Pulte Home Company, LLC Faithful Performance PM28206-1 268012158?t^E FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND i OR EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1 ) FOR GRADING: Precise Grading Site Amenities Landscape Total Surety Libe lvlu tual lnsurance Parcel Map 28206-1 Other Project No. Bond No. ,. , Premium 8-004P / P SiteP Companv Principal Address Pulte Home Co mDanv. LLCAddress 2815 s Ave.. Suite 1 02 City/State anE 27 401 Los Allos. Suite 400 L City/State I\,4ts n Vieio. Zip code 60 1 92 Zrp 92691Phone 18471 396-7132 WHEREAS. the City of designated as "principa Phone (949) 330-8 536 Menifee, State of California. and,Pulte Home Companv. LLC (hereinafler l") have entered inlo. or are about to enter inlo, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and com plete the a bove designated grading project, related to (Gp GP 18-004P , which agreement(s) is/are hereby refe rred to and made a part hereof; and )/VHEREAS' said principal is required under the lerms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for thefaithful performance of said agreement(s); NOW. THEREFORE, we the principat and Li berty Mutual lnsurance Company. as surety, are held andfirmly bound unto the City of Menifee in th e penal sum of Seven H ndred Nine Thou sand andno/100,Dollars {$709.000.001 lawful money of the Uniled States. for the payment of which sum willand truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors . executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents The condition of this obligalion is such that if the above bonded principal. his or its heirs, execurors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement ind any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or therr part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respecls according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, ats officers. agents and employees. as therern sltpulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. As a parl of lhe obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable allorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any ,udgment rendered. GP l --(,.1l P l.arthlul l,crlirrmancc s 131.000.00 $_204p9Q.Q9_ $ 314,000.00 $ 709.000.00 FtE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS AND OR/EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed there under or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, exlension of time. alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code and commencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. when the work covered by the agreemenl is complete, the city of Menifee will accept the work and thereupon, the amounl of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% wiih the remaining 10olo held as security until the califomia Regional water euality Control Board issues a Notice of Termination. lN wlrNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on October 22,2018. NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Pulte Home Company, LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By Name: D. B Langen Title: VP & Treasurer (tF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company t NAME OF SURETY: ul orney-in-Fact (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. (rl'l r-0.1 I I' I arthlu I Pcrlorrnanc,: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: THIQ.P, QWER- P.f ATTO.RNEY IS- NOT VAUO UNLESS IT IS PRINTEO ON REO BACKGROUND.. I n|l rouar o| auornay lllllt! t |. tcla ol thoae nmad narah, and lray hava no aulionly to Dind Ur Cofirait arcapt h $tmann r .nd b $a ar!.nt h.r€tn .trtad Cenrlr€are No E 14644b UbqtY lArual lnsu.ance Co.|Pary Ttle Oro CaE dty lolua'lce ComF t W6l ArEraar lnsurmce Cqnpaoy XIIOWN AII PERSOIiS 8Y THESE PRESENTS: me Ihs 0Io fi,luliial lnsur E{ CdrDrny 6 a csDdrbn drry orgrn.ed und6t POWER OF ATTORNEY Ca$*, kEorrrc Cdnpry 6 a 6po.a0ql duty o8rued!t |trs ol r|e Slarc d tlrssar6€lts rl(, $rcsl Amarran mder 0l€ lars o, tle Stile ot Nd Hanpsfue h3! tDeO h$r&Ee Cdrpdry 6 s corptrrtoo dlly organlted undartlo lars ol fl€ Sl& ot tral,u {harilr cdldt'/cly caLd ta _CorDtraa ) pt $raf b &d D, sutufy h€rah sal tsln do€5 i€rEry n.lne cmst!ts end appoot tcletr al€ Co.ltql r9r.7 l9l9I 1991 .llol h€ clty ol Alh4E i!at! ot]iA.sdl rtrirndEly, trr ba nsr !l'l arr l€rttd. G tue rld l'lvr anont,-tltd to mde eao-& sarl .cloqlSOg€ aid ddivd ldetdonlt Dct'al as graty d'd a l! d d! (bGd I', rrd d uaGrtiw borrr rcqrserrcr aU Orcr a{rlry cOfeaao.u n E ryrrrce ot ![a. g.!.aMtd shJ ba aa u$rE r]Fn nE Compant€5 as 'l hly hsir b€ar d,,{rEd by hr F.!on ra &e t h rddry d rE cg1Da6 . tE' oin 0'aI'YITNESSvlllEREOF.!r!lpoGdatEtry|9-lraaarad!y'rrrEEEftarddbddIt.CdttrEdrd!radDo.-rdd,iCarFttGtct b.a.fitld,t.flb h6 q&r d Jl!.l0! Ihe Oho Casually lnsurance Company L,befly Mulual lmurarce Company lnsuranc€ Company 8y Da!d CaGy, Ataltlnt S.crat ry STATE 06 PE}*{SYLV fllr !6 CO('}ITY OF O IGOf,RY Ot t'5 [ia, d]&. &l!.!.to! nr r.ldufy rycld O.!!d I C...r. aF dnort.g- r'IEd b n r. Ar..L! S@ttry d Ladt l|nld !tu,rrb. Cotprt TiE orro Casofy C{ItlparY. ttd uLd hfti irariE C{llrtry. ri hl lr. r idr Dd!9 r/OdEad to b ib arG,i ha bqaT iuritEi b ha FrD6ar firit canEao ot.lgnl! 0o ba,rd 0{ !l aoDo.&r by trrtdB a Ar au.uti ftt li'l MINESS W|{EREOF. Inavanltttrb .ltaartld nt n a ird &adllt lErrd a6t, Xng d Piuat turryrdlia.,l }Edry,rd ya, ftn ao!! lr ao COXI/IONIVEALTH O' PENX6YLVAN'A iorrla &air-a PaLa, tb.t ,'\d(q?r lbbta rbtd,y c@r, rly Cdit-. E-rr!. r/tsEh 26 2O2r /.il-Bv, IhG PG d ,r&rq . m* tn araocd grrllrrt b rr, b, ardr, d ,. hh.re Bt.|,.! r{ ArorurEB d Th. Oro C&J'ry rlsdrrc. Cdlp.ny t-aa.ty tArtl.t kts(/Iax! Cdtp.n! d6 WB AnE crr hrrrE Cdtprry adr.aadrE! rt rE. tt hra 6ra.lhd r.drn 6 &3 ARIICtE N - 0fflcE88 - Scd! 12 Pori tJ Abtt, Ary otlca, c da oltod d tE Cspc.Er irurzd lci h.t Frp6. n tltilg by he Chonnen ar tr Pls3daot. lnd luqad bsud I aiLn a ta Crr&na or lra &afu,q F€ob dd ]p€tt 9dr fitn t}G6 a nr, E nrcBs.ry b *t. lartatt ot rD Ca.Dq'El b ruts eteqrts sed dndtadgc ,ld trva! a rrr, rry ad d urdanLr{.. bsri ltaqni ,lc d 0CFr rr.ty dag&ir 9rctl riblrE eI}lA a!!,€d lo ,E lnxanooa lat tb.$ n hlt rur96(tve poffir ol emar. CIC hlr! t 9()g b bnd ,r CoDa&r by,ir s{tlrl/! r[ at&.aqt d rry llrdl.ituhdrB |hd b ![rr ,td6,r !.al ot rto Coooarto.ll!h.i so €r,6rsd. sdt ,rfirn B drc to c tirlt 8a , s'g5 t iE PrEd,ll rld e$d b by !r. SEriry Any 9o€ d artiarty grnbd b rly clrls..tElivs or stt ney. m-r&,t undo. ta pro/G$r d 0It rtda ,i.f be tad.t, d ,ny nt t, h Eord ,E $ffrl'| !t. fll!6rd d by tE oltc€. or olfus 9r,1r9 r,cll po*er or artoiy ARIICLE xlll- Eraorton o, CdtG - sECIoal5 gra, Bdt(! illt t idrlrr1g3 ^ny Sclr d !t. cqlprt a,,bo:.a b. r|.l p/po6a n r'|rB t !i€ cndn& ar rt€ Fordont.nd $bf.lb sudr hdo.B rt tr.ctl-rn'l q !,ia Ftaft,rE, !.idlna $d Sraf !{rt.Enrr+rlhd ant.t bo rGry f a n mtWt fr Cor4ary b nide er€qlE sed drloradga trd d.ha a rrty rry i{ sa l,lrra ftp! bdr(l rqlErEi rl, or!a,llrGt, dlg&ri Sld atE E s-{}l!.t ldtad b fa hrtdls !d k hn0s rc.9ec!v! pG! ol !trE, .hall.,.ilpffibirl(, hG Cdrpt! !y nE {,lrr. ri d&rEr drt r)dr n tlrr6 ad b 6[Dr tr.b ra r.d o( rrc Cdrprt, rvh.n !o oreor*d lrdl neurE D tldl ba ra bafle a , .{'l.d b, ll. ,!a5al! fa a.ld by ,r !eer] C*{ftata ol Daalgnalcll ' Iha Prrda.ll Oa bc Colpry dlg F,lrn b D! qt.Ii ot,t C<npa.rt rttdE6 06.d M C.lsy AsssLntS.qidy b rrdf srdr ntrrncF r}Lclanl.yD.rLaaalaybadqtDdldot!tscdrl{tlybn a. a4ql !d ad,EdG@,rd da.vr 6 rraty rt rld c r6altir{3 tol,l& ncogrrzdrc.. 'ld oth.i luraty oOlg6tors cdrpdt rtt!,.y6 rlp.t { lpot a 6$4, cst d et FF d ell.t alud b, h c.qrprry o co.rEctql n l ir6ly bqlds snd bc vtE.nd !.d;C upon he Codpa;y ffrl fu srnc fx(e lr dEl !a !E n iltrrt dfrad I Rtnae C L/eretF !E 'rrhrgt- arer S.,r!rry Ilt Oro C.a-, h$rru csrTir, LEt, llid ll3rrac. Crrprr, i'd tta6t Arl|,lcrt tsr-arEa Co.rp&t, do ia.aby c.lfy hd h. anend rfr d rlbllEy dfir rr bqql6 a tra llr r{.qra oog, d tr goi d Abl}lr.r.oJH br ird C{nprc 6 n fii lo.ce rd a{hcil r|d n6 nd idl rtr,tld ll{ rEsTuorY$GRGOF ltr! rrur.d ,t- rrrd rs &.d n .- d s.d c.irr..c n?'l o, ntdJha Tcr€:€ P.slGIs. Notary Publlc ,iq,(, r! l!) o: G i:p (, o o .! o ot 0, G (, ) j l,o t, o 0,E{, coo qr_ oc o(Dot,lto E o p E oz !t ! o Et!oIot 6' 0,i(,AotNI 0?o I o o,ioo. o t =G oE E coa oF 0, .s llt G o F r9r?t9r9 1991 By t6 Seclelary STATE OF GEORGIA ) COUNTY OF FULTON ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SURETY )ss This record was acknowledged before me on Oclober 22,201g, Gregory S. Rives, as Attorney-in-Fact of Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company, who provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me and is personally known to me. WITNESS my hand and official seat. nature of ry Public Shrrley E. Hutchins Notary Public State ot Georgia My Commission Expires. March 18, 2O22 SHlitrtY I hUTC]ltttS lxr,ry futl,r Sd{r o/ (;?('!4 tdto4 C!0'rr V, &rnt$oa E4trts M/ rP r,l)?? ACKNOWLEDGEM ENT BY PRINCIPAL This record was acknowledged before me on October 22.2O1g, by D. Bryce Langen, VP & Treasurer of Pulte Home Comoanv. LLC, who provided to me on the basis of satasfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me and is personally known to me. SIAIE OF GEORGIA ) /ss couNTY oF FULTON ) WITNESS my hand official seal. Public Shhley E. Hutchins Notary Public Slate of Georgia My Commission Expires: March 18. 2022 F.t^E FOR: Precise Grading Site Amenities Landscape Tota I MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1 ) (65.500 00 Parcel Map 28206-1 $ 132 000 00 Other Proj ect No.GP 18-004P / Park 157.000.0 0 Bond No. '. r.\ Premium $$364.500.00 Site Surety Lrbertv utual lnsurance PanV Pulte H ome Comoanv. LL C Address 2815 Forbs Ave..Suite '102 27401 Los Altos Suite 400 City/Slate Hoffm an Estates lL City/State lvtss ion Vieio. CA zip code 60192 Zip 92691 Phone 447 396 7 r12 Phone (949 ) 330-8536 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of California, and pulte Home Comoanu LLC, (hereinafier designated as "principal") have entered into,br are about to enter into, tre attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complele the above designated Grading, Erosion control & WQMP relating to GplB-004p, which agreement(s) is/are h;reby referred to and made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entenng upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 ol Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of Califomia: NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons and other persons employed in the performance of said civil code in the sum of rhres Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Five H undred and no/100 . Dollars, $ 364,500.00 for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment lnsurance Acl with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond. will pay, in addition to the face amount lhereof. costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees, incuned by the Cily in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the iudgment therein rendered. Principal Address GPI?-(l.llP IUatcnal labor Bond It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and mrporations entitles to full claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. ('P l---o.l lP l\lrtenal llbrrr llonLl The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of lhis agreement or to the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, exlension of time, alteratlon or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that theprovisions of Section 2845 of the civil code are not a condition precedenl to suiety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN wlrNESS WHEREoF, lhis inslrument has been duty executed by the principal and surety above named, on October 22.20'18. MATERIAL ANO LABOR BOND NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Pulte Home Comoanv. LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By me: D. Bryce Langen Title: VP & Treasurer (rF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Libertv M utual lnsurance Comoanv AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ves,Attomey-in-Fact (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEOGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. (,1'l ' (r..l lP \lrrtr.rral | .rh,,r Ii,nd ( oo c G 6t, (.,o) G o, q) o a P (,GI oo o o, G o o .= o(Do EDto E o oo ! o 2 u "'t'rP#il'P[gTP,f[lHim'"h"ggllhff;,lI,H,:fi']IlP,Pl,R'*,8d.?:,gllB.u#P;",-,",*",t.n,h.r.inir.,.d wnNEssrfiEREof . nr Pora. d A[trl , tE tst sMd D, rl aa<nd frr d d.d d ha csrrara -6 lla corD6,h aata d ha co.npaa6 t6ra ba€n dfgad[u!io hb lldry ot &!. &]! Tho Oho C6l]altt lnslrerc€ Company Ub8rty Mutual lnsurance Company W€sJ Amer[an lnsuraoce Company t b,tY t'lrbal ln8uarc8 Conpeu The Ohb Caudy llE{rrics Coilpaiy W6t ArD€rEat l.surmca Conpany POWER OF ATTORNEY Kt{owN aLt p€Rsol{s 8Y IHESE PR€sEtlTs: nul Ih6 0L cldl, hirrerce c<rrpa, 6 e coaraator n, crlrrr d 'nd.( h. r*5 or trp shb ot N Hrrp5r11r€ oal LD€rt,I rn d hs!.aE co pflr, 6 6 crrDo.n6 dry dIrE d ,d! tr tfr d tE s!i. d tiii;.d.,.i. a,o wcri rrL,c, r,s,r,."c c-rprry.- " "i".iii.iay o.gm..o rr(er *ffgj.P",S:YP.iflydv 9I r"-'co'r!tE l. pur,rr b rld B !'i{vr, hr$ rd bl$ doo3 iddy nr,P 'cq;.hro ero ropunr xer"ucrf conron|\nn dlr rots fln u !fica LtE ! Jatl liErla BEI olllt Jis oro5r, FL! pd.{r rbr- affi e o.a y& y^J._ r_ ,-.i: Cen ,cale No 9140{49 alr ol he 6ry ol4!!!E !lrl! ot !A c.ci lndindurly d !E b.,tcr! 0l'| d.nrncd t tue a.r l iri do.n y.n-hcr b da .t.oL real adnotdge ']d Oelver lo.a|d ondsbalid !5 s!,ay and B G &!,n (k &y rld .l u.d.rrilrT6 Dorh ,!(!glrlrx.. rn dtl r(lllt oOrg&E .trrr.rrrcl ol l,i.* prtalrB rtd sr|.t ba G trdrB $on h?Comoa.tl.s ea lf tEl hetc b€€lr dut, s{n€d by f,e Fesroe ad drsled 0y trc scdatry d lra Cofipras n tra, n STAIE OF PENNSYTVAI{A !6 cour{TY of lol{TcoffRY 0t' hb qty d II!. 391!. D&.. lrl p.t.r!ly ryld O.vdlr C.r.y. *! d,or6g.d l-td b t. n r..r-t Sedry d f&iy littd tlEll.E Cdrp.,, Ih. OlDcady cqtT-, rrd hEr AlllEti rrrrE cdrary. rl lr lr. ri rar utg ari.n c - o co .tor t b{a! ,E rr,60 E o€ FllDG $r cdtrrl- by,Onil dr tartdt d !t dDdlb! by tirlat . s dr, irEbad ofct n ffnfSS llllEREof th.r trub 6l6.,bd.t .l'l. ra *d nr rml.d i xre d pie. FilqrrE. o, tx dry,ld ya, rrl.be! r ur caxtatEa! tl oi tlttaYrraxt^f- .---*.I rir. P.d.. rr., tuc- I uarr rrroIU,D LdlrE, Ce'r, I ar, Co,rrrr. Ery!. r-t'r 2t Zrrzt D".- /*t//- TESr|IOIY WHEREOf lha/.lErant s.i rny hrrld -d .Itt.d 6,E so* ol sd By Oav,d c!..y. As.$t nt S.cl.t ;t By Tcr.r. Pastolls. Notary Public u,v*,ui4luraJbfu .t.&,-!r'im..iatn/r*D. l5:"Y_1*3l_"]:!.a:alrl11 I'n t -rvr, d lr ldarr er.r3 ,rd arse.s d Th. olo c.aff, ,r!u'lcG cglDny. rrD.ny i ,ur rnsJt'n!Lompaoy dt tyd aliEaEtt lr}artE CdrDrt ftt rasd.Ut tt nf n l, ldra ,ld sna6 led{ 6 tobs ARIICLEN-ofF|CERS-Selo.r t2 Pdc d AlEnor &t dica d o.! oad d,x Copfer rrsu.d b lld BrF.l J|.U{ by h. OllIrn or !E pegdat sndsutr6cl b ardl hri,oo as tl. ctnlrl'! o 0r. Rdai na, Frdta. srd a{Jll &dr &;rats-n{e G mat D. .rc66ry b a a ooirr ot m corpo-amn b mJc 6rmrlrs.d durLdgc atd d6h.. E sray rry rn d 'mffir{g D.rns. rodri!,6 lrd drr ;W dr&i Sr, a,icys-rrtct srbFd b r" -rru;s g hra ,n i,el,"6pdrv. po's ol do.nry. $d h5'! tr pG b !.d iE coDo.&r,ir-rE ryn," err -cd'.,, ,.t crd,Bo,-r* r,o t ui, ac.ao rrc sraia t. capo.a- H :_.:?Y_,,d, ryylq lid b. f brdrT '3 I s{d Dy !E AGler ild i.srd b by rr So.t y rr, po*, (r ,rnEry grfild o rry r!9rJore or ornoy,Hrc1 rr[€r D! Fn s6 or ha it.b nut ba ,trdao r ,t llr D' tr 8E!t na ol' t, tl. Braddr d !y ,E dtba, o drca3 c;&,g ixh p.r; ; ,rrrrry ARTICLE XII - Erad.,tor o{ Cdt aat - SECTIOX 5 S|rgV 8dl(,6 rd (ffirfr Any dlir oa ta C..rT!ly rfnrod tor t|,l purDoi. ,r sttt' b, ha .harnd] or h! p.ca{,.otrn a$d b sidl ltuhoo3 o rE drrlEr d !ts rlaal llay Ftadaq fia oFna lrdl &nay]r]ir a,nry ba ll.c!.i.i 6 a " *rrerir irc corprry b n!l.. droqrD.5.d. aarndbdla ird d.t ar a utv ily rd d utdidq!. lotda. racalrE rca rrd O,r 3I!t, oonadr. grd, a|drels_,}ld anncl b,t! t#B s.l lorfi. harr6p€6!6 pqEi d rbtay. ,18, hart tl Dos b Utd ha Cqltriy t' nr 6ll-rc ,ld c&rql d 4 rrdl ,rrurEt6 aro u aar lgct r,o :ae d ,! codTrty yrrn so u€orbd qrdr iEhm.ob dtd ia 6 brlfiC -,t$d ry n !.radrn,r,eladD'n!!@rt ) 91ttc1 lo..!a.dct ' rt: l:gt! Lrr.-colptt dT Fdl,ti b rl. sri-s d tE cdrlrry ar!,r.6 thr6 M c'!, a&s6trr s.crdry lo 4port .ooi .lonEys'|1.E6nt0.rErrybdd1bddnrCrtprtbllaa araoa. !d d,l*q. rd daara,I er.ty -t, -n,,ricn n{r bd,(h r;gd;E6 eld onlq sutltyodcaEE Au$o.tatho - ry uns[Iura.q6rf ot 0ta CorFvi &a! ol Orlot3 tl. CdrFly ca!r,6 rla bGnta d flEdEl&olY nga(ltr(rd qnlt e ot,ty 6s!i n sc(xstsry ot h€Colrlqry $atavlt sdtlC Lpol a oarld crl, d dty pfr a rtEy iera !t ,ta cdterry n canaor dr nray bcr(ts st!e[ b. drd dld bnd;g uro.r r,e CorpJty ,fifi! rtrr frl. rn !ftat n ho$ rrr8 frad l. Rlnaa C _LLrdyn. hc r,r ri{n.(l, Asidnt Saoabry _TtL Oto C8rry frlrrEa Crrlprr, LaGty i&nd kEl,I|ce Cqrpary r|(t W6t ArloEan t,EUr.rEo Compaiy do[.r!!y cttf, hal oo dtrtd pd d ronq o, iul n! bagdT 6a ll. tria rtd @.red cqr dha Pi'r o, AmrE, ercota or rao Ccnp.rr E n tuiiorce aro a*t arht6 nd baall tyolta I9t9 I991l9r2 =o e3 o ,E l -o oF E oE o o !qit,!oo Eo .9 ooE o| o E IE a) o,. o-o o o a{ oP @o F Eo I t 912 t 9l99 By STATE OF GEORGIA ) COUNTY OF FULTON ) WITNESS my hand and official seal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SURETY )ss. This record was acknowledged before me on October 22, 2018, Gregory S. Rives, as Aftorney-in-Fact of Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company, who provided lo me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me and is personally known to me. &lr,zl*z-- drgnature /f Udtary FuOlic Shirley E. Hutchins Notary Public State of Georgia My Commission Expires: March 18, 2022 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PRINCIPAL sTArE AF GEORGTA ) ')ss'couNTY oF FULTON ) This record was acknowledged before me on October 22,2018, by D. Bryce Langen, VP & Treasurer of Pulle Home Comoanv. LLC, who provided to me on the basis of satistactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me and is personally known to me. WITNESS my hand official seal. Signature of N tary Public Shirley E. Hutchins Notary Public Slate of Georgia My Commission Expires: March 18,2022