KB Home Coastal, Inc. Bond Release Letter TM3014-2 K07948074 ORIGINAL POSTED SECURITIES: Bond Type & Number Original Bond Amount Released Amount Release Date Warranty Bond Amount Being Witheld DocuSign Envelope ID: D25C3C1D-4C4E-46DD-BCC7-B46FF1F88C12 11/02/2022$ 7,609,500 November 28, 2023 KB Home Attn: Steve Brennan 36310 Inland Valley Drive, Suite 300 Wildomar, CA 92595 Re: Full Release of Improvement Bond No. K07948074 – Hidden Hills, Tract Map 30142-2 Dear Mr. Brennan, On November 2, 2022, the City of Menifee approved the 90% reduction of the Faithful Performance Bond No. K07948074 for street, water, recycled water, and sewer system improvements and held a 10% warranty bond for Tract Map 30142-2. The Material and Labor bond was fully released as of January 31, 2023. As of the date of this letter, the City has approved the full release of the previously held 10% warranty securities. The original bond documents will be mailed to the address above. Electronic copies of this release will be emailed to the following: Steve Brennan at sbrennan@kbhome.com The original bond information and release history is provided below. Faithful Performance K07948074 Streets/Water/Recyc Water/Sewer $ 760,950$ 6,848,550 MATERIAL & LABOR BOND (90 DAY HOLD) WARRANTY BOND (12 MONTH HOLD) ____________________________________________________________ Nick Fidler, P.E. Date Public Works Director If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Edna Aguilar at eaguilar@cityofmenifee.us. Sincerely, Edna Aguilar Management Analyst Bond Number Original Bond Amount Released Amount Release Date City Clerk Approval for Release Bond Number Original Bond Amount Warranty Bond Amount Being Withheld Release Date Warranty Bond Amount Being Released DocuSign Envelope ID: D25C3C1D-4C4E-46DD-BCC7-B46FF1F88C12 Material & Labor K07948074 $ 7,609,500 $ 760,950 $ 5,212,500 01/31/2023 $ 760,950 5,212,500 11/28/2023K07948074 Streets/Water/Recyc Water/ Sewer 11/30/2023