ISP Turnpike, LLC Cash Bond 3002MENIFEE New. Better. Best. 003584-0010 Mari.tsa R 11/7A/2A22 12:04PM MISC RECEIPTS Payment Tran Code: DEVELOPER SCE/ PERMIT DEPOSITS (devdep )Description: CASB BOND GP22-422 DEVELOPER S CE / PERM] T DEPOSITS (devdep )2A23 Item: devdep DEVELOPER SCE,/ PERM I T DEPOSITS (devdep )51.750.00 Subtotal Totaf CHECK Check Number 3002 51,750.00 51,750.00 51,750.00 51,?50.00 Chang€ due Paid by: l,lELLS FARGO 0.00 Thank you for your payment CUSTOMER COPY City of Menifee Front Countsr 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92585 95L-6't2-511'l WELLS FARGO BANK )60c1ctAN AVt _.OJNA BFACH CA9?65D'" Ndy' \zazz 3002 ur--.run u'-ett-o{-Seo - lifl, ..n '-$r., .,A ISP TURNPIKE, LLC / 1214 ANACAPA WAY, LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651-19O3 ;+- geJcvt _ t$ A-rr^4--* 5t,? Z9e! :a_Y L r: I I aoOO 11. ?r: I q L qB E qO l6[. ]OO a tr Bond Activity Tracking Form GP 22-022 (Menifee Self Storage) MENIFEE CITY C LERX Filed3002Faithful Performance Bond Status E. Aguilar11/2/22 Received Faithful Performance Cash Bond No. 3002 in the amount of $51,750. Routed Cash Bond to Finance for processing. Date Activity Notes: Upon satisfactory completion and final approval of said work by the PW Director/ City Engineer, $446,750 of the security applicable thereto shall be released or returned by the City to the Developer within 30 days. Of the remaining $94,000 security (for erosion control) shall be retained. The remainder security shall be held until the California Water Quality Control Board lssued a Notice of Termination. Bond No. Bonds in Project Bond fype Staff