Culbertson Insurance Services, Inc. Bond Release Letter GP16-046P 381712SNew. Better. Best. July 26, 2019 Culbertson Insurance Services, Inc. 5500 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, Sulte 201 Anaheim, CA 92807 Re: Grading Bond Release, City of Menifee GP16-046P, Bond No. 3817125, Cal Cruz Express Faithful Performance Bond - $399,500 Material & Labor Bond - $199,750 Sincerely, rah A.anwann9 City Clerk cc: Cal Cruz Express 29844 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 95|67/6Tn Fax951679'3843 cityolmenilee. us To whom it may concern; Per the City of Menifee, Engineering Department the grading and drainage improvements have been completed to City specifications and standards; therefore the following bonds are now ready for release. Armando G. Villa Crty Manager Bill Zrmmerman Greg Auqust Mayor Pro lem Drslnct 1 M6tt Liesemeyer Councilmembel Drstrrct 2 Lesa A. Sobek Councilmember Oislrict 3 D€an Deines Councllmember Oastrict 4 MENIFEE Please let me know if you have any questions. MENIFEE New. Better. Best. luly 24,2O19 Sarah Manwaring City Clerk City of Menifee Sub.iect: Tommy's Car Wash 30015 Winter Hawk Cd, Menifee, CA Project GPL6-046 Subject: Release for Grading Bond NO. Dear Sarah: Greg August lvlayo. Pro Tem District 1 29844 Haun Road lvlenifee, CA 92586 951672-6777 Fax 951 679'3843 cityofmenifee.us Public Works Inspection has inspected and certified that the grading and drainage improvements associated with GP16-046 have been completed to a level that the grading bond can be released. This letter serves as Engineering's approval of releasing the subiect bonds. Please let me know if you have any questions Sincerely, .lona n G. Smith, PE, QSD, QSP Director of Public Works / City Engineer Cc: file Yolanda Macalalad, Assistant City Engineer 3xtt l25 Bill Zimmerrnan Mayor Matt Liesemeyer Councilmember District 2 Lesa A. Sobek Councilmember District 3 Dean Oeines Councilmember District 4 Armando G. Villa City Manager fi C .r'! .\ t\tPC.t i !r" ftIv lf' ENTEBEO MAY I6ZOIS Culbertson lnsurant{ Al.l.l6Sp ln( ssoo E. sanra Anq qryO, nir*ffii Amhdn G* s*0? ord, ssr4[I0 bfY $/\J ar" INVOICE Terms & Conditio ns Pryment due upon receipt of bonds Total Premium Due lnvolcef tNV-26126 DRAFT $5,993.00 rF p*$r ME 05/14t19 s8F 381712S $399,500 Subdivislon Grading Bond - Renewal INVOICE DATE BOND ryPE:BOND#CONTRACT AMT.: $ 7-12-19 7--12.2A Dtco EFFECTIVE DATE:RENEWAL DATE:SURETY CODE: Subdivision Grading Bond - Renewal Obligee; City of Menifee Project: Grading, Erosion Control, NPDES and Drainage Projects #GP15-046p Bond Amt,: $399,500 5,993.00 PREMIUM Please make Checks payable to Culbenson ln5urance Services, lnc. and reference bond number on check. d CLIENT Cal Cruz Express 34193 Camelina St. Lake Elsinore 92532 CA PRODUCER BOND DESCRIPTION & DETAILS