Western Pacific Housing, Inc. Subdivision Monument Bond TR36485-3 80151258MENIFEE New. Better. Best.c ityormenilee. us August 23, 2021 Western Pacific Housing (DR Horton) 2280 Wardlow Circle, Suite 100 Corona, CA 92880 Sublect: City of Menifee, Western Pacific Housing (DR Horton), TR 36485-3, PP 2017 -348 Bond Release To whom ( may concern, The landscaping and irrigation for Plot Plan No. 2017-348 have been rnstalled and approved by the City. The City of Menifee Community Development Department has approved the release of the bond lrsted below. o SuMivision Bond No. 8015'1258 - $31,350 Enclosed is the original bond Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephanie Roseen, Deputy City Clerk Enclosure Brll Zimmerman Lesa A. Sobek M,ryor Pro Tem Drst,rct 3 Armando G. Vrll.1 Cily M.llr.lgl,r Dean Oeines Councrlrlrembt,I C)rstrrcl 4 7 MENIFEE New. Better. Best. August 18,2021 Western Pacific Housing (DR Horton) 2280 Wardlow Circle. Suite 100 Corona, CA 92880 Willis Towers Watson Southeasl. lnc 10 State House Square. Floor 1 1 Hartford, CT 06103 RE Bond Releaso tot PP 2017 -34/8 (Model Home Complex Agreement for Tract Map TR 36485-3, "Tribute") The city of Menifee Planning Division has compteted the initiat and twetve-month landscaping inslallation inspections for the Model Home comptex at rracl 3648s-3 "Tribute' pursuant to the conditions of approval on Plot Plan No. 20't7-348 and Tracl 36485-3 The tandscaping and irriqation have been rnstalled and marnlarned rn an acceptable condition Therefore. due to compliance wrth lhe condrtrons of approval the Planning oivision approves the bond release this Plot Plan No 2017-348 (Bond No. 80151258) Please contacl the Planning Division at (951) 723-374s if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely. City of Men ee Community Development Department Russell Brown. Associate Planner ?1A ,aa -1 4---- 298,1{ Haun Roa( 9St 612 6777 e