney-in-Facl includes any and allconsents for the rolease otretained percentages and/or finaleslimates on engineenng and construclron contracls
required by the Slate of Florida Departmenl of Transpo.talion ll is lully urderslood lhat consentng {o lhe Slale ot Florida Dep8rtmeit of Transporlalion
making payment ol the finaleslamale to the Contraclor ancuor (s assagme. shall nol relieve th6 surety company ofany of its obligataoB under ils bond4. ln conneclion with obligalions in favor oI the Kentucky Depadment of Hlghways only il is agreed that th€ po,ner and authodly h€roby given to the
Altorney-in-Fact cannol be modified or revoked unless prior writlen personal notice of such anlent has been given to the Commigsioner- Depanmenl
of Highways ot the Comlnonriealth of Kenlucky al least thirty (30) days prior to the modifcation or rewcallon
Furlher, lhis Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by lacslmile pursuanl Io resolulion of the Board of Directo6 of the Company adopled at a meeling
duly called and held on lhe 6th day of Oecembe.2011, of which the followng is a true ercelpt.
RESOLVED thal lhe sqnalure of any authorizod offcer and the seal ol tlE Cornpany may be aftxed by faGimile lo any Po\r€r ofAtlorney or cerlillcation
thereof authorizrng the executron and delivery of any bond, underiaking, contracts ol ind€mnity and olher wrilings oblhalory in lh€ nature lhereof, and
such signalu.e ard seal wfien so used shall have lhe same force and effecl as though manually amxed.
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARAI{TEE COMPANY OF NORTH Al{ERICA USA has caused lhis irclrumenl lo be signed and
its corporate seal to be affixed by Ils autho zec, officer, this 1sl day of ftrarch. 2018
County ot Oaklend
Stophon C. Rusch.k, Presideol & Chief OpsI'llng Otlicer Randall Muasolman, Socretary
On lhis 1sl day of March. 2018 before me came the indrviduals who execuled lhe preceding inslrument, 10 me pelsonally known and being by me duly
sv/orn, sard thal each is lhe herein de$c bed and authorized omc€r of The Guarantee Company of North Amerjca USA, that the seal affixed to said
instrument is lhe Corporate Seal of said Company; lhat lhe Corpor8te S€al and each srgnature were duly afrired by oader of the Board ol Directors ofsaid
Companyo Cynlhid A. Takal
Notary Publb. State of Mtchtgdn
County of Aakbnd
My Coddlstlon Exqh.t Fcbruory 27, 2OZ4
A.tld9 ln Ooklond County
lN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunlo sel my hand al The Guaranlee
Company of Norlh America USA olfices the day and year abov6 Mitten.
Cq^,a; A fa_,44.u
l, Randall l\russelman. Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COliPAt{Y OF IORTH AiTERICA USA, do hereby cerlify that the above and foregoing is a lrue
and correcl copy of a Po$cr of Attorney execuled by THE GUARANTEE COIiPANY OF i{ORTH AIiERICA USA. which rs still rn full force aod efiect
lN WITNESS WHEREOF I have lhereunto sel my hand and attached lh€ seal of sard Co.npany th6 I 7th 66y e1 April
RandEll lru3sslman, Secrotary
f,(Qi)\i4z tu
Homc Aflk4 Sorthfutd, Mlchtgan
Dcccmbet 31,2018
Casb and Short-Term lnveshrenls
Marlcbble Securities
Prcuium and Agcnts Belanccs (undcr 90 days)
Reinsuranco Recoivablo on paid lossos
Ac{rued lntorcst snd Dividonds
Nct Deftncd Tax Assct
Olhcr Assets
Total AdE,itred Asscts
Raservo for Lorsos aod Lacs Adjumront Exponsos
Uncrrncd Promiuo Rasorvo
Accrucd Exponsar
Ccdcd Rcilsurancc PrBmiums PEyeblc
Taxcs, Liccascs ad Pecs Peyrblo
Fcdoral Incomc Tax Payablc
Funds Hold
Othor Liabilitics
Total Liabilirics
Common Stock and Paid-ln Capital
Total Polioyhnldors' Surplus
Iolsl Li8bi.lilies, Cepit l aod Surplus
Slatc ofI{ichrgln
Courlty of O.Uand
$ 88,508,407
s 9,071,422
s 49.626.yt9
$ 1,r4,020,9?0
55 1,232
St.phen C. Ruschsl( b.i!8 duly cwor!, stys: Thlr ho i5 thc pEridcr( & COO otThc Gur.otcc Cotrtpey ofNodh
Amcdcr USA; thd stld compory is r orporAiol| dt y o!8!triza4 .*i jD& lDd 6n88cd i! busiD6r !! r arlcy by
vinrc of thc hws of th. Strt6 of rvichig!4 lnd hll tuly c.rupli.d eith rll frc r..NitELor! of to hw! of rid tuo
lpplicablc to trid cqry.ny rDd is dul, qulificd to ..t .! 6rdy urda Jl.i hw'; th.l dd comFry hD .l!o coqli{trith od is duly
thc foftgoing it
D.c6nbcr 20 I 8
Swotrllo boforE Dc lhis 1gth dsy ofMarob 2019.
.i , -.--
-'-! t' /,:r1.t,-
^oFY cynuia A r!&ai
NoGry Pubflc, S$l€ of Mhhtgan
Counl.y of Oekland
My Commllrlor Erplr.t F.bBry 27,2074
Acting In Oakland County
qudiE€d to &1 i.r ir€), rod.r th. A.i ofconrrqe! of tuly l0 f9,fl rs Jacodcd (6 U,S.c. Gl3I6r! full, t trc ,nd conl.t rtddnanr ofdE fintncirl aondltion ofrald cdrplly on it!. I ttdry of & COO