Wellquest Menifee, LLC Faithful Performance Bond PP2017-042 9310533FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND / OR EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499. 1 ) FOR GRADING: Precise Grading Site Amenities Landscape Total s 184.000.00 Parcel Map PPl0r7-042 GP r8-057 104 000.00 GP18-057 69,500.00 Bond No. 93 105-11 357.500.00 Premium !2.1,rJ.00 Surety Fid.Lry and Dcposrt compsny of Marylud Principal \\'cllquest Ilcr!lcc. [.L( Address t:YY zunch $'r). 5rh lil(xY Address 185 South State St.. 12'h Floor City/State \!h.,,'rnburt. ll City/State Salt Lake ( irY. Utah zip zip li.l I I I Phone xrt,nrs-r,uorr WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and,Wellqucst Menrli't. 1.1-('(hereinafter desagnated as "principal") have entered into, or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated grading proiect, rslated to (GP) PP2O17 -042 / GP18-057. which agreement(s) is/are hereby refened to and made a part hereof: and, WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to fumish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agr6€ment(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and Fid.lrrv and Dcportr comp.nv ol Ma'r-,l.nit , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Menifee in the penal sum of Three Hund Fiftv Seven Thousand Five Hundred and !el100,Dollars ($357,500.001 laMul mone y of the united slales, lor the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, joantly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this oblagation is such that if the above bonded principal. his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void: otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. b S S As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there sha be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's lees, incurred by the City in successfully enforclng such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. (;l'l 7 04llr l:arthlul l'crli)rnr rcc Other Project No. code lnrle0 Phone (951) 757-2571 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRAOING PROJECTS ANO OR/EROSION CONTROL OR LANOSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. When the work covered by the agreement is complete, the City of Menifee will accept the work and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% with the remaining 10% held as security Until the Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board issues a Notice of Termination. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named,On March:0 :i,t9 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: wellqucst Mcnilcc. I-l-(' AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By N me: Tlrle NAME OF SURETY: lidclLrv.uril l)tpo.rr (**IF (rF coRPoRATrON, AFFrX SEAL) Vt ^^ na-42*n*r "/AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Attorn -tn-act sh':'J. Montoyl Title (rF CoRPORATTON, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. ( il' l7-l)1IP ljailhlirl l'crlormancc zt l ( ,\Ntt:tat( 1\ t\sl R\N( l.: (l)N ,\\t ( ()l.o:it\1. 1\tt:lll(,\N( \sl .\t.t\ \\t)st Rt:t\ ( ()Itp\\l t.lt)t.]. l .\\tl t)[]P()\ ( ()lI,{\\ ()l }t \R\ t.tNt) PO\t t,:R ()t, A1 tI )ttN t.:) l.El,WIl,l,,.rustinl'Ol\ll,lN.'lhomarl.M('(O'lJR.snd.lohnllR(]\YNIN(;,{llofl)(nver.(olorrdo. llA( tl itstnrcnndlnr\lll Itlltl( ll;\Vl:ll,l( AN lNSl llAN( l ( Ol\4|'ANY irt rl\ otticc in Nc\\ Yorl. Nc\\ \'orl . thc rct,ullrl\ clcctcd olii(crs ol-thc ( {)l.ONIAl I Il)l I ll\' ANI) I)l I'()Sl l(()Nll'A\\'ol \llR\l ,\NI)xl it\(!lli!c ir(hrinrsl\'tillr. lrhll.uril . rn thciro\\n propcr ncrion\. thI:l|]'l .r\r\ ('l :':riJ ( ornpanis..rnrl i' n(\r rn lorec zlrRl( ll \Nl!-Rl( lN tNst RrN( [] ( ()\tP,,1\\. ( ot.(]rtAt. At\tl.Rt( {l\ ( Asl ,\t.t\ ,r\r) st Rt.-t}' ( oltp''\\\. andllDt:1,11\ \\l) l)t:P()slI ( OllP.\\\ Ot l\l^Rl'1..r\l). rhr. litul ,l.r! ('r Jrnu,rn. \ l). lol(l { I t-}.s r: 1l Rl( ll \1ll Rt( \\ I\51 tt \\( t ( ()\lt, \\l ( (,1 ()\t\t \\lt Rt( \\ ( \\l \t I I \\t) \l Rt t'l ( ()\tP \\lIll)lI lll \\l)l)tf0sl| ( t)\ll,\\\ ()1.'\t\RlI \\t) i\ ( )..i., r Br llrr\krrr Sr,",.,rrn Stsre of \lJr\ ldrJ (irunl! ol ll lri rorc '; ,.'7 tEAL POA-F 020-5028C (,,r\lrur( ,\ l)unn N,,lrn l)uhlr( Ith ( ({rrrr^\h,n I \prrc\ .lul\ q. l(11') EXTRACI FROM BY.LAWS OF THE COMPANIES linrc." CERTIFICATE l. lhc undcrsiSncd. Vicc l'rcsidcnl ,,1 rhc /l I{l( ll ,\Nllltl( N lNStltAN(li (1)\ll''^N\'. thc (()lO\1,,\l r\N.lLI{l( ,^N(,\SlrAl l\ ANI) Strlll,l\ ( ol\{l'ANY. ruxl rl'( I ll)lil llY ANI) l)l,l\)Sll ( {)\'tP?\N\' ol. NIAIl\'l.ANl). do hcrch\ ccdih rhrt rhc lhc l]\ -l.xNs ol'lhc ( onlnirnics is :\lill il lorec. lil(\inrilu {ignnlura rn(l \cxl \hirll hc \.rli(l rnd hirrllirtr rm thc ( r,rnprD\." l)ircetorr ol'lhc ( Ol.ONlAI At\4lllil(AN(AStlAl.lYANl)StlRI:l\'(1)l\ll'j NYxlufitcctin8dullcullctlanJhcldonlhcJlhda)ol nrcc(inS dull (ill(d irnd h(kl on lhc lolh Llir\ ol N.lI\. 199(l ,r: thorrSh mnounll\ irlli\c(i rhis 2othjrr\ ol Xarch .lo 19 b;;"Vl'Y- []rian M. Hodges. Vice President I () Rt.P()R I A ('l.AlM \\',lt'lt Rl (; RI) l-().{ st RUT} t}()\t). Pl.t.t^st_ st,8t\ I- A1-L REQt tR}_t) tNt()RuA I t()N I (): luriclr Anrerican lnsuroncc ( o Altn: surct\ ( llinrs ll99 Zurich Wiry Schaumhurg. ll . 60I 96- l()5(, SEAL ACKNoWI,I:I)(; I\I I NT SlAl-l:Ol:tol,,raat ( ot \ lY ol: lrtntcr On Nlllrch {r lo l9 I'crsonullv appcared Shcrla J Who proved to me on the basis ol'satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names(s) is/are subscribcd to lhe within instrument and acknowledged to me that her'she/they executed the samc in hiVhcr/their authorized capacitylies), and that bv his/her/thcir signature(s) on the instrument rhc pcnions(s). or the entity upon behalfofwhich the person(s) acted. executed the instrumenl. WIl-NtlSS my hand and oflicial seal. JANET M. ELWELL NOTARY PUBLICSign ltrrc STATE oF COLORADO I NOTARY Ic 200940404 N EXPTRES '2!1 16 MY COMMISSIO 1 2C2r (Seal) bcfore me. Janct M. t h^cll