2023/12/06 Security Signal Devices, Inc. Fire Alarm Monitoring, Inspections, FireNet Monitoring; Agreement No. 156026C-1025235L :ffissDAlarm 1740 N Lemon Streel Anaheim. CA 92801 714-449-9900 Page 1 of 6 156026C-102523 (7)BACK-UP ALARM CoMMUNICATIoN: Subsc ber has been offeredoneor more ofthe following as a seconda ry mea ns ol system communicalion: Radio, Cellular, lntcrnet and Landline, in the event Subscribels primary systerns communication method lails forany reason or is sabotagsd.lf Subscriber has opted to declinethis additional level ol proteclion, Subscriber 0 nderstand that SSD has no controlover and accopb no le6ponsibility tor any Radio, Cellular, lntemel or Landline transmission failures. (8) RECEIPT OF COPY. Subscriber acknowledges receipt of a copy of all pages as referenced above TERMSANO CONOTTONS CONTAINED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THISAGREEIIENT ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN ANO BY REFERENCE I'ADE A PAR'T THEREOF tz/r./ a= E New Syslem or Takeover tr NewownerResign E Addition to Cunenl Confact fl Name Change g Alleratjon CancelFormer Contracl This agre€ment is made this 20th day of June, 2023, by and bet'rieen SECURITY SIGNAL DEVICES, lNC., a California corporalion hereinatler called 'SSD" and Clty of Menitee . All Sites " Fire hereinatler called 'Subscriber". Syslem, hereinatler somelimes relerrcd to as the'Syslem(s)', as selforth herein. lnslallatron localion: See Attachment 'A' For Sits lnfo Approximale lnstallation Slatl Oalet 07 101 12023 Approximate lnslallation Completion Date: 07/31/2023 (2) TERM AND PAYMEXT Failure by SS0. without justiticaUon lo substanlially commence work wilhin 20 days from lhe approximate date specified above is a vDlalion olthe Alarm Company Acl less lhan ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the orioinalterm or any subsequent lerm therealter. guidelines pedaining lo lhe use oftherr System. (4) TELEPHoNE CottlPANY CHARGES. Any applicable lelepione company connection fees, iack installalion lees or related monthly charges are not included and wili be billed separately by the phone provider or SSD. Calls to the 911 emergency operalors cannot be made when the Syslem is aclivaled and some lelephone services such as DSL and VOIP may seNice is oulol order, placed on vacalion slalus or olheMise notworking, signals cannol be transmitted to SSD and lhe l4onitoring Center willnot know ofthe service problem mandatory services. Subscriber to provide two dedicaied phone lines with RJ31X jacks or allernative forms o[ communicalion approved by the AHJ and 120 VAC power at each Fire Alarm Control. Unless otherwise stated herein, conduit, back boxes, and sprinkler devices are excluded and provided by others. (6) DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES, SSD DOES NOT REPRESE}'IT OR WARRANT THAT THE ALARM SYSTEM MAY NOT BE COMPROMISED OR CIRCUMVENTED; OR THAT THE ALARM SYSTEM 0R SERVICES WILL PREVENT ANY LOSS; OR THAT THE ALARM SYSTEM 0R SERVICES WILL PROVIDE IHE SECURITY FoR WHICH THEY ARE of this agremenl hereoi. Subsc ber fufer acknowledges and agrees: ihal SSD is nol an insurer Subscriber assumes all risk ol loss or damage to Subscibe/s premises or to the damage to Subscriber or anyone else. 4., lnilial SECURITY SIGNAL DEVICES, INC Presenled By: Alisa Munay Alarm Agent r:527980 APPROVEO TITLE J- Y rssiJKi."o THIS AGREEIT4ENT SHALL NOT BE BINDING U PON SSO UNLESS EITHER APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ADMINISTRATOR OF SSD OR SSO BEGINS THE DATE (Customer Aulhorized Signature) V. *r[\-P,-*flnW.t:oh Vtalll<t TNSTALLATTON OR COMMENCES SERVICE, lN THE EVElilT 0F FAILURE OF APPROVAL, SSD'S SOLE LIABILITY SHALL BE TO REFUND T0 SUBSCRIBER THE AMOUNT THAT HAS BEEI.I PAIO TO SSD UPON THE SIGNING OF THIS AGREEMENT LESS ANY COSTS INCURREO BY SSD. SUBSCRIBER ACKNOWLEOGES AND AGREES THAT THE SUBSCRIBER MAY NOT RECEIVE A COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED ADMINISTRATOR OF SSD AI'ID SUCH LACK OF RECEIPT SHALL NOT, IN ANYWAY, INVALIDATE OR OTHERWISE AFFECT THIS AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be executed and transmitted by facsimile, email, AdobeiPDF format, or other similar media, each ofwhich shall be deemed an originalsigned by the transmitting party, the authenticity ol which signature(s) shall be deemed to be affirmatively represented by the transmission. CCL. rev 6'16 Signature) (Cuslomer Prinl Name) L-"\ Achn4 Alarm Company License AC0#1434 Slale Contracto6 License:(C'7.C- 10,C- 16) f557497 NAME: qled uollmrunururoc pue Voiqau papt^ord ]equtsqn S aLllol ssacce alncas reol Jad luaarad (%0J,)uelJo a6era^e u9 pa€cxa ollou are sassoigurprps sooreq3 aawas,{lqluoi! 0q} ose€rcur aurl,(ug sopr ,(euooeura oufie^aJd uaql aql le pslllq aq ll ^ urd 0O:, pu? ure 00:B uaa laq (s,(eprpq ourpntcxa lepul q6no]ql ,(?puolll) s,(ep 'luorcl]Josul sr aoera^oc olper I OSS lo uolalosrp alos oql le 'trluaueu]Jad ro,(lueJodura] peeeldar 0z9z0r-c9u 099 r g lo Z e6ed 1, 0SS lsu€ 6e uol}eoorqns lo lqou ,(ue a e{l l[M Jernsur Jo r(ueduJoo acuernsul ou ieq] paaroe pue poolsiopun ,(lssardxa 6uiaq I trtensm ro ipadord ,(ue pue '€rnsur ue lou sr OSS leql olaraq saued oqt uaa .lE pue ,{q p3or6e pue poolsJopun sllt S]CVWV0 olMtnon ONV U3UnSNt NV ION 0SS (Zt) ,}uouraar6e srll Jo luauraoJolua aql suro^o6 qorqMlo algls aqlursuorlell.ul ]o onle]s alqeaddg 3ql ur quolps pouod aurl 'OSS trllou trlalerpou].1.I lpqs 0z9z0t-c920991 9lo e e6ed 1[ eruroltec p oIPIS oql ur eoupro lo ,(lunoc aq aq lleqs onuo^ a^lsnlcxo leql oa]6P oss pue.loqucsqns 'trued laqlp,4q lqonolq st uolee JL Page 4 of 6 '156026C-102523 (20) LlItlTAIlOtlS ON LAWSUITS; REFERENCE. ln the evenl ol a perceived breach ol this agreernent by SSD, lhe subscriber shall have one year lrom the daie of the perceived powers of a lemporary Judge authorized by law. ln the evenl that the enabling Legislation which p.ovides for the appointmenl of a referee is repealed and no successor stalule is proceedinq. (21)ASSIGNEES AND SUBCoNTRACTORS SSD may kansfer or assign lhis agreemenl 1o any other securily company, or other entity. lJpon an assignment to another security company, SSD will be rclieved of any further obligations hereunder. Subscriber may nol transfer lhis agreement to someone else (including someone who purchases or rents to and protects SSD. purcuanl to Seciion 3081.2 of lhe CivilCode lor allwork ol improvement as outlined in this agreement SSD foreach such employee hired by subscriber the sum of $15,000 00 as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty (24) LICENSES: ALARM CO. OPERATORS ARE LICENSED AND REGULATED BY THE BUREAU 0F SECURITY Al'lD INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES, DEPT. OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814. CONTRACTORS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE LICENSEO ANO REGULATED BY THE CONTRACTORS' STATE LICENSE EOARD WHICH HAS JURISDICTION TO INVESTIGATE COMPLAINTS AGAINST CONTRACTORS IF A COMPLAINT REGARDING A LATENT ACT OR OMISSION IS FILED WTHIiI 4 YEARS OF THE DATE OF THE ALLEGED VIOLATION. A COIi.iPLAINT REGARDING A LATENT ACT OR OMISSION PERTAINING TO STRUCTURAL DEFECTS MUST 8E FILED WTHIIi 1O YRS OF THE DATE OF THE ALLEGED VIOLATION. OUESTIONS COI{CERNING A CONTRACTOR [.tAY BE REFERRED TO THE REGISTRAR, COI,ITRACTORS' STATE LICET{SE BOARD, P.O. BOX 26000, SACRAMENIO, CA 95826. (25)Ths following clauses spply: syslem described. (lnslallation lees which slem from original agreemenl remain due and payable if applicable). (b) Lrfl for installatron work is nol included. (c) Any applicable tax is not included. (d) Union or prevailing wage is not included. lf required, additionalcosl will apply. ol lhe Term Year based 0n the following Term YeardalesiYear 1: July 1 2023 - June 30 2024; Year 2r July 1 2024 - June 30 2025i Year 3: July 1 2025 - June 30 2026iYear4: July 1 as staled herein. 5L Page 5 of 6 156026C-102523 Services lncluded BurylarAlarm: E &rrglar Alam Monibring D Burglar Alam Radio Communicalor E &nglar Alam Celhrlar Cofinunicator O LJL Buqlar Cedificalion E user lo tr 0pen/Clo6e Logging E Arm/Disarm eNolifcatjon E Faillo open eNotifcation (once Daily) E Falllo Close eNotifrcation (once Daily) tr Weekly eReports tr Monhly eReporls tr Captrreoam tr Hold-Up Aiam Fire Alsm; E Fire Alam Monitoring E FireNel Radio Communicator E Fire Cellular Cormunicalor tr UL Firc Certificalion CCTV System: D Vdeo Veflic€ton D DVR/NVR Hearlbeat Check SPS Seryice Plan SSD Owned: E Suqlar Alarm E Fire Alarm E Acc€ss Conrol tr CCTV E captuEcam E lntercom E Radidcellllar Communicator Full Service Phn Customer osrned: E EuBlarAlam fl File Alam E Access conrol tr CCTV E lntercom El Cellulsr Communicator Firc AlarmTesulnspection Servlc$: E i/onhly E Quadedy E Semi-Anflual E Annual SprinklerTesulnspection Soryics6: D ouanedy E Annual E 5-Year PumpTe6t; tr Weekly El Annual Hydrsnt lnrpec{ior: E Annual Fir€ Extinguisher lnspe€lion:fl Annual tr 6-Year tr l2-Year Speclalty Sewices: E Cloud H6ted Access tr Mobile Alam App Basic tr l obile Alam &p Mdeo E irobile Alam App Z'Wave E Remote Code Changes E False Alam Protection Plan tr Cliefit Web Portal E Alarm Response fl Elevator Phone ltlonilodng El Bar CodirE 0 Tempemture ltionitodng 0 Catuon Monoxk e El Sotuare Supporl Plan Yeady Ren€wal fl Software Slpporl Plan Yeai, Renewal U/ih Site Visit Work To Be Completed FrRE ALARTI lEXrSIrN0)1 SEE ATTACHMENT'A' FOR SITE INFO (S) = SS0 Owned (C) = Customer owned (x)= Excluded From Service nans Pagei E of: t I!,/J?3C 'Attachment "A" tHlSAITAC BIT 6 tdrobt madea parl ol AGREEIi€M dabd on th6l6dey otJrq 2021by.rtr b.*..n SECiIFTY SlGllA OEVE6, ,{C., . Calbrnia@rpof,atron snd CIW OF MENIFEE rHE TERIS xD coIIDIffioTPoRATED HERFIT ID BY REFEnEICE IIoF 'ARr IHEIEoF.I lhahlladqr Locrllon. Loc ,Site Address System Type Service Type Total Monthly Fce Status 1002176 Men ee City Hall 29844 Haun Rd, Menife€, CA 92586 Fie Abrm Sy$om:Panol, Annumiator, (5) Srnoke, (1) Pu! Stslion. (2) Hoab, POC; PlV, Wateriori, (3) gulte0Tampss (CX) FieNet Communicalor (S) Fre Ahrm Monitonng S€mi /Annual lnspeclbm, FieNel Monitorinq $119.90 (cx) / (s) 1002173 Msnfee City Pokx Dopt 29714 Haun Rd, Msnilo€, CA 92586 Fire Abrm System: Panel, Annunciator, (1) Smoke, (1) PUI Slation. POC;Walerlbw, PlV, Knox 8ox (CX) FirsNel Communicator (S) Fie Alarm Monitoring Semi i Annual lnspedions, FireN€l Monilorina $108.90 (cn i ls) 1002178 Monif8e City Kay Cgnrceros S€nbr Conter 29995 Evsns Rd. Menifee, CA 92586 Fie Ahrm System: Panel, Annunciator, (14) Smkss. (3) Pu! Strations. POC;(3) Wstorffows CX) FioNet CommJnicator (s) Fio Alarm Mon[oring Semi / Arnual lnspedrons, FieNel Monitoring $141 84 (cx) / {s) 1003365 Menifee City Frre Station #7 28!'49 Bradley Rd Menilee, CA 92586 FrreAlarmSystem: Panel, Annuncialor, (9) Smokes, (1) Pu[ Station. POC;(2) waterlbw, (1) oS&Y, (l)PlV (2) Tampors(CX) FireNel Communh.lor (S) Fke Ahrm Mon oring S€mi / Annual lnspedions, FtoNot Monilorino $ 141.84 (cx) / ls) 1003844 Men ee City Polce Evilence SbraOe 29711Haun Rd. #B Monde€, CA 92585 Fre Alarm Sy$emr Panel, Annunciator, Smoke. Pul Slalixr. POC] PIV & Waterflow (CX) FireNet Communicatcr (st Fio Ahrm Monrtoing S€mi / &rnual lnspedrons, FioNot Monitorinq $121.00 lcx) / {s) (S) = SSD Ornea (C) = Cusbm€r O.vn6d (X)= Excluded lrom S6rvic6 Plan 'Additional sites rtl ay be sddod to this m aster agreom ent. Agroom snl terms are psr loc€tion and will com menc€ lor additional sites 8Y:tL/(../ (cu r Authorized Signature) NA]llE:ITLE: suB (t w5/ Pn3tnt.d Byr Allt M[ELAbm Agrntl: 527980 APPRovED: \A tr*fr-,- | -isSo r$iorizai- siotture)(Customer Print Name) from the dab ssrvica begins '0620/23 Updab Mastsr Conbacl sEcuRtTY stoMl DEVICES, rf,. otR' r0001t!ct