Sutter Mitland 01, LLC Bond Reduction Letter TM31822-F TM522866il,New. Better. Best.
29844 Haun Rd. Menifee CA. 92586
19511 672-6777 I Fax (951) 679-3843
March 27, ZO23
Sutter Mitland 01 LLC
Attn: Shaun Bowen
3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 100
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
RE: Sutter Mitland 01, LLC, City of Menifee, TM 31822-F, Full Bond Release, Bond No. TM5224866
To whom it may concern,
The City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved a full release of the Faithful
Performance Bond and the Material and Labor Bond for Tract Map No. 31822-F based on all
conditions being satisfied.
Below u will find the schedule of release for Bond No. TM5224866;
*The Released Amount column represents the cumulative total of each bond's reduction from the
original bond amount and as of the Release Date.
Enclosed are the original Faithful Performance and Material & Labor Bonds and the release and the letter
from the City's Engineering Department.
Ed A- Aguilar
Management Analyst, City Clerk's Office
(Faithful Performance Bond)So.oo
(Material & Labor Bond)s292,000 So.oo
ss84,oo0 3/21123
92e2,ooo 3/21123
Bond Amount
being witheld as a
Warranty Bond
Bill Zimmerman Bob Karwin Ricky Estrada Lesa A. Sobek Oean Deines Armando G. Villa
Bond No.Released
Original Bond
MENIFEE 29844 Haurr Roncl Menifee, CA 92586951612-61t7 Fax951.679-3843
New. Better.
Moreh 21, 2023
Kay Vinson
Acting City Clerk
City of Menifee
RE: Gradlng Bond Release for GP 17.094R (TM 31822-F)
Developer (Sutter Mittand 01 LLc) is requesting the grading bond release for Gp 17.094R.
The Project Manager has reviewed and confirmed the receipt of a Notice of rermination
from the southern california Regional water euality control Board (scRWocB). The
securities held for grading, drainage and erosion control have now been approved for full
release of both the faithful performance bond and material and labor bond. Both bonds
may be released immediately.
The original bond information is listed below.
Ori inal Gradi Bonds for GP 17-094R
Please mail original bonds to:Please email bond release information to:
Sutter Mitland 01 LLC
Attn: Shaun Bowen
3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
lf you have any questions, please contact Kris Jensen.
crobinson@citvofmenifee. us
9J ht
Daniel Padilla, P.E.
City Engineer
Grading/Drainage TM5224866 $ 369,000 $ 184,s00
Erosion Control TM5224866 $ 215,000 $ 107,500
Total:$ 584,000 $ 292,000
Material & Laborlmprovement Security Faithful pedormance