Lennar Homes of California, Inc. Bond Reduction Letter TM36303 30077060New. Better. Best. @copyMarch 7 , 2023 Lennar Homes of California, Inc Attn: Bryce Fleming 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, CA92879 RE: Lennar Homes of California, Inc., City of Menifee, TM 36303, IP19-005, Menifee Town Center DAS, 50% Bond Reduction, Bond No. 30077060 ou will find the schedule of release for Bond No. 30077060: Enclosed is the Engineering Bond Reduction Request Letter and copies oforiginal bonds for your review. Sincere E ila Management lyst, City Clerk's Office 3/712330077060 (Faithfu I Performance Bond)Ss,881,soo s2,94O,7sO N/A30077060 (Material & Labor Bond) 50% ReductionBond No Original Bond Amount Bill Zimmerman Mayor Bob Karwin Mayor Pro Tem Drstflct 1 Lesa A. Sobek Councilmember Drstrict 3 Armando G. Villa Crty Man.lqer MENIFEE 29844 Haun Rd. Menifee CA. 92586 19311672-6777 I Fax (951) 679-3843 cityofmenifee.us To whom it may concern, The City of Menifee's Engineering Departrnent has approved a 50%o bond release of the Faithful Performance Bond for IP19-005 (Menifee Town Center DA5) based on all conditions being satisfied. The Material and Labor bond will remain at 50o/o of the original Faithful Performance bond amount and will be released in full following the acceptance of the public improvements, per City security release policy. Below New Bond Amount 52,940,7sO(s2,940,7s0) N/A s2,940,750 Reduction Date Ricky Estrada Councrlmember Drstrict 2 Dean Deines Counolmember District 4