Pinehurst, LLC Faithful Performance Bond PM28794 491481SFAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS ANO / OR EROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MENIFEE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499.1 ) Executed in'friplicate" Parcel Map 28794 Other Proiect No. GPl8-026P / Park Site Bond No Premium Sl9 172.00 FOR GRADING Precise Grading Site Amenities Landscape Total gurgty [)evelopers Surety And Indenrnity Compan)Principal Pinehurst. LLC AcldresiTTTTeowirnlS[ile IO0 Address 1000 Dove Suile 100 City/State Newoort Beach.CACity/Stale Irvinc, ( l,\ Ztp code 926t4 ztp 92660 Phone l-800-7E2'1546 Phone (949) 660-8988 WHEREAS, the City of Menitee, Sate of Calfornra. and, eilgEulg!,ltg (hereinafter designated as ''principal") have entered inlo, or are aboul to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated grading project, related to (GP) E!.g]0298, which agreement(s) iVare hereby refened to and made a part hereof; and. WHEREAS. said principal is required under the terms of said agreement(s) to furnish bond(s) for the faithtul performance of said agreement(s), NOW THEREFORE. we the principal andt).u"l"P"" sut"t , as surety. are heldandlirmlyboundUntotheCityofMenifeelnthepenalsumof@ Two Thousand and no/100 , Dollars (31.842.000.00) lawful money of the United Slates. for the payment of which sum will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors. executors and administrators, ioinlly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condrtion of this obligation is such that if the above bonded pnncipal, his or its heirs, executors, administralors, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their parl, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Menifee, its ofricers. agents and employees, as therein stipulated. then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwlse, it shall remain in full force and effecl. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefore. there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation. all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. (,1' I 8-{):61' t aithlL l l'crlirrmuncc $ 388.000 00 $ 998.000 00 $ 456.000 00$ 1,842.000 00 .r9 t.trl I s FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND FOR GRADING PROJECTS ANO ORYEROSION CONTROL OR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS REOF, this instrument has been duly ex Ianuarv 7th IN WITNESS WHE above named. on ecuted by the principal and surety, 20 re NAME OF PRINC|PAL pinehu rst LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S): By. Pacific Communities Buildet lnc., its Manager By Name Title Nelso hung Pres ent (tF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) NAME OF SURETY: Developers Surery And Indenrnity Company AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ,).. . 't ". Its Attorney-in-Fact Morag A. Corcv Title Attorney- (tF coRPoRATtON, AFFTX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL AND ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. lll-'ac t Ti]9 surgty hereby stipulates and agrees thar no change, extensron of time, arteration oraddition to the terms of this agreement or to the work to be performed tnere'undei oi tnespecifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect iis obligation on this bond. andit does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of tim;. arteration or addition.Surety further stipulates and agreea that the proiisions of Section 2845 of the Civil Code andcommencement of construction are not conditions precedent to surety's obligations hereunderand are hereby waived by surety. when the work covered by the agreement is complete, the city of Menifee wi accept thework and thereupon, the amount of the obligation of this bond is reduced by 90% wiih tneremaining 10% held as security Until the cilifornia Regional water euali( control Boardissues a Notice of Termination 1 (,1'l 8-0161' I .lithlirl l)crl()rntuner ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verilies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy. or validity of that document. State of California County of Orange ) on January 8, 2019 before me,Araceli Esquivel, Notary Public (inserl name and title of the officefl personally appeared Nelson Chung who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence lo be the personlslwhose namefq istrarc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/€hdthey executed the same in his/hedthei+ authorized capacity(Iec), and that by his/Htfursignaturels) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the personlq) acted. executed the instrumenl. L 6WITNESS my hand I seal I l t- lno! Uounry t Erolra! Jrn I I 2019 J --tFFrFFSignature(Seal) I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correcit. POWER OF ATTORIEY FOR OEVELOPERS SURETY A OI'{OE ITY COMPAIY II{OEHiIITY COTPAT{Y Of CALIFORTIA PO8o, 19725 RVTNE CA9?623 9.19t263.3300 XNOWALI BY THESE PRE SEIITS bal oxcsl as otpGery lmftd. oEVELoPERS SURETYANo |NDEMNITY CON pr\,tiy end ttOEMNtIy COrrpANy OF CA.L|FOR IA (b erdrh€reby male casofulr 'ld amont "'Enc Englund, Deanna Wersch. Mana H Haberlock Lrsa Mc Ctel lan. Matt Skelton. Sean F|nn, Elarne O Willtamson, Morag ACo.ey lornlly or severally"' IN iYIINESS WHEREOf DEVEL@ER their r.spacbvo off.cl3 nld ana3t6d by 6'1a'tueandls iuiAllb'n6isln_Fd tom.*a. araorto dd',tr aE dmridgo kr &d or bdldt ot lrd Epo.sErs Bintrg3. bqrb nndrht E*6 co.r!.di ots0rely(xp 9Mn9 'nd grsttno unlo rad Atdnq sfn'F6ct fui p*t dtd ruhoiry ; & d to 96rtsm cvd, rcl,Lc6srry, Gqiob d Fwr b bo dora m coon&tan beroror as pr6enB Je haGby ratfcd e.d cqiirm.d It L1Y Ig"ry ! g-tod snd 6 3ronod by ls€fnr6 unde, 11{ by eJhqrty d be ldlonig r*oart rl! .dodd by f,€ rn .d.6 Sodds ol DrEci! ot D€vtLopERs suRETyAND INoEMNITY ColrPAl{Y and tNOEt [y COarpANy Of, CTUFORN|A. .ftdve 6 a L","i.V iA. mOa RESOLVED, hal r dnlnatan ot &y tie oa ho Charm,l o, rt€ Board h6 prsdool Ero,t!! yrc+ftr.|do.t Sa.rs VE+pr6dant ol 6ny Vrca pr6do.tt o{ le*p".1"" F and ttut aed o{ t'e.n hs-t 13 alhonzod to.rcorb h6 porq ot A[dnay. qustfrrng [,!. fio.nE(!) nrn d m ho p*e Uelanoy to creorte. o oerol O neco'pqations bond3. undod,krrl9s 6nd aonr6d! of luraty6hp. arrd h.t thG sccr€liry 6 sny lsj"t",it sLarry a itrer ol $6 co.pdluqB b€ ana 6JJJ ,|; noreoy rs aurmrz*lo et6dl he oroortldl o, fiy st $ Pds ol r{tqrl6y RE SOLVE D FURTHER 0t t h. londur.. ol sodr olfca.r lnry bo rfusd lo a1y ludr pois ot Ato.ney d to ,ly crtfcd. ,Crtng hd6b by t!.srmL. md sny sudrP*rt ol Ado'ntt d ctli"b baaT p edl bcsma l{naturB $d b. ;d r,{ b.rdq ,pot n" ..porarr" ,1g, ro rfrrad r,o m tr,c futio r t f.apaal to ,ry bodd unddt*,ngo cdliacl d sur.tylhp to rrdt i E &dEd s SURETY Ar{D TNDEMNTTY Cot pany rnd rt{oEMNry corrpAry oF CAUFoRNII how !6/oo{y 6r6eo h... pre.aa b bo "{ned by0ta, rasp.clrv! S.crrlrry or Asllltant Sacrctrry hE 4th d6y ol Ocrobcr 20 j I Ev ,.;*;sH,k,, + Dan'e{ Yqrng Sar,o VlccPrcsidcot *4 Mad Lansdon Vre.Prosdenl 6r!riat nola rll c I olhe complelrng denlrly sEned lo ae(rll crle rs the trulhfulne ss that nl $ale d Cdldn6 Corty d orr{s Oo Ms !,2016 o.5 p..ldtdy appoarod _ t uotl! uYmr0 llrt ry Arblk - C.Xl('il. Oa,f Curty Co.rmhrlon , l2tt l at ry Cmr. t4..r 0n t!, toll {d., d s9: r! ,tlo p.oid lo dr dl tro baa.3 ol !&ldo., €ll(,€nca to ta fic pa.!6(a) ritca. n fiq3) lrk6 sub6anbad lo rl€ fifio ,Btunqll ri rdnoidgad b fit6 6d ndrhdll., .xaajbd trlo !!l1r o ht9td'r'rrd arthdud ctp@l}('6). 'ld ,1!t b, hdtEr/,li !€sd,r(s)o.l tu 'Ntrrnd't h. Dr3dli!) o. he alty uro.t bd6t, oI firdr h. pssml!)adad. d6rbd he nltrum$t I I 6rtty udar PENA|TY OF PERJURY undq 0|. lr*s ol h6 Sbb ol Ca om|s h.t tlo io.a{ong palagraph ls Iru6 'ld ccnect MTNESS my hand.nd oltoC r6d Prac3 No6ry S€3r Alow Sgnalue CERTIFICATE Ihe un&.s0n6d Bs Soools.y o Ar$bnl Sccrslsry ol DEVEI-oPERS SURETyAND |NoEMNtTy COMprfiy o. |NOEMN|Ty COMFANY OF Ctu|FORN|A. do.s htraoy !.d ca.po.aton! lal lo.lh ,r ha P s ol Aflornly da ln lqce a3 ol fi€ data ol h6 CsrdcaE Th6 Ca.tforla 6 eroqrtod n he Oty d lMn€ Cdlo.n,. hl! N.. hi 'tft d 16 dh 6r Cr*t9368y ocr ! r16? AT$1002 (10/16) 7h dry ol Jdruary STATE OF OREGON COUNWOF on .t -7 -19 CLACKAMAS l belo,e mc Lrsa Ann Mcclellan lhere insetl name of nokryl pelsonally awea red Morag A Corey @amo$) ol slgne4s)) perconally know) lo me (or prcved lo me on lhe Dasis o/ salrsbctory evidencel to be lhe person(s) whose namels) E/are subscnbd to lhe wthn instumenl and door4edged lo ne thal hegfufiEy a<eculed iE same n h&hernhetr authoteed capaaty@s). and lhat by hisher/lhei signature(sl on lhe instument lhe Frson(sL ot the enny upon behall ol whtch the person(s) acted, executed lhe inslrument. WITNESS my hand and olfrcal seal. ,,*rrr"i-lt*'Q rllot'"-' TSEAL) a-r\ oFF crAL sTAMP.::;:jA us^ ^rN uccrEul ii'i/ 7 roraFY P,,BL c . oBEGoN\.rrru/ COMMISSIoI'] NO 956d9a MY COMMISSIOTI EXPIRES NOVEMSER 28.2020 I h^ ,t' t,.t h, ( )llit ttl \ta htl .\itl -OPTIONAL- Though the dala below rs not required by law rt may prove valuablc to persons relying on the document and could prevenl lraudulent reattachment ol lhis form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT Ll txotvtoual fl conponnrr orrrceR TITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENI Ll penrr'ieR(sr lluurreo E ceruenel ll arroRlrey-rru-rect n tRustEersr [ ] ounnonlr,cor'TsERVAToR L-l orHen, NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENI SIGNEB IS REPRESENTING: SIGNER(S) OTHEFI THAN NAMED ABOVE 10 1232 rREV 5 09t ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I I I I ?l FOR: Precrse Grading Site Amenlties Landscape Tota I MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND CITY OF MENIFEE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA (Government Code Section 66499 1) 'F.xecuted in'friplicate" Parcel Map 28794 Other Project No GP18-026P / Park Site Bond No. 491481S$000 00 s 921 000 00 Premium $ tncluded in Pertormance Bond SureV@panfrincipat Pinehurst, LLC Address 17771 Cowan, Suite 100 Address 1000 Dove Street Suite 100 City /State Newoort Beach. Zrp 92614 zip 92660 Phone l -800-782- 1546 Phone (949) 660-898 8 WHEREAS, the City of Menifee, State of Catifornia,and Pinehurst, LLC , (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into. or are about to enter into, the attached agreement(s) whereby principal agrees to install and complete the above designated Grading, Erosion Control & WQMP relating to GPl8{26P. which agreement(s) is/are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required, before entering upon the performance of the work. to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Menifee to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of Catifornia, NOW, THEREFORE, said principal and the undersigned, as corporate surety, are held firmly unto the City of Menifee and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material persons and other persons employed in the p erformance of said Crvil Code in the sum of Nine Hundred Twentv One Tho and and no/100 , Oollars,$ 921.000.00 for matenals furnished or labor thereon of any kind. or for amounE due under the Unemployment lnsuranc€ Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon thts bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attomey's fees, incurred by the City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed upon that this bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitles to full claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void. otheMise, it shall be and remain rn full force and effect. ( ;P lt-ol6l' llrtcrial Lahrr tlond $ 194.000.00 $ 499.000 00 City/State Irvine, (:A MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change. extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of this agreement or to the specifications accompanyrng the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on thrs bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change. ertension of time, alteration or addition. Surety further stipulates and agrees that the provisions of Section 2845 ot the Civil Code are not a condition precedent to surety's obligations hereunder and are hereby waived by surety. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the prancipal and surety above named. on January 7th 2019 NAME OF PRINCIPAL Prnehurst. LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) By:Pacrfic Communities Builder, lnc., its Manager By Name Tltle Nel Chung P ident (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) NAME OF SURETy: Developers Surety And Indemnity Company AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Its Aftorney-in-Fact i\lorag A. Corev Title Attornev in I:acr (IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL) ATTACH NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SIGNATURES OF PRINCIPAL ANO ATTORNEY.IN.FACT. ( ,l'lt-l):61, \!atcriirl l.rLr)r llond ACKNOWLEDGMENT A nolary public or olher officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or valid of that document State of California County of Orange , on January 8, 2019 before me. Araceli Esquivel, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) IVTL mn d:195660 tttl-i .Cdrlornit Cr.ngr Counly ru3 Jln t l. 2019 Signature (Seal) personally appeared Nelson Chung who proved to re on ' subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/€h€ltltey executed the same in hisiherltheir authorized capacity(lEc), and that by his/lredtlcirsignaturefe on the instrument the personfsl, or the entity upon behalf of which the personfr) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under lhe laws of the Slate of California that the foregorng paragraph is true and correct. WTNESS my hand and otficial seal. i POWER OF ATTORHEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY ANO II{DEIiIIITY COI,lPANY INOETIT{ITY COXPANY OF CALIFORNIA PO 80r 1q725 TRVtNE CA92623 19,{S) 261.1300 XNOW ALL BY Tr.lES€ PRES€NTS fiat dcepl 6 erBss.3ly lrm4od DEVELoP€RS SUREft AXo lNoEr ln Co[rPAflY sod lNoElttlllY COMPTO.IY 0r CAllFoRNlA. do .8dt h€r.ot male cdl3lllle fid ,@nl "'Enc Englund, Deanna Wersch, Mana H. Hab€dock. Lisa Mc Clellan, Matt Skehoo, Soan Fllnn, Blarne O Wrllramson, Morag A. Corey, lorntly or s€verally"' p.6€.t5 a.! h6.6by r.t6.d a.d cglin€d ThG P*r. ol aio.nq 6 gr&Ld and 6 s{,tod b, basrnlo urdo. rd by rutlq[y d h6 t drl]g r6{rriorE !@lcd t, tE r6paalrl. Bori! ol oradds o{ DEVELoPERS SUREIY Aflo lNOEMttlrY Coi,lPAllY ,r{ lNoEMilnY COI,PA}IY Of CALIFORNIA 6lh(,lo .3 ot JdxJt} l3l 2006 RE SOIVEo tiat a cdnbnd,dt ol y hro ot tle clryrnsl o{ h6 8o6.d. he Pre&dont Erorty€ VE+F\e(f1t Sarrd V'a+PrGi6..i cr Jly !1c. Pr.srdanl o( tE c(rpqeDns be ,x,lhar sadr ol hem hg€oy 6 aofbred to derb t!! Poltr d roo.ney. a*t vtg h€ rtEn y(si nrnad rl t\c P*c ol Allriot to araorh an b6ldl ol fie cdporeto.ri boods unddlrtn$ rod confrds d sordylhp r1d hrt hc SoGlry c any lssstrfll So.Ey ol dfla. ol tr c.rpqrtcn! b€ and sch o{ tlc n h€reby 6 authsE€d to allst fi6 sreiim ol eny such P d d AlloflEy; RE SoIVE 0 F URTHE R hst hs srgnaturE oi such offc..s mly b€ rlfuBd lo eny sudl Pds ol Atlo.n6y o. lo rny cdificsl! raLtln hdalo Dy lacam e aM .ny $ri Pdlr ol Alomoy or dtfcrts ba.nng sudr l6csmdo 3qnabr6 lhd ba Y'ld tnd bndng updl 0l. cdDo..to.l! rhrl so .lfuad nd n hc btul! Ilh raapad to try bond und€detrq d cd)lrrct ol sur6$shD to lltdr 6.lbdt d lN WTNESS lYB€REof o€VEL@€RS SLREIY All0 lNo€Mt{lTY C0 PA}IY uE INoEMNITY CoMPAXY Of Ct{|FORNI,A havr s6\,ordly ct..d [Eso pGenls lo bo s€n€d by li.r rospcctvi o{i.r.s ,nd ,ndd U rta ras!!atl,! Sa(,.lry c, Ai!61'1l Sa('dr.y t1ls a$ dry ol Odob.. 2016 By 8y I oanEl Yoon! S€nrd vrce Presrdonl 6J974I ocr !rL, A nolary publc or other omc€r complchng thrs cartificale venfes only lh€ dcnlrty of lhe ,ndrvrdual wt]o srgned the documenl lo whrch thrs certfcale rs attached. and nol lhe lrulhfulness. accuracy ot valdrty of lhal documenl SLb ol Cdilorfta Cdrnty ol Oang6 01 os!t{{ ?0.1.QOI pds(,1aly appa6r0d It crut uYrcm lu..y hJUk - C.llo.ttL o..nt Co$ry Corir rtlcr, U9tl15 ly Coirn. trDa.G ocl ll, !0U r.r rn, x.t ,n td d h (m.- %,*t r{rlqo d sryrtrt rho pao!6 lo llle d] ho baa6 d seBhdoay 6ad€.tce b ba t|. prlanis)rt6o nrft(s) lgre 3ubsafi6ad ro il€ r rn nswflEnl rt rdmr.dgd b rc fl,l hdJl6dl., lr6qrbd dra !&E m h6l|g/her efiqu€d c4&Ml6) rld tul by hirrfilli sgn$rd!) o. dta rutunldtl trc p6!d(J) or ha eoity u9o.r md{ ol rldr 6. pass{s) r.l€d. .te)td !!! ftturldrt Ddlrer cdtfy rrl(,r PENATTY Of PERJURY und., tt Lrs ol hG Slrb ol Calirno h6r h6 b€9qn0 p.,agr.ph 15 ruo rd @Y€d 1 nt€ uod.G€n d .5 S.q€try o lssr3l6nt Sd6Ey ol DEVELOPERS SURETY AtlD lND€trllllY COIIPANY cr IND€MNITY CO Pr+lY Ot CA!|EoRN|A ctc h6.Sy rad co.poraDons sel loah n ho P aa d afio.ney a.a ln krco r! ol ha 6at! ol t'lJ! C€tfcata /VITN€SS rny hendlnd olfod sael aaae Nola.y S€al Abo"€99n tur6 CERTIFICATE Thrs Co.tfrcrlo L! ox€culod in fie Crly ol lrune Cdlqnu hrs 7th d€y ol Jonuary tiY Ct* C8sse J o ocr ! re6, ATS1O02 tr0/ r8) q ft.,,r*a-,a_ /rutt.o ne!|srr'r SxF 2trl!' l9-16 SIAIE OF oREGON COUNTY OF On 1-7-19 CLACKAMAS l belorc me_ Lrsa Ann Mcclellan (here nsed name ol nolary) personally appea red Morag A Corey lnamo$) ol Signelsl) personalu known lo me (or provd to me on the basis ol satslactory evidencd to be the person(g whosc nametr.l tgate subscntfd to tlE wiinn tr],stn,,''lenl and a&nowledged lo nE l:E]l hershefiwy ex6|c;uled lE same in hs,her,lhetr authoued capacnyies). and thal by hEhedher sgnaturc(d on i1e instrument the FRa(g, ot the entity upn behafi ol whtch the pet$n(sl acld. execuled the rtftument WITNESS my hand and ollical seal Sgnalure ' 4 /,^A filoctt--(SEALI oFtctAL srAuP LtsA A N UCCLE|IAI NOTARY PJAL,C . OHEGON COMMISSION NO 95689,t MY COMMISSTON EXpTRES NOVEMBER 28 ?nm I ht\ ,|, ,t hi ( tltt\ htl \,'t,u tnl \, ,t -OPTIONAL- Though lhe dala below ts not requtred by law. it may prove valuable to pcrsons relyrng on the documcnt and could prevenl lraudulenl reatlachment ol lhis torm. DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT fl rr'rorvroulr D conponerE orrrcEn IITLE OF TYPE OF DOCUMENT L lpnnrruEnrsr L-.] LIMITED [ ] oeuennl ATTORN€Y.IN.FACT IRUSTEE(S I GUAFIDIAN/CONSERVATOR NUMBER OF PAGF S ) l OTHER DATE OF DOCUMENl SIGNEB IS REPRESENTING SIGNER(S) OTHEFI THAN NAMED AEOVE ln r232 iEav 5 n.i ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I I CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER