Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM31098 72BSBIC266MENIFEE
New Better. Best.
29844 Haun Rd. Menifee CA. 92586
19s'll 672-6777 I Fax (9s1) 679-3843
March 7 ,2O23
Lennar Homes of California, Inc
Attn: Bryce Fleming
980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302
Corona, CA 92879
RE: Lennar Homes of California, Inc., City of Menifee, TM 31098, GP19-001, McCall Mesa,
50% Bond Reduction, Bond No. 72BSBIC266
To whom it may concern,
The City of Menifee's Engineering Department has approved a 50026 bond release of the Faithful
Performance Bond for Grading/Drainage improvements (Erosion Control portion of the Faithful
Perfomance Bond excluded from this reduction) for GP19-001 (McCall Mesa).
The Material and Labor bond will remain at 500/6 ofthe original Faithful Performance bond amount
and will be released in full following the acceptance of the public improvements, per City security
release policy.
Below will find the schedule of release for Bond No. 72BSBIC266:
Enclosed is the Engineering Bond Reduction Request Letter and copies of original bonds for your review.
Sincerel v,
Edna ila r
Management Analyst, City Clerk's Office
(Faithful Performance Bond)S679,ooo
{Material & Labor Bond)s348,s00
New Bond
Redu ction
Bond N
Original Bond
Bill Zimmerman
lv1.-ryo r
Lesa A. Sobek
DLstrlct 3
Dean Deines
Drsiflct 4
Armando G. Vllla
Crty tu1,'rn.rqer
Bob Karwin
lvlayor Pro Tenr
Drslr,cl l
Rlcky Estrada
Dislrct 2
Eond Reduction
N/A 5348,s00