2006/11/21 Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake TMDL Task Force TMDL Task ForceAGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE BLSINORE AND CANYON LAKN TMDL TASK FORCE This Agreement, entered into as of this A day of 2006, to form the Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake TMDL Task Force (hereinafter "AGREEMENT'is made by and among thefollowing entities, which are hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as "TASK FoRCE AGENCIES" or individually as "TASK FORCE AGENCY": United States Departrnent of Agriculture, Forest Service (Forest Service) US Air Force (March Air Reserve Base) March Air Reserve Base Joint Powers Authority California Depaftnent of Transpoltation Califomia Department of Fish and Game County of fuverside City of Beaumont City ofCanyon Lake City of Hemet City of Lake Elsinore City of Moreno Valley City of Murrieta City of Penis City of Riverside City of San Jacinto Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Eastem Municipal Water District Western Riverside County Agriculture Coalition on behalfofthe Agricultural Operators in the San Jacinto fuver Basin Westem Riverside County Agriculture Coalltion on behalf of the Dairy Operators in the San Jacinto River Basin Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District A. Whereas, in 1998, the Santa Ana Regional Water euality Control Board (hereinafter "Regional Board") designated Lalie Elsinore and canyon Lake in the Lake Elsinore and Sal Jacinto watersheds (collectively the "watersheds") as "impaired water bodies" pursuant to Section 303(d) of the federal clean water Act because of high levels of algae in both lakes and low dissolved oxygen in Lake Elsinore, aftributed to excess phosphorus and nitrogen (NUTRIENTS). As a result of said Section 303 designation, the Clean Warer Act requires rhat total maximum daily loads (hereinafter "TMDLs") be established by the Regional Board lor flresg waterbodies, I. RECITALS B. Whereas, in response to the Section 303(d) designation, the Regional Board adopted a Rcsolution R8-2004-0037 on December 20,2004 amending the Watcr Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin (BASIN PLAN AMENDMENT) to incoryorare nutrienl TMDLs for Canyon Lake and Lake Elsinore. The Basin Plan Anendment specifies, among other things, an Implementation Plan (TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN), which holds speciflred stake holders (TASK FORCE AGENCIES) individually and/or jointly liable for. complying with the TMDLs by means of specific tasks to be completed by specihed datcs untler. penalty of law. Thcse tasks includc dcvelopmont and implementation of a watershed-rvidc nutrient water quality monitoring prcgram, developrnent of an in-lake nutrient monitorillq I program for Canyon Lake and Lake Elsinore, development of a plan and schedule for in-lake sediment nutrient reduction for Lake Elsinore, development of a plan and schedule for evaluating in-lake sediment nuaient strategies for Canyon Lake, updating watershed and in-lake nutrient TMDL water quality models, developing a pollutant tmding plan, a:rd reviewing and revising the TMDL to reflect updated data and science. C. Whereas, the purpose of this AGREEMENT is to form a task force (hereinafter 'TASK FORCE") to implement certain tasks idenrified in the TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN and to pursue TMDL related tasks agreed upon by TASK FORCE AGENCIES, and D. Whereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES agree that the purpose of this TASK FORCE is to (1) review and develop recommendations to update the TMDL BASIN PLAN AMENDMENT based on the best available scientific information, and (2) implement TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Tasks identified below and jointly assigned to TASK FORCE AGENCIES, and (3) propose appropriate revisions to the TMDL BASIN PLAN AMENDMENT to the Santa Ana RWQCB by June 30, 2010, and (4) allow watershed stakeholders to participate in efforts to meet appropriate water quality standards so that Canyon Lake and/or Lake Elsinore can be de-listed from the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list of impaired water bodies, and E. Whereas, hundreds ofindividual agricultural and dairy operators are subject to the Canyon Lake and Lake Elsinore TMDLs and its component TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN, and F. Whereas the Western Riverside County Agricultural Coalition(WRCAC) is a non- profit organization representing the interests of agricultural and dairy operators within the San Jacinto Watershed, and G. Whereas WRCAC's membership is open to any and all agricultural and dairy operators within the San Jacinto watershed, and H. Whereas, March Air Reserve Base (MARB) is an installation of the United States Air Force, and the Saa Bemardino and Cleveland National Forest are on federal lands under the administration and management of the Forest Service. Both are agencies of the federal government, and are therefore subject to limitations in their ability to comply with every provision stated herein to the same extent that other non-federal TASK FORCE AGENCIES are able to comply. These limitations are based upon, but not limited to, those identified in the federal Clean Water Act, the federal Antideficiency Act, the principle of sovereign immuniry and the holdings of the Supreme Court of the United States, and other binding federal court decisions, as they interpret those sources of federal law. The limitations so mentioned include, but ale not limited to, the availability of federal funding to pay for participation in this program, and the ability of MARB and Forest Service to participate directly in sampling, research or data gathering activities which are not located on or near MARB or National Forest System lands or a point source of water discharge arising on MARB or National Forest System lands, or other activities not specifically authorized by the Federal Clean Water Act section 313. To the extent that the limitations described herein prevent MARB or Forest Service from fully participating in any aspect of this program, they reserve the right, in theb sole discretion, to participate in the program as a matter of comity. By entering into this agreement, MARB and Forest Service do not authorize any of the TASK FORCE AGENCIES to exercise regulatory authority over them. MARB and Forest Service agree that State and federal regulatory agencies that are or may 2 , 03r{r{v3s k0t ,p"h d ol become members of this TASK FORCE have regulatory authority over MARB and Forest Sewice only to the extent permitted by State or Federal Law. I. Whereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES acknowledge and agree that rhe effectiveness of the TASK FORCE may be improved by the inclusion of other agencies as additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES to the TASK FORCE, and J. Whereas, the Riverside County Flood Contlrcl and Water Conservation District (RCFC&WCD) serves as the Principal Permittee for the National pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit (MS4) for the Santa Ana Region ofRiverside County, and K. Whereas, the County of Riverside and Cities of Beaumont, Canyon Lake, Hcmet, Lake Elsinore, Moreno Valley, Murrieta, Perris, Riverside, San Jacinto are MS4 CO- PERMITTEES for the NPDES MS4 Perrnit for the Sanra Ara Region of Riverside County, and L. Whereas, the MS4 PRINCIPAL PERMITTEE and MS4 CO-PERMITTEES collectively represent the MS4 PERMITTEES within the San Jacinto Watershed, and M, Whereas, the NPDES MS4 Permit for the Santa Ana Region of Riverside County is regulated by the REGIoNAL BOARD and subject to the requiremenis of the nutrient TMDLs for Canyon Lake and Lake Elsinore, and N, Whereas RCFC&WCD has agreed to provide services on behalf of itself as anNPDES MS4 PERMITTEE and on behalf of the MS4 CO-PERMITTEES for the purposes of this AGREEMENT, and O. Whereas RCFC&WCD has prepared and reviewed the MS4 CO-PERMITTEES cost share allocation with MS4 Co-PERMITTEE staff at the NPDES MS4 permit TechnicatAdvisory committee Meetings and with the affected city Managers and county Executiveoffice, or designated representatives thereof during the NpDES MS4 permit Management Steering Committee Meeting ofFebruary 16, 2006, and P. Whereas, the TMDL assigned nutrient waste load allocarions for supplemental water (herein SUPPLEMENTAL WATER) addition to Lake Elsinore to stabilize the Lake,s elevation, and a. Whereas, the nutrient waste load allocation for SUppLEMENTAL WATER, which includes Island well water. EVMWD treatment plant effluent, and other sources of non- slormwater, may reduce the TMDL waste load allocation and rMDL load allocation of otherpoint and non-point sources because in-lake nutrient capacity was not adjusted to account lor increased Iake levels associated with the addition of SUppLEMENTAL WATER, and R. Whereas, the assumprions regarding load allocations for SUPPLEMENTAL WATER may not be consistent with the actual operarion of SUPPLEMENTAL WATER sources, and 3 S. Whereas, the City of Lake Elsinore and EVMWD previously entered into an agreement to equally share the cost of SUPPLEMENTAL WATER addition to the Lake under the "Lake Elsinore Comprehensive Water Managernent Agreement", and T. Whereas, for the purposes of this AGREEMENT, the City of Lake Elsinore shall be ackr:owledged and recognized as a separate ernd equal contributor with EVMWD for the cost and voting rights accorded under this AGREEMENT attributed to E\IMWD for SUPPLEMENTAL WATER addition, and U. Whereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES have considered many alternative cost sharing methodologies based on TMDL assigned load allocation, load reduction, and permutations thereof; and V. Whereas, certain TASK FORCE AGENCIES were strong proponents of cost sharing based on load allocation and other TASK FORCE AGENCIES were strong proponents of cost sharing based on load reduction, and W. whereas, these TASK FORCE AGENCIES have been unable to agree upon a methodology for distributing costs based on either an allocation or a load reduction methodology; and X. Whereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES have reviewed and agreed upon an interirn negotiated cost allocation methodology acceptable to all TASK FORCE AGENCIES for the purposes of initiating the TASK FORCE, based on consideration of TMDL assigned load allocations, load reductions, and permutations thereof, and Y. Whereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES agree that certain nutrient dischargers have been either inappropriately named or not named as responsible parties for various tasks in Ore BASIN PLAN AMENDMENT; and Z. Whereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES agree that agricultural and dairy lands are convefiing to urban and open space lands, ald AA. Whereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES agree that an amendment to the TMDL to address, at minimurn, the proper naming of responsible parties for various tasks in the TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN, to con'ect the load allocation .and waste load allocations to properly address the impacts of SUPPLEMENTAL WATER on Lake Elsinore, and to revise the load allocation and waste Ioad allocations to address the ongoing conversion of agriculture and dairy lands to urban and/or open space should be addressed as part of a revision to the TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN, and BB. Wlereas, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES agree that upon amendment of the existing BASIN PLAN AMENDMENT, including the TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN, by the Regional Board to address, at a minimum, the issues described in Recital Z, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES will amend this AGREEMENT to revise the cost allocation methodology for future fiscal years to incorporate a task-specific cost sharing methodology, based on assigned load allocation or waste load allocation of TASK FORCE AGENCIES, or categories of TASK FORCE AGENCIES, responsible for each TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN task, zurd 4 CC. Whereas, MARB agrees to budget for and to participate in the TASK FORCE, provided that sufficient funds are appropriated by the Congress, in FY 06-07 and future years, and on the condition that funding requirements under this agreement do not violate the Anti- deficiency Act, and provided that the Task Force Agencies agree to relocate the proposed monitoring station from Kitching Channel to the Heacock drainage channel, and use any fees provided by MARB, for participation in this program, to establish and monitor this station. 5 NOW, THEREFORE; in consideration of the foregoing recitals and mutual covenanls contained herein, the TASK FORCE AGENCIES agree as follows: l. Creation of a Task FOICC.There is hereby created a "Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake TMDL Task Force" C'TASK FORCE") initially consisting of the TASK FORCE AGENCIES and certain Non-Voting, Non-Funding Members as morc specifically provided for in paragraph 2 below. a Appoinlment. Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, each TASK FORCE AGENCY shall, in accordance with such TASK FORCE AGENCY':r own goveming provisions. appourt one primary representative to the TASK FORCE and one alternate representative to act in the abseirce of the primary representative (hereinafter collectivcly referred to as *REPRESENTATI\aES" or individually as 'REPRESENTATIVE"). The REPRESENTATIVES shall have the authority to act on behalf of its appointing TASK FORCE AGENCY. The REPRESENTATIVES shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing TASK FORCE AGENCY and may be removed al any time, with or without cause by such TASK FORCE AGENCY; provided, however, that the TASK FORCE AGENCIES acknowledge and agree the continuity of' representation on the TASK FORCE is important to the overall effectiveness of the TASK FORCE, and the TASK FORCE AGENCIES funher agree 10 ensure such continuity whenever possible. Additional Aeencies. The TASK FORCE AGENCIES acknowledge and agree that the effectiveness ofthe TASK FORCE may be improved by the inclusion of other agencies as additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES to the TASK ITORCE. Such agencies may join the TASK FORCE on such wriften terms and conditions as are acceptable to all then existing TASK FORCE AGENCIES of the TASK FORCE, including, but not limited ro, agreed-upon cash contributions for past, present, and/or future work, of the TASK FORCE. The inclusion of such agencies as additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES to the TASK FORCE shall be effected by a writren amendment to this AGREEMENT signed by all then existing TASI( FORCE AGENCIES. Such additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES shall each appoint their TASK FORCE primary REPRESENTATIVE and altemate REPRESENTATIVE as provided in Section II.2.a. above or in said written amendment. The following agencies will be considered for inclusion as additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES in future amendments to this AGREEMENT withir the meaning of this section: Any other named stakeholder in any future amendments ofthe BASIN PLAN AMENDMENT. b 6 II. COVENANTS 2. Reoresentation on the Task Force. C N n-Fu M . The Regional Board, Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto Watersheds Authority and the San Jacinto River Watershed Council are hereby appointed as Non-Voting, Non-Funding Members of the TASK FORCE- Additional Non-Voting, Non-Funding Members may be appointed by a majority vote of the TASK FORCE representatives. Non-Voting, Non-Funding Members appointed herein, and any appointed in the future are authorized only to make recommendations upon the functioning of this TASK FORCE and the development of this program. Federal, State and local regulatory agencies acting as Non-Voting, Non-Funding Members, now or in the future, retain authority to regulale TASK FORCE MEMBERS on.ly to the extent that they are so authorizcd under stnte and federal law. Dairv and CU hrral The TASK FORCE AGENCIES aclnowledge that the Western Riverside County Agdculture Coalition (WRCAC) shall represent the collective interest of both agnculrural and dairy operators in the San Jacinto River Watershed in the TASK FORCE at this time. WRCAC shall appoint two primary TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES and two alternate REPRESENTATIVES as provided in Section IL2.a. One set of REPRESENTATIVES shall be desigr:ated for agricultural operator interests, the other set of REPRESENTATIVES shall be designated for dairy interesls for the purposes of this TASK FORCE. Committees. The TASK FORCE may establish subcommittees, consisting of REPRESENTATIVES and Non-Voting, Non-Funding Members who shall be selected by, and serve at the plea^sure of, the TASK FORCE. Task Force Administrator. A TASK FORCE administrator (hereinafter "TASK FORCE ADMINISTRATOR") shall be appointed by the TASK FORCE. The TASK FORCE ADMINISTRATOR shall have the following administrative responsibilities: (1) Organizing and facilitating TASK FORCE meetings;(2) Secretaria.l,clerical,andadministrativeservices;(3) Managing TASK FORCE funds and preparing amual reports of TASK FORCE assets and expenditures;(4) Retaining TASK FORCE-authorized consultants; and(5) Seeking funding grants to assist with achieving the work of the TASK FORCE and other goals and objectives approved by TASK FORCE AGENCIES. The TASK FORCE AGENCIES hereby appoint the Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto Watersheds Authority as the initial TASK FORCE ADMINISTRATOR, d. I 7 Meetinss of the Task Folce (i)Frequencv and Location. The TASK FORCE shall, by resolution or motion, agree upon the time and place for holding its regular meetings. Special meetings may be called at the request of the TASK FORCE ADMINISTRATOR or by a majority of the TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES. (ii)Task Force Chair The TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES shall select a chair and a vice-chair. The temr ofthe chair and vice-chatr shall be one year and shall be rotated among the TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES interested in serving as chair. (iii) Ouorum. One half or more of the REPR-ESENTATIVES of the TASK FORCE shall constitute a QUORUM. (iv) Votips. Actions of the TASK FORCE shall be validly taken only when a QUORUM is present and upon the affirmative vote of a MAJOzuTY of the TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES. A MAJORITY of the REPRESENTATIVES shall be determined as follows: Each TASK FORCE AGENCY shall have one vote (herein VOTE) assigned for each $1,000 increment ofPRO RATA COST SHARE, as described in Paragraph IL5 below, contributed to the TASK FORCE budget developed for a given fiscal year (hereinafter 'BUDGET"). A MAJORITY of the REPRESENTATIVES shall consist of greater than 50% of the total VOTES based on the BUDGET for the fiscal year during which the action is taken. (v)Brown Act. All meetings of the TASK FORCE or any of its commiftees shall be conducted as may be required by any applicable provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Califoniia Govemment Code $$54950 et seq.). The provisions contained in the Ralph M. Brown Act shall prevail in the event of any conflict with provisions contaired in this AGREEMENT. The TASK FORCE may adopt such additional rules and regulations as may be required for the conduct of its affairs so long as such rules and regulations do not conflict with this AGR.EEMENT. Work of the Task Force. The TASK FORCE shall perform the following tasks in accordance with guidelines established by the Regional Board: To retain consulting services to review scientific and other assumptions contained within the TMDL. Consultant(s) shall provide a report identifying preliminary TMDL opportunities such as site specific objectives, pollutant trading shategies, and integration strategies. The final 8 3 a scope of work shall be approved by the Task Force. The report shall specifically consider assumptioos supporting the TMDL. The report should also provide preliminary analysis of the ability to achieve in-lake nutrient reductions and verify that load assignments are appropriate. Upon completion of the report, Consultant(s) shall also review work described herein, and make recommendations to ensure that work is specifically designed to resolve any deficiencies, where appropriate. Consultant(s) shall also coordinate development of BASIN PLAN AMENDMENT language, in coordination with the Regional Board, which can be used to revise the TMDLS as part ofthe Regional Board's Triennial Reviews at a minimum, or no later than by June 2010. b. TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Task 4 - Develop and Implement a Watershed-wide Nutrient Monitorins Prosram. This program shall obtain data necessary to update the Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake Nutrient TMDL, and to determine compliance with interim and final nitrogen and phosphorus allocations, and compliance with the nitrogen and phosphorus TMDLs. Monitoring and management of monitoring data to update the Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake Nutrient TMDL shall commence immediately upon approval of this AGREEMENT. An amual repon summarizing the data collected for the year shall be submitted to the Regional Board by August 15 of each year commencing in 2007. c. TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Task 4 - Develop and Inrplement a Lake Elsinore and Canvon Lake Nutrient Monitorins Proqrarn, This program shall obtain data necessary to update the Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake Nutrient TMDLs, and to determine compliance with interim and final nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen numeric targets. In addition, the monitoring program shall determine the relationship between ammonia toxicity and the total nitrogen allocation ro ensure that the total nifogen allocation will prevent ammonia toxicitf in Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake. Monitoring and management of monitoring data shall commence immedialely upon approval of this agreement. An annual report summarizing the data collected for the yeal' shall be submiued to the Regional Board by August 15 of each year commencing in 2007. lmDlement a Plan to Reduce NUTRI ENTS in Lake Elsinore sediments and develop a sediment nutrient treatment evaluation plan for Canyon Lahe The plans shall evaluate the efficacy of various in-lake treatment technologies to prevent the release of NUTRIENTS irom lake sediments as a long-term strategy for control of NUTRIENTS in the sediment. The program may also include a sediment nutrient monitoring program to evaluate the effectiveness of any technologies that may be implemented. Target Date for Completion: March 3 1, 2007. TMDL IMI'LEMENTATION PLAN Task l1 - Develop and loplement a Uodatins C Plan and Schedule for 9 the Existine Lake Elsinore/San Jacinto d. TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Tasks 9 and 10 - Develop and fuver Watershed Nukient Model and the Canvon Lake and e Elsinore In-Lake Models. Develop and implement a plan and schedule to update and execute Watersheds and in-lake models to track the progress of TMDL efforts. In-lake models should be analyzed as soon as sufficient data becomes available, Target Date for Completion: March 3 I, 2007. f. TMDL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Task 12 - Investisate.Develop and Imnlement a Pollutant Trading Plan Investigate the I'easibility of pollurant trading in the Watersheds, and develop a feasibility plan for Regional Board review and approval. Target Date for Completion: September 30,2007. h. Other Tasks. The TASK FORCE may undertake such other plans, programs and studies as authorized by the TASK FORCE pursuant to II.2.g. of this AGREEMENT. i. Limitations on MARB and Forest Service. As described above in Section I.H, MARB is an agency of the federal government atrd is therefore unable to participate in each and every aspect of Section 3 to the same extent as other TASK FORCE MEMBERS. To the extent that it is unable to participate in any tasks under section 3, it resewes the right, in its sole discretion, to participate to the fullest extent that it is able, as a matter of comity. Budsets. Beginning in FY2007-2008, the total annual budget (BUDGET), adjusted to remove in-kind services, grant funding and funding credits associated with this AGREEMENT shall not exceed $!!QQ!Q, except as authorized by the TASK FORCE via two-thirds approval via VOTES based on the BUDGET for the then current fiscal year pursua:rt to II.2.g. of this AGREEMENT. The TASK FORCE ADMINSI'RATOR shall prepare and submit a proposed BUDGET for each fiscal year of this AGREEMENT to the TASK FORCE AGENCIES by November 30th. The proposed BUDGET shall include all anticipated costs for the scope(s) of work developed by the TASK FORCE for the next fiscal year, The TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVES shall approve the BUDGET by December 31'r. Each TASK FORCE AGENCY shall pay its PRO-RATA SHARE of the approved fiscal year's TASK FORCE BUDGET and arrears by August 31"r of the foltowing year. The BUDGET for the eighteen (18) month period starting Jaruary 1, 2006 and extending through June 30, 2007 and estimated fiscal year BUDGETS though June 30, 2010 are included as Attachment A to the AGREEMENT. Approval of this AGREEMENT shall constitute approval of the BUDGET through June 30,2007. Payment of lhe BUDGET though June 30, 2007 shall be by August 3 l, 2006, or within 30 days l0 4 g. investiqate Long Term TMDL Implementation Structure. Cost Shadng Formula and Fundine Sources. Investigate possible long term administrative structures, cost sharing formulas and funding sources that can be used to obtail compliance with the TMDL requirements. Target Date for Completion: June 30, 2010. 5 of the approval of this AGREEMENT by each TASK FORCE AGENCY, whichever is sooner. The TASK FORCE ADMINISTRATOR shall endeavor to minimize carry-over fund balances to those necessary to complete work of the TASK FORCE and to maintain contingencies limited to those necessary to ensure work of the TASK FORCE is no1 impeded. Excess not necessary to complete budgeted work ofthe TASK FORCE or maintain adequate reserves shall be credited back to the TASK FORCE AGENCIES iN thE BUDGET CONSiStENt With thE PRO.RATA SHARE methodology described in Paragraph II.5 below. THE TASK FORCE AGENCIES shall agree to a reasonable reserve balance as part of each year's BUDGET. After Septernber 30 of each year, the TASK FORCE ADMINSTRATOR shall provide an accounting of all PRO RATA SHARES collected via cash or in-kind oontributions. If PRO RATA SHARES collected are less than BUDGET, the TASK FORCE shall meet with Regional Board staff to determine appropriate priorities for scheduled TASK FORCE work and revise BUDGET based on available funds- Pro-Rata Share Calculation. The annual PRO-RATA SHARE shall be calculated in the following manner: The PRO-RATA SHARE for MS4 CO-PERMITTEES, Agricultural Operators and EVMWD shall be based on the BUDGET reduced by the value of available grant funding identified in Section 1 of Attachment A and in-krnd services identified in Section 3 of Attachment A (LINE lk BUDGET). The PRO-RATA SHARE for MS4 CO-PERMITTEES, and Agricultural Operators shall each be 28.5yo of the LINE 1k BUDCET. Based on the prior agreement of EVMWD and the CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE involving the sharing of cost for supplemental water into Lake Elsinore, the PRO-RATE SHARE for EVMWD and the CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE shall eachbe 14.25%o of the LINE lKBUDGET. The PRO-RATA SHARE for Dairy shall be 5% of the LINE lk BUDGET The PRO-RATA SIIARE for RCFC&WCD shall be the cash value of the in-kind services described in Section 3 of Attachment A. The PRO-RATA SHARE for all other TASK FORCE AGENCIES shall be as a base amount set forth in the BUDGET. The PRO-RATA SHARE for additional TASK FORCE AGENCIES shall be per in kind services and/or an amount agreed upon via wriften amendment of this AGREEMENT per Section II.2.b. If the estimated funds collected under the PRO-RATA SHARE calculations exceed the BUDGET, the contributions of MS4 CO-PERMITTEES, EVMWD, City of Lake Elsinore, Agricultural Operators, Dairy and other TASK FORCE l1 6 AGENCIES contributing il excess of the base amount shall be raised or reduced proportionately based on the percentage of their PRO-RATA SHARE, until the estimated total PRO-RATA SHARES equals the BUDGET. RCFC&WCD shall provide the TASK FORCE ADMINSTRATOR with annual individual MS4 CO-PERMITTEE cost share distribution of the MS4 CO- PERMITTEES PRO-R{TA SHARE for budgets following Fiscal Year 2006'07 . The methodology used by RCFC&WCD to calculate the MS4 CO-PERMITEE cost share distribution may be amended at the NPDES MS4 Management Steering Committee. In-Kind Credits. The PRO-RATA SHARE of a TASK FORCE AGENCY shall be reduced by the value of IN-KIND CREDITS provided toward agreed-upon budgeted tasks by, or on behalf, of lhe TASK FORCE AGENCY(S). Credits shall be applied to each budget period and adjusted at the end of each budget year based on actual verified costs. ifi ations to the TASK methodolo The methodology deriving the TASK FORCE PRO-RATA SHARE as provided in Section Ii.5 of this AGREEMENT may be modified upon wdtten approval of all then existing TASK FORCE AGENCIES whose PRO-RATA SIIARE would be affected. The TASK FORCE AGENCIES shall cooperate fully with one another to attain the purposes of this AGREEMENT, Nothing in this AGREEMENT, nor the work set forth in this AGREEMENT, nor any activity approved or carried out by the TASK FORCE AGENCIES hereunder, is intended to be nor shall be interpreted as a waiver by TASK FORCE AGENCIES of the "Maximum Extent Practicable" standard set foth in tlie Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. Section l-251 et seq.). Each TASK FORCE AGENCY shall indemnify, defend, and hold each of the other TASK FORCE AGENCIES, including their special districts, officials, agents, officers, and employees, harmless fiom and against any and all liability and expense arisirg from any act or omission of such TASK FORCE AGENCY,its officials, agents, officers, and employees, il connection with this AGREEMENT, including but not limited to defense costs, legal fees, claims, actions, and causes of aclion for damages of ary nature whatsoever, including but not limited to bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage; provided, however, that no TASK FORCE AGENCY shall indemdfii another TASK FORCE AGENCY for that TASK FORCE AGENCY's own negligence or williil misconduct. MARB and the Forest Service, as agencies ofthe federal govenunent, are unable to indemnify or hold harmless any other TASK FORCE AGENCY for any liability arising under this agreement. MARB and the Forest Service expressly do not indemnify or hold harmless any TASK FORCE AGENCY for any injuries or l2 8 9 10 7. l1 Iiabilities, to itself, to any third party or to MARB, or the Forest Service, or its employees under this agreement or aly activities carried out under authority ol this agreement. ln light of the provisions ofSection 895.2 of the Govemment Code ofthe State of California imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being parties to an agreement (as defined in Section 895 of said Code), each of the TASK FORCE AGENCIES hereto, pursuant to the authorization contained in Sections 895.4 and 895.6 of said Code, shall assume the full liability imposed upon it or any of its officers, agents, or empioyees by law for injury caused by any act or omission occurring in the perfotmance ofthis AGREEMENT to the same extenl tha! such liability would be imposed in the absence of Section 895.2 of said Code. To achieve the above stated purpose, each of the TASK FORCE ACENCIES indemnifies, defends, and holds harmless each other TASK FORCE AGENCY for any liability, cost, or expense that may be imposed upon such other TASK FORCE AGENCY solely by virnre ol said Section 895.2, The provisions of Section 2'178 of the California Civil Code are made a part hereofas if incorporated herein. MARB and the Forest Sewice, as agencies of the federal government, are unable to indemnify or hold harmless any other TASK FORCE AGENCY for any liability arising under this agreement. MARB and the Forest Service expressly do not indemnify or hold harmless any TASK FORCE AGENCY for any injuries or liabilities, to itelf, to any third party or to MARB or Forest Service or their employees under this agreement or any activities carried out under authority of this agreement. Tort liability for federal employees, including employees of MARB and Forest Service, is expressly authorized and limited by the Federal Tort Claims Act, which will control liability of MARB and the Forest Service and their employees under the terms of this agreement. All obligations of CALTRANS under the terms of this AGREEMENT are subject to the appropriation of the resources by the Legislature and the allocation o{' resources by the Califomia Transportation Commission, This AGR-EEMENT has been written before ascertaining the availability of Federal or State Iegislativ€ appropriation of funds, for the mutual benefit of the TASK FORCE AGENCIES in order to avoid program and fiscal delays that would occur if the AGREEMENT were executed after that determination was made. This AGREEMENT is valid ard enforceable as to CALTRANS as if sufficient funds have been made available to CAL TRANS by the United States Govemment or Califomia State Legislature for the purposes set forth in this AGREEMENT. If the United States Govemment or the Califomia State Legislature does not appropriate sufficient funds for CALTRANS to participate in this AGREEMENT, this AGREEMENT may be amended in writing by the TASK FORCE AGENCIES to reflect any agreed-upon reduction in the percentage of funds contributed by CALTRANS to continue its participation in this AGREEMENT. CALTRANS, however, has the option to withdrarv from this AGREEMENT in the event sufficient funds are not appropriated for CAL TRANS. Should CALTRANS exercise its oprion ro withdraw from this AGREEMENT, CALTRANS shall remain responsible for its l3 12 13. t4 15 16 share of liabiliry, if any, incurred while participating in this AGREEMENT. No TASK FORCE AGENCY shall have a financial obligation to any other TASK FORCE AGENCY under this AGREEMENT, except as expressly provided herein. Any notices, invoices, repofts, corespondence, or other communication concerning this AGREEMENT shall be directed to the TASK FORCE AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE on file with the TASK FORCE ADMINISTRATOR, except that any TASK FORCE AGENCY may change its name or address by giving the other TASK FORCE AGENCIES at least ten days written notice of the new name or address. The TASK FORCE AGENCIES are, and shall at all times remain as to each other, wholly independent entities. No TASK FORCE AGENCY to this AGREEMENT shall have power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of any other TASK FORCE AGENCY unless expressly provided to the contrary by this AGREEMENT. No employee, agent, or officer of a TASK FORCE AGENCY shall be deemed for any purpose whatsoever to be an agent, employee or officer of another TASK FORCE AGENCY, This AGREEMENT shall be governed by, interpreted under and constmed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Califomia, except as to the Forest Service and the March Air Reserve Base to whom federal law is applicable. If any provision of this AGREEMENT shall be determined by any court to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this ACREEMENT shall not be affected and this AGREEMENT shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this AGREEMENT, Each individual TASK FORCE AGENCY has been represented by its own separate counsel in the preparation and negotiation of this AGREEMENT. Accordingly, this AGREEMENT shall be construed according to its fair language and any ambiguities shall not be resolved against the drafting TASK FORCE AGENCY. Each of the persons signing below on behalf of a TASK FORCE AGENCY represents and warrants that he or she is authorized to sign this AGREEMENT on behalf of such TASK FORCE AGENCY. 21. Duration of This AGREEMENT shall terminate June 30, 2010 (unless extended by mutual agreement of all TASK FORCE ACENCIES), provided that all debts and liabilities of the TASK FORCE are satisfied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each TASK FORCE AGENCY reserves the right t4 t7. 18 19. 20 This AGREEMEN I shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the respective successors, heirs. and assigns ofeach TASK FORCE AGENCY. 22. 23. 24. to withdraw from the TASK FORCE at any time, upon sixty (60) days' prior written notice to the TASK FORCE. TASK FORCE contingency, projects and studies underway at the time of withdrawal shail continue to be fully funded by the withdrawing TASK FORCE AGENCY until the end of the fiscal year in which the TASK FORCE AGENCY gave notice to withdraw. Counterpafis. This AGREEMENT may be executed simultaneously or in any number ofcounterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Amendment. This AGREEMENT may not be amended except in a writing signed by all the TASK FORCE AGENCIES. Effective Date This AGREEMENT shall become effective when it has been executed by all of the TASK FORCE AGENCIES l5 IN \\TTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled 'AGREEMENT TO FORM TI{E LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" CITY OF IIEMET ATTEST:APPROVED AS TO FORM: ffi*l^^-[\ A-rt- Stephdn Clayton, Ciqv @rt Eric Cit-v Attomey t6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE (SAN BERNARDINO AND CLEVELAND NATIONAL FOREST MANAGIiMENT ZONES) BY TITLE Forest CI orest DATE June 19, 2006 APPROVE,D AS TO FORM By Attorney t7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreernent entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE (SAN BERT\ARDINO NATIONAL FOREST MANAGEMENT ZONE) BY TITLE DATE tv '7 1'7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement entitled.,AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" N{ARCH JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY BY: TlTLE: DATE:Seotember 20. 2006 APPROVED TO RM By, Attorney STATE OF Califomia ) County of Riverside On September 20. 2006 before me,Carev L. Allen. Notarv Public , personally appeared A Rizzo personally known to me ! proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persone) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heAhelthoy executed the same in hisAe#their authonzed capacity(s), and that by hisAe#the+r signalure(€) on the instrument the person6} or the entity upon behalf ofwhich the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal Si o Public or Commblton * la96l27 Nolory Publc . Colttornto ltuortda County IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled..AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE'' US AIR FORCE (MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE) BY K. BARNSON, Col, USAFR TITLE Commander DArE Jt,L 6 20rtc APPROVED AS TO FORM By CHRIST P B ENNETT, Maj, USAF TITLE Staff Judge Advocate DATE JUL 6 2OO[ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAK-E TMDL TASK FORCE" CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TR.ANSPORTATION BY T]TLE DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM By a_ 20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME BY TiTLE D -7 APPROVED AS TO FORM By Attomey 2t t/ l lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" ET,SINOR-E, VALLEY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT BY TITLE General M DATE Jul 20065 APPROVED AS TO o By 22 IN WITNESS WHER-EOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CA].IYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE,' EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BY TITLE Anthonv J. Pack.eral Manager DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM By Attomev 23 {)v IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pa(ies havs executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNTY AGRICULTURE COALITION BY AL '?,6*ffia TITLE DATE Hl"r-o {9, zod-e APPROVED AS TO FORM By Attome v IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE'' RECOMMEND VAL RIVERSIDE COfNTV FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSDRVATION DISTRICT B By WARREN D. WILLIAMS General Manager-Ch ief Engineer MARION ASHLEY, Chairman Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM ATTEST: JOE S. RANK NANCY ROMERO rtsel Clerk of.Board IIUFF Deputy County Counsel Deputy (SEAL) 25 AUGze2006lt,l ill IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreemenr entitled ,,AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE'' COIINTY OF IUVtrRSIDE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By By 3&kr- LARRY PARzuSH County Executive Officer' APPROYED AS TO FORM JOE S. RANK ounse 1. VID H.K. HUFF Deputy County Counsel CIerk of Deputy (sEAL) // 26 lr^nornnnll.q fl ilt BOB BUSTE& Chairman Riverside County Board of Supervisors ATTEST: NANCY ROMERO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" CITY OF BEAUMONT BY Mayor DATE Noi/ 2l'Zd)b APPROVED AS TO tu\I By City v 27 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have execured this Agreemenr enritled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE'' CITY OF CANYON I,AKE BY DATE rblo 6 APPROVED AS TO FORM By City ey 28 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreemenr entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE'' CITY OF'LAKE EI,SINO BY Mayor DATE ATTEST: ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM By C Attomey 2-70{ 29 Ilt{ WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pa ies have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" CITY OF MORENO VALLEY BY Bonnie Flickinger, Mayor DATE h^l^4 11,?-oabv '-) B ATTEST lCe City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM By '//ilr* I Bob Henick, City Attorney 30 le ,(e a :48 t uol 01 sv olnouddv c&c 1 :1Sf II-V 9002 '9 raqualdas 3I.VC o^Ey! 8 vrStHunw lo .^llS ,,3C801 )svl rot/ll Svvl NoINVC ONV fUNOlSlf f)V] 3H1 l/\UOj O.l- INf |/\33UCV,, patlrlue luauaerov srr.ll palncaxo a^Eq sarued aql '.loSulHA ss3Nll^ Nl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKETMDLTASK FORCE" CITY OF PERRIS q Date:t3 Ub Daryl R. B Ma ATTEST: Jud II ghney, City C k APPROVED AS TO FORM: Aleshire & Wynder, LLP /*t, Eric L. Dunn, City Attorney 32 /^, IN WITNESS WHEREOF', the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled "AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" CITY OF RIVERSIDE BY M Bradley J son, City Manager DATE August 7, 2006 Attest: e erk APPROVED AS TO FORM Bv 3r""-*,- 4.DLhe,,-- D.Vt city Attomey o 33 IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement entitled ,.AGREEMENT TO FORM THE LAKE ELSINORE AND CANYON LAKE TMDL TASK FORCE" CITY OF SAN JACINTO BY Mayor DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM By ity 34 st 90/9/9 \8d Mc:n3f lasu le6el aOrof --_<2 ,(g aArincexS llnee 'I plerec :I.VC A8 ouvos'rouJ.Noc ALt'tvno u3-tvM'rvNotc:tu vNv vJ.Nvs ,,3380J ySVl'tCl/\l- 3)\rl NOANVC ONV fUONIS]f f yvt =H-Lyluol O.j_ lN3n=IUoV,, pellr1ue lueuearEV srqt petncexe e^eq ser!ed aq] ,lO3Uf HM SSSNI|M Nl q 0 y\uor 01 sv c3nouddv 1 Attachment A - Lake Elsinore & Canyon Lake Nutrient TMDL Task Force lmplementation Schedule and Budget Fl.c.l Y..r : July 1 - Jun. :(| FY 200847 : 18 Mofllh Bdg€t startlng Jan 1, 2006 lr tb lc ld 'to 'fi tg th lt 1l 1k 'lt 2 2a 2b 2c 3 3. 3b 3c 3d 3a Noles: R o s I C x E A G Summary ' T.3l ForE. IMOL lmpl€m.nt.taon audget Ph.s. lB I Elnph!.a! on ln-1.k. Proc.lt.g FlrcslYelr 200647 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 I 679,300Rsqulrs.l Ta3ks Bud9€t I 4s4.200 , 417 I 477,300 Opuonal Study Budg.r a 39,900 a 13.1,700 t 160-0fi) TMOL Complianc. Expert Budg€t I 110,000 I 8s,000 I 83,000 3 85.000 Eslim.ted AnnualTMOL lmplom.nt Oon Buclgst $ 928,0tX)I 739,700 t 748,100 i 628,'t00 $ 972,600 I 7E2,900TMOL Audgst i 79,1.!00 s 66t,300 TllilOL lmpLrn nt.tlon Eudgst(grant tunding adiust€d)I 882,600 I 782,S00 3 794,300 I 65a,300 TMDL lmpl.mntitlon Budg€r (h-Klnd S.rvlco Adjusted)I 688,6q)i 595,900 s 587,300 I 577,300 TMDL llhpl.m.nlatbn Audg€t (star€hold.r crsdlt.dlustod)I 400.600 t 474,700 I 507,800 $ 397,800 Stalsholdcr Funding I Creditr Pha5e lS : Empha.lt on ln.Lai. Procors.r Firc.lYoar 2005{7 2007-08 2008{9 2009-10 ln.Kind Ssrvlc.s Shars Pharo lB: Emph'3ls on ln.Lrk. Procari€i Fl3crlY6ar 2006-t)7 2007-08 200&09 2009-10Stakohold.r Requrcd TMOL Task Fo.cs Funded Efo(s OptrooalfMDL Task Forc6 Fun@d Eflorts lndependently Funded TMDL Tasks (no slakohotder S c.edir) TMOL Complranco Exp€n Cr\Oocumonts and Senjng3vnad€D€3ktop\Final Atl A Fnl02 09 06 IMDL Matrk6/9/2006 R I o E 3 98,800 I 65,800 a 65,800Task Forc. Admtnisl.ation Budgor , Es,EOO cConlhg.rcy(,r0it ol Btrd!.t-h Kind.Ci.dllr)I {4.600 I a3,150 t 48.t80 I 15.160 Avrilibl. Gr.nt Fundlng t (90.000)3 t 5 (r9.ir00)I (8r,0001 I (288.0001 t (221,2001Applicabls Stakoholcler a cr.drrs {87 si 5 SEkeholde, Funded lrv!Dl Iasks (stakehold6r S credrl er'grbte) Stakeholder In.Kinds Soa/rces (statehotder Slakeholde. Conrmgonr/ Funds TMOL Adml.nslrabon GlantFundrE s S5 a 3 s tIoLll Srr*6holdor Credirg Lk Elslnord Compwaler MqtAgrmt Fundrnq C.edns rvls4 Croditt i I I I t (11 t( RCFC&WCO IIMoL compllrnco Erp.d I (2s,0001 RCFCswCO lPh.ss 2 stresm caugo OaM I | (77 a(n t (77 I^"."rrr- ltr"u. ,"*" ln.Flow & Srrrg. Outflow R.lErlo.rhrpr USFS ls B Forest Narurar Brcrsround Stu.,y t (15.000)$ (10,000 ! (10.000!t fi0.000 Total St ieholdor Credll.3 (87,00( 4 4b ad 4t ag 4h 4 1i 4t 4t 4p itq 4t 4t au 4r 4y 42 4rb 4.d Tast Du6Deta'l.d Task Forco TMDL lmpl.mntatiod T.3k 2008-09 2009-10 t 20,000 R4.0 9udg.t, Sch.du{. and Agr..meht Govsrnanc€ Stlucturo. I 15,0q)$ 15.m0 $ 15,000I ao,000 RNutrl.nt W.t r Qullity Uonllorlng O!tab.s. tl.n.g6m..rt lnd Af, null R.pori 3 293.067 3 173.300 i 173,300 t r73,100 RPh.s. 1 - Watersho&wido Montorinq S I 2006-10 E 32,300 g 32,300 RWat6rshod onltorlng aod Lab t 32,300 I 32,100 4.11 4.1 41 4.1 4-1 t r,{4,375 I 1t5,500 3 115,500 $ 115,500Phas. I - Lak. Elslno.i Nutrl.nl Monlto.lng 4.21 s I 103,500 s 103,500Phas6 I - Canyon Lako Ndrl6nt Monitonng t s0,000 t 103,500 K G4.31 l1-Oec-08 t 40,0004Uonitoring Study - Loc.l Ory.we.th.r Runoll Flow. tnd Wd..Ouallly o !l'Oec-08 I rg,qm I 19.900Ev.lu.ll,on of lFl.k. Proi.ct |tluli.nt R.drctlon o 4.51 S 5.0 Agrr oata x 6.0 x 7.0 1-Aug-05 x 8o I lncorporate ForestSaNic6 Nutrlonl Maflagem.nt Oat. inlo TIVOL Task Fo.c6 Effort x 31-MaF07 I 16,900 t 16.90090LaIa Etslnora h-Lrka Sadnl.nl Nrtrlant RadGOon Pl.n R 9.01 S 91 S.dlrmnl l{ut 6nt Flur A Oryg.n Demand Study ot I 4,800 o 9.11 100 Canyoo L!k6 In.Lat. S.dlt|.lll Trtatm.nt Evelu.Uon :1-lUrr-07 $ 20,000 R 101 Sedim.nl otrlont FluI t Oxyg.n O.m.nd Sludy of 3l-M.r-07 I 20,000 o 't10 Lak6 Modelang Pran rsh6d and Canyon L.I. and Laka El3inor.ln-31-lUar.07 3 40,000 R 111 Lale Model Updatss rch€cl and Canyon Lrko and Laka ElElnoro ln'30-Jun-09 s 70,000 I i40,000 o 30.Jun.09Update of SCAG Lrnd U..I 20,000 o Cloocumenls and Satlingsvnads\Deskbp\Final Alt A Fol02 0g 06 TMOL Metrl,(6/912006 Phr6.18 : Emph$lt on ln-l. ta Proceata3 2006-r0 2005-06PhEsr I . u/ato6had.wido Monrion.g Ms4 r{ndod Phlro I srr.am gtug. C}&M Phas€ 2 str.an g.ugs O&tlRCf,CaWCD W.r Y.ar lry.t.rih€d{ldo Monito.in9 (vv.dhrr 4t R Ph.id I .l :r. Er<lmm Ndn.nr 1: s 5 i I I 171 ,( s ! (154,lf7 i I3 (1r(5(1 Cmyon Ltta tvarLr( onltoalnq 2006.r0 2006n0 2006-r0 t {r9,900)$ (20,000 1t l lncorpordts on-Sits oispol'l Syst€ms t{utri.nt Managament Data lntoIMOLTast Forcr Etrort 1l I lnco.porato Urban OlschargeG Nutrisnl Manag.rnenl o.ta rflto TiloL Task Forc6 Effon ln-Lake SEd R.d PlarEVt/twD t i 2005-10 30-S6p-07 1-Oct-o6 30-Sep07 2006-10 2006n0 ! (4.800S€d Tro.r Srudy S 2006-01h.L.le S6d- Tronm.nt SrudyG.ani iiut. flu. tnd O Oem.,ld StudyGrrnl 112 iI L I I 31.1urr.07 i I 30.Jun49 ! I 1zl 4r9 iLh 4!l 12.0 Pollui6nl Tr.dlng Optlons Plan ro.s.e-07 | | t 60 000 3 20,000 R 13.0 Rovlow End R€vis. Nutnent W.tsr Quallty Obloctlvls 31-o.c{e I i I 20,000 R 14.0 Roviow of IMOL VLA./LA ,.^."rrli 5 20,000 R Ttlh Audgett Estimatos taken from TMDL Monitoring Rsporl pr6per6d by TslraTech, lnc Task funded by Slsksholder Contln96n6y Funds ClDocumonl! and Sottngsvharig\D8sklop\FlnBl Att A FnDz m 06 TMDL M6trix6/9/2006 a (20,000il-losvstoo lo,rflo* RCFC&IYCD ln.Klnd MyEtc leko ln.Flow and Stage 200s08 I ll 200t2010 t JI s (10,000 IltsFs tn.x,^dl5.o Bi,o N.r Fo..!t fl.tural IB.ck9round Siudy I (r0 ro0 5 5a 5b 5c 5d 5€ 5f 59 5h 5i 5i 5k 5t 6 6a Slak€hold€r Cost Altocation {grant f undins rdjusted) l02008-09 20 lll s rg::oo s 201./l{)0 s 200,700 $ 156,100M54 Co.P.rmittees ffotal)lll'TBD TBOlll I 3,3,6 TAD City ot Canyon Lat.I t t $ 5 $ $ $14.732 25,424 2,323 8,692 16,829 56,a13 1,000 TBD TBO TBD TBO TBO T60 Clty ol Lake Elsinor.TBO TBD TAD TAO TBO TEDTAD TBO TBO TBO IBD rso Ta0 RCFC&WCO ! 200,700Lk Elsinore Comp Wrter Mgt Agrmt efotrl)x lll r rsr:oo s 203.400 s 165,100 El3inore Valloy Munlclprl Wrt6r Olst lll s 96,600 I 101,700 s 100,350 I 83,050 Clty of laka Elslnorc 96,600so lll s I 10t,700 s 100.350 s 83,050 t 200.700 i 166,100San Jacinto AgriculturEl Operators t 193,200 s 203,400 san Jacinto Dairy & cAFo oporators I 33,900 t 35,700 I 35,200 I 29,100 CALTRANS - freeway 3 15,000 t 10,000 ! 10,000 3 10.000 CA DF&G - San Jacinto Wotlands I 1s,000 s 10,000 t 10,000 t 10,000 Eastom lVlunicipal Wat6r Oiitrict t 15,000 I 10,000 t 10,000 I 10,000 Mrrch ARB Jolnt Powers Authority 3 't0.000 3 10,000 IJS Alr Forco (March Alr Rassrve Base)I 15,000 s 10.000 3 10,000 I 10,000 I I90047500 I Stal.holdor Cost Allocauon (3tak.hold.r I credlta and in.klnd rdjurtld)Annual Audg.t MS4 Co-P6rmitt6€s (Total)ll r 86,400 I 119,400 a 136,700 I 102,100 ll r 28,5e1 TBD TADTAD ll r t!14 TBO TAO TAO Clly ol Canyon Lak6 1,830il,TAD TAD IBO City of Hamal 11,121ll 'TBD TAD IBO ll r 3,862 TBD TBO TBD CIty otMor.no V.ll.y ?5,244ll s TBO IBO 160 ll s 1,om IBO TBD TBD Clty of Psrris ll 'TBO IBD rao CIly ol Rlvorsid!1,032ll s f6D IBD TAD Clty of Srn Jacinlo ll s TSD TBO laD RCFC&WCO ll' Lk Elslnoro Comp W.t6r Mgt Agrmt (Total)%trrrr,n $ 46,200 I 50.600 Elslnor. Vall€y Munlclprl Wal6r Dlst m [-:m I 23.100 I 42.600 5 25.300 Clty of lal€ Elsinorg F'I F=f.!it 3 23.100 t 42.600 I 25,300 San Jaclnto Agricultural Op.rators r-rErr,n 3 203,iO0 t 200,700 $ 16!,100 San Jacinto Oalry & CAFO Operators treE i 35,700 , 3s,200 I 29,100 CALTRANS - freeway t-@ I 10,000 a t0.000 ! 10,000 CA DF&G. San Jacinto Wotlands r-Rir,n 3 10,000 i 10,000 ! 10,000 US Fo..st Servlce Aret Eastem Munlclpal Wator District tlrm 3 10,000 t 10,000 t 10.000 March ARB Joint PowDr! Autho.ity f-rf'r,n t 10,000 t 10.000 I 10,000 t S Air Force (March Air Rosorvo Base)t-@ t 10,000 t 10,000 I 10,000 2007 3 400,500 s 474,700 i 507,800 ! 397 II - IIIIIIIIIrrr IIIIIIIIII r II trI@GGI@@@@fnffi{@I@I@ 6b 6c 6d 6s 6f 6g 6h 6/ 6k 5t Cr\DocumenB and Setlingsvnad6\Oesktop\Fi,lal Alt A Fn[]2 09 06 TMOI Matdr6r'92006 TBO T60 TAOClty of Morlno v.llry TBO rBD 3 97.0@ t 77,000Irre.oool r r?,ooo 50 t rs oool I ro.ooo t 10.000 I 10,000US Forest Se.vice Area i rs,oool i ro,ooo TAD TBD GIty ofLak€ Elsinore 5 t 8s,200 t t t 7 7b 7rt 7l fg 7h 7i fl 7k 7t Fll % m 2006-07 tn:l m flil r a F! 16 n 1 E 56 I 2007.08 621 EJ m tm tril EE m E.] flil iED fl, IAD m TAD G rc0 IAD m IEE m ED tra m 200E-09 599 r'n m TEE n'l Irs fil m II:D IE TEE flil TEE [E im m [.T' r.0 Et! m IE!;I m 2009.10 m m fim iif,, ratn fr{, iEE ti:r, IEE E'D EE M54 Co-Permitte€s (fobl) US Al, Forc6 (March Air Rossfte Base) Ma.ch ARB Joint Powers Authority Eastem Municipal Wrt6. Oistrict US Forest Saavice Arsa CALTRANS - fre€way San Jaclnto Dairy & CAFO Operators San Jaclnlo Agricultural Opsratorc City of Canyon Laks CIty oa Lake Eliinorc Clly of Moredo Vrll.y Cily of Perris RCFCAWCO Lk Elsinor6 Comp Wator Mgt Agrmt (Total) Elslnoro Valloy Munlcipal lryator Olst City ot lak€ Elsinora m IE m t5 rrl IE m rE IE IE ffi 510 [n t0 EB tril fto m FI] m m to IIIIIIIIIrIIrrr ErrrErrrEETErr@rrr@rrrrrrr@rEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETE IIIIIIIIII EEEEEE r@rrrrrrErrrErrrErrr EilTrrrrrr C:\Docum6nts and SetUngs\marie\Ds6htop\Final Att A Fnt02 09 06 IMOL Metix8€/2006 City ot San Jacinto CA DF&G. San Jacinto Wetland3 Total:698