Waste Management Collection and Recycling, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond SUR0004393PERFORMANCE BOND (Annual Form) Argonaut lnsurance Company '10101 Reunion Place, Suite 500 San Antonio, IX 78216 Bond No. SUR0004393 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we,Waste Manaqeme nt Collection and Recvclinq. lnc . 17700 lndian Ave, More no Vallev. CA 92551 , as Principal, and Alggleg! lnsurance Companv, licensed to do business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Obligee), in the penal sum of Flftv Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($50,000.00), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the Principal and Surety do bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administralors, and successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CQNDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION lS SUCH, that whereas the above bounden Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with the above named Obligee, effective the - day of _, 20 , and terminating the - day ol -, 20 , for &[ry!g Recvclinq Service and more fully described in said Contract, a copy of which is attached, which Agreement is made a part hereof and incorporaled herein by reference, except that nothing said therein shall alter, enlarge, expand or otherwise modify the term of the bond as set out below. NOW, THEREFORE, if Principal, its executors, administrators, successors and assigns shall promptly and faithfully perform the Contract, according lo the terms, stipulations or conditions thereof, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This bond is executed by the Surety and accepted by the Obligee subject to the following express condition: Notwithstanding the provisions of the Contract, the term of this bond shall apply from lS! day of Januarv. zgL[, until 4! day of December. 4!, and may be extended by the Surety by Continuation Certificate. However, neither nonrenewal by the Surety, nor the failure or inability of the Principal to file a replacement bond in the event of nonrenewal, shall itself constitute a loss to the obligee recoverable under this bond or any renewal or continuation thereof. The liability of the Surety under this bond and all continuation certificates issued in conneclion therewith shall not be cumulative and shall in no event exceed the amount as set forth in this bond or in any additions, riders, or endorsements properly issued by the Surety as supplements thereto. Sealed with our seals and dated this !!!! day of December, 2010. PRINCIPAI Waste Managem ent Collection and ing, lnc W lness Malia D. zunisa Attorney- in-Fact ARGONATJT INSURANCE COMPANY'---..--- /Zaz // Ka-a W hess Brstt Tisalal€ Agreed and acknowledged this _ day of Marc W. Boots, Altorney-in Fact By , Obligee ,20 Richard Covington, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS Brett Adam Tisdale Notary Public, State of Texas Expiration Dale 01 I 1 1 1201 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURETY STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Marc W. Boots known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as the attorney-in-fact for Argonaut lnsurance Company and acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of Argonaut lnsurance Company thereto as Surety and his/her own name as attorney-in-fact, and executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal of office the 30th day of December, 2010. --.--> Brett Adam Tisdale Notary Public, State of Texas Expiration Date 01 111 12014 + ] Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Richard Covington known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as the attorney-in-fact for Wasto Management Collection and Recycling, lnc. and acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of Waste Management Collection and Recycling, lnc. thereto as Principal and his/her own name as attorney-in-fact, and executed the same for the purPoses and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity there;n set forth. Given under my hand and seal of office the 39!! day of December,2010. as-00'18932 Argonaut Insurance Company 225 W. Washington, 6th Floor Chicago, lL 60606 irs lrue ard law,-ul a8ent and arlomey-in-fac1. to male. execute. seal ahd deliver for and on its behalfas surety. and as ils act and deed ary and all bond3, contracts, agreemenrs of indemnit-v and other undenakrngs in suretyship provrded. however. rhal lhe penal sum ofany one such rnsEument exccuted hereunder shall nol exceed the sum ot' sls.ooo ooo oo This power of Altomey is granrcd and is sigined and sealed under and by lhe authorry ofthe lbllowing Resolution adopted by the Board ofDireclors of Argonaut lnsurance Company: "RESOLVED. That the Presidenl, Senior Vice President. Vice President. Assistant Vice President. Seoretary. Treasurer and each ofthem hereby is authorized to execule pow€rs ofatrorncy. and such authority can be executed by use of facsimale signature. *hrch may t. attesled or aclno$ ledgEd by any officer or anomey. of th€ Company, qualirying the atromey or anomeys natred in the given power ofattomcy. to ex€cute in behalfof, and acknowledge as lhe acl and deed of the ArSonaut Insurance Company, all bond undertakings and conlracls ofsuretyship. and lo allx the corporate seal thereto " lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Argonaut lnsurance Company has caused its ofliclal seal !o be hqrunto affixed and thes€ presents to be signed by rls duly authorized oflicer on the lslh day ofseptember, 2008 Argonaut Insurance Company 4,a,t By Mrchael Ii Arlcdgg Prosidenl STAIE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEXAR SS eah.'fr4"*% On thrs l5rh day of September. 2008 A.D . before ma, a Nolary Public of the Stale of Texas, rn and for the County of Bexar. duly commissrooed and qualilied, came THE ABOVE OFFICER OF 'IHE COMPANY, to na personally known to be the indivrdual and otljcer described rn. and who €xeculed the precedrng Insirumenl. and he acknowledged the execuaion ofsame, and being by me duly swom. deposed and said that he is the officer of lhe said Company aforesaid, and that the seal atllxed to the preceding insuument is the Corporate Seal of said Company. and lhe said Corporate Seal and his signature as oflicer were duly afiixed and subscribed lo the said rnstrumenr by rhe authorit) and direciron ofrtt sard corporation. and that Resolution adopted by the Board of Dtectors ofsaid Company, refened to in the precedng instrumenl is now in force lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I haye hereunto sel my hand. and all'jxed m) Ollicral Seal al the County ol Bexar. the day and yea, first above !,'ritlen l. $e undersigned Officeroflhe ArBonaut Insurarce Company, lllinois Corpomlion. do hereby cenil] that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY ofwhich the foregoinB rs a full, true and correct copy is stiu in lirll force and effect and has nol been revoked lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and alllxed the Seal of said Company, on lhe 3 !!o^, * DC Cralla , 9AO &-,*1 4'{*"*- Rob€.t f TIoma:i Vr{e President tacx't Jxlrtll.orrY tu6r., sr.l. ot t a irrv Cqrrn!.di &r..r!D.c.ra.r 10, 2O1l THIS OOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNLESS PRII{TED OI{ SHADED BACKGROUND WITH BLUE SERIAL NUMAER IIi lIIE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORI{ER. lF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ON AUTHET{TIClTY OF THIS OOCUMENT CALL (210) 321 - 8/100. POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MFIN BY TtIESE PRESENIS: Thai rhe Argonaut Insurance Company, a Corporalion duly organized and exisling under the laws olthe Slate oflllmois and havang its principal oflice in the Counu- oICook, lllnors does hereby nominate. constitule and appoinl Marc w Boois. Rrchald Covrnebn- Jov Durham- Steohanre Cund€rson. Vrckie Lacv. Heather Noles. P T Osbum- Maria D. ZuniE IC{owN ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS that each of the entities listed on Ex}ribit A attached hereto (individually, the "Corporation"), has constituted and appointed and does hereby constitute and appoint Marc W- Boots, Richard Covington, Mark W. Edwards II, Robe( R. Freel, Mary Ann Garcia, Vickie Lacy, P.T. Osbum, Alisa B. Pounders, Stephen R' Smith and Maria D. Zuniga of McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc., each its true and lawful Attorney-in-fact to execute under such designation in its name and to affix its corporate seal to deliver for and on its behalf as surety thereon or otherwise, bonds of any ofthe followiug classes, to wit: Surety bonds to the United States of America or any agency thereof, including lease and miscellaneous surety bonds required or permitted under the laws, ordinances or regulations of any State, City, Town, Village, Board or any other body or organization, public or private. Bonds on behalf of contractors in connection with bids, proposals or contracts. The foregoing powers granted by the Corporation shall be subject to and conditional upon the written direction ofany officer (or any designee ofany such officer) to execute and deliver any such bonds. The signatures atrd attestations of such Attorneys-in-fact and the seal ofthe Corporation may be affixed to any such bond, policy or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile and any such bond, policy or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and bindilrg upon the Corporation when so affixed. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused these presents to beligned by its Vice President. Finance and Treasurer. and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed lhis 3d '4, day of()rar../r. ' ,zoto. Witness: Donna L. Meals Director, Financial Ass Waste Management, lnc Cherie C. Rice Vice President, Finance and Treasuter R€vised l2./ l6109 POWEROFATTORNEY (il,^a&,- Name Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation 0842463 B.C. Ltd. 1-800-Pack-Rat, LLC 1329409 Ontario lnc. 2M lnvestments, L.L.C. 3368084 Canada lnc. 635952 Ontario lnc. Acaverde S.A. de C.V. Acaverde Servicios, S.A. de C.V. Advanced Environmental Technical SeNices, L.L.C. Akron Regaonal Landfill, lnc. Alabama waste Disposal Solutions, L.L.C. Alliance Sanitary Landfill, lnc. Alpharetta Transfer Station, LLC American Landfill. lnc. Anderson Landflll, lnc. Antelope Valley Recycling and Disposal Facility, lnc Arden Landfill, lnc. Atlantic waste Disposal, lnc. Automated Salvage Transpon Co., L.L.C. Auxiwaste Services SA Avalon South, LLC Avalon Soulhwest, lnc- Azusa Land Reclamation, lnc. B&B Landfill, lnc. Barre Landftll Gas Associates, L.P. Beecher Development Company Bestan lnc, Big Eelly Solar, lnc. Big Dipper Enterprises, lnc. Bluegrass Containment, L.L.C. Burnsville Sanitary Landflll, lnc. C&C Disposal, LLC C.l.D. Landfill. lnc. CA Newco, L.L.C. Cal Sierra Disposal California Asbestos Monoflll, lnc. Canadian Waste Services Holdings lnc. Capital Sanitation Company Capitol Disposal, lnc. Carolina Gradinq, lnc. Cedar tudge Landfill, lnc. Central Disposal Systems. lnc. Chadwick Road Landllll, lnc. Chambers CleaNiew Environmental Landflll, lnc Chambers Development Company, lnc. Chambers Development of Ohio, Inc. Chambers of Georgia, lnc. Chambers of Mississippa, lnc. Chemical Wasle Management of lndiana, L.L.C. Chemical Waste Management ofthe Northwest, lnc Chemical Waste itlanagement, lnc. Chesser lsland Road Landfill, lnc. 20-2101163 NA,0000001 B7-0681820 NA 0000003 NA-0000005 NA-0000010 NA-0000011 36 4016575 31-1595650 76-0641853 23-2383025 20-1457 446 34-1355783 76-0590137 95-3344381 25.124951? 36-3852536 04-3735644 NA 0000013 26 3549579 26-2417 231 95-2908438 20-1469925 06-1438474 36-3381285 NA-0000017 33-10s6366 45-0325454 76 0641298 41,1882463 20,1289317 16-1091396 35.2228276 94.2349121 68-0232434 NA-0000020 88-0121888 76-0638s91 57-0S23608 621127570 42,0995450 58-1798581 25-1652556 25.1214958 s1-0396835 s8-2397639 2s.162A285 36-4061587 91-1089393 36 2989152 58 2364490 Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited LiabilityCompany Corporation Limited Liabiliry Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporatron Corporation Corporation Limited Partnership Joint Venture Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liabality Company Corpo(ation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation British Columl Delaware Ontario Utah Canada Ontario Mexico Mexico Delawate Delaware Alabama Pennsylvania Georgia Ohio Delawaae California Pennsylvania Delaware Delaware France Delaware Delaware Calilornia Delaware Delaware lllinois Quebec Delaware Nonh Dakota Delaware Ivlinnesota Georgia New York Delaware California California Onta.io Nevada Alaska South Carolin Delaware Georgia Mississippi Delaware Ohio Delaware Mississippi Delaware Washington Delaware Georgia I l/30/2010 4: l8:31 PM PaBe I Name Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation City Disposal Systems, lnc. Cily Environmental Services, lnc. of Waters City Environmental, lnc. Cleburne Landfill Company Corp. Coast waste Management, lnc. Connecticut Valley Sanitary Waste Disposal, lnc. Conservation Services, lnc. Continental Waste lndusries Arizona, lnc. Corporate Housing lnitiatives ll Limited Pannership Coshocton Landlill, lnc. Cougar Landfill, lnc. Countryside Landf ll, lnc. CR Group, LLC Cuyahoga Landflll, lnc. CWM Chemical Services, L.L.C. Dafter Sanitary Landfill, lnc. Dauphin Meadows, lnc. Deep Valley Landfill, lnc. Deer Track Park Landfill, lnc. Del Almo Landill, L.L.C. Delaware Recyclable Products, lnc. Dickinson Landlill, lnc. Osposal Service, lncorporated DLA lnvestments, lnc. Doctor Brambtett Road, LLC Dominium Opportunity Fund, A California Limited Partnership Downtown Diversion lnc. E.C. Waste, lnc. Earthmovers Landfill, L.L.C. East Liverpool Landfill, lnc. Eastem One Land Corporation Eco-Vista, LLC ecycling Services, L.L.C. ElCoqui Landfill Company, lnc. El Coqui Waste Disposal, lnc. ELDA Landfill, lnc. Elk River Landlill, Inc. Enerkem, lnc. EnviroUl of lllinois, lnc. Evergreen Landfill, lnc. Evergreen National lndemnity Company Evergreen Recycling and Disposal Facility, lnc. Farmeas Landlill, lnc. Feather River Disposal, lnc. G.l. lndustries GA Landfrlls, lnc. Gallia Landfill, lnc. Garick, LLC Garnet of lvlaryland, lnc. Gartran, L.L.C. Gateway Transfer Station, LLC Georgia Waste Systems, lnc. 38-3407001 38,3020069 38-3407576 59-3069374 95-25579s2 04-2796580 84-0915035 22-3146904 52-',t 854657 31-1214800 76-0211843 36-2838336 87"0629',l20 76-0680495 36,4203347 38-2754804 23-2390183 23-2886200 39-'1802678 74-3055347 s1-0334417 76-032s384 55,0618479 20,459548S 38,3699621 95-4507794 80-0069661 66-0523535 61-1342591 34-',l637446 76-0695122 72-1541909 38-3684879 66,0555785 76,0480500 16-063927 2 41-1283941 Coeoration Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Partnership Corpo.ation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited LiabilityCompany Limited Partnership Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Limired LiabilityCompany Limited Liability Company Corporation Co.poration Corpoaation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Delaware Michigan Delaware Alabama California i/lassachusetl Colorado New Jersey Delaware Ohio Texas lllinois [Jlah Delaware Delaware Michigan Pennsylvania Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware West Virginia Florida Georgia California California Pueno Rico Delaware Ohio Delaware Arkansas Delaware Pueno Rico Delaware Delaware Minnesota Quebec lllinois Delawa.e Ohio Delaware Missouri California Utah Delaware Delaware Delaware Maryland Ohio Georgia Georgia 37-09575s5 76-0472693 uK-0000't 42 76"0638s87 43-0863680 06,1479349 87-0430285 54.2293742 31-1509605 26-4054112 52"1916417 55-0908146 20- 1451460 58,1028526 I li30/2010 4: I 8:31 PV Page 2 Name Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation Gesrion Des Rebuts D.M.P. lnc. Giordano Recycling, L.L.C. Glades Landfill. LLC Glen's Sanitary Landfill, lnc. Grand Central Sanitary Landfill, lnc. Greenbow, LLC Grupo WMX, S.A. De C.V. Guadalupe Mines Mutual Water Company Guadalupe Rubbish Disposal Co.. lnc. Guam Resource Recovery Partners, L.P. Ham Lake Haulers, lnc. Harris Sanitation, lnc. Harvest Power. lnc. Harwood Landflll, lnc. Hedco Landfiil Limited High Mountain Fuels LLC Hillsboro Landllll lnc. Holyoke Sanitary Landfill, lnc. lN Landfills, L.L.C. Jahner Sanitation. lnc. Jay County Landfill, L.L.C. JFS {UK) Limited K and W Landlill lnc. Kahle Landrill, lnc. Keene Road Landlill, lnc. Kelly Run Sanitation, lnc. Key Disposal Ltd. Keycorp lnvestment Limited Partnership King George Landfill ftoperties, LLC King George Landfill, lnc. La Quinta Medical/Commercial Plaza, Ltd. Lakeville Recycling, L.P. Land Reclamation Company, lnc. Land South Holdings, LLC Landfill Services of Charleston, lnc. Laurel Highlands Landfill, lnc. LCS Services, lnc. Libeny Landti , L.L.C. Liberty Lane West Owners' Association Liquid Waste Management, lnc. Longleaf C&D Disposal Facility, lnc. Longmont Landfill, L.L.C. Looney Bins, lnc. M.S.T.S., lnc. Mahoning Landfill, lnc. l/lass Gravel lnc. Mc Ginnes tndustrial Maintenance Corporation McDaniel Landfill, lnc. McGill Landfill, lnc. Meadowfill Land{ill, lnc. Michigan Envkons, lnc. MicTocREEN Polymers, lnc. NA"0000033 20-2098765 73-1630187 38 2065407 23 2049337 05-0605713 NA-0000039 7 7 0398218 95 2146842 36,4149976 41.1704537 59-1219741 Corporation Limited Liabjlity Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Not For Prolit Corporation Corporation Limited Partnership Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporatron Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Partnership Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Pannership Limited Partnership Corporation Limi@d Liabality Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited LiabilityCompany Not For Profit Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation 52-1637 402 NA-0000040 26-2268s99 s3-0760239 04-2481863 61-1342588 45 0410330 61-1342592 NA,0000044 3B-2504167 43-1682575 59-2044226 25-1696669 NA-0000045 34.1183428 21-O141134 54-',l632805 95-4357859 36-3730138 36-3640284 20-5908782 55-0731302 25-1640583 55-0673745 6't-1342590 36-4163829 95 2779930 59 3598129 36,4551803 95,4704325 36-3542321 34-1041662 04-3117495 74-1532790 45-0399545 38-3076718 31 1509701 38 2434760 I l/30/20I0 4:18:31 PM Page 3 Quebec Delaware Florida Michigan Pennsylvania Alabama Mexico California California Delaware Minnesola Florida Delaware Maryland England Delaware Oregon Massachusetl Delaware North Dakota Delaware England Michigan Missouri Florida Pennsylvania British Columl Ohio Virgania Virginia California Delaware Delaware Delaware Wesl Virginia Pennsylvania West Virginia Delaware New Hampshi Calilornia Florida Delaware Califomia Delaware Ohio lvlassachusetl Texas Nonh Dakota Michigan Delaware l\4ichigan Washington Name Affiliate Entity Report Active LegaI Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation Midwest One Land Corporation Minneapolis Refuse. lncorporated Modern-Mallard Energy, LLC Modesto Garbage Co., lnc. Moor Refuse, lnc. Mountain High Medical Disposal Services, lnc, N4ountain lndemnity lnsurance Company Mountainview Landfill, lnc. (MD) Mountainview Landfill, lnc. (UT) Nassau Landfill, L.L.C. National Guaranty lnsurance Company ol Vermont New England CR L.L.C. New Milford Connecticut Farms, LLC New tvlilford Landfill, L.L.C. New Orleans Landfrll. L.L.C. NH/VT Energy Recovery Corporation North Manatee Recycling and Disposal Facility, L.L.C Nonhwestern Landfill, lnc. Nu-Way Live Oak Reclamation, lnc. Oakridge Landfill, lnc. Oakwood Landfill. lnc. Okeechobee Landfill. lnc. Ozark Ridge Landfill, lnc. P & R Envkonmental lndustries, L.L.C. Paciflc Waste l/lanagement L.L.C. Palmetto Seed Capital Fund Palo Alto Sanitation Company Pappy, lnc. Peltz H.C., LLC Pen-Rob, Inc. Penuelas Valley Landlill, lnc. People's Landfill, lnc. Peterson Demolition, lnc. Phoenix Resources, lnc. Pine Grove Landfill, lnc. (PA) Pine Taee Acres. lnc. PPP Corporation ProCentuay Corporation Pulaski Grading, L.L.C. Quail Hollow Landfill, lnc. Questquall Limited R&BLandill, lnc. RAA Colorado, L.L.C. RAA Trucking, LLC RCI Hudson, lnc. Recycle Amedca Co., L.L.C. Recycle America Holdinqs, Inc. Redwood Landlill, lnc. Refuse Services, Inc. Refuse, lnc. Reliable Landfill, L.L.C. Remote Landlill Services, lnc. 20-0606093 41-0972174 57,',]161216 94,1643145 33 0622768 20-2500293 03,0328445 25-1538716 76-0548746 37 -1481442 36 3643755 04-3735642 20-5485974 76-0641312 38-3699690 02-0390004 26-0283104 52.20234s8 68-0236308 25-1547187 57 0914414 25,',]628636 71-0692520 04-3735653 98-0227 312 57-0889130 94-1075868 52-1561430 uK-0000100 86,0504613 66-0s60251 38 3406998 41,1625867 23"24a3102 23-2388139 38.2544254 23.2146419 uK-0000026 76-0638043 62.112t 561 98-0221631 25,1754311 20 2587942 39-2040612 04-3044820 04-3735636 72- 154191 3 94-1443150 s9 10s8850 88 0094235 73 1654400 62 1421301 Corporation Corporation Limited Liabiliry Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liabilaly Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Trust Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Co.poration Corporation Limited Liabiliry Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Lamited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporaljon Limited Liability Company Corporation Delaware Minnesota Delaware Calitornia California [Jtah Maryland Utah Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware New Hampsh Florida Delaware Delawate South Carolin South Carolin Florida Arkansas North Carolini Delaware South Carolin California Maryland Wisconsin Atizona Puerto Rico Delaware N4innesota Pennsylvania Pennsylvania tvlichigan Delaware Ohio Delaware Delaware United Kingdc Georgia Colorado Wisconsin Massachusetl Delaware Delaware Delaware Florida Nevada Detaware Tennessee 1l/30/2010 4:18:31 PM Page 4 Name Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation Reno Disposal Co. Resco Holdings L.L.C. Resource Control Composting. lnc. Resource ContJol, lnc. Richland County Landfill, lnc. Riegel Ridge, LLC Riverbend Landfill Co. Rolling Meadows Landfill. lnc. RRT Design & Construction Corp. RRT Empire of lvlonroe CoLrnty, lnc. RTS Landfill, lnc. Rust Engineering & Construction lnc. Rust Engineering (Thailand) Ltd Rust lnternational lnc. S & J Landlill Limited Pannership S&SGrading, lnc. S. V. Farming Corp. 54 Columbia Ridge Recovery, LLC 54 Energy Chambers Recovery, LLC S4 Energy Solutions, LLC Sanifill de Mexico (LJS), lnc. Sanilill de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Sanifill Power Corporation SC Holdings, lnc. Serubam Servicos urbanos E Ambientais Ltda SES Bridqepon L.L.C. Shade Landfill, lnc. Shanghai Envkonment Group Company Limited Siena Estrella Landfill, lnc. Southern Alleghenies Landfill, Inc. Southern One Land Corporation Southem Plains Landlill, ,nc. Southern Waste SeNices, L.L.C- Spruce Ridge, lnc. Stony Hollow Landfill, lnc. Suburban Landfill, lnc. Terabon. lnc. Texarkana Landfill, L.L.C. Texas Pack Rat - Austin #1 LLC Texas Pack Rat - Dallas #1 LLC Texas Pack Rat - Houston #1 LLC Texas Pack Rat - Houston #2 LLC Texas Pack Ral - Houston #3 LLC Texas Pack Rat - San Antonio #1 LLC Texas Pack Rat Service Company LLC The Peltz Group, LLC The Waste Managemenl Charitable Foundation The Woodlands ofVan Buren. lnc. Thermal Remediation Solutions, L.L-C. TN'T Sands. lnc. Trail Ridge Landfill, lnc. Transamerican Waste Central Landflll, lnc. 88-0087833 20-0584193 04-3044833 01-2655361 58,1708996 56-2124210 93-0724866 76-0325383 16-1353',]18 16,1409567 58-1924102 63,1081016 NA.0000162 63-1081055 76-0404581 58-',]858013 22-2916860 27-1892156 21.1372019 26-4136359 76-0419331 NA,0000070 16-0496422 36-2898300 NA-0000077 36-4057298 23"2886198 86 0717293 25,1249160 12-1534481 73,1384828 6',1,1342585 41-1591957 76-06385S7 76-0638s96 30-0239245 20,3668884 26-2054900 20.4512484 20.5221255 20-5227 324 20-4512603 Nevada Delaware Massachusetl Massachusetl South Carolin Nonh Carolini Oregon Delaware Delaware New York Delaware Delaware Thailand Delaware Texas West Virginia New Jersey Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware lvlexico Delaware Pennsylvania Brazil Delaware Delaware People's Repr Arizona Pennsylvania Delaware Oklahoma Delaware Minnesota Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Wisconsin Delaware Delaware Oregon South Carolin Delaware Delaware Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited LiabilityCompany Co.poration Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Pannership Corporation Corpo.ation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporatron Joint Venture Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporalion Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liabilaty Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited LiabilityCompany Limited Liability Company Not For Profit Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation I l/30/2010 4:18:31 PM 05 0515r81 04-3073733 36-3791221 91,1865607 57,0937314 36-3667296 76-0463386 Page 5 Affiliate Entity Report Name Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entilies Federal ID No.Entity Type Srate of Incorporation Trash Hunters, lnc. TrashCo lnc. Tri'County Sanitary Landfill, L.L.C. Tx Newco. L-L.C. Unircd Waste Systems Leasing, lnc. United Waste Systems of Gardner, lnc. USA South Hills Landfill, lnc. USA Valley Facility. lnc. USA Waste Geneva Landfill, lnc. USA Waste Landfill Operations and Transfer, lnc. tJSA Waste of California. lnc. USA Waste of Pennsylvania, LLC LJSA Waste of Texas Landfiils. lnc. USA Waste of Virginia Landfills, lnc. [JSA waste Services ol NYC. lnc. USA Waste-Management Resources, LLC USA-Crinc, L.L.C. L,WS Barre. lnc. Valley Garbage and Rubbish Company, lnc. Vaporlok Technology, LLC Vern's Refuse Service, lnc. VFB, LLC VHG, lnc, Vickery Environmental, lnc. vista Landlill. LLc Voyageur Disposal Processing, lnc. warner Company Warner Hill Development Company Waste Away Group, lnc. Waste lvlanagement Arizona Landfills, lnc. Waste Management Buckeye, L.L.C. Waste Management Collection and Recycling, lnc. Waste Management Disposal Services of Colorado, lnc. Waste Management Disposal Services ol Maine, lnc. Waste Management Disposal Services of Maryland, lnc. Waste Management Disposal Services of Massachusetts, lnc. Waste Management Disposal Se.vices of Oregon, lnc. Waste Management Disposal SeNices of Pennsylvania, lnc. Waste Management Disposal Services of Virginia, lnc. Waste Management Financing Corporation Waste i,,lanagement Holdings, lnc. Waste Managemenl lnc. of Florida Waste Management lndycoke, L.L.C. Waste Management lnternational, lnc. Waste Management Municipal Services of California, lnc. Waste l\,4anagemenl National Services, lnc. Waste Management New England Environmental Transpo.t, lnc Wasle Managehent of Alameda County. lnc. Waste Management of Alaska, lnc. Waste l!4anagement of Arizona, lnc. Waste lvlanagement of Arkansas, lnc. Waste Management of California, lnc. 64-0852590 26-i885543 20-0937658 61-1468715 38,3324143 04-3320949 25-1139448 23-2886199 34-1802751 76 0435557 68,0306154 14.2921886 16-0322544 5B-1932248 11-3301808 13-3853086 04-3735654 04-3320948 9s-20s0787 45,0435644 22-3842831 uK-0000023 31-',1153176 59-3652174 41.1134827 51.0281233 34-1043478 63-0898842 86-0683003 26 0076809 95 2621587 84,1004487 01-0392888 36-2898301 04 -2320990 36-354840s 23-16s5318 36-3791008 36-42008ss 36-2660763 59 10S4518 8',1-0640497 36-3255004 77-0151385 76-0686861 04-3s09618 94-O121420 91,1879241 86 0198265 04 281481',] 95,1735737 Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Co.poration Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Conpany Corporation Corporation Linited Liability Company Corporation Corporataon Corporalion Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporalion Corporation Corporalion Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Mississippi Delaware Delaware Delaware Michigan Massachusetl Pennsylvania Delaware Delaware Texas Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware New York Delaware Massachusetl California Delaware North Dakota New Jersey Minnesota Ohio Florida Minnesota Delaware Ohio Alabama Delaware Delaware California Colorado Maine Maryland Massachusetl Delaware Pennsylvania Delaware Delaware Delaware Florida Delaware Delaware California Delaware Delaware California Delaware California Delaware California I l/30/2010 4:18:31 Pl\,4 Page 6 Name Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation waste Management of Canada Corporation Waste Management of Carolinas, lnc. waste Management of Colorado, lnc. Waste Management of Connecticut, lnc. waste Management of Delaware, lnc. Waste Management of Fairless, L.L.C. Waste Management of Five Oaks Recycling and Disposal Facility, I waste Maflagement of Georgia, lnc. Waste Managemenl of Hawaii, lnc. Waste Managemenl of ldaho, lnc. Waste Management of lllinois, lnc. Waste Management of lndiana Holdings One, Inc. waste i/lanagement ot lndiana Holdings Two, lnc. Waste Management of lndiana, L.L.C. Waste Management of lowa, lnc Waste Management of Kansas, lnc. Waste Management of Kentucky Holdings, lnc. Waste Management of Kentucky, L.L.C. Waste Management of Leon County, lnc. Waste Management of Londonderry, lnc. Waste Management of Louisiana Holdings One, lnc. Waste Management of Louisiana, L.L.C. Waste Management of Maine, Inc. Waste Management of Maryland. lnc. Waste ilanagemenl of Massachusens, lnc, Waste Management of Metro Atlanta, lnc. Waste Management of Michigan, lnc. Waste Management of Minnesota, lnc, Waste Management of Mississippi, lnc. Waste iranagement of Missouri, lnc. Waste i/lanagement of lvlontana, lnc. Waste Management of Nebraska, lnc, Waste Management of Nevada, lnc, Waste Management of New Hampshire, lnc. Waste Management of New Je6ey, lnc, Waste Management of New Mexico, lnc, Waste Management of New York, L.L.C. Waste Management of Nonh Dakota, lnc. Waste Management of Ohio, lnc. Waste Management of Oklahoma, lnc. Waste Management of Oregon, lnc. Waste Management of Pennsylvanja Gas Recovery, L.L.C. Waste Management of Pennsylvania, lnc. Waste Management of Plainfield. L.L.C. Waste Management of Rhode lsland, lnc. Waste i/lanagemenl ol South Carolna. lnc. Waste Management of South Dakota, lnc. Waste Management of Texas Holdings, lnc. Waste [4anaqement of Texas, lnc. Was(e Management of Tunica Landfill, lnc. Waste Management ot Utah, lnc. Waste Management ol Virginia, lnc. NA-0000021 56,0731307 84,0523684 06-148558',l 5',] 0094505 26-3468180 37-1035820 36 3319564 76-0638599 82-0364976 36,2660859 36-4039079 36,4059574 36-4071447 42-0824220 48-0634806 36-4059575 36-4035849 36-3319565 20-s6s7050 36-41 42',l 19 36-41199',l0 01-0267739 52 0250430 04,2535063 58,1937966 38,',]214786 36,2698820 36-3005295 43-0992367 36-3564773 36-3469702 B8-0394159 04-2482447 36-3700143 85-0229020 36 4206197 36,3798294 25-1613264 73,0685975 93-061265s 20-2926331 25.1232336 16-0122911 36-3668109 36-293s124 46-0348394 43 1976001 7 5-1223528 64,0869334 87,0302156 25-1518667 Ontario Nonh Carolini Colorado Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Georgia Delaware ldaho Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Kansas Delaware Delaware Florida Delaware Delawa.e Delaware l,Iaine Maryland Massachusetl Georgia Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Delaware Delaware Delaware Nevada Connecticut Delaware Delaware Delaware Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Delaware Pennsylvania Delaware Delaware South Carolin South Dakola Delaware Texas Mississippi Utah Virgania Corporation Corporation Corporation CorporaUon Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corpoaation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporataon Corporation Corpo(ation Corporation Corporalion Corpo.ation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporalion Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporalion Ljmiled Liability Company Corporation Corporalion Corporalion Corpo(ation Corporation Corporation Corporatiofl Corporation I l/30/2010 4:18:31 PM Page 7 Name Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation Waste Managemenl of Washington, Inc. Waste Management of West Virginia, lnc. Waste Management of Wisconsin, lnc. Waste iranagement of Wyoming, Inc. waste Management Panners. lnc. waste Management Recycle Asia, L.L.C. Waste Management Recycling and Disposal Services of California, Waste Management Recycling of New Jersey, L.L.C. Waste Management SeNice Center, lnc. Waste Management, lnc. Waste Management, lnc. of Tennessee Waste Resources of Tennessee, lnc, Wasle Services of Kentucky, L.L.C. waste to Energy Holdings, lnc. Waste to Energy l, LLC Waste to Energy ll, LLC Wastech lnc. WESI Baltimore lnc. wESlCapital lnc. WESI Peekskill lnc. wESl Westchester lnc. Westchester Resco Associates, L.P. Western One Land Corporation Western Waste lndustries Western Waste o[ Texas. L.L.C. Wheelabrator Baltimore L.L-C. Wheelabrator Baltimore. L.P. Wheelabrator Bndgepon, L.P. Wheelabrator Cedar Creek lnc. Wheelabrator Chambers lnc. Wheelabrator China Holdings, Limited Wheelabrator Claremont Company, L.P. Wheeiabrator Claremont lnc. Wheelabrator Concord Company, L.P. Wheelabrator Concord lnc- Wheelabrator Connecticut lnc. Wheelabrator Culm Services lnc. Wheelabrator Environmental Systems lnc. Wheelabrator Environmental Technologies Consulting (Shanghaa) ( Wheelabrator Falls lnc. Wheelabrato. Frackvalle Energy Company lnc. Wheelabrator Frackville Propeaties lnc. Wheelabrator Frededck lnc. Wheelabrator Fuel Services lnc. Wheelabrator Gloucester Company, L.P. Wheelabrator Gloucester lnc. Wheelabrator Guam lnc. Wheelabrator Hudson Falls L.L.C. Wheelabrator Lassen lnc. Wheelabrator Lisbon lnc. Wheelabrato. McKay Bay lnc. Wheelabrator Millbury lnc. 36,3846342 36,3553198 39 0967466 36-3828554 36,3220911 39,1977904 95 2370376 04,3735640 20,4017651 73,1309s29 36-2935128 54-0838353 94-3429202 76-0652923 02-0519035 02 0519036 93-0936732 02 0357495 36-386',]933 02-0363214 02-0360305 02-0367753 16-0688?24 9s-1946054 30-0239250 36-4057301 36,40s7307 36-4057309 02-0443870 26-3194113 '23,50847741 02,0390003 20-4284300 02-0394017 02-0393450 36-3908786 02-0442514 02-0412119 21-2548111 04.3024182 02-03s3452 04,3',l00742 27 -1502145 02.o442576 02-0396124 02-0391601 36-3926262 72-1 5419',l0 36-3926261 61-1167063 36-3240315 02-o4121A8 Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limired Liabiliry ComPany Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Partnership Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Parlnership Limited Pannership Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Pannership Corporation Limited Partnership Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporalion Corporation Limited Partnership Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporataon Corporation Corporation Oelaware Delaware Wisconsin Delawa.e Oelaware Ohio California Delaware Delaware Delaware Tennessee Tennessee Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Nevada Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware California Delaware Delaware N4aryland Delaware Delaware Delaware Hong Kong Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware People's Repr Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware New Jersey Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Florida Delaware I l/30/2010 4:l8r3l Pl\4 Page 8 Name Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation Wheelabrator New Hampshiae lnc. Wheelabrator New Jersey lnc. Wheelabrator NHC lnc. Wheelabrator North Andover lnc. Wheelabrator North Broward lnc. Wheelabrator Norwalk Energy Company lnc. Wheelabrator Penacook lnc. Wheelabrator Pinellas lnc. Wheelabrator Po(smouth lnc. wheelabrator Putnam lnc. Wheelabrator Ridge Energy lnc. Wheelabrator Sa!,gus lnc. wheelabralor Shasta Energy Company lnc. wheelabrator Sherman Energy Company, G.P. wheelabrator Sherman Station L.L.C. Wheelabrator Sherman Station One lnc. Wheelabrator South Broward lnc. Wheelabrator Spokane lnc. Wheelabrator Technologies lnc. Wheelabrator Technologies lnternational lnc. Wheelabrator Westchester, L.P. White Lake Landfill, lnc. Williams Landfill, L.L.C. Willow Oak Landfill, LLC wM Arizona Operations, L.L.C. WM Asphalt Products, LLC WN4 Bagco, LLC Wlvl Conversion Energy, LLC wM Conversion Fund. LLC WM Corporate Services, lnc. WM Curbside, LLC wM Emergency Employee Suppon Fund. lnc. wM Energy Resources, lnc. Wlvl Energy Solutions, lnc. wM Green Squad, LLC WM Greenops, LLC Wlv4 GTL, lnc. WfuI GTL, LLC WM Healthcare Solutions, lnc. WM lllinois Renewable Energy, L.L.C. WM lnternational Holdings, lnc. WM lnternatronal Services (UK) Limited WM LampTracker, lnc. WM Landfills of Ohio, lnc. WM Landfills of Tennessee, lnc. WM Leasing of Arizona, L.L.C. WM Leasing of Texas, L.P. WM LNG, lnc. WM Mercury Wa$e, lnc. Wl\4 Middle Tennessee Environmental Center, L.L.C Wlvl Mobrle Bay Environmental Center. lnc. WM Nevada Renewable Energy, L.L.C. 02-0390002 02-0391598 02-0393448 36-306297',l 04,30302'18 02 0395269 02-0393449 36 3110',153 21-1446081 36,3908789 36-3820153 13.27 40911 02-0395274 02-0390349 16-0143241 02-0390312 02-0410154 02-o416522 22-2618041 36-3965264 02 0367751 38 1889893 61 134 2579 20 1457 518 32-0112690 27 -0615111 26-4626312 26-4040670 27,1445960 21.3308922 21.3473745 'l't-3758170 27-1184260 76-0695139 26-1694369 26-4',l94066 26-0294424 26-02S4s28 20 3483524 45-0512000 76,0607203 NA-0000098 26-2748613 31-1509696 62-1462526 20-40',l77',]9 20-4011"t24 26 2294125 27 22A9604 26-1946982 76 0638602 27-',]678300 Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation General Partnership Limited LiabilityCompany Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Pannership Corpo{ation Limited Liability Company Limited LiabilityCompany Limited Liability Cornpany Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Not For Proflt Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited LiabilityCompany Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Partnership Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Maine Delaware Delawate Delaware Delaware Delaw6re Delaware Delaware l\.4ichigan Delaware Georgia Delaware Delaware Delawate Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware England Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaltare I l/30/2010 4:l8i3l PM Page 9 Namc Affiliate Entity Report Active Legal Entities Federal ID No.Entity Type State of Incorporation WVI ot Texas, L.L.C. WM Organic GroMh, lnc. WM PA Holdings, LLC Wlvl Pack-Rat of California, LLC wM Pack'Rat of lllinois, LLc WM Pack"Rat of Kentucky, LLC WM Pack-Rat of Maryland, LLC WM Pack-Rat of l\4assachusens, LLC WM Pack'Rat of Michigan, LLC WM Pack'Rat of Nevada. LLC WM Pack.Rat of Ohio. LLC WM Pack'Rat of Rhode lsland, LLC WM Pack'Rat, LLC Wlvl Partnership Holdings, lnc. WM Phoenix Energy Resources, LLC WM Quebec lnc. WM RA Canada lnc. W\4 Recycle America, L.L.C. WM Recycle Europe, L.L.C. WM Renewable Energy, L.L.C. WM Resource Recovery & Recycling Center, lnc WM Resources, lnc. WM Safety Services, L.L.C. WlVl Security Services, lnc. WM SeN.ces SA WM Storage ll, lnc. WM Storage, lnc. WM Texas Pack Rat, LLC \rflVl Trash Monitor Plus, L.L.C. WM WY Energy Resources ll, LLC WlVl WY Energy Resources lll, LLC WM WY Energy Resources, LLC WMI MedicalServices of lndiana. lnc. WMI l\.4exico Holdings, lnc. WMNA Container Recycling, L.L.C. WMRE of Kentucky, LLC wlvlRE of Michigan, LLC WMRE of Ohio, LLC WMRE of Ohio-American, LLC WMSALSA, lnc. WMST l|linois, L.L.C. WTIAiT Pollution Conlrol lnc. WTI FinancialL.L.C. WTI lnternational Holdings lnc. WTI Rust Holdings lnc. WTI UK LTD 26-0428868 20-4617155 27 2335935 26-0380883 26-0524082 26.2289448 26 1411856 26-1411946 26-2289484 27-0371504 26-2249401 26-1855760 26-0285281 36-3974344 21-2340911 NA-0000041 NA-0000172 721541911 20,0570245 45-0511978 26-2289534 25-1536159 20-3887188 20-31141s4 NA-0000108 27-1525390 26.O28s202 26-1442144 26',l436776 27,3555459 27 3555596 21-11A4329 35-17 24992 36-3912290 04-3735649 75-2794993 21-3334162 75-2794994 75-2939229 20 2580150 94 342387 4 36,4110833 20-o584231 36-3908839 02-0351425 98-0336025 Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Lrability Company Limiied Liability ComPanY Limited Liability ComPanY Limited Liability Company Limited Liability ComPany Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited LiabilityCompany Limited Liability Company Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Limited Liabiliry Company Lirnited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability Company Corporation Corporation Limited Liability Company Limiled Liabiiity Company Limited Liability Company Limited Liability ComPany Limited Liability Company Not For Proflt Corporation Limited LiabilityCompany Corporation Limited LiabilityCompany Corporation Corporation Corporadon Delaware Detaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delawate Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Canada Ontario Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Pennsylvania Delaware Delaware Argentina Delaware Delaware Delau/are Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware lndiana Delaware Delaware Delaware Delawate Delaware Texas Texas lllinois Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware united Kingdc 11/30/20104:18:3lPM tr\ Page l0 urn nffi',Y,'=0 UyAATE |V|ATIAOEMEn|T OFTHE r LrAilD EillPIRE 800 S. Temescal Strcet Corona. CA 92879-2058 (909) 8r7-1400 (909) 817-2402 Fax January 4, 201 I Mr. Steve Harding City of Menifee 29714 Haun Road Menifee. CA 92586 Re: Bond No. SUR0004393 Enclosed you will find Pertbrmance Bond #SUR0004393 for the City of Menifee. The bond is for the period January l, 201 I through December3l,20ll. Should you have any questions please contact me at (951) 817 -2401. Thank you, Lynn sto Contract Compliance Enclosure o 'Jffi