Indemnity Company of California Faithful Performance Bond 329090023;329030055 391068SMENIFEE 29714 Haua Road : l\4enifee, CA 92586
951-672-677? I Fax 951-679-3843
New. Better. Best.cityof
November 6, 2018
Indemnity Company of California
500 S. Kraemer Blvd., #300
Brea, CA 92821
Re: Faithful Peformance Bond No. 3910685
Crestview Consolidated Inc.
The improvements for Tract 329-090-023 & 329-030-055 have been completed to City
specifications and standards and the Bond is now ready for release. Enclosed is a copy of the
Bond for Tract 329-090-023 & 329-030-055 as follows:
1. Faithful Peformance Bond - $31,131.65
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sarah A. Manwaring
City Clerk
cc: Crestview Consolidated Inc.
Bill Zimmerman
Lesa A. Sobek
Mayor Pro Tem
District 3
Greg August
District 1
Matt Liesemeyer
District 2
John Denver
District 4
Armando G. Villa
City Manager
Stephanie Roseen
This is the release that Cheryl was talking about. Could you please create a release letter based on this
information? I would like it to go out by the end of day Tuesday. Let me know if you need any additional
information. We will need to pull this file for the original bond.
Sarah A. Manwaring, MMC City Clerk
Office of the City Clerk
City of Menifee 29774 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586
Direct: (951) 723-3708 City Hall: (9511672-6777 Fax: (951) 679-3843
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New. Better. Best.
*Please note thot emdil coffespoodence with the City oI Menit'ee, olong with oftochments, moy be subjectto the Colifornio Public Records Act, ond
thetelore moy be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. The City of Menifee sholl not be responsible Ior ony cloims, losses or domoges
resulting from the use of digitol doto thot moy be contoined in this emoil.
From: Cheryl Kitzerow
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2018 7:24 AM
To: Brandon Cleary <BClea ry@cityofmenifee. us>
Cc: Sarah Manwaring <smanwaring@cityofmenifee. us>; Jonathan Smith <ismith@cityofmenifee. us>
Sub,ect: Arco Trumble/74 landscapebond
From: Do Not Reply <donotreoly(acitvofmenifee. us>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 5:23 PM
To: Cheryl Kitzerow
Subiect: Scanned lmage from TASKalfa 4551ci
Sarah Manwaring
Monday, November 05, 2018 5:32 PM
Stephanie Roseen
FW: Arco Trumble/7 4 landscapebond
', I "-
Please see attached bond to have City Clerk release. Work is complete.
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