Crestview Consolidated Inc. Faithful Performance Bond 329-030-023 329-030-055 391068S+{,}tnWW ,#*rffi Gommunity Development Department FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499. 1 ) PREllIUu: $934.00 FOR LANDSCAPE: 1-Year Maintenance Total rracuParcer ,,0 - 313:333-333 ""u Other Project No. _ Bond No. 391068s$ 31,131.65 SuretylEdepnity CoEpaEy of California Principal Crestvies Consoli IDc. Address 500 S. Kraerer Blvd.,1300 Address 3458 Uebster Ave - City/State Brea, CA CitylState Perris CA zip code 9282L zip 92571 WHEREAS. the City of Menifee, Stale of California, and. Crestviev Cousolidated Inc. (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into, or are about lo enter into. the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated landscape project, related to (TracuParcel) 329-030-023 and 329-030-055. which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred lo and made a part hereof; and. WHEREAS, said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and lEdeEnity C of California , as surety. are held and firmly bound unlo the City of Menifee in the penal sum of Th irtv One ousand, one hundred Thirtv One. Dollars and Sixtv Five Ce (s3r.131.6s l laMul money of lhe United States, for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, iointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of lhis obligation is such that if the above bonded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators. successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and lruly keepand perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereol made as therein provided, on his or lheir part, to be kept and performed at the time and jn the manner therein specifled, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the city of Menifee, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then lhis obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in fult force and efiect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees,incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be tixed as costs rnd iniluded inany iudgment rendered. $ 5.287.50 Phone 714-784-5660 ,,id6'i,.ep,FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LANDSC,APE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Tl:...surgty hereby stipurates and agrees that no change, extension of lime, arteration oraddition to the terms of this agreement or to the work io be performed there under or thesp-eciflcations accompanying the same shall in anywise afFect its obligation on this bond, andit does herebv waive nolice of any.such cnrnge, "riensL; ot timJ, atterition ti rliiri,i.ls^urety further stipulates and agreei that the proiisions of secfion 284s of the civil code andcommencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety,s obrigations ner"rJuiand are hereby waived by surety. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this above named, on Jut NAME oF pRlNClpAL: cresrrrier, consolidated ruc. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) Na Tilt fv-'^ q \( a. Ur me: e:ll<cQ<)P;,r (lF coRPORAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SUREW: rnd AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: inslrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety 26, 2OL6 eo-oity CoEpany of Callforuia Les H. l{antle-AttorDeJr in Fact (lF coRPORAT|ON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY-IN.FACT. By: I cai-tFoRBdla a!-L-FUEPoSE acKNowLEDGSnENT CtVtL CODE S 1189 .aaoa€zr(]a:c;i6a5ai=r:-=aa6=aFaFa:a:aa^.ar: :aa=a)a(Fa..-:a--a--cer-a:iiaaaE(EfEcaeaaatFaF.-=aFaFca(}FQFaFa:er,t Here lnsed Name and Title of the Ofticer les lI- llantle A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the idenlity of ihe individual who slgned the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accurac),, or validity oi thal document. State of California County o1 Orange on 7-']C:'r(\Q'before me,ilarjr MartignoDi - Notary Public Date personally appeared Name(s) of Signe(s) vr'l]o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personl*. whose nameffi, isrlr<- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heAbdtF€y execuied the -same in his/h8rlFd. authorized capacity(Eg, and that by hisbedti€ir signaturewon the instrument the person& or the entity upon behalf of whjch the personts-acted, executed the instrument. .Y,**,-]''|+."."..''-. -i I'/A PJ N4AR'i lCNOi{i i NOTnP./ P'l8t.tC. 1:,.t|FORNrl 3 ONAN6E COUNTY Llyconmhnon Uplf d 5.P. 9, 2ol9 Signa Signa Notary Public Place Notary Seal Above CPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this fotm to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Tille or Type of Document:Document Date; Number of Pages: _ Signe(s) Other Than Named Above Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name:Les ll. l{autle Signer's Name:- Corporate Officer - Title(s):fl Corporate Ofiicer - Title(s): L-Partner - I Limited ! General! lndividual X Attorney in Fact! Trustee D Guardian or Conservator f Other: I certify under PENALry OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ! Partner - C Limited i:l General! lndividual il Attorney in Fact fl Trustee fl Guardian or Conservator fl Other: Signer ls Bepresenting: Indeonitv Coapanyof Califoruia Signer ls Bepresenting: @20'14 National Notary Association . www.NationalNotary.org . 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-S76-6827) ltem #5907 ) ) I POWER OFATTORflEY FOR OEVELOPERS SURETY AID INOEI,II{ITY COMPANY INDEMXITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA PO 8or 19?2s. lRvlNE. CA 92623 (9t9) 263.3300 xNOw ALt 8Y IHESE PFESENTS lhat etcept as €rpressly limiled. DEVEI"oPERS SURETY AND tNOEtiNtIy COMPA{Y.nd INDEMN|Ty co pANy oF CA!|FORNi,\ do eadrhereb! mote. co.rslitute 6nd appdrt ,..Les M. Manlte... are hereby radfied and .onF,ned. Al{D INoEMN,IY Coi,4PANY and ,NDE,rNlT'l CoMp Ny 0F CAI|FORN|A. eflective ar 0t Janurry tsL 2008 RESoLVED. thata combinaion olany lllo o, lre Chairman ollie 8$rd. lie P.esdenr, E eclJtive vice.Pr€srdent. Senior vi€6pr6idarlo, any \4ce p€sidenl othe ro rnesl hr errorticn ol any sudr Porer ot aionq/i ^ _ RESoLVED, fURTHER. th al he ignalu,es ot sud oflicsls may be atfired to any ,udr poB€r oJ Afiomey or lo any cerli|r2te rebtng fier.io by hr3imre. and .nI suci ct cookaci ol su'elr3h p lo Bhich it ,s aaacn€d lN WTN ESS v4lEREOfi. 0EVE L0PERS SURETY AN0 INDEMNITY COIIIPANY and INOEMNIIY COI,IPANY OF CAtlFORNlAhave severattrcaused the5epresents to be srcned bytheir respecdve oficels.nd snested by heil.e5pective Sesetary o. pssistanl Secrerary lii Dec€hber 1.20t1. 8,a By personally appeired 0aniel Young. S€nior McaPEsidenl Mad J. Larsdon. Vrc..Pr6idenl ....:r"iIi;';:"., -...:.ie)$;;;.9.% igi r0 :oi-.-3' ,936 ..r*o--i ''-.lzq;- .rs.y.l...ii..lJ '.-,,*.,..-.r"' on OMobs 1 2011 0ale Lucille Ravmc.d Nob'Y Publlc Her. lns3n Name and llue ol tte Oliicer oaniel Yofiq and l,.ta* J. Lansdon o o ocT.5 0 1967 vII Name(s) ol Signe4s) Br Ca*fu J rucrtlE n n 0il0 Commi!tion , 2ttitai [ohrt PuDllc . Crlfornlt 0nn,l Coultt Comm.,at ocl I a E *to pror€d lo me on lhe basas ol sadrlaclory evidence to be 6r porsoo(3) *t6e nrm€(s) iya,e suasd$ed lo lhe rithin instumenl and adnorledged lo me dtal h?-/sfidbey uell,lld he same in hMe.their aohodred capscit(iE3). ad ft8l by hMerrhlt siJnalur€G) on ths insttument lhe peEd(s). or he endry upo. beha ot whicn Ue pecon{s) acted. etecuEd th. ifft^rne.t WIINESS my hand and olficialseal. Signature Raymood. Nolary Public CERIIFICATE 20tE Piace Nolary Seal A!o!c Ihe lideBllned, as Seoetary 6lGrstint Seoetary o, DE\ELoPERS SURETY ANo |NDEMMTY CoMpANy o. |NDEMNITY COMPANI OF CAL|FORN|A. does hereby said (llpo.auons s€l lo.t! in he Poxer o, Atomey are in (olce as ot be date ot thh Cenificrte. Tlb Certficaleir eredrted h b! Caty o, trvinq Cili{a(nia. [lb 26 dayot July, 2016 _ /7 1D.13801Re{1211) Seselrry Slale of Calilo.ni. Couity ol Gange lcerlilyunder PENIfY 0F PER URY unda lhe lae/r o,lhe Sbte o, Catilomia hafihe tsEoing paEgraph is lrue and coflecl.